A few years ago, my obsession for Platy fish knew no end. And so, I thought I’d make my Platies happy by providing them some friends. I asked myself, “What fish can live with Platy fish?” and researched about this. To my surprise, there were a lot of fish (and aquatic animals) who would happily share the tank with my Platy fish.
Fish like Mollies, Guppies, Swordtail, Endlers, Gourami, Betta, Neon Tetra, Cherry Barb, Danios, and so on will happily share the tank with your Platy fish. Not only fish but snails and shrimps are also quite compatible with Platy fish. Snails like Ramshorn snails, Nerite snails, Malaysian trumpet snails, Rabbit snails, and Mystery or Apple snails and Amano shrimp can happily live with Platy fish.
If you are confused about what tank mates you need for your Platy, you can read below. I have compiled a list of fish, shrimps, and snails that is compatible with your Platy. I’ve also listed some bad tank mates you should avoid for your Platy fish. Without further ado, let’s start.
Is Platy Fish Friendly Or Aggressive?
Firstly, to keep Platy fish with others, you must know whether your Platy is friendly or not.
Well. Platy fish are quite popular in the fish-keeping hobby for their peaceful nature. But, Platy fish do become aggressive sometimes. It is seen during the breeding season where male Platy fish become aggressive for mating with females. (This won’t happen when you maintain the proper mating ratio though.) Also, keeping an all-male Platy fish tank is a no-no.
As long as the water condition, tank size is right, Platy fish are non-aggressive, and aren’t bullies, or territorial.
To sum up, Platy fish are suitable for a community aquarium.
Tank Mates For Platy With Description
Platy fish do well with their own kind. But, any fish can get bored with the same friends every time. So, here are some compatible Tankmates other than their own kind for your Platy fish:
Swordtail Fish
You will find that Swordtails, along with Platy, are quite popular Livebearers in the hobby. The male Swordtails come with a long gonopodium which gives them the “sword” in their name. Swordtails are also brilliant-looking redfish that grow 4-5 inches long. So, adding a swordtail in your tank will invite the curious platy into making new friends.
Swordtail and Platy fish thrive in similar water parameters. And, they both enjoy similar kinds of food. So, you have to barely make any changes when you add the Swordtails in your Platy tank.
However, there is one thing you need to think about when you keep Swordtails with your Platy. And, that is: The two species will breed with each other! Platy and Swordtails are like cousins in the fish world. So, as long as you don’t want hybrid baby fish, you can keep only male Swordtails in your tank.
Like Platy fish, Guppy fish are also livebearers. But, Guppy is smaller than Platy owing to large brilliant fins. You might think both are the same size but it’s the guppy fins that make them look similar size to Platy. Guppy fish also have brilliant colors on their body.
When you keep Guppy in your tank, you don’t need to tweak or change anything in the tank. That’s because Platy and Guppy both thrive in similar water parameters. And, their diet is also very similar.
In fact, Guppy fish is quite fond of a meaty diet and eat up mosquito larvae that might “mistakenly” come inside the tank. In a way, Guppy fish are popular for mosquito control in an aquarium. Especially if you are keeping an open aquarium!
Perhaps you’ll find it difficult to control the population when they start mating with each other. Yes, Guppies and Platies can interbreed to produce hybrid babies. Since both are livebearer fish, they give birth to fry directly instead of laying eggs.
Molly fish are fish that even beginners can raise with ease. And these fish are quite peaceful so they will live happily with your Platy.
Molly fish are brilliant in appearance with a sleeker look than Platies. They measure 4 inches.
Mollies love to eat algae and will clean the tank for your Platy fish. Also, Molly thrives in similar water parameters as your Platy so you don’t need to do anything extra to add molly to your tank.
You might think that since Mollies are livebearers, they can breed with Platy. But, no, Molly fish (Poecilia) won’t breed with your Platy (Xiphophorus) as they are both entirely different breeds. Although, there may be a problem when you keep them with their own kind and start mating to overcrowd your tank in a few months.
Dwarf Gourami
If you are an experienced fish keeper, you might know that Gourami is medium to large fish that will easily overcrowd your aquarium. But, since you’re keeping tiny Platy fish in your tank, you might want a tiny Gourami in your tank too.
As small as they come, Dwarf Gourami will live peacefully with your Platy fish. Moreover, these gouramis can live in a wide range of water parameters which are similar to a Platy.
Dwarf Gourami is excellent looking colorful fish that can light up any aquarium around. Your Platy will also be shocked to see a brilliant Gourami in your tank.
Male Gourami can be particularly aggressive when kept with other male Gourami or colorful fish. So, you can keep female dwarf Gourami in your tank with Platies.
