Let’s be honest! Picking up the right plants for the aquarium has always been creating perplexity in the aquarists. A query comes up in mind whether the adjustment between fish and plants that I pick – is possible or not. So, to assist you in clearing your doubt concerning the best plant, here I introduce you to the Guppy Grass. The Guppy Grass marks as best plant as it requires low maintenance and benefits its tank mates at a huge.
To begin, let us know, ‘How to maintain Guppy Grass in the aquarium?’ To maintain Guppy Grass in the aquarium, you primarily have to ensure and monitor if the plant has occupied enormous space in the tank or not. Then, following, trimming, and disposal of excess Guppy Grass off the tank is a significant task to perform. Besides, sustaining a suitable substrate and fertilizers, lighting provisions, and accurate water conditions in the aquarium is unavoidable for Guppy Grass.
Furthermore, in this article, you will broadly get to know about every requisites and maintenance priority of the Guppy grass plant. But before I begin, let me help you to understand Guppy grass more precisely.
Learn About The Guppy Grass
Scientifically identified as Najas guadalupensis, Guppy grass is one of the most widespread aquatic plants. It is a fast-growing plant, which has been one common preferred plant of many aquarists as well. Usually, people widely recall Guppy grass as Najas grass too.
Broadly, Guppy grass has several branches, along with slim stems. Not to forget, the plant owns a tiny hidden flower (not vividly noticeable) as well as white roots. The plant nearly grows up to 90 to 91 cm (35 inches approximately) at a maximum.
Moreover, Guppy grass has thin, small, green leaves, which grow 3 centimeters long and 2 millimeters broad. You can find the leaves in a twisted manner, each reversely arranged on the stem of the plant.
Growing Guppy Grass In The Aquarium
Guppy grass has been one of the most preferred aquarium plants at present. The main reason behind it is, the plant is easy to maintain and care for by any aquarist, either the person is a beginner, intermediate, or an expert.
In the aquarium, while the Guppy grass produces oxygen, it also removes heavy ammonia, nitrite, and toxins from the water. The plant almost consumes every nutrient in the tank, yet the possibility of algae growth in them seems pretty low.
The Guppy Grass is an extraordinary addition to the aquarium as its dense green structure is quite attractive. In addition, it provides a natural touch in the tank, makes its other tank mates more comfortable and relaxed.
Besides, Guppy grass is best in providing hiding spaces for its tank mates in the tank. Also, sometimes the plant acts as a breeding spot for them.
Thus, growing Guppy grass in your aquarium can be a great idea as it is easy to maintain in the aquarium. Still, some specific maintenance for the plant is an obligatory process. Even if the maintenance requirement is minimal, you must fulfill every need of the plant after placing it in the aquarium.
Setting Up Guppy Grass In The Tank- Floating Or Planting?
Here comes the fascinating section about Guppy grass: knowing whether to plant it or letting it drift? See, this thing is totally upon you. You can either plant the guppy grass or leave it to float in the aquarium.
However, let me tell you the appearance, especially leaves of planted and floated guppy grass, will not be the same. The leaves of the floated guppy grass will be different from the planted guppy grass and vice-versa. The further appearance of the plant is wholly dependent upon the way it has grown in the aquarium.
Since the fish doesn’t seem to feed on guppy grass, you can leave it to float in your tank with certainty. Yet if you are thinking of planting it in the aquarium, then keep in mind the plant can shatter down into dozens of parts.
But don’t worry, the shattering of the plant is just a probability. It is not an obligatory incident that one can always see after planting the guppy grass. Still, if you are unsure, you can get plant anchors or plant weights to maintain a better grip on the guppy grass.
Thus, to set Guppy Grass in the aquarium, you can either plant it or let it float on the water.
Primary Things To Keep For Guppy Grass Growth
The primary thing an aquarist recalls while getting an aquatic plant is the necessities of the specific plant. Such needs or requirements of the aquatic plants are significant to maintain as well. But for the Guppy grass, many aquarists seem confident as the plant doesn’t require enormous primary things.
However, maintaining some positions securely in the tank is significant as well for the Guppy grass. It further leads the plant to grow strong and polish the aquarium better.
So, here are some primary things to keep for the growth of Guppy Grass in the aquarium:
Adequate Lighting
For any aquatic plants, the provision of lighting states puts an impact on their growth. Likewise, the raising of Guppy grass also depends on the lighting level you have maintained in the aquarium.
Usually, the Guppy Grass does well in most lighting conditions. But the plant’s dynamic and glowing green appearance comes out only when you maintain the proper lighting in the tank. For this, make sure Guppy grass receives at least 8 to 12 hours of light in a day. The mentioned hours of lighting helps the plant in its absolute growth.
