Guppies are a popular choice for freshwater fish tanks. They are hardy and can survive in various water conditions but are delicate creatures and often die prematurely for various reasons. If you’re a fishkeeper, you know that one of the most heartbreaking things is when your fish die. And if you keep guppies, it is especially tough when they start to die off in large numbers. You have been struggling to keep your guppies alive; you wonder why your guppies keep dying.
There are various reasons why your guppies keep dying, such as inadequate water parameters, predation, overfeeding, overcrowding, ammonia poisoning, and many others. You are partially responsible for your fish’s untimely death if you do not provide them with the proper care. But sometimes, your guppies still die even when you do everything right.
In this comprehensive guide, we will discuss the most common reasons guppies die and how to save them. We will also cover the lifespan of guppy fish and how to care for them properly. Keep reading to learn more!
Why Do My Guppies Keep Dying?
This is a million-dollar question with no definite answer. Every fish die due to various reasons. We will look at the ten most common reasons why guppies die so that you can better understand your fish.
Let’s talk about each one in detail:
Inadequate Water Parameters
Most aquarium fish need specific water conditions to thrive. Guppies are no different. These fish are very sensitive to changes in water parameters, and even a slight change can cause them stress, leading to death.
This means that the water in your tank isn’t suitable for them to live in, and they will eventually succumb to the conditions.
They prefer water with a neutral pH, around seven. And try to maintain the water hardness neither too high nor low, and the temperature between seventy-two and eighty-two degrees Fahrenheit.
You must keep the water in your fish tank clean at all times. In addition, you need to maintain Ammonia and nitrites levels at 0 ppm.
If any of these parameters are off, it can stress your fish and make them more susceptible to disease.
Improper Diet
Overfeeding, underfeeding, and feeding the wrong foods can all lead to malnutrition and health problems. Guppies are omnivores, so they need a varied diet. In the wild, these guppy fish eat both plant and animal matter to stay healthy.
A diet that is too high in protein can cause liver and kidney problems. Conversely, a diet that is too low in protein can cause stunted growth and muscle wasting.
The best way to ensure your guppies get a balanced diet is to feed them high-quality, commercial flake or pellet food designed for omnivores.
It would help if you fed them various foods containing all the essential nutrients they need. A proper diet for guppies includes high-quality flake food, live or frozen brine shrimp, daphnia, bloodworms, other small live foods, and vegetables.
Feed your guppies several times a day, only as much as they can eat in a minute or two. Then, remove any uneaten food so it doesn’t pollute the water.
Water Temperature
Guppies are tropical fish, and they need warm water to stay healthy. The ideal temperature range for guppies is 72-82 degrees Fahrenheit.
If the water is too cold, their metabolism will slow down and become sluggish. If the water is too warm, they’ll become stressed and more susceptible to disease. You can use an aquarium heater to maintain a stable water temperature.
Aggressive Tankmates
Guppies are peaceful fish and do not do well with aggressive tankmates. They can be bullied and chased by aggressive fish, leading to stress and disease.
The most common aggressors are barbs, bettas, cichlids, and goldfish. If you must keep guppies with aggressive fish, ensure they have plenty of hiding places and that the tank is large enough for everyone to have their own space.
Like all animals, guppies can get sick. The most common diseases in guppies are white spot disease, velvet disease, fin rot, and columnaris.
White spot disease is caused by a parasite that attacks the fish’s skin. Velvet disease is a bacterial infection that causes the fish’s body to turn red or brown.
Fin rot is a bacterial infection that eats away at the fish’s fins. Columnaris is a bacterial infection that affects the fish’s gills. If you notice any of these symptoms in your fish, you should take them to the vet.
One of the most common reasons guppies die is because they are overfed. When fish are overfed, they can’t digest all the food, which can cause problems like swim bladder disease.
This disease makes it hard for the fish to swim and eventually kills them. To avoid overfeeding your fish, only feed them what they can eat in two minutes.
Another common reason why guppies die is that they are overcrowded. When fish are overcrowded, they can’t get the oxygen they need to breathe.
They also produce more waste, polluting the water and making the fish sick. Only put as many fish as it can comfortably hold to avoid overcrowding your tank.
Ammonia Poisoning
One of the most dangerous things for fish is ammonia poisoning. Ammonia is a toxic gas that is produced when fish waste breaks down.
If there is too much ammonia in the water, it can kill the fish. To avoid ammonia poisoning, you should do a weekly water change and vacuum the gravel.
Sometimes, guppies die because of genetics. Unfortunately, if the guppy is born with a genetic defect, you can do nothing to save them.
Often, these fish will die very quickly after birth. If you notice that your guppies are dying soon after giving birth, it is likely due to genetics. Unfortunately, there is no way to prevent this; it is not something you can fix.
The best way to avoid this is to buy your fish from a reputable breeder. This way, you can ensure that the fish are healthy and have no genetic defects.
If you are buying fish from a pet store, it is important to inspect them before taking them home. Look for any signs of illness or deformities. Do not purchase any fish that look unhealthy.
Another way to avoid this issue is only to breed healthy guppies. If you have a fish that is sick or has any genetic defects, do not breed them. This will help ensure that their offspring are healthy and have a better chance of survival.
Old Age
One of the main reasons guppies die is old age. Guppies have a lifespan of about two to three years in captivity.
