How To Play With Flowerhorn? Tips and Tricks

how to play with flowerhorn

Do you ever worry if your Flowerhorn fish is bored as it swims about its tank? You may be surprised by the solution! Since Flowerhorn fish are naturally curious creatures, keeping them in a static setting can make them bored. Although their restlessness may not manifest in the same way as that of humans or other animals, it can nevertheless result in stress, which raises the possibility of illness or early death. So, can you entertain or play with your flowerhorn?

Many fish owners are unaware of the fact that Flowerhorn fish can also be played with like any other pet. Even while it may not be capable of fetching like a dog, your fish can still be entertaining if you make the effort to do the same for it. By finding original ways to occupy your Flowerhorn fish and providing them with a variety of toys and activities, you may improve their quality of life and keep them happy and healthy.

The advice you’ll need to keep fish in your aquarium active, content, and amusing is provided in this article. Continue reading this post to learn about how you can keep your fish happy, healthy, and active. There have also been a few important points made that could be useful.

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Playing With Your Flowerhorn Fish

Here are some activities you can perform with your Flowerhorn fish to help it play and get some exercise:

Fill Your Flowerhorn’s Tank Bottom With Items

Flowerhorn cichlids have a keen sense of curiosity and like discovering new things. Adding items to their aquariums is essential to keeping them happy since they enjoy having places to retreat and rest in their tanks.

Find aquarium-compatible products to place in the tank, or objects that can be completely cleaned, will not break down in the water, and thus are non-toxic. To avoid harming or killing your finned companion, it is advisable to purchase things designed particularly for fish.

Types Of Ornaments

Crystal marbles, plastic straws, pebbles, needles made of plastic for cross-stitching, and other items made of materials like glass or plastic, however, are some more items that would be okay to use (if cleaned correctly).

Make absolutely sure there are no damaged or jagged edges where your Flowerhorn’s long, flowing fins may become tangled. There are several items designed exclusively for Flowerhorn tanks. For your fish to escape or relax in, at the absolute least, think about including one or two imitation plants.

You should provide your Flowerhorn areas to shelter and explore, but you must also allow it enough room to swim around without being constrained. Avoid filling the tank with too full of items!

In The Tank, Drop A Ping-Pong Ball

A ping pong ball may be added to the aquarium if you want to offer your Flowerhorn something to play with and push about. Any ping-pong ball will work, provided it has been washed prior and is in perfect condition.

The ping pong ball may be moved across the water’s surface if your Flowerhorn is feeling extremely daring. But it should not be kept there constantly because it can make your Flowerhorn stressed out or just become sick of it.

Use A Mirror In The Aquarium

Holding a mirror up to the edge of the tank is one of the simplest methods to play with and exercise your Flowerhorn fish. You may spend hours amusing yourself by placing a mirror close to the tank as your Flowerhorn tries to frighten out his own reflection. The Flowerhorn basically does not identify the image since it does not know what it appears like in the first place. And two, I am not familiar with how a mirror functions.

A Flowerhorn’s overall hostility against other Flowerhorn fish serves as a spark for the uproar. As a result, your fish may spend hours guarding its area against the alleged male.

Mirror Variety

Any mirror will suffice, including those designed for pet birds or those that are portable, because Flowerhorn often flares up and becomes particularly aggressive when they see their own reflections. They will attempt to act more dangerously and aggressively because they will believe that the reflection is another fish vying for their territory.

You may also buy toys that have a submersible sphere and a mirror that you can move about the aquarium’s surface. In order to help your Flowerhorn defecate, encourage it to flare and flaunt its Kok. Whenever your fish is constipated, consider using a mirror. You can further observe the state of the fins when they are flaring in order to monitor/identify any rips or infections.

Teach Your Flowerhorn To Navigate Obstacles

Yes, you can train your Flowerhorn cichlids to jump through hoops.

Simply make sure the hoops are large enough so that your fish can comfortably swim through without being hurt when doing this trick. Because they could unintentionally leap through barriers or out of the tank, you must also make sure that you teach them carefully.

The most important thing to keep in mind is to play with your Flowerhorn fish sparingly. During any type of play, end the session if your Flowerhorn shows signs of fatigue, tension, or fear. Since certain fish are more likely to experience stress, it is your responsibility as the provider to keep an eye on your fish’s behavior. You should ensure it is constantly secure and healthy.

Raising the hoop incrementally will allow your Flowerhorn to become more accustomed to swimming across it until the bottom of the ring barely touches the water’s surface. Your Flowerhorn could jump from the tank and into the hoop with enough practice to get a small treat as a reward.

Do not overfeed your Flowerhorn fish, please. A few rewards for good behavior are OK, but avoid overfeeding the fish to prevent disease or death.

