Can Flowerhorn Live With Angelfish?

flowerhorn and angelfish live together

Are you invested in what tankmates your flowerhorn can adapt with, or are you worried if your angelfish can handle a flowerhorn tank mate? Well, if you are, then you have come to the perfect place. We have got a way to solve all your issues regarding this matter. Can flowerhorn live with angelfish? Let’s find out!

Flowerhorns are not very compatible with Angelfish. These cichlids are already very difficult to pair up with even their own species sometimes because of their aggressive nature. So, it is ten times more difficult when it comes to other species, especially angelfish, because of its size and nature and many other things. What? Do you still want to try it out? Well, read this article to find out about other things that make them so incompatible.

Now get your pen and paper and note some stuff down because we are going to save you from getting an innocent fish killed. 

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Reasons For Failure Of Flowerhorn Living With Angelfish

There are several reasons why this Flowerhorn and Angelfish duo is never going to work. We need to educate ourselves about the seriousness of this situation. Hence these are some of the reasons that I find the most important to note down.

Size Difference Of The Species

When it comes to Flowerhorns, even some of the bigger species struggle to survive with flowerhorns, especially the peaceful ones like Angelfish and goldfish. Flowehorns are much bigger than angelfish and can be a serious threat to these fish because they can quite literally make them disappear in a second (by gobbling them up).

Flowerhorns are big aggressive fish, and angel fish are medium-sized (smaller) peaceful fish. There are just so many things that could go wrong with this dynamic, and whatever the result is, the angelfish will always be the one suffering.

The Temperament Of The Species

As we all may know by now, Flowerhorns can be very aggressive to any fish that are smaller than them in size. Flowerhorns can have several frequent temper tantrums and displays of aggression. A Flowerhorn cichlid is quite territorial and will attack anyone that tries to pose a threat to its personal space in the slightest bit.

It will try to hurt other fish mostly when it feels like its territory is in danger or is being invaded. Flowerhorns can and will traumatize if not eat or kill the Angelfish for the rest of its life. 

And flowerhorns can still bully a smaller fish even if it is not going through a personal space issue or any issue at all except inheriting aggression.

Compatibility Of The Species

Angelfish are very peaceful creatures, and flowerhorns are obviously not, so the lack of compatibility is a bit given in this case. Like I said before, flowerhorns are very difficult to get along with their own kind, let alone a different one. 

Angelfish are more compatible with other middle-sized fish like the Boesemani Rainbow Fish, the Corydoras Catfish, Dwarf  Gourami, etc., and flowerhorns can somewhat tolerate fish like the oscar fish, plecos, bichir, etc.

There is mostly no chance for Flowerhorn and Angelfish to have a friendly relationship. The only relationship dynamic that these two species can ever succeed in having is the predator and the prey.

Stress Levels

Even if the Angelfish survives living with a Flowerhorn that has displayed aggressive behavior before, its stress levels might be high the entire time. The need to keep its guard up and be able to escape from another potential attack will keep the Angelfish anxious the entire time. Even if the Flowerhorn does not kill the Angelfish, the constant stress and fear might

Some stress symptoms in Angelfish are:

Abnormal swimming patterns 

  • Mainly, weird swimming patterns are developed by fish that are stressed. They swim a bit vertically, without a proper direction, or crash into the aquarium structures, substrate, or decor.
  • Diseases: Fish diseases mostly attack stressed fish quicker, like the ich and the white spots disease.
  • Appetite: Losing appetite is a common sign of stress.

Unfulfilled Requirements

Unfulfilled requirements like lack of space and bad quality of water can also cause more or more frequent anger outbursts in Flowerhorn cichlids. Not providing the fish with proper living conditions will stress both the species out and make success even more difficult.

Can Angelfish Live With Flowerhorn?

Nope. It takes a miracle to get a Flowerhorn and an Angelfish to maintain a friendly bond. We do acknowledge the fact that with the right guidelines, anything is possible. But I do not think there are any pre-existing guidelines to make this relationship work. We advise you to stop what you are doing with these fish immediately, but if you still want to go ahead and test your luck, then here are some tips and tricks to maybe work this out.


The flowerhorn alone needs a very big tank, and it will need double the space with a tank mate. How to turn this back? 200 gallons is the size recommended to keep Flowerhorn cichlid and an Angelfish together. The farther they are from each other, the better, so you are always welcome to go bigger than that.

Proper Living Conditions

Providing proper living conditions is another way to create less tension and avoid confrontations. Make sure you do regular water changes and do not just depend on your filter to keep the water clean. Make sure the pH of your water is balanced enough for both species to thrive.


The Angelfish will need a lot of hiding spots to survive, so getting a lot of plants, rock caves that the angelfish can fit in and the Flowerhorn can’t, and some wooden structures that the angelfish can hide in.

Making the tank’s substrate close to the Angelfish’s natural habitat might help the fish feel a bit relieved and at home. The fish’s natural habitat consists of a fine substrate and a lot of live plants.


First of all, Flowerhorns are more aggressive when it is meal time. They are the most likely to attack other fish during feeding time (typical flowerhorn behavior). Second of all, if not fed properly, Flowerhorns are more likely to just eat their tank mate instead. Yikes! 

So, to avoid the first problem, you can shift the Flowerhorn to another tank or create a separative wall between the two fish during feeding time to avoid any potential confrontation.

And for the second problem, you need to just feed your Flowerhorn in time, give these fish a proper diet and just pray that your Angelfish does not become the next meal.

