Are you a Flowerhorn enthusiast? If you are interested in the fishes that are compatible to be bred with Flowerhorns, this article is undoubtedly for you.
Flowerhorns are ornamental fish that are mainly for keeping in aquariums. This cichlid stands out in the crowd because of its bright color, unique patterns, and head hump. Flowerhorns have to be marked with breeds that have a similar temperament. Hence, you will find different species breeds that can be bred with Flowerhorns.
Flowerhorn is a mixed breed in itself. Fish like Oscars, Midas cichlid, jaguar cichlid, green terror, etc., will breed with flowerhorn.
Flowerhorns are created by humans. They are popular for their unique features. Humans are experimenting with the crossbreed of different species of fish to produce unique kinds of Flowerhorns.
Do you know how many species can be bred to create a variety of Flowerhorns? Let’s have a look at some of the species that can be bred with Flowerhorns.
There are different species of fish from which Flowerhorns are created. Here are the lists of some species that the Flowerhorns can be bred with.
Midas Cichlids
Midas Cichlids is an aggressive predatory fish. They have a body size of up to 14 inches. You can find Midas Cichlids in many different colors. You can find them in darker brown, orange, white, and bright yellow colors.
These fish have a jutting forehead and an oval-shaped body. Talking about distinguishing males and females, hump size differs in males and females. Generally, the lump appears on their head only while in the breeding season.
Midas Cichlids have played a great role in the breeding of Flowerhorns. These fish can be kept with Flowerhorns as they do not have any bad effects on Flowerhorns. Due to their bright color, they are valued among enthusiasts. Hence, Midas Cichlids are considered to be an essential breed in the process of developing Flowerhorns.
Aquarium Setup
Midas Cichlids need a larger aquarium where they can make their larger territory. When they are not given a larger space, they tend to become aggressive.
Providing enough hiding spaces are very essential to keep these fish calm. They tend to move rocks and objects, so make sure to keep objects securely in place.
Talking about the tank size they need, 60-gallon tank size is recommended per Midas Cichlid. You will need to provide them with water with high oxygen that will help them in coloration.
Midas Cichlid is a predatory fish, and if left in a community tank, it will dominate any other fish that are inside its territory.
Breeding of Midas Cichlid
Midas Cichlids are bred in captivity. For breeding, they require flat rocks or ceramic pots. The pair will chase each other around and rub against each other. This can last for weeks, and the females finally lay and fertilize eggs.
During the process, male Midas Cichlids can be aggressive too. In this situation, the male and female Midas cichlids have to be separated. If the male Midas Cichlid shows more aggressiveness, the male needs to be removed from the tank and kept in a separate tank.
Wolf Cichlids
Wolf Cichlids are another breed of fish that can be bred with Flowerhorns. They are said to be predatory fish that can only be kept with large and robust aggressive species. Only a few fish can be kept with this fish in the aquarium.
Wolf Cichlid is popular for its colors and patterns. It has a body color of light silver or goldish with dots on the body. This cichlid has a big mouth and thick lips. Fins and tails consist of blue shades, and its head has shades of green and red color. The higher part of their body is darker than the lower part. It is not hard to differentiate between female and male Wolf Cichlids because females are yellow.
Talking about its habitat, you can find these cichlids on the pacific side of Central America. Mostly, these fish reside in rivers.
A temperature of 22-27°C and a pH of 7 are preferable for this cichlid. However, they can tolerate different water parameters too.
You can keep these cichlids only with fish that are of the same size. Otherwise, they will consider everything that fits in their mouth as food. One of the breeds that can be crossbred with this cichlid is Flowerhorn.
Wolf Cichlid Breeding
If an appropriate setup is set aside, breeding these cichlids is not hard to achieve. They lay eggs on flat surfaces, or they prefer a cave for spawning. Wolf Cichlid can reach up to 5 inches at maturity.
These fish can have 1500 eggs in one spawning, which will hatch in 5-6 days. Newly hatched brine shrimps are great to feed.
Oscar Fish
Is Oscar fish compatible with Flowerhorn? Yes, they are compatible for keeping together. Furthermore, these fish have many common things being a part of the same family.
Oscar fish are aggressive fish that have long and egg-shaped bodies. The dorsal fins run down to the caudal fins. This gives them a beefy look. These fish have round eyes, and their bodies are a body with uncolored patches which extend up to the starting of the dorsal fins.