As for diet, some Gourami may be vegetarian or some might be strictly carnivorous. While some might eat both veggies and meat. Do your research before keeping this cute Gourami in your tank.
Endlers are a fish that will be really compatible with your Platies. In some cases, Endlers don’t mind mating with Platy to bear cute hybrid babies.
You may have seen an Endler and got fascinated by its appearance. Well, this fish has a metallic body with yellow, blue, purple, red, and other color morphs.
Endlers love thick vegetation and are quick swimmers. Not to forget that Endlers are schooling fish, so you need to keep at least 6-10 of them together with your Platy fish friends.
Neon Tetras And Other Tetras
Neon Tetras are, perhaps, the friendliest out of all the fish I’ve mentioned here. With metallic blue and shimmering red, these tiny 1.5 inch fish are pretty to look at too.
Perhaps the disadvantage of keeping Neon Tetras in your tank might be their shoaling nature. Due to this, you must buy a big tank to keep at least 10-15 of them + your Platy in your tank.
Other than that, Tetras thrive in similar water parameters as Platy fish. And, there’s no difference diet of a Platy and Neon Tetra.
Note: There are other Tetras that, too, can be compatible with your Platy fish. And they are Rummy nose tetra, Rosy tetra, Lemon tetra, and Penguin tetra.
Betta Fish
You may have heard of Betta fish being territorial jerks in the fish world. And, many fish owners like to keep a single betta in their tank too. But, let me break your bubble for Betta fish are great tank mates for Platy fish! The only fish that should be scared of Betta is another Betta fish or a fish that has similar features as the betta.
I think Betta fish are the most beautiful looking fish in the hobby. With their purple-blue morphed fins swimming along with the tank tide, they look majestic even if they’re all alone.
Betta and Platy fish thrive in similar water parameters. But, Betta is a carnivore so maintain a balanced diet for both Platy and Betta while you’re feeding them.
Most Bettas ignore their tank mates. They love flaunting their fins and admiring themselves. And since Platy fish are neither territorial nor do they flaunt, Betta fish will just ignore your Platy fish going about its own work!
Plecos are quite a large fish who would happily share the tank with your Platies. If you don’t mind buying a large tank, Plecos will be a perfect friend!
Since Plecos are bottom dwellers, they will rarely cross territory with the mid-level swimmer Platies. And, let me also tell you that Plecos are only violent towards male species of their own kind and Platies will be no trouble to them.
You will notice that Plecos are constantly busy eating the algae and uneaten food from your tank. So, Plecos will clean the tank to benefit you and your Platies. However, that doesn’t mean you’ll feed your Plecos with the overgrown algae or uneaten food. Plecos love to munch on algae wafers and veggie tablets.
Bristle Nose Plecos are small Plecos (3-6 inches) that will suit your Platy tank. Perhaps, your Platy fish will also find the algae-eating mate fascinating.
Ram Cichlids
Now, listen to me. I know that Cichlids are the jerks of the fish world. But, Ram Cichlids are an exception!
Ram Cichlids have a beautiful iridescent body with high fins and come in many color morphs like German Blue, Albino, and Butterfly. The wild varieties are a mix of blue, gold, black, and red!
Ram Cichlids love digging around the substrate like any other cichlid. So, you need to provide a loose substrate with loose plants.
Rams don’t grow big and are just around 3 inches who will be good companions with your Platy.
Dwarf Otocinclus
Since your freshwater Platy aquarium can be infested with frequent algae infestations, I suggest you another algae-eating fish. It is no other than the Dwarf Otocinclus.
These peaceful fish have no other job than to search for algae and keep the tank algae-free!
But, since this fish is sensitive to water parameters, you should maintain first-class water parameters in your tank. Your dwarf Otocinclus would love to eat algae wafers other than algae growing in the tank.
Also, keeping your aggressive Platy fish around Otocinclus will be a problem as this fish has no defense mechanism.
You can keep some snails like Ramshorn snails, Nerite snails, Malaysian trumpet snails, Rabbit snails, and Mystery or Apple snails in your Platy tank.
These snails will eat up the algae infestation in your tank. And these snails thrive in the same water parameters as your Platies.
If you’re worried that your Platy will eat them, don’t be. Snails have a protective hard shell that will prevent the curious Platy from eating them up!
Harlequin Rasbora
After Neon Tetra, I think Harlequin Rasboras are the perfect companion for your Platy. With their hard nature, peaceful temperament, and brilliant physical bronze metallic coloration, I’m sure you will be sold out.
Harlequin Rasbora is a schooling fish. So, you might want to give these 2-inch fish a companion of 6-10 more Rasboras. So that they don’t get lonely and depressed.
