How Long Can Flowerhorn Live Without Water?

how long can flowerhorn live without water

Do you have a pet, Flowerhorn? If so, you must be wondering how long you can keep the Flowerhorn outside the tank while changing its water. How Long Can Flowerhorn Live Without Water? Don’t worry; we got you.

Flowerhorns can survive without water for two to three minutes only. It is recommended not to keep them outside water at all, and you will know why when you read more. There is so much to why flowerhorns are supposed to be held in water at all times. Changing water while doing that can be difficult. We are here to help you out with that and so much more.

Read more to help yourself out.

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How Do Fish Breathe In The Water?

When you grasp how fish survive in the water, it is simpler to comprehend why flowerhorns cannot.

Like humans, fish must breathe in oxygen to survive. If you’ve ever had an aquarium, it’s likely that you have an aerator for the fish’s water. Its function was to add oxygen to the water so that the fish could continue to breathe. Unlike humans, fish have a separate respiratory system. All of the water that a fish breathes in is processed by its gills. Near the gill surface, there are few blood vessels. By removing oxygen from the water and releasing waste, these vessels function.

The way that lungs and gills function is relatively similar. The main distinction is that, unlike human lungs, which separate the oxygen from other gasses in the air and keep it, this process involves absorbing atmospheric oxygen. As a result, when you remove a fish from the water, you will notice that its gills are constantly expanding and contracting as it tries to breathe. Despite being surrounded by oxygen, they can no longer use it.

The distinctions between different fish species are found in how they breathe on land. The gills and respiratory systems of some fish will shut down in a matter of seconds. Some people have a few days of life. They are able to accomplish this because they can either store oxygen inside of them until they return to the water or absorb it via their skin.

For many fish, whether or not their gills remain moist is crucial. While their gills are still wet, they can at least partially continue to take some oxygen. A fish will, however, pass away considerably more quickly if it jumps out of an aquarium and lands on something absorbent.

How Long Can Flowerhorn Live Without Water?

Pets fish like Flowerhorns have small bodies and fragile gills, so they won’t survive very long without water. Although Flowerhorns can typically survive a minute or two without water, It is a must to keep them in water at all times.

Because even a minute without water can be very bad for the Flowerhorn.

A Flowerhorn cichlid’s gills would typically arch and collapse while it is out of the water since it cannot locate oxygen the way it is intended to. 

This fish will suffocate to death when removed from the water, sometimes in a matter of seconds, even though it is debatable whether they experience significant agony.

The maximum time a flowerhorn can endure without water is 30 mins to an hour at max. When he is introduced back to the water at the 40-minute mark, his odds of life are incredibly small. But if you find him early enough, you should put him back in his tank right away.

Many Flowerhorns can survive for a while even though they lack the proper anatomical structure to draw oxygen straight from the air. Although you might be wondering if your aquarium fish can survive without water, their native habitat is in water.

Flowerhorn fish will begin to suffocate and eventually die if removed from their natural environment, from which they are built to absorb oxygen. In the end, a fish cannot live permanently without water. It won’t be long until it starts to suffocate.

Things To Do Before Changing Water

So it is very important to change water carefully without causing any harm to the Flowerhorn, and here are some things we advise you to prepare before getting to the main process of changing the water.

You must first shut off all power to the aquarium. This includes the filter, heater, and lights.

The tank’s ornaments and pebbles must then be removed so that they may be cleaned separately.

After removing the ornaments and rocks, you can start siphoning the old water.

It is crucial to use a de-chlorinator to remove any chlorine from the water before adding fresh water to the tank.

Fish and other aquatic animals may suffer injury from chlorine. To further help eliminate any contaminants from the water, you can also add a conditioner.

How Long Is The Airway Capacity Of Flowerhorn Fish?

Flowerhorns can breathe air oxygen as long as their membranes are moist, allowing them to survive outside of water. It makes gas exchange easier. If not, there is an issue.

While Flowerhorn fish can survive for a short while outside of their tank, this state is usually transient, and the timer usually runs out at one hour.

Why Is My Flowerhorn Initially Out of Water?

Fish naturally avoid unfavorable water conditions, much like how we are drawn to places with pure air. Your flowerhorn may become ill and feel the need to flee if the water quality in your tank is harmed by hazardous nutrient concentrations.

The same is true for low oxygen levels, which can initially be detected by fish gasping for air or swarming to the surface of the water. If you see this behavior, be careful to check the dissolved oxygen levels in your pond right away and offer an additional form of aeration. Although they are harder to detect, parasites can also cause your flowerhorns to flee.

If they feel frightened or pursued, Your flowerhorn may occasionally jump out of your pond. This is uncommon, but it can happen if a predator threatens them or if males are pursuing females vigorously during mating season.

Even less frequently, fish have been known to jump out of ponds after strong earthquakes. Your flowerhorn might be playing with one another or eagerly anticipating goodies from you when nothing out of the ordinary causes them to energetically leap out of the water.

