11 Reasons Why Flowerhorn Turn Black: Stress, Tankmates, and More

flowerhorn turn black

Have you ever noticed that your Flowerhorn’s colors seem to be fading? Even worse, it is turning black. Is your flowerhorn going to die? Or can you stop this from happening? This can be a sign that the fish is under stress. We will discuss some of the reasons why Flowerhorn turn black, as well as ways to reduce stress and improve color.

Flowerhorns are beautiful fish, and many people enjoy keeping them in their tanks. However, one of the most common problems that tank owners face is when their Flowerhorn turns black. This can be due to a number of factors, including stress, age, water quality, and more.

In this blog post, we will discuss the various reasons why Flowerhorns turn black and how you can prevent it from happening or fix the problem if it has already occurred.

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Reasons Why Flowerhorns Turn Black

Flowerhorn is colorful species with a range of different hues ranging from orange, blue, and much more. You might have issues with the color of the flowerhorn in many cases. A flowerhorn can lose color or turn pale, yellow, or black. All these are the impact of stress or diseases. Let us check why your flowerhorn might be turning out to be black.


One of the most common reasons why Flowerhorns turn black is aging. As fish age, their colors will often fade, and they may even lose some of their color patterns. This is completely normal and is not something that you should be concerned about unless the fish appears to be unhealthy in other ways.


Stress is another common reason why Flowerhorns turn black. There are a number of things that can cause stress in fish, including poor water quality, incompatible tank mates, lack of hiding spots, and more.

If your fish is under stress, you may notice that its colors begin to fade, or it may even lose its color patterns completely. In some cases, the fish may also develop black patches on its body.

You can add some hiding spaces and good tank mates to decrease the amount of stress your flower horn may have to face. Some of my suggestions are:

Adding New Tankmates

One of the most common mistakes that people make when keeping Flowerhorns is adding new tankmates without properly acclimating them first.

This can cause a lot of stress for the fish and may even lead to aggression from the new fish. If you add new fish to your tank, be sure to acclimate them properly and give them plenty of time to adjust to their new surroundings.

Incompatible/Abusive Tankmates

Another common reason why Flowerhorns turn black is due to incompatible or abusive tank mates. If you have fish in your tank that is not getting along, this can cause a lot of stress for the Flowerhorn.

In some cases, the Flowerhorn may even become aggressive towards its tank mates and may start to turn black as a result.

Some of the best tankmates for the flowerhorn are:


If your tank is overcrowded, it can also lead to stress in the fish and may cause them to turn black. This is because overpopulation can often lead to poor water quality and lack of space.

If you find that your tank is getting overcrowded, you may need to remove some of the fish or add more filtration to help improve the water quality.

Poor Water Parameters

Another common reason for Flowerhorns turning black is due to poor water parameters. If your tank has high levels of ammonia or nitrites, this can cause stress and may even lead to death.

It is important to test your water regularly and make sure that the levels are within the acceptable range. You can also add a water conditioner to help remove these toxins from the water.

the pH of the water 7.0 to 8.0 
The hardness of the water 8 to 20 dGH 
The temperature of the water 78 to 84 F (25 to 29 C)

Excessive Lighting

Excessive lighting can also cause stress in fish and may even lead to fading of colors. If you find that your fish are constantly hiding or seem stressed, you may need to reduce the amount of light that is hitting your tank.

MingDak LED Aquarium Plant Light is the best one for your flowerhorn tank.

Lack Of Hiding Spots

If your tank does not have enough hiding spots, this can also lead to stress in the fish. Flowerhorns need a place to hide when they feel scared or stressed, and if they do not have many places to go, they may start to turn black.

Adding more decorations or plants to your tank can help create more hiding spots for the fish.

Lack Of Space

Another common reason for stress in fish is lack of space. If you have too many fish in a small tank, it can cause them to become stressed and may even lead to death.

If you find that your tank is overcrowded, you may need to either remove some of the fish or upgrade to a larger tank. SeaClear Acrylic Combo Aquarium could be an affordable option because it includes an aquarium, reflector, and electrical 24″ light fixture.