After that, they experience organ failures and other health problems associated with old age. So the best way to prolong your guppy’s life is to provide them with good care and a healthy diet.
If you notice your guppy is starting to slow down and isn’t as active as they used to be, it’s a sign that they’re getting old.
Old age is inevitable, and there’s not much you can do to prevent it, but you can ensure your guppy has a comfortable life until the end.
How To Know If My Guppies Are Dying Or Sleeping?
You first need to figure out if your guppies are actually dying or if they’re just sleeping.
Guppies will often lie at the bottom of the tank when resting, so it can be difficult to tell the difference. However, there are a few key things to look for:
- You cannot get it to respond to any stimuli, or these fish have stopped moving or show any movements.
- Guppy is floating upside down or on its side.
- Guppy’s gills are not moving.
- The fins are not moving and look like they’re stuck together.
- The fish’s eyes are sunken, and there is no sign of life.
Now that you know how to tell if your guppy is dying, it’s time to figure out why this is happening. There are several reasons why guppies might die, so it’s important to rule each one out before you can determine the cause.
What To Do If Your Guppies Are Dying?
Once you’ve determined that your guppy is dying, there are a few things you can do to try and save it.
First, you need to figure out what is causing the problem. Is it a water quality issue? A dietary issue? Something else entirely? Once you know the cause, you can take steps to fix it.
For example, if your guppy is dying because of poor water quality, you’ll need to do a water change and ensure the parameters are within the proper range.
If your guppy is dying because it’s not getting enough food, you’ll need to adjust its diet and ensure it’s getting the nutrients it needs.
You can also try using medications to treat your guppy, but be sure to use ones that are safe for use in aquariums.
And finally, if all else fails, you can always try to nurse your guppy back to health yourself. This is a lot of work, but it’s sometimes the only thing you can do.
Lifespan Of Guppy Fish
Guppies have a relatively short lifespan when compared to other fish species. The average guppy will only live for two to three years and exceed up to five years.
However, some factors can contribute to a shorter lifespan. Poor water conditions, improper diet, and overfeeding are just some of the things that can shorten a guppy’s life.
In the wild, guppies have a slightly shorter lifespan of two years. Therefore, if you want your guppies to live a long and healthy life, they must provide the best care possible.
The lifespan of a guppy is affected by genetics as well. Some guppy strains are simply not as hardy as others and do not live as long.
One of the best ways to do this is to research and learn as much as possible about these fish. The more you know, the better equipped you will be to provide them with the care they need.
How To Save Your Dying Guppies?
Finding out why guppy fish are dying is one thing, but saving them is another. If you’re interested in trying to save your guppies, here are some things you can do:
Proper Feeding Schedule
Ensure you’re feeding your guppies the right amount of food regularly. Overfeeding can lead to health problems, so it’s important to stick to a proper feeding schedule.
Water Change
Do a water change immediately and remove any ammonia or nitrite from the tank. These can be poisonous to fish and cause health problems.
If your guppy is sick, you may need to give them medication. For example, you can use antibiotics to treat bacterial infections and antifungal medications to treat fungal infections.
Tank Maintenance
Keep the tank clean and free of debris. This will help prevent the spread of disease and keep your fish healthy.
Do Guppies Float When They Die?
One of the most common questions people ask when their guppies keep dying is, “Do guppies float when they die?” The answer to this question is, unfortunately, not a straightforward one.
While it is true that some guppies may float when they die, several other factors can contribute to this behavior.
For example, if a guppy is suffering from ammonia poisoning, the fish will likely float to the water’s surface in an attempt to get more oxygen.
Similarly, if a guppy is sick or has been injured, it may also float to the surface due to its reduced ability to swim.
Do Guppies Eat Dead Guppy Fish?
Yes, guppies can and will eat dead guppy fish. This is one of the reasons why removing any dead fish from your tank is important as soon as possible.
If you don’t, the other fish in the tank will start to see them as a food source, and they may begin to fight over them. This can lead to serious injuries or even death.
If you see a dead fish in your tank, it is best to remove it as soon as possible. Guppies can contract diseases from eating dead fish, so it is not worth the risk.
Should I Remove The Dead Guppies?
Yes, you should remove the dead guppies from your tank as soon as possible. Not only will the other fish in the tank start to see them as a food source, but they can also spread disease to the healthy fish.
It’s important to dispose of the bodies properly, too. The best way to do this is to bury them in the garden or flush them down the toilet.
Can Salt Save Dying Guppies?
Yes, you can use it as a temporary measure to save dying guppies, but it’s not a long-term solution.
Salt can raise the electrolyte levels in the water, which can help to revive weak or sick fish. However, it’s not a good idea to use salt on a regular basis, as it can build up in the tank and cause problems for your fish down the line.
If you add salt to your tank, you’ll need to do a water change every day to keep the levels safe for your fish.
In conclusion, there are many reasons why your guppies might be dying. However, by taking some simple steps, you can help prevent it. Ensure you provide them with a clean and safe environment, proper diet, and adequate care, and your guppies should live long and healthy lives.
If you’re wondering why my guppies keep dying, this article should have helped you understand some potential causes. Taking care of your tank and keeping an eye on your fish can help prevent problems before they start.
I hope you enjoyed this article. If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave a comment below. I’ll be happy to help where I can. Until next time, take care of your fish and have fun! 🙂
Thanks for reading!
Good Luck!!
Happy Fishkeeping!!!