Even for novices, betta fish are wonderful pets. They are reputed to be tough fish and have the most stunning appearance. They are also fairly distinctive compared to most aquarium fish because they have a specific breathing system. How Long Can Betta Fish Live Without Air Pump?
Fish can take in minute amounts of air when they lift their mouths out of the water, thanks to an organ known as the labyrinth. Does this imply, therefore, that Betta fish can survive in their water tank without oxygen?
No, betta fish require oxygen to survive. Bettas do need the right amount of oxygen present in the water they live in. It is not at all advised to confine them to small bowls with the assumption that they will merely use their labyrinth to absorb oxygen from the surrounding air.
What Do Air Pumps Do?
It’s not for cosmetic reasons that people put air pumps in their tanks in the first place! In actuality, the water is oxygenated using air pumps. This is accomplished by forcing water that has been oxygenated back to the top of the tank while pushing water that has been carbon dioxide-oxygenated to the bottom of the tank!
Don’t be misled, though. The water is not oxygenated by the bubbles that are traveling through it. It’s the bubbles’ surface movement that’s doing it! The gas exchange between your tank water and the air rises when there is a lot of surface movement, oxygenating the water in your bettas’ tank more.
What Is An Air Pump Used For?
The air pump’s primary purpose is to transport sufficient oxygen from the tank’s top to its bottom. More water can become oxygenated as a result of the air moving the water from the top to the bottom. Better water flow from top to bottom and improved oxygen circulation are both made possible by this.
However, the flow of the water from the top down rather than the observable bubbles is what produces the oxygenation for the water. Even the lowest areas of the tank can receive oxygen thanks to the movement. As a result, the air pump serves a very useful purpose inside the fish tank.
What’s The Difference Between An Aquarium Filter And An Air Pump?
You might observe that your filter stirs up the water on the tank’s surface. But is there a distinction?
The major one is that your air bubbler won’t clean your tank. Water passes through a variety of media, including sponge, biological, and chemical, as it passes through your filter. It is once again clean after going through all of these media and, in many cases, more.
An air pump, however, lacks these mediums. Even though it moves water similarly to a filter, it unquestionably does not clean it! Your tank can function without a bubbler just fine, but it cannot function without a filter.
Do Bettas Like Air Pumps?
Although you don’t require an air pump, what does your pet think?
Your betta won’t necessarily dislike them just because they aren’t required. For instance, many bettas enjoy playing with the bubbles that an air pump produces. They won’t get tired of this sort of entertainment, and it makes a terrific toy.
Bettas, on the other hand, do not enjoy swiftly moving water. He will become stressed if your air pump disturbs the water too much.
So Do Bettas Need Air Pumps?
Getting an air pump has a lot of fantastic benefits. You can use these for your quarantine tank, an emergency, and to amuse your betta! Even with all these justifications, however, your tank can still function just fine without it.
I’d invest in an air pump merely because they’re so inexpensive, and you can use it in your quarantine tank if your betta doesn’t like it.
However, the decision is yours, and your betta will be fine with or without one!
Can Betta Fish Live Without Air Pump?
Yes, betta fish may survive in an aquarium without an air pump. It is not suggested, though, as it might stress the fish. An air pump serves to aerate the water and create bubbles that will improve the aesthetic appeal of an aquarium.
Additionally, it aids in water circulation to maintain a healthy ecosystem for fish and plants healthy. Although betta fish are known to breathe air, I do not suggest attempting to keep them in water with little oxygen.
Without an air pump, it is still possible to maintain your betta fish alive, but you will need to sometimes stir the water by performing water changes to ensure that it is well-oxygenated. Live plants can also be added because they naturally produce oxygen.
When Should You Use An Air Pump?
Air pumps can considerably raise the level of water quality and are occasionally not only desirable but almost necessary.
Air pumps, specifically, are crucial for safety. You can always purchase an air pump to improve oxygenation and guarantee that your betta is receiving enough oxygen; they are fairly priced. The filter might not function if there is a power outage in your location. However, the air pump works.