Can Flowerhorn Live Without Oxygen?

Can flowerhorn fish survive without an air pump? A lot of owners wonder. After all, flowerhorns are a species that appears to be able to survive in a variety of different water environments.

All fish, even flowerhorns, require oxygen to survive, so it’s crucial to keep that in mind. The fish need oxygen to breathe and keep their metabolism running smoothly. The fish will swiftly suffocate and perish without oxygen.

The presence of an air pump in your flowerhorn tank is crucial for this reason. The air pump aids in water circulation and makes sure that your fish have a constant supply of oxygen. Therefore, the answer to your question is no, your flowerhorn cannot survive without an air pump. Fish can obtain oxygen from the air or from the water, respectively. Through their gills, fish take in dissolved oxygen from the water.

Temperature, salinity, and the existence of plants are a few of the elements that affect the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water. Keep your flowerhorn tank at a suitable temperature because warmer water has less dissolved oxygen than cooler water.

Fish also need to have direct access to air in addition to the dissolved oxygen in the water. Because it helps to circulate the water and guarantees that your fish have a consistent supply of oxygen, an air pump is crucial.

Types Of Water Changes

Partial and total water changes are the two basic categories of water transformations.

Partial Water Changes

When you remove some of the water from the tank and replace it with new, clean water, you are doing a partial water change.

It is typically advised to perform partial water changes once each week.

Complete Water Changes

When you empty the tank of all its water and refill it with new, pristine water, you are performing a complete water change.

Complete water changes are typically only required in the event of a serious situation, like a power outage or a water quality concern.

Why Flowerhorn May Have Issues With Water Change?

If done incorrectly, changing the water in your flowerhorn tank can cause issues. This is so because flowerhorns are extremely sensitive to environmental changes and are prone to stress if incorrect parameters are employed.

Many flowerhorn owners are unaware of the necessity of routine water changes in their tanks. This not only contributes to maintaining clean water but also gives fish vital nutrients.

Step By Step Guide To Change Water

Now let’s finally get to the main process of changing the water. The water in your flowerhorn tank can be changed as frequently as you’d like, although it’s typically advised to perform a partial water change of 25–30% once per week. This will restore any lost minerals and aid in clearing up toxin buildup in the water.

Use water that is the proper temperature and pH when replacing the water in your flowerhorn tank. The optimal temperature for a flowerhorn tank is between 80 and 89 degrees Fahrenheit, and the ideal pH range is between six and eight.

It’s crucial to wait until the new water is ready before removing them since they can suffocate and die quickly without water (3 to 4 minutes of no gill movement).

  • Use a temperature measuring instrument to check the tank’s temperature first. Record the temperature accurately so you can compare it afterward.
  • Next, estimate how much water you need to change from the tank using a bucket or jug of water.
  • Place an aquarium heater in the bucket and adjust the temperature to match the tank. Give the water 20 minutes to sit.
  • Add any de-chlorine solution and stir well.
  • Now, use a siphon to drain the water from the tank, and make sure to not frighten the flowerhorn.
  • Also, clean up any rubbish the Flowerhorn generates during that period.

Safety Tips For Changing Water

Flowerhorns are gorgeous and distinctive fish that would look wonderful in any aquarium. They are, nonetheless, extremely vulnerable to changes in water temperature. Because of this, it’s crucial to take precautions when replacing the water in their tank. Here is a step-by-step guide to assist you in doing it safely:

Check the Water’s Temperature

Use a thermometer to first determine the water’s temperature in the tank. Then fill a bucket with enough water to completely replace the water in the Flowerhorn’s tank.

Add Heater To A Bucket

Add an aquarium heater to a bucket and turn it on so that the water in the bucket is of the same temperature as in the  Flowerhorn’s tank.   Then, just let the water sit for 20 minutes.


After 20 minutes, combine the water with a dechlorinating solution. Then use a siphon to gradually drain the water from the Flowerhorn’s tank. Take caution not to startle the flowerhorn when you do this.

Tetra AquaSafe Plus Water Conditioner/Dechlorinator is a reliable de-chlorinator alternative.

Remove The Tank’s Water

There are several methods by which you can empty your tank of water. You can remove the water with a bucket, a siphon hose, or an aquarium pump.

It’s important to remain cautious while operating an aquarium pump to not unnecessarily disrupt the fish.

Turn On The Heater And The Filter

It’s time to turn the filter back on after adding all of the replacement water. It’s crucial to move carefully to prevent waking up the fish.

Before turning on any other aquarium accessories, such as the heater or lighting, turn on the filter after adding all the fresh water.

Recommended aquarium Heaters and filters:

Activate Other Devices

You should watch your Flowerhorn once the other equipment in the tank is turned on and the freshwater has had a chance to circulate. You’ve successfully finished a water change if they appear content and healthy!

How Frequently Should You Change The Water In Your Flowerhorn Tank?

It is typically advised to perform a partial water change of 25% to 30% once each week. This will restore any minerals that have been lost while also assisting in the removal of any toxin buildup in the water.