Besides, note that Guppy grass typically requires medium lighting. Though it can survive even in low lighting, the plant will eventually get dull and lose its bright green color. So, it is better to avoid dim or low lighting for Guppy Grass.
On the other hand, high lighting brings a red tone in Guppy grass. Also, there is a possibility that the plant may burn due to bright or high lighting in the tank.
Thus, it is significant to maintain a medium-light condition for a safer growth of Guppy grass.
Accurate Water Conditions
Whenever you settle an aquatic plant like Guppy grass in the tank, the most significant maintenance factor is appropriate water conditions. The circumstance of water in the aquarium hugely affects the growth of the plant.
Usually, Guppy grass does well in most water conditions in the aquarium. But maintaining an absolute water parameter helps in better growth. So, if you want your Guppy grass to grow and flourish better in the tank, you must maintain correct water levels.
Hence, some fundamental water essentials to maintain correctly for the Guppy grass are as follows:
Water Temperature
In general, Guppy grass survives in fast-moving streams, salty and freshwater, and also in foul lakes. Meaning, the plant endures in various temperature finely. But when it comes to an aquarium, things will be different. It becomes obligatory to maintain an absolute water temperature for the plant.
An ideal water temperature for Guppy grass is 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (18 to 26 degrees Celsius) in the tank. The plant does well only if the water temperature is neither too high nor too low.
It can stand in many temperature levels, yet an imbalance and improper temperature affect the Guppy Grass growth. Thus, it is vital to maintain an ideal water temperature for Guppy grass in the aquarium for their outstanding growth.
You can get an aquarium heater and thermometer to know thoroughly about water temperature and maintain accordingly.
pH Level
Most of the time, people find Guppy Grass as an easy-going plant with no pH mark in the aquarium. The assumption seems relevant, but not completely. Guppy Grass is easy to look for in the plant, but any pH levels don’t present the plant better in any way.
Like temperature, maintaining an ideal pH level for Guppy Grass results in its healthier growth. Here, an absolute pH level for Guppy Grass is 6.0 to 8.0. In between this, marking 7.0 pH level has seen more relevance for the plant.
Hence, a correct pH level has contributed to the stabler presence of Guppy Grass in the aquarium.
For More Information: How To Maintain Water pH Level in Aquarium
Water Hardness
Maintaining water hardness for Guppy Grass is not troublesome as well. The plant easily tolerates soft and hard water in the tank.
But for the ideal hardness level, you can maintain 2 to 20 dGH (degree of General Hardness) in the tank. So the survival chance of Guppy Grass is possible even at a minimum and maximum hardness level than specified. But somewhere between 2 to 20 dGH works best for the plant.
For the maintenance of water hardness level for Guppy Grass, you can get an aquarium test kit.
For More Details Regarding The Water Hardness Maintenance, You Can Check: Maintain Aquarium Water Hardness – Freshwater Aquarium Guide
Fertilizers And Substrates For Support
Regardless of being an aquatic plant, Guppy grass is not among those plants which require specific fertilizers and substrates for their growth. That’s why maintaining substrates and fertilizers for this plant will not be a huge issue.
Guppy grass can be planted or left floated in the aquarium for growth. If you chose to let the plant float in the water, then the substrate is not an issue.
Even if you plant Guppy grass, there is no compulsion for getting a nutrient-rich substrate. You can grow the plant in all kinds of gravel or sand and soil. Also, there are sufficient nutrients in the tank water, which acts as a nutrient substrate for the plant.
Thus, keeping substrate for Guppy grass is not obligatory to work. But if maintained, the substrates give better support to the plant.
Check Out: Guide to Different Types of Aquarium Substrates for learning about substrates broadly.
Like substrate, the main thing to manage for fertilizing Guppy Grass is water itself in the tank.
Yet, considering the use of fertilizer for Guppy grass can be a great idea. It will assist in restoring lost nutrients from the aquarium. For this, you can purchase a liquid fertilizer.
However, if you decide to plant Guppy grass, there is no need for the root tabs. The plant will consume adequate nutrients from the water only.
Suitable Tank Size
Here is another striking thing about Guppy grass: it can survive even in small tanks. Many aquarists who are getting a nano tank also opt for Guppy grass.
But as Guppy grass is a fast-growing plant, it is likely to outgrow immediately in small or nano tanks. Bigger the tank size, the better the flourishing of Guppy Grass is possible.
Hence, I would suggest you get at least a 15-gallon tank at minimum for better growth of Guppy Grass. Plus, analyze all those components, including fish and decorations, while concerning a suitable tank for Guppy Grass.
How To Maintain Guppy Grass In The Aquarium?
The primary reason for liking Guppy Grass at a huge is right here now. The reason is the maintenance requisition of the plant is pretty simple. Due to this, people sometimes even assume the maintenance of the plant is fictitious.
