Does Betta Need A Heater?

does betta need a heater

The best thing you can do to maintain your betta healthily is to add heaters to make sure the temperature stays within the safe range to reduce the likelihood of temperature shock. Therefore, it is essential to purchasing a tank with enough space for a tiny heater appropriate for a 2–5 gallon tank.

Yes, without a heater, no amount of warm water or climate can ensure temperature changes. Even in warm climates, the water temperature can fluctuate dramatically throughout the day and night, resulting in temperature shock.

The issue with small heaters, though, is that they won’t make up for the real temperature of the water inside the tank. Because of this, the water in the tank may become excessively warm or too cold, which could harm your bettas’ health. Small adjustable heaters are excellent at taking into consideration the real water temperature to manage this issue.

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It’s a good idea to use a thermometer to check that your heaters are operating flawlessly to keep them functioning effectively. You may purchase a selection of thin, compact, and reasonably priced thermometers to mount on the side of your aquarium and show the temperature inside.

Additionally, it’s crucial to ensure that the temperature in the room and the temperature in the tank are the same to prevent temperature changes. Therefore, cover your aquarium with a lid or glass cover to reduce water evaporation and guarantee that the air above the tank stays warm and humid.

You can find out more ways to stop the process of evaporation here!

Why Does Betta Need A Heater?

Due to excessive stress brought on by temperature changes, the immune system of the betta is severely weakened. This allows for the entry of bacterial infections and other diseases into the body of the betta.

Bettas are used to residing in tanks with water that is between 72 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit (ca. 27 °C) in temperature. The immune system and energy levels of the betta are impacted by extreme temperature changes. At its worst, your betta can lose consciousness, get drowsy, and eventually pass away.

What Is The Ideal Temperature For Bettas?

Bettas prefer water that is between seventy-five and eighty degrees Fahrenheit (23 to 26 degrees Celsius). If the temperature in their tank falls below 70 degrees Fahrenheit (ca. 21 °C), bettas will become stressed since they cannot withstand temperatures below this range (21 degrees Celsius).

The water temperature must be maintained consistently. It is advised that you don’t abruptly add or remove any water from the tank to keep the temperature steady. After checking its current condition, you should adjust the temperature whenever you add or remove water from your tank.

What Will Happen To Your Betta If It’s Too Cold?

Your Betta may grow anxious if the tank’s water temperature drops below 70 degrees Fahrenheit (ca. 21 °C). This may cause several symptoms, such as loss of appetite, aimless swimming, hiding from view, and even death.

What Will Happen To Your Betta If It’s Too Hot?

Your betta could also grow anxious if the water temperature in your tank exceeds 82 degrees Fahrenheit (ca. 28 °C). Since betta fish are tropical fish, they enjoy warm weather. Your betta could potentially pass away if the water temperature in its tank rises too high. Keep the tank water at a constant temperature and avoid using any heaters that produce excessive heat to stop this from happening. You can put your Betta in a cool water bath or move it to a cooler area if it becomes stressed out from being kept in an overheated tank.

How Long Can A Betta Live Without A Heater?

Betta fish can do without added heat for a few days, but they’ll probably get stressed out and start to show symptoms of the disease. Without a heater, an aquarium’s water temperature will fall below 70 degrees Fahrenheit (ca. 21 °C), which will cause the betta to perish very soon.

Betta fish can typically survive in a cold climate without a heater as long as the tank is properly heated and maintained. But once more, if the temperature drops below 70 degrees Fahrenheit (ca. 21 °C), they’ll probably get lethargic and experience a variety of health issues (21 degrees Celsius).

What Heater Size Is Ideal For Betta Fish?

Size isn’t always everything when it comes to selecting the ideal heater for your betta fish tank. The wattage and temperature range that you require to maintain a suitable degree of warmth in your tank should be considered.

