How to Keep Platy Fish in a Breeding Box?

How to Keep Platy Fish in a Breeding Box

Platy fish is a great choice for a beginner aquarist. They’re easy to care for, and they adapt well to the water conditions in your tank. But what about breeding? What do you need to know before getting a platy fry? Is it possible to keep Platy fish in a breeding box? And if so, how can you install one in your tank and clean it out later on down the line?

You can install a breeding box on the floor of your tank to contain platy fry. Please place it in an area where there’s plenty of room for them. Also, place it where you don’t have any plants that this installment would harm. You can also use a breeder net to hold them in place, as long as there’s plenty of space for the fry and it won’t interfere with your aquarium equipment or rockwork.

Keep reading this blog post for all the answers!

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How Can Platy Fish Stay In A Breeding Box?

Well, as you know, platy fish are freshwater, and they need to stay in a breeding box at the bottom of your tank. As long as there is sufficient light for them to thrive independently, it will be no problem if they have enough space to breed without any other individuals interfering with their progress.

If you want your platy fry to survive, you will need to create a breeding box for them and add it as an additional feature in your tank. You can also place some air stones inside the breeding box to have enough oxygen levels within.

What Is A Breeding Box?

A breeder is not just any container but something that has been specially made for the sole purpose of breeding. It can be made for either one individual or a couple, and you will need to choose which one is better depending on the number of platy fish you have in your tank.

It needs to have enough space for them, especially when mating and living together as parents at home. If it doesn’t provide them with enough space for their needs, it may be hard to provide them with the best living conditions.

Advantages Of Breeding Box

A breeder box is more convenient than using any other container because you will have an obvious idea of what’s going on inside. You won’t need to take out your fish every time to check on them, and it will be easier to spot any issues that may arise.

It is also straightforward for you to clean the breeding box and provide your fish with a clear view of what’s going on outside their home without having to open up the box every time they need some fresh air. It can hold more than just the platy fish, and you can also keep your breeding box in the same tank without having to worry about it being overcrowded.

Is It A Good Idea To Keep Platy Fish In A Breeding Box For A Long Time?

Many people are under the impression that a breeder is only meant for temporary use, but this isn’t true. Some people use them for the whole life of their platy fish, and it will depend on what you want to do with your breeding box in the end. You can either get rid of it or keep it around as an extra accessory for when they need more room in their tank.

How To Install A Breeding Box In Your Tank?

This will depend on the type of tank that you have, whether it’s freshwater or saltwater.

If you’re using a freshwater aquarium, then all you need to do is place your breeding box at the bottom and fill in any holes so there are no leaks onto the floor.

If you happen to be keeping saltwater platy fish, you will need to get a breeder suitable for saltwater-based tanks.

Get a Lefunpets Aquarium Fish Breeding Box as this one is very easy to install and will be a great addition too.

How Do You Clean A Breeding Box?

The process of cleaning the breeding box is very similar to any other tank in your house. And you can do it by using soap or bleach with water together. This way, you will have enough room to scrub the place clean.

A good way for you to clean your breeding box is by using a toothbrush. If you have any algae, make sure that you use it before scrubbing the rest of the dirt off.

Can You Keep Platy Fish Fry In The Breeding Box?

Yes, you can. You will need to make the breeding box out of something strong enough. And it would help if you also considered adding some air stones to be a more suitable environment.

If you want to keep all your platy fish fry in one place and not scatter them around the tank, then a breeder is your best option. You can use it to house all the fry and take them out as they grow. This way, you don’t have any small fish in there anymore.

Alternatives Of Breeding Box

If you don’t have any space left at home, an alternative would be using a breeder net instead. They are also effortless to install, and you can place them in your tank so that they don’t interfere with the general setup.

There are other ways for you to breed platy fish without using a breeding box. But this will depend on what you can get your hands on. For example, some people use plants and live rocks for their fry to hide behind, and if they are lucky enough, they will be able to find a good spot in the tank where there is some light coming through.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do Platy Fry Eat Their Babies?

Yes, they do. Many different types of fish eat their babies. It will depend on what type you want to keep in your tank. You should also ensure that they are getting enough food. Or it is even better to separate the parent’s platy fish as soon as they are done giving birth.

Are Platy Fish Easy To Breed?

Yes, platys are very easy to breed. But this will depend on how much you take care of them in the first place. However, they don’t require much space at home for themselves. So, it won’t be too hard for you to keep them as parents if they are properly taken care of.

You will only have a few days before they become gravid with eggs for the first time. After that, the process can take up to two or three weeks. But it all depends on how quickly your platy fish decide that it’s the right time to do it.

They are easy to breed, but you will need patience. You can’t just put two platy fish together and hope for the best. They need time for them to get used to each other’s company. It is easier if you have a breeding box that provides an environment where they feel safe and comfortable. But it is not essential!


Now that you know a little more about the breeding boxes, it is up to you whether you want to use one or not. But there are some pros and cons for both methods. So, make sure to consider them before making your decision. They will be able to do everything else on their own. Hence they won’t need much time from you for them to do it.

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