Despite fictitious theory, the plant does not fully stand with the assumption. There are some maintenance demands of the plant, which are easy to perform. Fulfilling all the maintenance demands is crucial as it manages Guppy Grass to develop hearty in the tank.
Here, maintaining Guppy grass in the aquarium is not an everyday task. Instead, it comes to implementation when some circumstances arise only.
Thus, some maintenance work to do in particular situations for Guppy Grass is as follows:
- As Guppy Grass grows swiftly, it can overgrow in the tank. In such conditions, trimming and disposal are vital. Trim and dispose of the excess plant at least once every three weeks or whenever you see them overgrowing.
- Perform at least 25% to 30% of water change activity in the tank every two weeks. Though Guppy Grass survives in most water conditions, yet polluted water in the tank will fail to provide the required nutrient to plant.
- After water change, better to supplement liquid fertilizers in it. It helps Guppy Grass to gain necessary nutrients for their growth without risking the nutrients deficiency for a moment.
Therefore, these are some maintenance that you need to perform if you get Guppy Grass in the tank. These are simple tasks as there are no big special arrangements to make. Due to such low preservation, people often call Guppy Grass a perfect plant for the aquarium.
Maintaining The Propagating Guppy Grass
As Guppy Grass is a perfect kind of plant, their propagating factor is not such difficult. Therefore, there are few things to understand and maintain for the propagation of the plants rightly.
In general, Guppy Grass raises longer and also sends off side shoots (growing out of the stem from the joints). Once the plant develops fully, you can cut off the side shoots.
The cutout side shoots will later extend to develop as well. You can either plant or let the cutout side shoots float in the tank to grow.
Later, the cutout shoots will begin to grow. Once it grows, you can see the same side shoots coming from the plant too. And again, you can do the whole process with this plant also.
What To Keep In Mind?
Maintaining the Guppy Grass propagation is not difficult, yet there remain some things to keep in mind precisely.
- Don’t put tons of side shoots of Guppy Grass to propagate in a single aquarium. It will eventually overgrow the tank and will start choking other plants and fishes as well.
- If you don’t own multiple tanks or don’t know any source to distribute cut shoots of the plant, propagating at that time will be inappropriate. Okay, if you get any problem due to overgrowth, then you probably can think about it!
Benefits Of Guppy Grass In The Tank
Till here, you learned that the maintenance of Guppy Grass rightly and regularly is significant. It will help the plant to bloom better.
Moreover, when you maintain and fulfill all the requisites for Guppy Grass correctly, the plant provides a pleasant atmosphere in the tank.
Hence, there are some benefits of Guppy Grass, which helps the tank and aquatic lives rightly. Some of them are as follows:
Removes Excess Nutrients
While Guppy Grass is growing in the tank, it performs many activities at a time. Amongst many activities, the main work of the plant is to remove excess nutrients from the water.
Guppy Grass usually absorbs excess nutrients like ammonia, nitrates, and extra heavy elements from the water. This absorption of the plant maintains the water quality as excess nutrients usually seem toxic in the tank.
By removing excess nutrients from the water, there will be an improvement of water in the tank. It will benefit not only Guppy Grass but other aquatic lives too.
Provides Breeding Spot
Breeding spots do not seem to be everywhere in every portion of the tank. One can find such positions only under a unique and comfy place or at a corner bottom of the tank.
Here, Guppy Grass presents itself as a breeding spot in the tank. It has been an absolute ground for breeding for livebearers, shrimp, and egg scatterers.
The Guppy Grass provides them a soft and warm spot due to which breeding lives feel quite comfortable under this plant. They can lay eggs and nourish them under this plant with full certainty.
Source Of Food
Guppy Grass not only adds a charm but serves as a source of food in the tank.
Guppy Grass has been a good source of food for aquarium inhabitants. The plant consists of high nutritional elements that work excellent for the aquatic species in the tank. They usually consume the leaves of the Guppy Grass if they feel any hunger.
Acts As Shelter And Hiding Spots
Most of the time, many aquatic creatures try to hide and isolate themselves from others. To hide, they try to find a comfortable and safe area in the tank.
Here, Guppy Grass fits and acts as a shelter and hiding spot for aquatic lives. Also, they feel relaxed and warm under the plant.
Control In Algae Growth
Algae growth is one of the widespread problems in most of the aquarium. But in the case of Guppy Grass, the problem probably seems unlikely.
As Guppy Grass absorbs and removes most of the excess nutrients from the tank, the algae growth becomes improbable. Also, the tank gets almost clean by this process. Thus, it eventually contributes to the control of algae growth.
Here, maintenance of Guppy Grass should be the main priority. It is because the plant controls the growth of algae in the tank.
Addition Of Oxygen
As an aquarium consists of many lives in it, oxygen is something that each self requires. Amidst this, Guppy Grass also needs oxygen to survive in the aquarium.
