Why Molly Fish Swim Vertically| 5 Reasons| How To Set A Vertical Tank???

Why Molly Fish Swim Vertically| 5 Reasons| How To Set A Vertical Tank???

Molly fish are pretty popular in aquariums. This is because they have a unique swimming pattern with beautiful colors and easy-going nature. So, most fish keepers developed a keen interest in breeding this fish. Apart from the unique color and attribute, Molly fish can usually be swim vertically because they prefer this orientation.

Molly fish evolved to swim vertically for several reasons. One reason is that they live in shallow waters. Therefore, they need to stay out of the way of predators that will eat them. So, they swim vertically to avoid predators. Besdies this, these fish have two respiratory organs, one for inhaling and the other for exhaling. Molly Fish needs to swim in this way to breathe correctly. Moreover, vertical swimming in Molly fish is a survival instinct that they use when looking for food or a mate. 

In this blog post, I will try to answer all the questions related to the swimming pattern of Molly fish. Hopefully, you will find them informative and worth your time.

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How Does Molly Fish Swim?

Molly fish has a unique swimming pattern. They have a dorsal fin and an anal fin to help them move through the water column in this vertical orientation.

Molly fish are poikilothermic, meaning they cannot maintain their body temperature on their own and must therefore rely on the environment to regulate it. They propel themselves by moving in a wave-like motion with their tail at the bottom of the water column, which pushes them up through the water until they reach the surface, where they then sink back down.

Molly Fish can do this because they have a gas-filled organ called the air bladder, which helps regulate buoyancy and allows Molly fish to maintain neutral buoyancy. Therefore, Molly fish will neither sink nor float in water as long as sufficient oxygen is present for breathing.

Does Molly Fish Swim Vertically?

Molly fish swim vertically for a variety of reasons. Molly Fish are members of the Poecilia family, and they live in freshwater habitats like ponds, lakes, and rivers. These fish can be present all over South and North America, but their greatest concentration is on the east coast from Florida to New York. These fish can grow between two and six inches long depending on the species, their environment, and how well you care for them.

Yes, Molly fish do indeed like to swim vertically but only during certain times of their life. Vertical swimming is also a part of their instinct. They evolved to swim vertically to avoid predators like birds who swoop down from above, trying to catch them by surprise. They usually swim in this way because it conserves their energy. These fish use less energy swimming vertically than they do horizontally.

Why Do Molly Fish Swim Vertically?

Molly fish has different swimming pattern that changes according to the circumstances they are in. However, some of the reasons why Molly fish swim vertically are:

Molly Fish Swim Vertically Because It Is An Instinctive Behavior

You will also observe vertical swimming in Mollies within hours of hatching. They will continue this type of swimming throughout her life. Molly fish swim in this way because it is an instinctive behavior. But Molly can also do other types of swimming, like horizontal and oblique.

Molly Fish Swim Vertically To Find Food

Mollies usually swim vertically to search for food. Vertical swimming benefits these fish to see over the water’s surface and at the bottom where they can find uneaten and leftover foods. Besides this, swimming in this orientation helps these fish see farther and pinpoint the hiding fish they can use for food.

Molly Fish Swim Vertically For Protection

Molly is a small freshwater fish that is very vulnerable to predators because it doesn’t have scales to protect itself. They swim vertically for protection by hiding in the bottom of a river so they are not visible from above. Molly also hides underwater plants to camouflage with its environment and avoid predators.

Molly Fish Swim Vertically To Look For A Mate

The coloration of female Molly is much plainer than the male Molly. So, females swim vertically to attract more males. These fish swim vertically for mating, especially in rivers with low water plants or where they can easily find food.

Molly Fish Swim Vertically To Get Oxygen

Molly fish swim vertically for oxygen because Molly is an air-breathing species. As a result, they can stay underwater for up to 30 minutes. But Molly still needs access to the surface of the water to breathe correctly.

Molly will die if it doesn’t get enough oxygen within that time. So they swim vertically to get oxygen, especially in a river with a high concentration of water plants that reduce access to air.