Air pumps must be taken into consideration if you use drugs. That’s because some drugs deplete the water’s oxygen content, which lowers the water’s quality. An air pump can indeed be useful for ill fish.
Additionally, air pumps are excellent for hotter climates, particularly in the summer whenever the oxygen levels are at their lowest. Air pumps would promote evaporation, raising oxygen levels. Air pumps are also useful for water that is not as hot.
How can you maintain oxygen levels in the aquarium? Find out more here.
Do Bettas Need Air Bubbles?
A practical mechanical method of raising the oxygen content of tank water is to use air pumps, such as air stones. They essentially force the water to rise from the tank’s bottom, where it contains the most carbon dioxide.
And that contributes to oxygenation. Since this is their primary function, air bubbles can surely increase oxygen levels, but they are not necessary for Bettas. And filters frequently result in improved performances.
A lot of water movement is typically caused by air bubbles, which some Bettas may find to be rather stressful. Additionally, although it is their objective to raise oxygen levels, they are unable to make the water any clearer. On the other hand, filters are better suited for aquariums housing Betta fish because they can accomplish both tasks.
Do Bettas Need A Filter?
Although they can survive without them, filters are highly suggestible for Betta tanks. Filters effectively stir up the surface water, which raises the oxygen levels throughout the tank.
Additionally, since filters keep the water considerably cleaner, they will require less human cleaning and water changes. This benefits the fish as well as their owners, and they don’t require a huge investment.
Although there are many various types of filters available today, they all operate on the same principles. While the water is inside the filter in the tank, it is engaged in several different activities.
The first factor that contributes to water becoming cleaner and clearer is filter media, which traps all the visible particles (such as food particles, fish excrement, and decomposing plant pieces) inside the filter.
Beneficial bacteria that live on both sides of the filter work simultaneously to accomplish their respective tasks. They essentially change the ammonia in discarded fish and food into less harmful compounds like nitrates.
Last but not least, to remove some metals or poisons from the water, tank filters can have carbon or other chemicals added to them as needed. For instance, this is quite beneficial following treatment processes.
One of the inventions for which we are incredibly grateful is the aquarium filter. They will not only keep the tank water cleaner, but they will also produce more oxygen as a result.
How Does Oxygen Exchange Work In Water?
We must first examine how oxygenation circulates in the tank water to comprehend why air pumps may be useful. For the bettas to have access to high-quality water, there must be adequate oxygen circulation.
The betta will receive the majority of its oxygen from the water’s surface, which is also where it enters the water. If there isn’t enough oxygen in the water, you may even see bettas swim out to get more from the air. The water surface is exposed to oxygen more when it is wider or larger. Even so, not all of the water receives oxygen as a result.
Even though the big area is surrounded by oxygen, poor air circulation is still possible. This occurs in still lakes and ponds when the oxygen level at the lake’s bottom is rarely replenished. On the other hand, oxygenation is much better in swift streams and rivers because the surface rocks back and forth, allowing more water to absorb the oxygen from the splashes.
Essentially, that is what air pumps produce.
How Do You Add Oxygen To Aquarium Water?
While there are several mechanical and organic ways to provide oxygen to your aquarium, stirring the water’s surface is the most efficient manual option. Another useful tip is to fill a clean cup with aquarium water and pour it back into the tank from a great height. More oxygen will be produced the farther apart it is.
Water circulation raises oxygen levels. And the more oxygen there is, the more it will circulate. The volume of such work that should be done greatly depends on the size of the tank as well as the number of fish that inhabit there.
Monitoring the behavior of your Betta is a surefire way to tell whether your pet is having trouble getting enough oxygen. If they are continuously reaching for the surface to get air, this is a definite warning.
How To Oxygenate A Betta Tank Without A Bubbler Or Air Pump
There are still ways to oxygenate your Betta tanks, even if you don’t have a bubbler or an air pump. Although we have already discussed this in a prior blog post, we’ll go over the essentials again now.
