9 Reasons Why Angelfish Hide

9 Reasons Why Do Angelfish Hide?

Mostly, I find angelfish to be very active and inquisitive fish, but there are moments when they all seem to disappear. Is it possible that my little angels will become shy? While it’s obvious that angelfish love to camouflage themselves among the plants, I am not sure if this is the reason why these fish disappear at times. Why do angelfish hide?

Angelfish love to hide in the plants because it gives them a place to feel safe and secure. Usually, angelfish hide because of hard water, wrong temperature and pH, aggressive companions, and diseases. In addition, the presence of predators, low water quality, and stressful environments also trigger their hiding behavior.

It is natural for angelfish to hide, but a lot of hiding can disappoint you sometimes. There are a few things that I have learned through my years of fish keeping that help me keep my angelfish healthy and happy. Hope this article will help you.

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Do Angelfish Hide?

Yes, Angelfish love to hide in different places. Usually, these beautiful fish hide between rocks, in caves, and even under leaves. Besides this, you will also find your little ones hiding beneath the substrates.

It is common for angelfish to hide once in a while, especially while resting. Hiding also provides them with a sense of safety from their predators. So when an angelfish is stressed, it first looks for a place to hide.

Even though angelfish are often seen exploring and swimming in the open water, it is still important for them to have a place to hide. This is because these fish are small and vulnerable to predators.

Hiding also helps the angelfish escape the aquarium’s bright lights and strong currents. When an angelfish feels threatened, it will try to hide as much as possible. But why do these fish like to hide so much?

Why Do Angelfish Hide?

Of course, it is nothing to worry about if your angelfish hide sometimes. It is perfectly fine as long as you don’t see other threatening signs. But sometimes you might observe your angelfish hiding a lot.

Usually, excessive hiding and immobility are an alarm that something is wrong with your angelfish. Here are a few reasons why your angelfish hide:

Hard Water In The Tank

The presence of metals and elements like magnesium, calcium, and sodium in the water can make it hard. These metals can come from your fish, food, gravel, or even the tap water you use to fill your tank.

Angelfish prefer soft and a little acidic water to thrive. If the water in your tank is hard and alkaline, it will stress your angelfish. Usually, the ideal hardness for an angelfish tank is around 3 to 8 dKH or 54 to 145ppm.

Your angelfish will become inactive and hide to conserve energy if the water is hard. Therefore, when you find your babies hiding, you should first check the hardness of your water. You can use a water softener or change the water in your tank if it is hard.

Natural Behavior

Your little angelfish are a little complicated to understand sometimes. At the same time, most aquarists might complain that these tiny buddies are notorious and swim around the tank a lot. Others might even claim Angelfish to be very introverted and often hide; the fact is that this is a perfectly natural behavior.

Angelfish are generally naturally shy creatures and often prefer to stay hidden behind the foliage in their tank. So, if you see your angelfish hiding behind plants or other objects in the tank, it’s probably because these fish feel comfortable and safe there.

However, if you observe your angelfish hiding more than usual, it might indicate something is wrong.

Wrong Water Temperature And pH

Angelfish are tropical fish and prefer a water temperature of around 78 degrees Fahrenheit. If the water in your tank is too cold, it can make your angelfish feel uncomfortable and stressed. This might cause them to hide more often than usual.

Similarly, if the pH levels in your tank are not balanced, it can also make your angelfish stressed. As a result, they might start hiding more frequently. In addition, constant fluctuations in these parameters can also be a reason for your angelfish to hide.

Lack Of Oxygen

Just like humans, Angelfish also need oxygen to breathe. If the water in your tank is not properly aerated, it can lead to a lack of oxygen. This can make your angelfish stressed and cause them to hide more often than usual.

In addition, if you have too many fish in your tank, it can also lead to a lack of oxygen. This is because the fish will consume more oxygen than what is being produced by the aeration system. As a result, your angelfish might start hiding more frequently.

Angelfish Disease

Generally, angelfish are very sensitive creatures. So, these tiny fish are easily prone to health issues and infections. Just a little fluctuation in water conditions, stress, or poor diet can make your angelfish sick.

If your angelfish are sick, these fish might start hiding more often than usual. This is because these fish feel weak and vulnerable when they are sick. Furthermore, if your angelfish are suffering from a bacterial infection, it can also lead to excessive hiding.

Usually, the common diseases that can make your angelfish hide are velvet disease, ich, swim bladder disease, and fin rot.

Poor Water Quality

Mostly, angelfish belong to freshwater habitats and prefer clean and clear water. However, if the water in your tank is not properly filtered and cleaned, it can build toxins. Usually, your angels also produce a lot of waste. This can also increase the level of toxins in the water and make it unfit for your angelfish to live.

Unclear water lacks the proper amount of oxygen. Moreover, your little buddies might not be able to see their environment properly and feel suspicious about their surroundings. All these things, in turn, can make your angelfish hide more frequently.


As we mentioned earlier, angelfish are not so hardy. In fact, these tiny fish are very sensitive creatures. So, even a little change in their environment can stress your angelfish. For instance, adding new fish to your tank or moving your angelfish to a new tank can stress these fish.

Some common stressors for angelfish are:

  • Frequent fluctuations in water parameters
  • Loud noises
  • Bright lights
  • Being harassed by other tank mates

Other than that, if you often handle your angelfish or tap on the glass of their tank, it can also stress these fish. As a result, your angelfish might start hiding more frequently to avoid any potential threat.

Presence Of Predators

Angelfish are timid creatures and get easily frightened by the presence of predators. Usually, when you keep your angels with bigger fish like Oscar fish, they might feel threatened. However, the presence of larger fish that will bully or eat your little angels can make these fish hide more frequently.