Bright Substrate, Decor, Or Background On The Tank

If you have a brightly colored substrate, decor, or background on your tank, this can also cause stress in the fish. This is because the bright colors can often be too overwhelming for them and may make them feel scared or stressed.

If you find that your tank is too bright, you may want to consider covering up some of the brighter surfaces with plants or dark-colored decorations.

Fluctuations In Water Temperature

Water temperature fluctuations can also cause stress in fish and may lead to fading of colors. If your tank is constantly changing temperatures, this can be very stressful for the fish and may even lead to death.

It is important to keep the temperature of your tank stable and within the acceptable range for the fish that you are keeping. You can do this by using a heater or thermometer to help regulate the temperature.

hygger Saltwater Tank Titanium Tube Submersible Pinpoint Aquarium Heater with Digital Thermostat, IC Temp Controller 200 Watt can be the best option for your tank. Maintain the water temperature from 78 to 84 F (25 to 29 C).

If you are not keeping the temperature of your tank stable, or if it is constantly changing, this can also be very stressful for the fish. This is because most fish require a specific water temperature in order to thrive, and if that temperature is not maintained, they may start to turn black.

Poor Diet

A poor diet is another common reason for Flowerhorns turning black. If you are not feeding your fish a well-balanced diet, this can cause them to become malnourished and may even lead to death.

It is important to feed your fish a variety of different foods that contain all of the nutrients that they need. You can also supplement their diet with vitamins and minerals if needed.

The best healthy diets you can feed your flowerhorn cichlid are as follows. The following brands are cichlid specific too:

Other than these, you can also use,

Low Oxygen Levels

If the oxygen levels in your tank are low, this can also cause stress in the fish and may lead to death.

You can improve the oxygen levels in your tank by adding an air pump or airstone.

Excessive Noise

Excessive noise can also be a cause of stress for fish and may lead to them turning black. If your tank is in a room where there is a lot of noise, this can be very stressful for the fish and may make them turn black.

If you find that your tank is too noisy, you may want to consider moving it to a quieter area or adding some sound-absorbing material to the tank.

How To Improve Flowerhorn Color By Reducing Stress?

There are several things that you can do to help reduce stress in your Flowerhorn and improve its color.

  • One of the best ways to reduce stress is by providing plenty of hiding spots for the fish. You can do this by adding more decorations or plants to your tank.
  • Another way to reduce stress is by adding more space for the fish. If you have a large tank, this will help reduce the amount of stress that the fish experience.
  • You can also improve the water quality in your tank and make sure that it is within the acceptable parameters for Flowerhorns. This can help reduce stress and may prevent them from turning black.
  • If you are keeping noise levels down in your home, this can also help reduce stress in your Fish.


Q: Why do Flowerhorns need hiding spots?

A: Hiding spots are important for fish because they provide a place for the fish to feel safe and secure. This can help reduce stress and may prevent them from turning black.

Q: What is the ideal water temperature for Flowerhorns?

A: The ideal water temperature for Flowerhorns is between 78-85 degrees Fahrenheit.

Q: How often should I feed my Flowerhorn?

A: You should feed your Flowerhorn twice a day, once in the morning and once at night.

Q: How Can I Make My Flowerhorn Red?

A: There are several things that you can do to make your Flowerhorn red.

One of the best ways to improve color is by providing a well-balanced diet. You can do this by feeding your fish a variety of different foods that contain all of the nutrients that they need.

You can also supplement their diet with vitamins and minerals if needed. Another way to improve color is by adding more space for the fish. If you have a large tank, this will help reduce the amount of stress that the fish experience.

You can also improve the water quality in your tank and make sure that it is within the acceptable parameters for Flowerhorns. This can help reduce stress and may prevent them from black.


While there are many reasons why Flowerhorns may turn black, most of these issues can be resolved by reducing stress in the fish. There are several things that you can do to help achieve this, such as providing plenty of hiding spots, adding more space, and improving water quality. If you are able to reduce stress in your Flowerhorn, this will help improve its color and health.

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