Why Is My Flowerhorn Fish Not Eating Food At All?

flowerhorn not eating

Are you having trouble feeding your flowerhorn fish? Have you been noticing that your unique hybrid flowerhorn fish is now not eating its food like it used to? These fishes like to devour and digest any food. Sometimes, these fish do not eat their regular foods.

The major cause of this problem is either a bacterial infection, or your flowerhorn fish might be stressed. Another cause might be that your flowerhorn is a picky eater. Try feeding your flowerhorn fish with varieties of flowerhorn foods. As they say, the more varieties of food you feed to your flowerhorn fish, the more vibrant color and growth you might experience in your flowerhorn fish. 

Your flowerhorn fish might not be eating due to irregular water parameters, stress, bad tankmates, environment changes, and much more. You can maintain the water parameters and add up hiding spaces to solve this problem. We will talk further in detail about this in the article. 

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7+ Reasons And Solutions Why Your Flowerhorn Fish Is Not Eating

The following points might be the possible problems for your flowerhorn fish:

Irregular Water Parameters

Flowerhorn fishes can only eat and survive in certain water parameters. Your flowerhorn can only eat and digest properly in the stress-free environment of your tank. Your irregular water parameters in your tank might be the reason for your flowerhorn fish to not eat at all. 

Water parameters such as water type, ammonia and nitrate level, nitrite level, TDS level, and temperature should be properly checked. A brief description of water parameters for your flowerhorn fish is given below:

Water type

Your flowerhorn requires slightly hard, slow-flowing freshwater. You can also use tap/well water. 

However, you have to test it with a water testing kit as tap water contains harmful chlorine that stresses your flowerhorn fish.

Water Hardness

Your flowerhorn prefers hard water rather than soft water. The average water hardness should be 8-20 dGH.  


Generally, a pH value of 7- 8 is acceptable for your flowerhorn fish. The pH value maintains the acidity in your flowerhorn tank.


Your flowerhorn requires warm water temperature i.e, 78 to 84 F (25 to 29 C). Make sure you check the water temperature of your flowerhorn fish from time to time.

Ammonia And Nitrate

Ammonia and Nitrate levels are toxic to your flowerhorn. Overstocking is the major cause of the increase in ammonia and nitrate level in your tank. 

You can remove ammonia and nitrate by performing frequent water changes and using canister filters.

You can have the following plus points in Penn Plax Aquarium Cascade Canister Filter

  • 360-degree rotation
  • Quick push button
  • Affordable price for canister filters

Low Oxygen Level

Low Oxygen level in your tank is a very serious issue for your flowerhorn fish. You will notice that your flowerhorn will not eat and swim properly because of the low oxygen level in your tank.


The main cause of low oxygen levels in your fish is overstocking. Overstocking is the excess feeding to your fish. This causes excess waste in your tank, the formation of algae, increase in ammonia and nitrate level in your tank. 

Overgrowth of Algae takes up the dissolved oxygen required for your flowerhorn fish. The increase in ammonia and nitrate will kill your flowerhorn fish.

Another cause might be the increase in water temperature in your tank. The Increase in water temperature in the tank vaporizes the dissolved oxygen required for your flowerhorn.


  • You should regularly clean your tank with a proper water testing kit. API 5-IN-1 TEST STRIPS Freshwater and Saltwater Aquarium Test Strips 100-Count Box is easy to use and cheap to carry out.
  • HOB Filter or Air pump can be used to treat low oxygen levels in the tank.TEEMO Aquarium Groot Air Bubbler Decorations can be a good option for your flowerhorn tank as it makes better aesthetic air bubbles as well as look beautiful.
  • You can put some ice cubes in a zipped bag holding it to decrease the water temperature.
  • Common algae scraping tools help to clean algae in your tank.

Fluctuation In Temperature

Generally, the water temperature changes usually in an aquarium tank due to dynamic weather in your surrounding. 

Flowerhorn fish like to swim and eat in warmer temperatures of 78 to 84 F (25 to 29 C). Below or above these water temperatures might occur difficulties for flowerhorn fish to eat their food.

Try adding a thermometer to your tank to know the water temperature in your tank frequently.

hygger Saltwater Tank Titanium Tube Submersible Pinpoint Aquarium Heater with Digital Thermostat, IC Temp Controller 200 Watt can be the best option for your tank. You should maintain the water temperature from 78 to 84 F (25 to 29 C).

Prone To Diseases

A healthy flowerhorn fish loves to eat any food. Is your flowerhorn healthy? Another reason for your flowerhorn fish to not eat at all might be that your flowerhorn is suffering from diseases. Such as worms in the stomach, tuberculosis, bloat or dropsy, internal diseases like tumors, ICH(White Spot Disease), etc.


  • Separate your flowerhorn fish having dropsy. Add Epsom salt of ⅛ teaspoon for every 5 gallons of water to cure dropsy in your flowerhorn fish. Amazon Brand – Solimo Epsom Salt Soak, Magnesium Sulfate USP, 8 Pound works best.
  • Epsom Salt/Garlic also helps to prevent the worms in your flowerhorn fish.

What Actions Should We Take When Flowerhorn Have A Parasitic Infection, Gills Related Diseases?

