Flowerhorn Skin Peeling: Causes, Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment

flowerhorn skin peeling

When you are first getting into the hobby of keeping flowerhorns, there are a few things that you need to be aware of. The first thing is that these fish can get sick easily, and some of the common symptoms include skin peeling, swollen eyes, and more. In this blog post, we will take a look at the causes, symptoms, prevention, and treatment of skin peeling of flowerhorn. We will also discuss good tank mates and water filtration methods that you can use to keep your fish healthy.

In short, the main cause of these diseases is poor water quality. This can be caused by a number of factors, including temperature, pH level, hardness level, and other parameters. It is important to maintain the proper levels in your tank so that your fish can stay healthy.

One of the best ways to prevent these diseases is to quarantine new fish before adding them to your main tank. This will allow you to treat them if they are sick and keep them from infecting the other fish.

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About Flowerhorn Skin Peeling And Its Causes

Flowerhorn fish are prone to getting skin peeling, and there can be a number of causes for this. The most common cause is poor water quality, followed by incorrect water temperature and pH levels. Other factors that can contribute to skin peeling include stress, diet, and bad tank mates.

Bad Tank Mates

One of the main causes of skin peeling in flowerhorns is bad tank mates. Some fish that are incompatible with flowerhorns include goldfish, cichlids and other aggressive fish. If you have any of these fish in your tank, it can lead to stress and skin problems for your flowerhorn.

Water Quality

Another cause of skin peeling is poor water quality. This can be caused by a number of things, including overfeeding, not cleaning the tank properly, and using tap water that contains chlorine or other chemicals.

Water Temperature

The third most common cause of skin peeling is incorrect water temperature. Flowerhorns need to have a water temperature between 78 to 84 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature is too low, it can lead to skin problems.

Bad Filtration

If you don’t have a good water filter, it can also lead to poor water quality and skin problems. A good water filter will help remove harmful toxins and chemicals from the water and keep the tank clean.

Not Quarantining New Fish

When you are adding new fish to your tank, it is important to quarantine them first. This will help to prevent any diseases from spreading to your other fish.


There are a few things that you can do to prevent your flowerhorn from getting sick. The first thing is to quarantine new fish before adding them to your tank. This will help to ensure that they are free from diseases.

You should also maintain good water quality by doing regular water changes and using a good water filter. You should also make sure that the temperature of the water is correct and within the range for flowerhorns.

Water Quality

One of the best ways to maintain good water quality is to do regular water changes. You should change about 20% of the water in your tank every week. This will help to remove any toxins or chemicals that may be present in the water. You should also use a good water filter to remove any impurities from the water.

Water Temperature

Another important factor in preventing disease is maintaining the correct water temperature. Flowerhorns need a water temperature between 78 to 84 degrees Fahrenheit. If the temperature is too low, it can lead to skin problems.

You can use hygger Saltwater Tank Titanium Tube Submersible Pinpoint Aquarium Heater with Digital Thermostat. This will help your tank to be under the temperature that it needs to.


It is important to feed your flowerhorn a healthy diet that contains all of the necessary nutrients. You should avoid overfeeding, as this can lead to poor water quality and other health problems.

pH Level

The pH level of the water is also important for preventing disease. Flowerhorns need a pH level between six and eight. If the pH level is too low, it can lead to skin problems.

To keep the ph in your flowerhorn tank between 7 and 8, I recommend using API PROPER pH 7.0 Freshwater Aquarium Water pH Stabilizer.

Hardness Level

The hardness level of the water is also important for flowerhorns. They need a hardness level between 8 and 20 dGH. If the hardness level is too low, it can lead to skin problems.

Other Parameters

There are other parameters that you need to maintain in order to keep your flowerhorn healthy. These include ammonia levels, nitrite levels, and nitrate levels in the water. You should test the water regularly to make sure that these levels are within the correct range.


If your flowerhorn does develop skin peeling, there are a few things that you can do to treat it. The first is to improve the water quality in your tank. You can do this by doing regular water changes and using a good water filter.

Good Tank Mates

One of the best ways to prevent your flowerhorn from getting sick is to choose good tank mates. Some good choices for tank mates include other flowerhorns, angels, and plecos.

Good Water Filtration

A good water filter is an important part of keeping your tank healthy. A good water filter will remove any impurities from the water and help to maintain good water quality.


If your flowerhorn does develop a skin infection, you can treat it with kanamycin. Kanamycin is a powerful antibiotic that can kill many types of bacteria. Seachem KanaPlex Fungal & Bacterial Fish Disease is a good liquid droplet that could work better for the skin peeling.


Another antibiotic that can be used to treat skin infections in fish is amoxicillin. Amoxicillin is safe for use in fish and can kill a wide range of bacteria.

Remove Dead Fish Quickly

If you have any dead fish in your tank, it is important to remove them quickly. Dead fish can release toxins into the water which can harm the other fish in your tank.

Maintain Ph Of the Water

The second is to adjust the pH level and temperature of the water. You can do this by using a pH adjusting kit or an aquarium heater. The third is to give your fish antibiotics such as kanamycin or amoxicillin. These antibiotics will help to treat any infections that may be present in the fish’s skin.


Flowerhorn skin peeling can be caused by a number of different things, including stress, poor water quality, and bad tank mates. There are a few things that you can do to prevent your flowerhorn from getting sick, including quarantining new fish, maintaining good water quality, and keeping the temperature of the water within the correct range.

If your flowerhorn does develop skin problems, there are a few treatments that you can try, including improving water quality, using antibiotics, and removing dead fish quickly.

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