Generally speaking, tanks up to 25 gallons (ca. 95 liters) are best heated by smaller heaters, such as 50-watt models. A heater with a higher wattage, like a 100-watt heater, may be necessary for larger tanks.

Various Heating System Types

I suggest asking your neighborhood pet store or betta breeders for recommendations, so you can determine which one is best for your tank.

Note: To maintain the water’s temperature, proper water movement is required. Your tank water will have cold or hot areas without adequate circulation, which is bad for your bettas.

There are two different types of heating systems, depending on the needs.

Internal Heating System

In a betta tank, internal heating systems are the most typical sort of heat source. These heaters are made of a glass tube with a length of 4 to 12 inches (ca. 30 cm). Practical heaters can control numerous heating systems by attaching a thermostat outside the tank or having one integrated into the heater itself.

External Heating System

External heating systems are commonly available offline and online. There are various models, including the one that fits under the tank and heats the water from below, while others connect to the filtering systems.

How To Choose The Correct Heater For Your Betta Fish Tank?

It’s time to discuss how to select a heater now that we realize whether betta fish require one. There are a huge variety of brands and sizes available. But these three elements are what most fish keepers consider when making their decision.

Aquarium Heaters And Size

Although warmers are required for all betta tanks, not all heaters are suitable for betta tanks. Large clip-on warmers with glass tubes and metal heating components are available at all pet stores.

These are frequently too big for the tiny tanks that the majority of fish keepers maintain betta fish in. Instead, we need to consider more compact heating options. Little models, only just a few inches in length.

Aquarium Heater Power Consumption

The capacity of the heater and how much electricity it uses are related. The amount of heat it produces is then influenced by power usage.

Most aquarium heaters have a temperature range they can self-regulate. When the water gets too cold, it will turn off. Once the required temperature is reached, switch it back off.

This equilibrium is more challenging to attain in small tanks when using a powerful heater. Even brief heating spurts have the power to drastically raise the temperature. Even fish in tiny tanks can get contact burns from large heaters.

You must choose a heater depending on wattage while looking for one to maintain warm temperatures. A model should, as a general rule, produce 3 to 5 watts of electricity per gallon of water.

The heater in the 165-275W range is recommended for a large tank, such as a 55-gallon community tank. A 6 to 10-watt heater is adequate for 2-gallon betta fish tanks.

Choose a stronger heater if the space tends to be cold. We don’t want our fish to have to endure frequent temperature changes, which is why every tiny tank loses heat so quickly.

Clip-On Vs. Submersible Heater

You can also decide whether you would like a heater that extends into the fish tank. Maybe one that can completely submerge.

Both varieties of aquarium heaters will function effectively. However, a submersible heater is simpler to conceal. A heater that protrudes out in an evident way can be off-putting in an aquascape that has been tastefully landscaped.

On the other side, an aquarium’s side-mounted heating system is simpler to access. You can replace them and clean them without getting your hands wet. They are typically also cheaper.

Choosing the finest heater for your betta fish may be difficult with so many heater brands available. Thankfully, I’ve combined the best of what’s available in this short and simple list!

hygger Saltwater Tank Titanium Tube Submersible Pinpoint Aquarium Heater with Digital Thermostat, IC Temp Controller 200 Watt can be the best option for your tank.

What Are Heater Alternatives In Case Of Emergency?

You may do a few things to quickly reheat the water in your tank if it ever gets too cold for your betta fish.

Keeping The Tank Covered

This seems like a no-brainer of a concept. The straightforward reasoning for this is that heat will remain in the tank if it is sealed and prevented from escaping. The excellent heat conductivity of a black lid or aquarium cover is something I would advise.

Naturally, I am aware of the risks associated with inadequate oxygenation in a fish tank. The oxygen flow is somewhat restricted by the lid, but fortunately, it is a simple remedy.

A small air stone can significantly alter the situation. You can maintain the tank’s optimum oxygenation and temperature with the help of the air stone.