Increase Oxygen Level with Live Plants
The Earth’s lungs are plants! They ingest carbon dioxide and expel oxygen. All of us, including humans and other animals, need plants to survive correctly. Why not apply this logic to aquariums as well? The oxygen levels around tanks can be greatly increased by using aquatic plants. Additionally, Bettas simply adore being near them.
Originally from tropical regions of the world, betta fish thrive in the warm, shallow water of ponds, rivers, rice paddies, and other similar habitats.
Since these locations are frequently overflowing with different kinds of plants, adding plants to their tanks would undoubtedly make them happy. They enjoy lying on leaves to relax, but they also enjoy playing with plants.
The more aquatic plants you add to your Betta tank, the better, as more oxygen is always better. Just be careful not to overplant your aquarium because that will make it difficult for your Bettas to swim about freely. Fish should always have enough room to move around without any obstructions.
Anubias, guppy grass, hornwort, marimo moss balls, and amazon frogbits are a few plants that are well-known to function well with Betta fish. All of these are simple to maintain and will also make your aquarium appear stunning.
Image | Plants for aquarium | Link |
Java Moss | ![]() |
Amazon Sword | ![]() |
Hornwort | ![]() |
Java Fern | ![]() |
Anubias Petite | ![]() |
Ludwigia Repens | ![]() |
Anacharis | ![]() |
Brazilian Pennywort | ![]() |
Christmas Moss | ![]() |
Cryptocoryne Wendtii | ![]() |
Change The Water Regularly
Cleaning the tank and changing the water regularly is another technique to guarantee that your Betta seems to have enough dissolved oxygen. A water change essentially involves introducing new, oxygen-rich water to the aquarium.
This is crucial if your fish create a significant amount of waste or if your tank is small. A decent rule of thumb is to perform a water change once a week, but if your aquarium is on the smaller side, you might need to do it more frequently.
Use A Wider But Shallower Tank
One method to get away without having a bubbler or air pump in your tank is if you didn’t need one in the first place. This doesn’t apply if you already have your tank.
More oxygen exchange results from a bigger surface area. Because of this, it’s typically advised that you keep labyrinth organ fish, like Bettas, in a broader but shallower aquarium. It’s important to keep in mind that labyrinth fishes regularly surface to breathe, so a larger but deeper tank will make this easier for them.
After all, it will help make sure that there is adequate dissolved oxygen in the water in addition to giving your labyrinth breather more space to swim.
Benefits Of Using Air Pumps For Betta Fish
Having a bubbler and air pump in your Betta aquarium has several benefits. Here, let’s look at a few of the advantages.
Oxygenates The Water
The fact that a bubbler and air pump oxygenate the water and encourage improved gas exchange is one of their key advantages.
This is how carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere and oxygen is dissolved into the water. This is particularly crucial if your tank is huge or the water isn’t adequately oxygenated.
Adds Movement
The addition of surface movement to Betta tanks is another advantage of using bubblers and air pumps. This aids in avoiding standing water, which promotes the formation of dangerous bacteria.
Have you ever noticed the slimy-appearing coating on stagnant water’s surface? Bacterial, fungi and other microorganisms make up this biofilm, which is what it is called. It’s crucial to keep stagnant water away from your fish since these creatures might be dangerous.
Keep the water circulating since stagnant water can encourage the growth of dangerous bacteria.
Circulates The Water
Air bubblers aid with water circulation because they cause movement.
To further assist with this, you may even connect your air pump to a box filter or a sponge filter. The water in the aquarium is cleaned, and any waste that may be present is removed as the aquarium bubbler forces air into the water and draws water through the filter.
This is a fantastic approach to maintaining clean water and healthy fish. It’s crucial in bigger tanks where the quality of water can quickly decline.
Entertains Your Fish
Last but not least, bubblers can keep your fish entertained. Betta fish are considered to be inquisitive animals, so they could like to observe the air bubbles in their aquarium as they float around. Some Bettas even take pleasure in pursuing and riding the bubbles.
How To Tell If A Betta Fish Tank Doesn’t Have Enough Oxygen
There are a few signals to check for if you’re unsure whether your tank contains enough oxygen.