In the following situations, water changes should be made more frequently:

  • If there is an abrupt temperature change
  • if the fish are ill
  • After drug treatment
  • the event of a power loss (the tank water will start to warm up without filtration or aeration)

Why Does Water Changing Matter to Flowerhorn?

Water changes are essential for flowerhorns because they help eliminate any toxin build-up and replace any minerals that have been lost.

Remove Toxins

Water changes are crucial for flowerhorns for a variety of reasons, one of which is that they help remove any toxin buildup.

Fish waste, uneaten food, rotting plants, and other sources are just a few examples of where toxins can be found.

Mineral Replenishment

Replacement of any lost minerals is aided by frequent water changes. Fish require minerals because they help keep them healthy and promote growth.

It helps keep the tank water clean.

Water changes are crucial for flowerhorns for another reason which is that they help to purify the tank water. The water in the tank may turn murky and opaque with time. Water changes to aid in clearing the water of any dirt or debris that has accumulated.

Reduce Ammonia Poisoning Risks

Ammonia poisoning is one of the most significant health issues that can damage fish. The decomposition of fish waste results in the release of the toxic gas known as ammonia.

If ammonia is not removed from the water, it can accumulate and harm fish. Ammonia poisoning is made less likely by the removal of ammonia from the water through water changes.

Keeps The Nitrogen Cycle in Good Working Order

The nitrogen cycle is a vital mechanism that contributes to the cleanliness of the water in your fish tank. Ammonia is transformed into nitrites and, ultimately, nitrates as part of the nitrogen cycle.

It’s crucial to keep the concentrations of ammonia and nitrites in the water low since these compounds are toxic to fish. Water modifications that remove ammonia and nitrites from the water aid in maintaining a healthy nitrogen cycle.

Good Resistance To Disease

Water changes are crucial for flowerhorns for another reason which is that they keep the fish healthy and boost their disease resistance. Fish that reside in contaminated water are more prone to illness.

Water changes replace any minerals that have been lost while also helping to eliminate any dirt or debris that has accumulated in the water. The fish’s health and illness resistance will both benefit from this.

Decrease Fish Stress

Even fish that dwell in polluted water can experience stress. Fish are more prone to illness when their immune systems are compromised by stress.

Water changes replace any minerals that have been lost while also helping to remove stresses from the environment. By doing this, you’ll assist the fish stay healthy and lower their risk of getting sick.

Reasons that can cause your flowerhorn stress are mentioned in our next article.

Frequently Asked Questions

What PH level Is Appropriate For A Flowerhorn Tank?

A Flowerhorn tank should have a pH of six to eight. Ph levels can be kept up with a water test kit.

You can increase the ph level of the tank by doing these things.

What Temperature Is The Best For A Flowerhorn Tank?

A flowerhorn tank should be kept at a temperature of 80 to 89 degrees Fahrenheit. The ideal solution for your tank may be the Hygger Saltwater Tank Titanium Tube Submersible Pinpoint Aquarium Heater with Digital Thermostat, IC Temp Controller 200 Watt.

What Should I Use To Remove The Old Water From My Tank?

A siphon hose or an aquarium pump are both options. To get rid of the water, you can also use a cup or bucket.

What Are Some Signs That My Fish Is Stressed?

Lethargy, not eating, hiding, and fast breathing are a few symptoms of stress in fish. It’s critical to respond right away if you spot any of these symptoms.

What Is The Maximum Size Of A Flowerhorn, And How Long Do They Live?

Depending on the breed, flowerhorns can grow up to 12 inches long. The maximum known height of a Flowerhorn is 16 inches.

Is Flowerhorns Simple To Maintain?

Yes, if given the proper living arrangements, flowerhorns are rather simple to maintain. They are extremely resilient fish that can endure water flows ranging from moderate to high.

Is Flowerhorns Hostile?

Indeed. Fish such as flowerhorns are very violent and territorial, and they occasionally attack whatever they see. They have an extremely tough time getting along with other fish, especially smaller fish and other Flowerhorns.

Why Is My Newly Bought Flowerhorn Not Lively And Very Timid?

It is a very normal reaction. It takes time for the flowerhorn to adjust to a new environment and once it does, it will start being aggressive and playful again. Feed the fish less during this sad phase as it will lose its appetite as well.

How Long Does It Take For My Fish To Get Used To Its New Environment?

It will usually take between one to two weeks. It is advised to get your fish checked if it takes longer than a week for it to adjust to its new environment.

How Often Do I Feed My Flowerhorn Cichlid?

Feeding mostly depends on your lifestyle. Ideally, the Flowerhorn cichlid should be fed at least twice a day. But they can survive a week without being fed.


The water in your flowerhorn tank needs to be changed frequently. Once a week, performing a partial water change helps keep your fish happy and healthy. Practicing it with safety, without causing your fish any stress, is as important.

Now that we have given you all you need to do, I hope you have a safe fishkeeping journey! Good luck!

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