Teach Them Young

If you already have an Angelfish, get a Flowerhorn that is still a bit smaller than a regular medium-sized fish and young but can take care of itself. Flowerhorns are more likely to be less aggressive, so they might just grow used to an adult angelfish that is bigger than it. 

If you are lucky, the Flowerhorn might just always see the Angelfish as a bigger, stronger fish. This happens very rarely, though, so try at your own risk. We recommend not trying at all, though. 

How To Fix This?

Now then, have you already made the mistake of getting your Flowerhorn an Angelfish tank mate? Have your Angelfish been displaying several signs of stress, and are you panicking after getting this far to our article?

Well, fear not because we can fix this as long as your Angelfish is still alive.

Follow these steps to save your angelfish from any more suffering.

Step No. 1: Shift To Another Tank

Please shift that Flowerhorn to another tank. Keep these fish apart by building a separative opaque wall in between them. Opaque because even visual interaction can cause aggression in your Flowerhorn and stress in your Angelfish.

Step No. 2: Proper Diet, Care, And Attention

Give your Angelfish extra proper diet, care, and attention for it to recover better. You can also bring the fish some peaceful medium-sized tankmates if you choose the second separation method of shifting the flowerhorn to another tank. This will be a great use of space and a great opportunity for your Angelfish to live a better life.

Some Tank Mate Recommendations

Here are some amazing tank mate recommendations to motivate you to get your Flowerhorn and Angelfish tank mates other than each other.

15 Best Tank Mates For Flowerhorns

  • Oscar Fish
  • Silver Arowana
  • Bristlenose plecos 
  • Spotted Hoplo catfish
  • Plecos
  • Big Cichlids
  • Bichir
  • Midas CIchlids
  • Jaguar Cichlids
  • Wolf Cichlids
  • Pacu Fish
  • Texas Cichlids
  • Green Terror Cichlids
  • Acara Cichlids
  • Three Spot Cichlids

15 Best Tank Mates For Angelfish

  • Boesemani Rainbow Fish
  • Dwarf Gourami 
  • Praecox Rainbow Fish
  • Platies 
  • Kribensis 
  • Zebra Loaches 
  • Mollies 
  • Bushynose Pleco
  • Ram Cichlids
  • Bristlenose Pleco
  • Platy Fish
  • Swordtails
  • Molly Fish
  • Guppy Fish
  • Keyhole Cichlids

Food Recommendations 

Here are some food recommendations for your Flowerhorns and Angelfish because proper food is a must to avoid unnecessary conflicts in your community aquarium.

Best Food For Flowerhorns

Best Food For Angelfish 

  • Cichlids flake 
  • Protein-rich pellets 
  • Frozen or dried bloodworms 
  • Black worms 
  • Brine shrimp
  • Mysis shrimp 
  • White worms
  • Daphnia
  • Mealworms feeder guppies
  • Small insects
  • Crustaceans.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Can We Keep 2 Flowerhorns Together?

Yes. Well, mostly yes, we should be able to keep these two fish of the same species together even though there have been a lot of instances of flowerhorns not being able to stay together. But these cichlids do have the potential to live together. Flowerhorn cichlids can live with a mate and also with other Flowerhorn friends.

Are Angelfish Hard To Keep? 

No, they don’t need a lot of effort, and their tank requirements are very basic. Having a heater and a filter is a must. Angelfish do not require much tank space either; 20-30 gallons is enough.

How Many Gallons Do You Need For 5 Angelfish?

An average Angelfish needs about 20- 30 gallons of water which means that 5 Angelfish will need about 100-150 gallons of water.

Can I Keep An Angelfish Alone?

Yes, but it’s not recommended as Angelfish are the best in community tanks, mostly happier with tank mates of their own kind. It can get stressed and even depressed alone because its natural habit is to live in a school.

What Two Fish Make A Flowerhorn?

The Flowerhorn cichlid falls under hybrid species; it is known that the original. Parent species are the Red Devil cichlids, Blood Parrot Cichlid, and the Trimac cichlids. All of these fish were originally from Malaysia, and then later, they were bred, thus creating the Flowerhorn fish.

How Big Does Flowerhorn Grow?

Flowerhorn fish can grow very large, and some giant breeds can grow even larger. These fish can grow up to 16 inches, mostly depending on their type. Some Smaller Flowerhorns, like Bonsa or Balooni, grow up to 6 inches, whereas some bigger ones can grow up to 16 inches. Male Flowerhorn cichlids are larger than female flowerhorns..

Can Angelfish Kill Each Other?

Although it’s very rare, there is a chance of cichlids killing each other. Cichlids are known to be aggressive and Angelfish and also carry some of the typical cichlid temperament and behavior with them.

Angelfish might sometimes kill each other. The possibility is low but they can be territorial and can mostly fight for dominance, but normally stop before seriously injuring each other.

How Many Angelfish In A 40 Gallon Tank?

A regular Angelfish needs 20 gallons of space, so 40 gallons should be enough to house 2 Angelfish. Stress can be caused if more than two fishes are tagged in a 40-gallon tank.

What Do Flowerhorns Eat?

Flowerhorn can honestly eat almost anything you offer them, from brine shrimps to small worms to a whole fish to your finger. But live and dried food, like small insects and brine shrimp, is recommended. It is also important to keep a protein-rich pellet for Flowerhorns. They also like some vegetables, like boiled peas (without shells), zucchini and cucumber.


Flowerhorns and Angelfish are not meant to be tank mates, but who are we to stop you if you still want to give it a try? I hope our advice and tips helped you to educate yourself and find more clarity.

Now go ahead and make your decision while keeping everything that we have mentioned in this article in mind. Good luck!