In addition, other animals in your home, like cats or dogs, can also scare your angelfish. As a result, your angels might start hiding to avoid any potential threat.

Aggressive Tankmates

Angelfish are usually peace-loving creatures and do not like to be around aggressive tank mates. However, if your angelfish are constantly being bullied or harassed by other fish, it can make them aggressive too. As a result, these fish might start hiding more often than usual.

Some common aggressors that might bully your angelfish are Bettas, Tiger barbs, Green terrors, and Jack Dempseys. These fish are known to be very aggressive and can make your angelfish hide more frequently.

Now that you know the causes of why your angelfish might be hiding, it’s time to look at the solutions.

So, how to stop angelfish from hiding?

What To Do Angelfish Hide A Lot?

I like seeing my angelfish swimming and moving from one side of the tank to the other. But when I notice my angels hiding a lot, it concerns me a lot. At the same time, there are no hard and fast rules to stop your little buddies from hiding.

I usually try to find out the reason for their behavior. Then, work towards solving the problem. Moreover, some of the ways that you can apply to stop angelfish from hiding are:

Check And Control Water Hardness

Hard water is one of the reasons that your angels might be hiding. The hardness of water interferes with the fish’s ability to osmoregulate. As a result, it starts taking in more salt from the water to maintain its equilibrium.

This makes angelfish weak and stressed. Instead, you can use a water softener or a reverse osmosis filter to make the water soft. In addition, you can also use peat moss, softening pillows, or driftwood to lower the hardness of your aquarium water.

Maintain Optimal Water Temperature

If the water temperature in your tank is not optimal, it can also make your angels hide. Usually, these fish might be hiding to escape the warm or cold water conditions. The ideal water temperature for angelfish is between 75°F and 82°F.

You can use a quality aquarium heater to maintain the optimal water temperature in your tank. In addition, you should also place the heater near the filter outlet. This will help circulate warm water throughout the tank and ensure that all the fish are comfortable.

Clean The Tank Regularly

A dirty and cluttered tank is another reason your angelfish might be hiding. These fish are very sensitive to water conditions, and even the slightest change can make them stressed. As a result, they start hiding to avoid poor water conditions.

It would be best if you cleaned your tank regularly to ensure the water was clean and clear. Moreover, you should also remove any algae or debris from the tank to make it more appropriate for your fish.

Provide Plenty Of Hiding Places

Your angelfish do not like being exposed and vulnerable. So, these fish might be hiding because they do not have enough places to hide in your tank. You can solve this problem by providing plenty of hiding places for your fish.

You can use rocks, driftwood, or live plants to create hiding spots in your tank. Furthermore, you should also ensure that there are no bright lights or direct sunlight in your tank. This will help your angelfish feel more comfortable and less stressed.

Remove Stressors From The Tank

Stress is one of the main reasons why your angelfish might be hiding. These fish are very sensitive to their environment; even the slightest change can make them stressed. So, it would help if you tried to remove any stressors from your tank.

A few things you can do to avoid stressing your angelfish are:

  • Avoid overfeeding them.
  • Do not overcrowd your tank.
  • Keep angels with appropriate tankmates.
  • Do not change the water too often.
  • Avoid keeping predator fish in the tank.
  • Finally, do not move things around in the tank too much.

Sure enough, all these tips have helped me a lot in reducing the number of times my angels hide. You, too, can try them out and see if they work for you. But most importantly, you should be patient and give your fish time to adjust to the changes. After all, these are just creatures of habit, and it takes time for them to get used to new things.

Is Hiding A Serious Problem In Angelfish?

You might know how naughty these fish can be if you have an angelfish. Usually, these beautiful fish might hide from you sometimes. While that worried me a lot initially, I am used to this now.

But hiding can also be an alarming sign sometimes. Now you are confused! Well well! Hiding followed certain activities is a serious sign that needs immediate action. So, what are the signs, then?

Here are signs to watch for:

  • Erratic swimming
  • Gasping for air
  • Lying at the bottom of the tank
  • Lethargy or immobility
  • Loss of appetite
  • Clamped or flared fins
  • Presence of white spots or streaks on the body

In the presence of these symptoms, hiding might signify something more serious, like parasites, bacterial infection, or even stress. Therefore, it is best to keep a close eye on your angelfish and take necessary action.

How To Prepare Hiding Spots For Angelfish?

One of the best ways to provide hiding spots for angelfish is by using live plants. Aquatic plants not only offer a place for your angelfish to hide, but they also help to create a more natural and stress-free environment.

In addition, you can also use different substrates, rocks, and driftwood to create hiding spots for your angelfish. Be sure to use smooth substrates and avoid using anything that could potentially damage your fish.

For substrates, you can use Carib Sea ACS05820 Super Natural Moonlight Sand for Aquarium, 5-Pound. 

When creating hiding spots, it is important to remember that angelfish like to have plenty of space. Therefore, provide plenty of space between each hiding spot so your fish can move around freely.


Wrapping up, angelfish are sensitive fish that need a lot of care. Hiding is a natural behavior for these fish but can signify something more serious. So be sure to keep an eye on your angelfish and provide plenty of hiding spots for them to stay stress-free. Just a little bit of angelfish care can go a long way!

Remember you need to be very patient with your angelfish. They might take some time to get used to their new environment. So, do not worry if they hide for a few days. Just give them some time, and they will be back to their regular selves in no time!

Do you have an angelfish? Have you ever noticed them hiding? Let us know in the comments below!

Thanks for reading!

Until next time, take care of your angelfish and happy fish keeping!

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