With Dry-Erase Markers, Make Drawings On The Fish Tank

Flowerhorn fish is not only extremely intelligent but also very curious. They can sense when anything is wrong and will spend a lot of time acting as the FBI in the aquarium.

Therefore, if you use a non-permanent marker to sketch on your aquarium, your fish will be amused for a considerable amount of time. To prevent your Flowerhorn from becoming accustomed to the marks, it is best to draw on a new area of the tank each time. Additionally, check sure your marker is approved for use on glass or plastic surfaces and is non-permanent.

Placing fresh things close to the tank’s edge serves as an alternative to doodling. As long as your fish can see the novel thing, it will continue to investigate.

Purchase or Make Awesome Fish Toys

By adding toys to the Flowerhorn aquarium, you can keep your fish entertained even though you’re not there. Use floating and drifting toys or tuck them into the bottom of your aquarium.

Just ensure the toys are large enough to prevent your Flowerhorn from swallowing them. Additionally, locate or create toys that are designed to be placed in a fish tank, and clean them thoroughly before doing so. If you decide to utilize floating, unanchored toys, be sure they can not enter the filter intake.

At the very least, think of including both real and artificial plants, which will also make great retreats for your Flowerhorn.

Some awesome Flowerhorn toys include:

How to Teach a Flowerhorn Fish to Perform Tricks?

The entire family would enjoy training a Flowerhorn, and it’s surprisingly simple to do. Additionally, it benefits your pet by keeping them active and preventing boredom (yes, even fish can become bored!). You may instruct him to do activities like follow your fingertip, feed from your hands, swim through some kind of hoop, play soccer, jump out of the water, or come up to be patted with some time and patience.

The most effective motivator for desired behavior is a fish meal. Nevertheless, take care not to overfeed your Flowerhorn, particularly if the tank is small.

Flowerhorn Preschooling

Begin your fish’s initial day of “Flowerhorn school” by:

  • Slowly tracing the outside of the tank or the water’s surface with your finger. When your Flowerhorn comes up to it, toss a live blackworm, bloodworm, or food pellet in.
  • Use verbal orders to wow your pals once he has perfected approaching your fingers for food!
  • Off there, hold a live black worm below the water’s surface or stick a pellet to your fingertip to see if he will take the treat straight from your fingertips or tweezers.
  • You can eventually train your fish to jump out of the tank water in exchange for food. Raising the food gradually will encourage your fish to jump out of the water for it when he becomes accustomed to being fed by hand in the water.
  • The tank should always have a tight lid on it while you are not engaging with the Flowerhorns since they have a tendency to leap.

Teaching Fishes To Jump A Hoop

Making a hoop out of a plastic ring or the pipe cleaner from a milk jug lid, holding it perpendicular to the surface of the water, and enticing your Flowerhorn to swim into it in exchange for food is another entertaining game. The aquarium’s bottom tube may be used for the same purpose. A ping pong ball or even other tiny plastic balls can also be floated on the surface to test whether your Flowerhorn will move it. By utilizing your creativity or doing some research online, you may come up with a ton of different entertaining tasks to perform with your Flowerhorn.

Suggestions Before You Begin To Train Your Flowerhorn

  • Be patient as you begin, and go gently.
  • Work with your fish for 10 to 15 minutes each day, then put the aquarium away.
  • Do not overfeed your fish since bad water quality might lead to health issues for your prized fish.
  • Keep an eye out for further amusing behavior and reward your Flowerhorn anytime the fish exhibits amusing behavior by giving it a treat.
  • Talk to your Flowerhorn, lastly. Nurture them just like any other companion by addressing them by name. People that do this often tell that it has an impact on them and that they react to it.

How to Use a Fluval Moss Ball to Play with Flowerhorn Fish?

The Fluval moss ball is the accessory that is most highly advised for aquariums since it makes it possible to clearly observe the tank and its occupants as well as detect any water contamination, such as dead algae. You may use it to search for objects that are too tiny to be seen with the human eye, such as sand and other minute objects.

You can be sure your Flowerhorn fish will be secure in your aquarium if you use a ball of Fluval moss. Simply giving your fish a ball of moss allows you to give them a great deal of attention. Since the Fluval moss balls absorb the ammonia and nitrates, they also serve as a natural filtering system.

In conclusion, it is simple to understand how to use Fluval moss to play with Flowerhorn fish. The fish will like the ball and their new habitat if you can use the balls properly.

How to Maintain Your Flowerhorn’s Joy?

You must determine the source of any stress your Flowerhorn fish may be experiencing if you want to keep their content. Check the tanks first for any evident pH and water temperature issues. Next, confirm that the nitrate levels in your aquarium are within acceptable ranges and there are no ammonium or nitrites present. Concentrate on the Flowerhorn once you have made sure the tank is secure.