Both Flowerhorns and Oscar fish are territorial (mostly males). Setting up the tank for both the cichlids are similar. Both cichlids need larger space to swim freely and to avoid aggression. I recommend you pair similar-sized cichlids. Smaller-sized Oscar fish cannot stand in front of the large Flowerhorn. While pairing Oscar fish and Flowerhorn, you should highly consider the fish size.
Similarly, both the Flowerhorns and Oscar fish have the same diet. There is no need to prepare special food for Oscar fish. Brine shrimps, insects, bloodworms, larvae, frozen foods, and dried foods can be fed to both fish. Some branded items are:
- Hikari Flowerhorn Fish Food
- OKIKO flowerhorn Cichlid Fish
- Fluval A6581 Bug Bites Cichlid Pellets
- Amzey Dries Shrimp Fish Foods
- Appetizing Shrimp Mealworms
- Tetra Jumbokrill Jumbo Shrimp
- Ocean Pellets Humpy Xo Flowerhorn Food
Red Texas
Red Texas is the hybrid of the Red Parrot cichlid and Texas Cichlid. You can characterize the body of female Red Texas by darker spots on their back, and male Red Texas have a brighter red color.
Red Texas Cichlids are aggressive, active, and territorial. You should do a proper tank setup for these fish.
Some foods for Red Texas Cichlid are Ghost shrimp, dry flakes, pellets, brine shrimp, blanched vegetables, live foods, dried foods, and frozen foods.
You can crossbreed Flowerhorns with Red Texas Cichlids. Red Texas is the hybrid of the Red Parrot cichlid and Texas Cichlid.
Jaguar Cichlids
Jaguar Cichlid is another species that can crossbreed with Flowerhorn. It is a temperamental fish that needs a larger space in the aquarium.
Many fish enthusiasts fascinate the looks of the Jaguar Cichlid. These cichlids have oval-shaped elongated bodies. Jaguar cichlids are fierce predators as they can hunt in the wild.
Additionally, they have sharp teeth, and their lower jaw extends beyond their upper jaw.
In captivity, the size of Jaguar cichlids ranges around 14-15 inches in length. Generally, females are shorter than males.
Jaguar cichlids are carnivorous fish. They eat frozen foods, dried foods, worms, insects, pellets, flakes, and anything that fits in their mouth.
Green Terror

Green Terror fish are large cichlids that are compatible with Flowerhorns. The male Green Terrors have a prominent nuchal hump similar to that of Flowerhorns. They have golden or silver trim with dorsal and tail fins and electric green marbling.
Flowerhorns are compatible with Green Terror fish as they provide blues, greens, and other color Flowerhorns. In addition, their compatibility with Green Terror fish contrasts nicely with oranges, yellows, and intense red of Flowerhorn breeds. Breeding Flowerhorns with Green Terror gives a unique feature of Flowerhorns.
Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ)
Can You Cross A Red Texas And A Flowerhorn?
Yes, Red Texas and Flowerhorn can be crossbred. Red Texas is the hybrid of the Red Parrot cichlid and Texas Cichlid. Red Texas is the hybrid of the Red Parrot cichlid and Texas Cichlid.
Can I Keep Flowerhorn with Oscar fish?
Yes, you can keep Flowerhorn with Oscar fish. They have many common things being a part of the same family. Both Flowerhorns and Oscar fish are territorial (mostly males).
Moreover, setting up the tank for both the cichlids are similar. Both cichlids need larger space to swim freely and to avoid aggression. I recommend you pair similar-sized cichlids.
Which Fish Will Breed With Flowerhorn?
You can breed flowerhorn with different varieties of fish. Some fish that are compatible with Flowerhorns are Red Texas, Oscar fish, Wolf cichlids, Midas cichlids, etc. Many new cichlids are being crossbred to create a new breed of Flowerhorns with high quality.
Is Flowerhorn Easy To Breed?
Flowerhorns are a little difficult to breed. In many cases, Flowerhorns are infertile. Additionally, due to their aggressiveness, only experienced hobbyists can breed Flowerhorns with high-quality features.
You can breed flowerhorn with many species of fish. Some fish that are compatible with Flowerhorns are Red Texas, Oscar fish, Wolf cichlids, Midas cichlids, etc.
Furthermore, many people crossbreed new cichlids to create a new breed of Flowerhorns with high quality. As many enthusiasts have been experimenting with the crossbreed of many varieties of species, new varieties of Flowerhorns are coming to light.