Kuhli Loach Tankmates | Best And Worst

Kuhli Loach Tankmates

What fish can live with Kuhli Loaches? That is a question that many people ask when they are setting up their aquarium. There are different factors to consider, such as size and temperament. In this blog post, we will talk about the best tankmates for Kuhli Loach, as well as the worst tankmates for Kuhli Loach.

There are various fish like tetras, chili rasboras, oat catfish, guppies, celestials danios, bronze cory, etc. that are the best tankmates for Kuhli Loaches. They all have different temperaments to make them compatible in a community aquarium with other fish.

On the other hand there are some fish like angelfishes and bettas which can be highly aggressive and territorial. These fish are not the best tankmates for Kuhli Loaches because they will eat them or chase them around all day long, which disrupts their natural behavior.

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In this article, we will talk about the factors that determine the best tankmates for Kuhli Loaches, as well as some of the fish they can live with. So, stick till the end!

Factors That Determine The Best Tankmates For Kuhli Loach

Various factors will determine if the fish is compatible with Kuhli loach or not.


The biggest requirement is that the fish must be small enough to fit in the mouth of Kuhli loach. This means that it needs to be a type of fish less than or equal to one inch long, such as white cloud mountain minnow, tetras, chili rasboras, and oat catfish.


The fish should have a peaceful temperament, like the white cloud mountain minnow and oat catfish. The tetras are not so great because they’re territorial and will fight with Kuhli loaches.

Dietary Requirements:

It’s also important to consider what type of food is available for these types of fish before deciding which ones to put in the tank.


The fish should not be territorial, like oat catfish and white cloud mountain minnow because they would defend their territory against Kuhli loaches. The chili rasboras are also a good choice for this type of requirement because other than being small enough to fit in the mouth of Kuhli loaches, they are peaceful fish.

Kuhli Loach Tankmates: What Fish Are Compatible With Kuhli Loaches?

The ideal tank mates for these small freshwater fish would be smaller varieties like white cloud mountain minnow, tetras, chili rasboras, and oto catfish because they are peaceful, have a similar diet, and live in the same size tank.

White Cloud Mountain Minnow

The white cloud mountain minnow is a great choice of fish for Kuhli Loach Tankmates because they are peaceful, have a similar diet, and live in the same size tank.

The white cloud mountain minnow is a small freshwater fish that can be found in parts of Asia. They are typically between two to three inches long with slender bodies and an olive-green color. White cloud mountain minnows are omnivores so their diet consists mainly of plants but also insects, worms, crustaceans, and even other small fish. These types of food items come from the bottom sediments or from algae scrapings on rocks where these animals feed during daylight hours.


Most of the tetras are a good tank mate for Kuhli loach because they’re peaceful and have a similar diet but are much bigger than the Kuhli loach.

Tetras come from South America, Central America, and Africa. They typically live in groups of five or more because they are shoaling fish. That’s why if there’s not enough room for them, it will stress tetras out and make them stop eating too. They are omnivores and will eat anything from plants, insects to even other small fish.

Chili Rasboras

The chili Rasboras are another good type of tank mates for Kuhli loach because they have a similar diet, live in the same size tank, and are peaceful too. The chili Rasboras is a small freshwater fish that can be found in parts of Asia. They are typically around two inches long with slender bodies and an olive-green color. Chili Rasboras are omnivores so their diet consists mainly of plants but also insects, worms, crustaceans, and even other smaller types of fish. These food items come from the bottom sediments or from algae scrapings on rocks where these animals feed during daylight hours.

Oat Catfish

The oat catfish is an omnivore so it’s a good tank mate for Kuhli loach because they have a similar diet and both live in the same size tanks. They can be found in parts of Asia and are typically about six inches long. Oat catfish have a brown color and their scales appear to be branched like they’re made of tree branches. These types of fish can grow up to thirteen pounds in weight but the average range is around three to four pounds.


One more excellent tank mate is the guppy because they’re small too. This means all of them will be happy in tanks under ten gallons. The Guppies also love live plants and they’re quite peaceful too. They only grow to about three inches so that’s another good thing. Since, Kuhli Loach can get up to six inches long in the wild and their tank mates need enough space, not just width like other loaches.

Celestial Pearl Danios

The celestial pearl danios are a good tank mate for Kuhli loach. Thanks to their similar dietary needs, live in the same size tanks, and peaceful temperament. You can find Celestial pearl danios all through Africa and Asia. But they come from waterways that offer plentiful vegetation so that’s their natural habitat. The fish is a more moderate size than other danios and can grow up to three inches long so it’s not too large for smaller tanks either.

Bronze Cory

Another excellent tank mate for Kuhli loach is the bronze cory. The first thing to note about this fish is that it’s omnivore. So, its diet is similar with Kuhli loach.

Similarly, they both require a lot of live vegetation in their tanks too. This means you’ll have some work ahead of you with water changes if you’re not prepared. The Bronze cory can grow to about two inches long and are not aggressive. Hence, it’s a good choice for smaller tanks with other peaceful fish.

Dwarf Gourami (Hemigrammus bleheri)

The Dwarf Gourami is a great tank mate for Kuhli loach because they’re both omnivores and live in the same size tanks. The dwarf gouramis are generally peaceful as well making them good choices to mix with other fish that can share their territory without aggression.

Red-Tailed Black Shark (Epalzeorhynchos bicolor)

The red-tailed black shark is another good tank mate for Kuhli loach. In fact, it’s so compatible with the Kuhli Loach that they’re often found together in nature. The Red-Tailed Black Shark lives on a diet of algae and plant matter which makes them best to be kept with other algae eaters or plant-loving fish.

Worst Tankmates For Kuhli Loach

The worst tank mates for these small freshwater fish would be larger varieties like Angelfish and Bettas. They are not of the same size, diet, or live in a smaller-sized aquarium. And even though Angelfish can’t fit into their mouths, there will still be fights between them due to the territoriality of Angelfish and the aggressiveness of Kuhli loaches.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Here are answers to some of the most asked question about Kuhli loach related to the tank mates topic.

Can Angelfish Eat Kuhli Loaches?

Yes and No. Angelfish have been known to eat Kuhli loaches, but not when they’re full. When Angelfish are hungry and can’t find food in the tank it will turn on anything small enough for them to fit their mouth around including Kuhli Loaches.

You can, however, keep them together with Angelfish if you feed the Kuhli Loaches enough so they’re not hungry.

Can Bettas Live With Kuhli Loaches?

Bettas are a no. Bettas are often territorial and will not share their space with other fish. They also require a lot of oxygen, which is something Kuhli Loaches don’t need as much.

But there is a loophole, Kuhli loach can live with bettas if the betta lives in a small enough tank. Also, you need to keep them at a different level of water than Kuhli Loaches.


Summing up, the best tank mates for Kuhli Loach are White Cloud Mountain Minnow, tetras , Chili Rasboras, Oat Catfish, and Guppies. While you cannot keep Kuhli loach with Angelfish, Bettas, and other larger fish like that.

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