These Rasboras are small. So, their diet should have variation and their food should be crushed up. Otherwise, Harlequin will be your Platy’s friend in no time!
Zebra Danios
How about keeping a Zebra in your tank? Well, this isn’t a literal land Zebra but water Zebra Danio fish who has striped black lines on a white or pale body. There are many types of Danio fish. However, Zebra Danio fish is quite active and likes to explore all parts of your tank.
I recommend keeping Zebra Danios if you have a timid Platy fish in your tank. This danio acts like a forbearer of good and bad news in your tank. Zebra danios disappear whenever a threat is around, so your Platy fish can be secured from the threat. Moreover, when danios are around, it means everything is well. So, your timid Platy can understand the situation and become more extroverted and happy.
Even if you are a beginner, you can easily raise Zebra Danios with your Platies.
Amano Shrimp
I know that a shrimp isn’t the ideal tank mate for a Platy. You might know that Platy fish is a voracious feeder who can engulf anything in front of it in a go! A small tiny shrimp is merely food for Platy fish.
But, hear me out! Amano Shrimp have a transparent body which makes them blind from Platy’s eyesight. So, they won’t be Platy fish’s food easily. Make sure to keep plenty of hiding spots and plants so that the shrimps won’t get eaten up by your Curious Platy.
Moreover, the water parameters for an Amano shrimp and platy are similar. So, you won’t have to make any changes while keeping Amano shrimp in your tank.
I have seen Angelfish in the hobby since I was a kid. They’re quite a popular species, you see.
If you have an Angelfish, you might know how territorial they get during the breeding season. Your curious platy may end up in their territory and occasionally lose their fins or legs. Angelfish don’t play when they’re breeding.
Other than the breeding season, small Angelfish are literal Angels who will happily live with your Platy fish. Angelfish love hiding spots and like to live in a community of 4-5.
Another algae-eater you’d love in your Platy tank will be Corydoras. These fish spend the majority of their time searching for algae and uneaten food at the bottom of the tank.
Corydoras are the friendliest freshwater fish you can ever find. Also, these fish look pretty unique and different. Corydoras love planted tanks with their own group.
Since Corydoras are bottom dwellers, they can get hurt by hard gravel. So, you can provide soft sand on your part.
Cherry Barb
You may have heard of Barbs being aggressive jerks but our Cherry Barb is quite different. Cherry Barb is like its name, really sweet, cherry-color, and friendly.
Moreover, the cherry barb and platy both thrive in similar water parameters. And both are omnivorous. So, you barely have to make any changes in your tank.
Perhaps you’d have to heavily plant your tank because cherry barbs love it. Cherry Barbs also love living in a group of 5 of their own kind. You will need some Dithers if you want Cherry Barbs to live with your Platy freely because Cherry barbs are kind of timid fish.
Incompatible Tank Mates For Your Platy Fish
Now that you know what fish can live with your Platy fish, I will warn you about what fish you should NOT keep with your Platy fish. Let’s go:
Your Platy won’t live for a day when you keep them with Cichlids of any kind. Like I mentioned earlier, Ram Cichlids are an exception to the rule.
Cichlids are aggressive and will cause fatal injuries to your Platy. In severe cases, Cichlids won’t mind having a Plate-y dinner (pun intended!).
Goldfish are peaceful, yes. But, keeping these fish with Platy fish is quite a hard thing to do. It’s because goldfish live in colder waters of 68° to 72° F. Whereas Platy fish prefer a higher temperature of 72°F- 78°F. You might think you can balance the water temperature and keep your platy with goldfish. But, that will only be your wishful thinking. You will be only torturing the goldfish if you keep it in your platy tank.
Cherry Shrimp
Cherry shrimp with its vibrant color can attract any aquarist around. But, perhaps, the same attractiveness becomes fatal as Platy fish will easily hunt and eat them up.
Barbs are notorious for being fin-nippers. Tiger barbs, Rosy barbs, Gold barbs, and Denison barbs will easily catch up with your Platy and will rip apart its fin on will.
Also, the stress of living with Barbs is hard to bear. So, I don’t recommend your Platy fish to get stressed with Barb fish.
Can I Keep A Single Platy?
Yes, you can keep a single platyfish in your tank. But, it’d be quite cruel to seclude platyfish. So, you can keep Platy fish in a group of 4-5 in your tank.
How Many Types Of Platy Fish Are There?
There are many types of Platy fish in the market. There are different color morphs of golden, red, green, yellow, black, and even albino. And, there are platy patterns like mickey mouse, calico, variegated, twin bar, etc.
I hope you found a fish that can live with your Platy fish through this article. Platy fish are quite friendly and will do well in any community aquarium. Just make sure to not add aggressive fish or defenseless fish in your tank. Happy fishkeeping!