While Guppy Grass performs respiration, it also assists in the oxygen addition in the tank. Plus, for aquatic mates, the plant eases in inhalation.
Here is an article on How To Maintain The Oxygen Level In Aquarium?
Enhance Aesthetics
Guppy Grass is one of those aquatic plants that never fails to add on their charm in the tank. It provides a natural touch to the aquarium lives along with enhancing the aesthetics of the tank.
The simple but beautiful appearance of Guppy Grass never disappoints you as it marks a striking addition to the tank. The thick and beautiful green Guppy Grass makes the tank look attractive and charming.
Thus, these are some benefits of Guppy Grass in the tank. You can see these benefits provided by Guppy Grass if you rightly maintain the plant in the tank.
If you keep the plant rightly, you can surely get these advantages coming your way.
You might like to read an article on Aquarium Decorations: What To and What Not To Add – Beginners Guide.
Effects Of Unmaintained Guppy Grass In The Tank
Guppy Grass is a moderately perfect plant that needs less maintenance. Yet concerning them is always significant work to do.
But many people assume the plant doesn’t require any maintenance and disregard them. Unfortunately, this behavior will later show people some unexpected consequences.
Some of the effects that you may face if you don’t look for the Guppy Grass maintenance are:
- Being a fast-growing plant, Guppy Grass will overrun the tank entirely, creating difficulty for others. In addition, it will leave no space for any other elements in the aquarium.
- One thing leading to another; the overgrowth Guppy Grass will block the light entrance in the tank. Thus, it creates a problematic situation not only for other tank mates but for self also.
- Liquid fertilizers are essential for the flourishing growth of Guppy Grass. But, if you ignore the plant entirely, there will be an absent growth due to the lack of adequate fertilizers.
- A challenging situation may arise while propagating Guppy Grass if regular water change doesn’t take place. Also, the healthier growth of the plant is unlikely.
- Guppy Grass can gradually melt in the tank due to no maintenance. It occurs if there are unstable growing conditions in the tank. It may include improper lighting, incorrect water conditions, lack of fertilizers, etc.
Thus, these are some effects that you may have to face if you completely ignore or overlook Guppy Grass in the tank. Therefore, I would suggest you look for your Guppy Grass repeatedly to avoid such unwanted approaches.
Some Frequently Asked Questions:
How Fast Does Guppy Grass Grow?
Guppy Grass is one of those aquatic plants, which grows extremely fast. However, there is no specific term for telling an exact growth span of Guppy Grass. Yet, people hold the 30 days of the mark for growing this plant rightly in the tank. Up to this span, the plant usually seems to grow thoroughly.
What Are Suitable Tank Mates For Guppy Grass?
As the name states, Guppies are the most suitable tank mate for Guppy Grass. However, you can consider some other tank mates like small freshwater fish, snails, and dwarf shrimp for Guppy Grass. They are:
- Small Freshwater Fish Species: Cardinal Fish, Neon tetras, Green fire tetra, Otocinclus Catfish, Ember Tetra, Platies, Celestial Pearl danios, etc.
- Snails: Japanese trapdoor snails, Nerite snails, Mystery snails, Malaysian Trumpet snails, etc.
- Dwarf Shrimp: Blue Velvet Shrimp, Bamboo Shrimp, Crystal Red Shrimp, Snowball Shrimp, Ghost Shrimp, Red Cherry Shrimp, Blue Tiger Shrimp, Blue Bolt Shrimp, Vampire Shrimp, etc. (any shrimps get along with Guppy Grass finely.)
Are There Any Fish Species That Consume Guppy Grass?
Yes, fish species like Silver dollar, Goldfish, Rosy barb, and Cichlid are likely to consume Guppy Grass. However, the consumption of Guppy Grass seems helpful during the overgrowth of the plant in the tank.
Najas Grass or Guppy Grass is one of the easiest aquatic plants. Looking after the plant is simple and effortless. It is because managing requisition is neither a difficult task nor a regular activity to perform. Plus, this plant applies to any aquarist, either a beginner or an expert.
The main task is trimming and disposal of excess growing of Guppy Grass time and again. If you rightly maintain the trimming and disposal activity, most of the maintenance work towards the plant gets complete. However, some primary things like lighting, adequate tank size, accurate water parameters, fertilizers, substrates, etc., are significant to maintain if you want your Guppy Grass to grow healthier. Also, the plant provides various benefits in the tank, which is remarkable.
Lastly, you can get Guppy Grass for your aquarium as it is easy to look after and manage. So opt for Guppy Grass for your tank, then see how beautifully it adds charm to it. But remember, maintenance of Guppy Grass should be the topmost work.
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Image Credit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DORirmAa4dg