How To Make A Vertical Molly Fish Tank?

To create a Molly fish tank perfect for vertical swimming, you need to focus on certain things. Such as:

Provide Plants and Rocks In The Aquarium

Molly fish are not good swimmers, but they do love to swim vertically. These fish use plants and rocks of the aquarium to rest or hide in between their vertical swims.

Choosing Molly Fish That Love To Swim Vertically

Not all Molly fish species have the natural tendency to swim vertically. The fish that are more likely to swim vertically will be the Sailfin Molly Fish, Panda Molly Fish, or Telescope Molly Fish.

Maintain Good Water Quality

Good water quality is crucial for not only horizontal but also vertical swimming Molly fish. For example, if you maintain dirty and polluted aquarium water with leftover food everywhere, your Molly fish would naturally swim horizontally.

Maintain the temperature in Molly Fish tanks between 72 and 78 degrees Fahrenheit. To help Molly fish swim vertically, adjust water pH levels around seven or eight. Be sure that Molly’s tank also has an area with a lower pH level of five or six, which Molly Fish prefers.

Feed Molly Fish The Right Types Of Food

Molly fish are omnivores; they eat both plants and meat. Therefore, you can feed your Molly fish with live foods like brine shrimp, tubifex worms, or daphnia maggots to supplement their diet of plant matter (algae). A good mixture of different types of food will make Molly fish swim vertically.

Increase The Water Surface

Molly Fish has a gas bladder that allows them to control their buoyancy in the aquarium or aquarium-like environment easily. The more space you can offer under the water surface would allow Molly fish to swim up and down without struggling against gravity. These fish are highly active when the water surface is more prominent.

Mollies can swim vertically in a tank with at least 20 gallons for one fish and 30 gallons of water per fish if you have two fish swimming together.

Making all these changes will help Molly fish feel at home when they need vertical swimming support.

Is Swim Vertically Good Molly Fish?

Swimming vertically is beneficial for Moly fish because it helps them avoid predators, find food, and navigate their habitat. In addition, they swim in this orientation because they have a swim bladder that allows them to control the position of their bodies in the water column.

However, there are some drawbacks of swimming vertically in Molly fish. Such as:

  • Molly fish lose some of their speed swimming vertically. So, they cannot swim as effortlessly as horizontal when they swim in this orientation.
  • They also have to expend more energy swimming vertically, so they swim less far when they swim vertically.
  • Mollies also have a higher chance of getting injuries when they spend too much time swimming vertically.
  • Mollies that swim vertically are more likely to strangle in the land.
  • Molly fish might starve because they are often hungry and has higher metabolism when they swim vertically.

Some FAQs

Does Molly Fish Swim In Groups?

Molly fish swim in groups. Molly fish can grow up to four inches long, so the whole school isn’t too big or overcrowded for them.

However, Molly fish sometimes do become territorial with each other. So, it is best not to keep two males together as they may fight over females who will lead one of them to die. However, you can keep Mollies in a group of five fish where one might be male and others female.

Can Molly Fish Swim In a Bowl?

No, Molly Fish cannot swim in a bowl. It would help if you kept Molly fish in an aquarium of at least 20 gallons with lots of live plants and hiding spaces for them to feel secure. Molly Fish also enjoys having a companion. They will keep each other company while swimming around your tank or pond!

Why Do Molly Fish Come To The Surface For Air?

Molly Fish need to come up for air as these fish are not able to breathe underwater. However, they have a particular organ called the Labyrinth, which allows them to absorb oxygen from the water and get rid of carbon dioxide. This is why Molly fish must keep on swimming to stay alive.


Molly fish are very easy to take care of, and they come in a wide variety of colors. If you have kids, Molly fish may be perfect for your family. It is easy to breed and take care of them. They love being with their kind so if you get one Molly, then try contacting two or three more Molly’s as well. Molly Fish also loves plants and any underwater decorations that you can find.

Molly Fish is straightforward to take care of, so if you want a simple pet but still fun, Molly fish might be perfect for beginners.

For more information, feel free to contact us. Thank you for reading!

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