Your Fish Are Gasping At The Water’s Surface
This is an obvious indication that the fish in your tank isn’t getting sufficient oxygen from the water. They are attempting to breathe gaseous air to absorb oxygen; therefore, if they are spending longer at the surface, that explains it.
Your Fish Are Gulping Air
Gasping is distinct from gulping air. A fish opens its mouth and inhales quickly when it gulps air. They typically do this while under stress or when there is not enough oxygen in the water.
Listless And Lethargic
Your fish may not be getting enough oxygen if they appear lonely and bored in their environment.
Gathering Around The Bubbler
Your fish might congregate around a bubbler if you have one in your tank. This happens because they are attempting to extract as much oxygen as they can from the bubbles.
Your Fish Are Dying
It’s the most severe and alarming indication that there is not enough oxygen in your tank. It’s time to act if you’ve seen a high fatality rate.
Can Betta Fish Live Without A Filter In The Bowl?
Even though most bowls cannot fit an average-sized aquarium filter, betta fish can still be successfully kept in fishbowls.
Proper maintenance is essential for your fish to live in such a setting. So much so that many new fish keepers believe that bowls require less maintenance and are less expensive, which causes betta fish to be neglected, resulting in diseases and a shorter lifetime.
The labyrinth organ that allows betta fish to breathe air from the water’s surface is the sole reason they can survive in a bowl without a filter in this situation. However, these simply help the fish breathe; instead, follow this advice to keep your aquarium fish safe:
Make frequent, significant water changes by adding lukewarm water to the bowl 30 percent of the time or at least twice a week. This will prevent poisonous chemicals and waste from entering the fishbowl, which would otherwise kill your betta.
Avoid overfeeding your betta, particularly since a bowl is fairly small, and any leftover food will decompose and create ammonia in the water, which is similar to that produced by fish waste. Your fish will eventually develop ammonia poisoning if there is no filter to remove the ammonia.
Make sure to regularly clean your fishbowl, perhaps even after each water change, and get rid of any debris on the glass, substrate, plants, and decorations.
Live plants can assist your water column to get cleaner in addition to adding a rich green to your bowl, so think about putting one or two in your betta bowl. Even so, watch out that the plant occupies too much of your betta’s already constrained water area.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Do You Oxygenate A Betta Fish Tank?
Using a filter to generate some water movement is the best technique to oxygenate a betta fish aquarium. The water can also be aerated during the day by using live plants in the tank. Without the use of an air pump, these two techniques are sufficient.
How Long Can Betta Fish Live Out Of Water?
If the skin is moist, bettas may survive without water. They can remain for two to four hours in ideal atmospheric conditions, which include chilly, humid air. However, in warmer weather, they can stay for around 30 minutes before drying out.
Can Bettas Live Without An Air Pump?
Yes, your fish do not require an air pump to survive and can survive without one. They can usually live longer than some other fish in environments with low oxygen levels because they have a labyrinth organ that can assist them in difficult circumstances. Hence its existence is not required.
Do Bettas Need A Bubbler?
No, bettas don’t require a bubbler until certain circumstances arise, as we discussed above. As a result, they can be a great addition to your aquarium and provide you with several advantages.
First off, they aren’t expensive to buy, so adding them to your tank won’t cost you anything. They are useful in an emergency or to maintain a properly oxygenated and aerated tank.
If you buy an air pump and install it in your aquarium, pay close attention to how your fish behave. Take out the bubbler if you observe any improvements in their stress level or hunger.
Betta fish make fantastic pets since they are stunning, colorful creatures. They are perfect for people who live in flats or have minimal room because they are reasonably simple to maintain and can be maintained in a tiny tank.
Bettas can survive without a bubbler, but if at all possible, we suggest using one. Bubblers maintain the health of your fish by aerating the water. They also aid in maintaining the water’s purity and clarity.
There are many alternatives available if you can’t afford or don’t want to use a bubbler, including using indoor plants and trying to make sure that the water is changed frequently.