Relieve Stress

A Flowerhorn fish that is continually under stress will display signs of unhappiness, such as a poor appetite and deteriorating color. Try to identify the stressor in your Flowerhorn’s environment. And if at all feasible, remove it from the tank to alleviate the issue. For instance, putting colorful or aggressive fish in your fish tank would probably distress the Flowerhorn. So, keep them away from tank mates who behave in such a way.

Check for Diseases

Additionally, you want to confirm that your fish is not battling an illness. Because certain Flowerhorn infections are difficult to diagnose, the fish may get stressed without your knowing. By routinely cleaning your tank, you can deter viruses. If your fish become ill, you may treat them with medicine and training. Additionally, ensure your filtration is in excellent shape and do routine water inspections.

Healthy Diet

Feeding and nutrition are still other issues to think about. Even though Flowerhorn fish can survive without food for a long time, avoid starving them. Feed it protein-rich meat meals, but also attempt to blend the feed appropriately.

How To Select The Best Setting For Your Flowerhorn?

The fact that Flowerhorns are quite simple to care for and do not need a lot of room is certainly one of the factors they are so well-liked as aquatic pets. Keep in mind that the total mass of a decorative and equipped aquarium is around 10 lbs. per gallon when choosing what to set your Flowerhorn tank on.

Aquarium Temperature

In a tank with a filter and a heater, your Flowerhorn will indeed be happiest and healthiest. Because Flowerhorns are native to tropical conditions, you should keep the aquarium water clear. Make sure the water is between 76 and 84 degrees F if you want to teach them skills while they are at their most active.

Warmer climates with unfiltered habitats are possible, but they are more prone to water quality issues and may need partial water changes every two to three days. Add a decent filter and oxygenator to your unfiltered aquarium to assist in maintaining a healthy environment.

Additionally, to provide cleaner water, it also allows your Flowerhorn to play with the water bubbles! There are numerous theories about the size of the appropriate aquarium, but greater is always preferable.

Adding Plants and Decor

Use vegetation and other ornaments to help your fish feel secure and at home, regardless of the sort of aquarium environment you select.

To imitate their native environment and lessen stress, aquarium lights for Flowerhorns should be slightly dim. To maintain a regular cycle of day and night, use a timer. Flowerhorns naturally inhabit relatively calm water. Thus, the filter’s flow should be moderate.

Compatible Tank Mates

Male Flowerhorns have distinct personalities, and occasionally you will come across one that needs to be kept alone since he does not get along with other fish. Aside from never mixing male Flowerhorns, keep your Flowerhorn away from big predatory fish and little fish that they could eat.

You should not put Flowerhorns and shrimp together in a fish tank. Certain Flowerhorns consume little shrimp. If given enough room and other calm community fish, you can maintain female Flowerhorn in groups.


Are Flowerhorns Playful?

These fish are highly inquisitive and almost lively, and they like being enriched by different home accents. Place your Flower Horn on a soft surface so as not to traumatize their skin too much when they root about.

Does Your Flowerhorn Allow Pets?

Because they are so engaging, flowerhorn fish make the best “pet” fish. Some may even raise their nuchal hump from the water to be caressed since they have been developed expressly to react to people around them!

Why Is My Flowerhorn Scared?

Your fish has not settled yet. Make sure you have a decent filtration system installed. Add lots of hiding spots like pots or driftwood, and forgo lighting for a few days. Finally, keep the aquarium away from commotion and activity. If a flowerhorn fish does not have a genetic aberration brought on by inbreeding, it is tough.

How Large Can A Flowerhorn Grow?

How large can you get Flowerhorn cichlids? Male flowerhorn cichlids are large fish that can and can grow to be 12″ long. The female is smaller. Balloon or Bonsai flowerhorns, which have short bodies, reach lengths of around 6″ in total.


Both novice and seasoned aquarists might enjoy keeping flowerhorns as pets. They are quite engaging, unlike some fish species, and you may develop a genuine “relationship” with them. Flowerhorn rivals many freshwaters and saltwater fish in terms of appearance. There is a Flowerhorn for almost everyone because of the infinite diversity of colors, personalities, and various Koks!

Are flowerhorn freshwater or saltwater fish? Find out here.

When looking for the appropriate games and toys for your Flowerhorn fish, be imaginative. You frequently already have the ideal toys for your fish in your home. So you do not need to go out and buy anything to keep it occupied. If you add anything to your Flowerhorn’s tank, be sure it is safe for her. Any decorations, like rocks or marbles, should be neutral and, if at all feasible, produced expressly for aquariums.

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