Hot Water Bottles

Filling a tank with warm water and setting the fish at the bottom of the bottle are two quick and simple ways to heat the tank. To prevent them from getting stuck in hot water, make sure to remove any attractive pebbles from the bottom of the tank. As long as there are lots of water bottles accessible, you can utilize this strategy, but it might not be the best if you have a lot of fish.

Heat Pads

Applying a heated pad is an additional choice. Put the pad in the tank’s bottom and set the temperature there so that your fish will be comfortable.

It could burn you if you place it too close to any surfaces that an electric heater might heat. This technique can be applied continuously, but maintaining a constant temperature in the tank will require some extra care.


Candles are a safe way to fast heat a fish tank, and they are also not harmful to the fish. A candle, some wax paper or foil, and an incense stick are all that are required. Except for the top, lay the wax paper at the bottom of your aquarium tank.

Place the lit incense stick on top of the wax paper after waiting for it to begin to smoke. The hot vapor produced by this will heat the water in your tank. When the candle has cooled, make sure you remove it and take care not to burn the wax paper.

What Are The Advantages Of Using A Heater?

Although these alternatives may function just fine, heaters nevertheless have unique benefits that make them highly recommended.

No matter what temperature you specify, whether it’s 78 degrees Fahrenheit (25 degrees Celsius) or 80 degrees Fahrenheit, heaters can heat water to that level (27 degrees Celsius). This enables you to guarantee the happiness and comfort of your betta fish.

Heaters are quite effective at fast and easy heating water, so you can quickly have the tank heated.

Aquarium heaters guarantee a clean and secure environment by generating heat that destroys dangerous bacteria and fungi.

If you are unsure of when you will have extra time to heat the tank, heaters can be used continuously or only as necessary.

Why Should You Consider Getting A Bigger Tank?

Which would cool off faster, a cup of boiling water or a bath of boiling water?

Naturally, the temperature in the cup would decrease much more rapidly than in the baths. And for the same reason, you need to think about getting a sizable tank.

Despite the 2.5-gallon minimum recommended for bettas, a smaller tank is more vulnerable to quicker, more extreme temperature changes. (They also require more frequent cleaning.) I would never keep a betta in a tank smaller than five gallons.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)

Can Betta Fish Survive With A Heater?

Betta fish can live in a heated environment. Bettas require a heater installed in their tank since they need temperatures between 72 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit (ca. 28 °C).

Can Change Its Bowl Cause Temperature Shock?

Yes, absolutely. They are sensitive to sudden temperature changes, as we have repeatedly stated. The difference in temperature between the water in the old and new aquariums may be too great, which could be fatal.

What Is The Coldest Temperature A Betta Fish Can Live In?

Your betta should be kept between 72 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. Anything outside of these parameters is harmful to your tropical fish. Consequently, I advise keeping the temperature under 75 degrees, but it must never drop below 70 degrees.

How Long Does It Take For The Heat And The Cold To Completely Shut Down My Betta?

I can’t promise how many hours or days, but I will say this it can take a day or three. You’ll see all the indications we mentioned previously during this period.

If you truly take care of your Betta, it’s really difficult for Betta to shut down. There will be plenty of time to stop the adjustments from killing it because they are sufficiently detailed.


Many aquarium enthusiasts in the aquaculture industry like keeping betta fish. They are durable, simple to maintain, and easy to care for. The number of fish you want to keep, the size of your aquarium, tank toys to prevent boredom, and—most importantly—keeping the water warm with the use of a heater are some factors about Bettas that must be taken into consideration.

Bettas must be kept at a temperature of 75–82°F to stay healthy as tropical fish. Water temperatures can remain in this range throughout the year-long in their native Thailand. The usual room temperature in temperate nations is 64–68°F, which is bearable but too freezing for these exotic beauties.

Provide a heater rather than letting your Betta hang motionless in cold water. Once you discover a compatible female Betta, they will become more active, eat more actively, exhibit improved illness resistance, and maybe even breed!