Why Flowerhorn Hides Behind Filter: Possible Causes and Solutions

flowerhorn hides behind the filter

Do you have a Flowerhorn fish that always hides behind the filter? If so, you’re not alone. This is a common behavior for these fish, and there are several possible causes. In this blog post, we will explore some of the most common reasons why Flowerhorn fish hides behind the filter and offer solutions to help solve the problem. Stay tuned to learn more!

There are a few possible reasons why your Flowerhorn might be hiding behind the filter. It could be new visitors to your house, bullies in the tank, or the use of a power filter. It could also be loneliness, environmental changes, overcrowding, threats, illness, currents, or open space.

Why Is My Flowerhorn Fish Always Hides Behind The Filter?

Flowerhorn fish can hide behind the filter for a variety of reasons. Some of the most common include:

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One of the most common reasons why Flowerhorn fish hide behind the filter is because they are newcomers. When you first bring a Flowerhorn fish home, it may be nervous and scared. It is not uncommon for these fish to hide behind the filter until they feel more comfortable in their new environment.


Another reason why your Flowerhorn fish may be hiding behind the filter is that it is being bullied by other fish in the tank.

If you notice that your Flowerhorn fish is spending more time behind the filter than usual, it may be a good idea to check on the other fish in the tank. If you see any signs of bullying, such as chasing or nipping, you should take action to separate the fish.

Use Of Power Filter

Another possible reason why your Flowerhorn fish is hiding behind the filter is that the power filter is too strong. If the water flow from the filter is too strong, it can cause stress and anxiety in Fish. To solve this problem, you can try adjusting the flow of the filter or using a different type of filter.


Flowerhorn fish are social creatures and need to be around other fish to thrive. If your Flowerhorn fish is always hiding behind the filter, it may be because it is lonely. To solve this problem, you should consider adding another fish to the tank.

Environmental Changes

Sometimes, changes in the environment can cause stress in Fish. Their routine is disrupted, and they don’t know how to react to the new situation. If you’ve recently moved your Flowerhorn’s tank, that could be the reason why it’s hiding behind the filter.

Try to make sure that the tank is in a stable location and isn’t being moved around too much. You should also check the water quality and temperature to make sure everything is within the ideal range for your Fish.


Another possible reason for your Flowerhorn’s behavior is overcrowding. If there are too many fish in the tank, it can cause stress and insecurity. This can lead to aggressive behavior from other fish, which can make your Flowerhorn feel like it needs to hide behind the filter for protection.

If you think overcrowding might be an issue, try to remove some of the fish from the tank. You should also make sure that there is plenty of hiding places and open space for your Fish to swim around.


Another reason why your Flowerhorn might be hiding behind the filter is that it feels threatened by something in the tank. This could be another fish, a piece of equipment, or even you.

If you think there might be a threat in the tank, try to remove whatever it is that you think is causing the problem. If you can’t identify the source of the threat, it might be best to consult with a professional.


Unfortunately, sometimes illness can cause Fish to behave oddly, and this includes Flowerhorns. If your Fish is hiding more than usual, it might be a sign that something is wrong.

Check for other signs of illness such as lethargy, loss of appetite, and unusual growths in the body. If you think your Flowerhorn might be ill, take them to the vet as soon as possible.


Another possible reason for your Flowerhorn’s strange behavior is currents in the tank. If there is a strong current near where your Fish is hiding, they may be trying to escape it. You can try using a weaker filter or moving decorations around to create different currents in the tank.

Open Space

Sometimes Flowerhorns just need some open space! If your tank is too crowded, your Fish may be feeling claustrophobic. Try removing some decorations or fish to give your Flowerhorn some extra room.

Unusual Activity

If there has been any unusual activity near the tank, such as loud noises or sudden movements, it could startle your Flowerhorn and cause them to hide. Try to keep the area around the tank calm and quiet to help reduce stress on your Fish.

This can also be new visitors to your house that your fish isn’t used to. If you have young children or pets, they may be too loud and active for your Flowerhorn to feel comfortable around.

White Poop

One of the most common signs that something is wrong with Fish is white poop. If you notice that your Flowerhorn’s poop is white, it could be a sign of stress or illness. Take them to the vet as soon as possible to get them checked out.

This can be a sign of internal parasites, and if left untreated, can lead to serious health problems. If you see white poop in the tank, take your Flowerhorn to the vet as soon as possible for treatment.

Artificial Aquarium Lights

If you have artificial lights in your tank, they might be too bright for your Flowerhorn. Fish are very sensitive to light, and too much light can cause stress. Try using a lower wattage bulb or moving the light further away from the tank.

Sudden Drop In The Temperature

A sudden drop in temperature can also cause stress in Fish. If you think the water might be too cold, try using a heater to raise the temperature gradually. You should also check the thermometer to make sure it is accurate.

100 Percent Water Change

Sometimes, a complete water change is necessary to fix problems in an aquarium. This should only be done if you are having major issues with the water quality or the fish are sick.