The following points should be considered to get rid of this problem. 

  • Step 1: Ocean Free Gill Fungus Parasite 1 cup should be added to the flowerhorn tank. This medicine helps your flowerhorn fish who is prone to parasites gill related diseases.
  • Step 2: You should provide heat to the tank using a heater, maintaining the temperature at 28 degrees celsius.
  • Step 3: Wait 2-4 days for the result. Then you should try to feed the flowerhorn with the food its likes.


The stress in flowerhorn fish can be very serious. Your flowerhorn fish often do not eat if it is showing signs of stress. 

Stress is caused by poor water conditions, troubles with tank mates, disturbances to your flowerhorn fishes like loud noises or music, etc., and much more.


  • Regular water changes, use of filters need to be used for maintaining water quality. It helps your flowerhorn to properly eat and digest their foods. 
  • Tankmates have to be of your flowerhorn size and not fight over food while feeding.
  • Disturbances mainly scare your flowerhorn. Therefore, you should feed your flowerhorn without any disturbances.

How Do Decorations Affect Your Flowerhorn?

Decorations are required to comfort and maintain stress levels in your flowerhorn fish. Flowerhorn tends to hide and rest behind the driftwood or rocks to comfort himself. You can use driftwood, mixed gravels, and lights in your tank.

Some of the best decor items that I can never get enough of suggesting are:

Make sure you boil these new items when you insert them into the tank. In order to keep your tank from not changing its nitrogen cycle and stop your fish from infection, you have to sterilize these decor items.

Environment Change

Your new flowerhorn will be scared when you place them in a new tank or new environment.

It is a completely new world for your flowerhorn fish when you place them in a new tank. 

No need to worry; your flowerhorn takes some days or weeks to adjust and properly eat in your new tank.

If your flowerhorn does not eat regular pellets for many weeks, try slowly feeding rich protein live foods like frozen bloodworms or shrimps.

Expired Fish Diet

The use of expiry pellets and other expired flowerhorn fish food products are also the reason for your flowerhorn fish to not eat at all. 

You should always feed the best high-quality regular flowerhorn food, i.e., pellets to your flowerhorn.

NOTE: Feeding your flowerhorn with expired food might kill your fish.

Excessive Lighting

Excessive lighting causes stress to your flowerhorn fish and contributes to the small formation of algae in your tank. If there is too much bright light, your flowerhorn may have difficulties eating his food and may hide behind the rocks or woods. 


  • Use white LED or fluorescent lighting for 8 hours a day only. Most big tanks come with their own lighting system but if you need one recommendation, I would suggest MingDak LED Aquarium Plant Light, as this comes with adjustable lights.
  • If your flowerhorn is hiding behind the rocks instead of eating, try turning off the artificial lights. Room light or sunlight may be sufficient for your flowerhorn.

Overcrowded Tank

If you have many flowerhorn tank mates in a small single tank, your flowerhorn will experience long-term stress. You will experience a more aggressive nature and toxicity in your flowerhorn fish. 

In addition, your flowerhorn fish may suffer from immunity-related diseases like fungal and bacterial infections, which leads your flowerhorn not to eat at all.

Other overcrowding diseases include fin erosion, kidney disease, white-spot diseases, etc.

How Does Overcrowded Tank Cause Stress In Your Flowerhorn?

Overcrowding can increase the ammonia and nitrate level in your tank, which causes stress to your flowerhorn and not eat at all.


  • It is better to use a separate single tank for your flowerhorn fish.
  • As flowerhorn requires larger space, double your tank size if u wish to add new flowerhorn fish.

Flowerhorn’s Appetite

Feeding a proper diet to your flowerhorn also affects the growth and development of their hump and body. Flowerhorn fishes are not picky with their food. These fishes are carnivorous fishes that love to eat any dry or live foods. Generally, these fishes eat pellets, earthworms, tiny fish, frozen bloodworms, etc. You can choose the following brands:

Some FAQs

Why Is My Flowerhorn Fish Seems Bloated?

Your flowerhorn fish might be prone to bacterial infections. Improper Water quality, overstocking, and stress are the causes of bacterial infection. Therefore, your fish may seem bloated, and stop eating.

Can You Feed Cichlid Flakes Instead Of Pellets?

 Yes, you can try cichlid flakes. They are easier to eat than pellets which are good for your flowerhorn fish. Always try to feed your flowerhorn with the best quality products.

Why Is My Flowerhorn Losing Appetite?

Your flowerhorn fish is suffering from stress. Your flowerhorn might be suffering from diseases. You can add aquarium salt to your tank to reduce stress on your fish.

My New Flowerhorn Just Sits In The Corner Of The Tank. Why?

Your flowerhorn might be adjusting to your new aquarium. Do not spook him when he is eating. 


Flowerhorn fish keepers should try to feed their flowerhorn with varieties of flowerhorn fish foods. Regular same pellets might not work every time. The feeding of varieties of fish diets is directly affecting positively in their growth and development of their hump and escalates more vibrant colors in their body.

If your flowerhorn fish is suffering from fatal fish disease, it is better to consult a nearby aquarium fish-keeping expert. 

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