If you do a water change, be sure to use dechlorinated water and add new plants or decorations to the tank. This will help to cycle the tank and make it easier for the Fish to adjust.

Shifting The Tank

If you need to move the tank, be sure to do it slowly and carefully. Fish can be very sensitive to changes in their environment, and moving the tank too quickly can cause stress.

Unnecessary Tapping In The Glass

Tapping on the glass of the aquarium is unnecessary and can startle your Flowerhorn. If you must tap on the glass, do it gently and only when necessary.

What To Look For?

When trying to determine if your Flowerhorn is stressed, there are a few things to look for.

  • If your Flowerhorn is staying in the same position for long periods of time, it might be trying to hide.
  • Breathing fast can also be a sign of stress, as well as looking full and bloated.
  • If your Flowerhorn’s color starts to fade or turn pale, it might be a sign of stress or illness.
  • Stomach bloating can also be a sign of illness, and if your Flowerhorn is not interested in reacting to your fingers, it might be a sign of depression.

How To Solve This Issue Of Flowerhorn Hiding Behind Filter?

If you think your Flowerhorn is hiding because of stress, there are a few things you can do to try and reduce stress.

First, try to keep the tank clean and free of debris. A dirty tank can be very stressful for Fish.

You can also try adding more plants or decorations to the tank to provide hiding places for your Flowerhorn.

If the problem persists, you might need to consult a vet or aquarium specialist.

Keep The Tank Clean

To keep the tank clean, you need to do a water change every week. You should also vacuum the gravel and clean the filter. Use a siphon pipe instead of a mug to change the water.

To clean the filter, you should remove it from the tank and rinse it in dechlorinated water. Be sure to replace any media that has been lost.

You should also check the ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate levels in the tank. These should be at 0 ppm. If they are not, you will need to do a partial water change of 20 to 30 percent.

Use Of Heater

If the water in your tank is too cold, you can use a heater to raise the temperature gradually. You should also check the thermometer to make sure it is accurate.

hygger Saltwater Tank Titanium Tube Submersible Pinpoint Aquarium Heater with Digital Thermostat, IC Temp Controller 200 Watt can be the best option for your tank. This heater will help you to maintain the water temperature from 78 to 84 F (25 to 29 C).

Add More Plants Or Decorations

Adding more plants or decorations to the tank will provide hiding places for your Flowerhorn. This will help to reduce stress and make them feel more comfortable in their environment.

You can also try adding a piece of driftwood or a cave to the tank. This will provide a place for your Flowerhorn to hide if they feel stressed. For driftwood, I suggest Natural Large Coral Driftwood for Aquarium Decor Reptile Decor, Assorted Driftwood Branch 9-14″ 2 Pcs, Fish Tank Decoration.

A blank tank can also cause stress in the flowerhorn. So you must enter some plants or decorations in the tank. This will help the flowerhorn to feel more at home.

Tank Size

For the tank size, you can use a tank of 50 gallons to the least. If you have a larger aquarium, then you can put in other tank mates for the flowerhorn. You can use SeaClear Acrylic Combo Aquarium as it has the following features:

  • It can hold temperatures
  • Acrylic
  • Reasonable price
  • Durable
  • Comes with a lifetime guarantee

Flowerhorn is an aggressive fish. Thus, you must be very careful about which fish you add to the tank. You can create a tensed environment in the tank if you put in tank mates that are incompatible. Fish like Oscar, and Arowana is the best tank mates for the Flowerhorn.

Lower The Aquarium Lights

You should not open the aquarium lights when you bring in a flowerhorn for the first few days. The flowerhorn is adjusting to the new environment and gets shocked if the aquarium is too bright.

You can turn on the lights little by little when the flowerhorn starts to settle in its new home. In this way, you can make sure that the flowerhorn is happy and healthy.


Q: What should I do if my Flowerhorn is always behind the filter?

A: If you think your Flowerhorn is hiding because of stress, there are a few things you can do to try and reduce stress. First, try to keep the tank clean and free of debris. You can also try adding more plants or decorations to the tank to provide hiding places for your Flowerhorn. If the problem persists, you might need to consult a vet or aquarium specialist.

Q: Why is my Flowerhorn’s poop white?

A: White poop can be a sign of stress or illness. If you see white poop in the tank, take your Flowerhorn to the vet as soon as possible for treatment.

Q: Why flowerhorn is at bottom of the tank?

A: There are a few possible reasons why your Flowerhorn might be at the bottom of the tank. It could be trying to hide, it could be sick, or it might not be getting enough oxygen. If you think your Flowerhorn is sick, take it to the vet for treatment. You can also try adding an air stone to the tank to increase oxygen levels.


If your Flowerhorn is always hiding behind the filter, it could be due to stress, bullies, illness, or environmental changes. There are a few things you can do to reduce stress, such as keeping the tank clean and adding plants or decorations. If the problem persists, you should consult a vet or aquarium specialist. Thanks for reading!

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