Do Guppy Fish Eat Snails? No!!!!!

Do Guppy Fish Eat Snails

Guppy fish is one of the most wonderful, colorful, and vibrant fish you can get for your tank. You cannot get a more low-maintenance fish than a guppy. They are very peaceful, do not need too much space, and you can literally and practically keep them with too many aquatic species in the same tank, But that will leave you wondering if these fish will eat up any of the tank mates you choose for them. What if you drop for a nerite snail and the next day you can’t find them in the aquarium. Won’t that feel like a nightmare leaving you with questions like, do guppy fish eat snails?

No, guppy fish don’t eat snails as they are way too big for their mouth, and the hard shell of snails protect them from predators. So these fish will probably stay away from the slow-moving snails even in a group. However, not all guppies will leave behind snail eggs, depending on the individual fish’s preference.

So don’t worry; your snail is safe with guppy fish. And you can add a nerite snail or any other type of snail to your aquarium without thinking about getting eaten up by the guppy fish. Just keep an eye on the number of snails in your tank, as they reproduce fast and might overrun your aquarium if you are not careful.

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This blog post will explore why guppies don’t typically eat snails, what types of snails are safe to keep with guppies, and how to get rid of any snail infestations in your tank.

Do Guppy Fish Fish Eat Snails?

No, guppy fish do not eat snails. Instead, guppies are peaceful community fish that generally leave other tank mates alone.

In fact, guppies are often targeted by larger fish because of their small size and gentle nature. So, if you’re looking for a snail-eating fish to add to your aquarium, you’ll need to look elsewhere.

Guppies are omnivorous and eat various things, including other fish and insects, but will not disturb or harm those snails.

You can happily plan about keeping snails and guppies in the same tank as long as these snails don’t end up crowding it.

Don’t worry; they will not eat your guppy fish or anything. However, if you have a snail infestation in your guppy tank, they could eat all the food before your fish can.

And there is the case of overcrowding leading to various water issues and health hazards. This is why it’s important to keep an eye on the snail population and take steps to control it if necessary.

Why Don’t Guppy Fish Eat Snails?

I know how weird it sounds when an omnivore leaves behind an easy prey. Yeah, snails are slow and easy to catch, but your fish need to have the physical capability to eat them, don’t they?

Your guppies are way too cute and have the biggest silver lining if you have a lingering thought about keeping them together with snails.

These guppies will leave snails alone, let alone the not eating them part, these fish will not even bother to stay on snail way. They have small mouths that aren’t capable of eating snails as big as you want to keep in the tank.

And, also these snails have that protective layer of the hard shell that your guppies will barely break even when they attack snails in a group.

Think it something like you trying to break a big rock with your head. Of course, you will end up hurting yourself, won’t you?

It is similar for these peaceful fish, and who wouldn’t stay away from something that can hurt their head?

Do Guppy Fish Eat Snail Eggs?

Now, we are talking. Yes, these guppies will eat those small snail eggs that easily fit in their mouths. Can you blame them, though?

These eggs are way small and will most probably swim their way in front of guppies’ mouths, ending up being their food.

And trust me when I say this, these guppies will eat anything, I mean ANYTHING, in the tank that fits in their mouth.

So, your snail eggs are not safe in the same tank as guppies. But then again, this ‘eating up and feasting’ might save you the trouble of snail infestation. So, I would say it is a fair trade.

Is It Okay To Keep Guppy Fish With Snails?

Of course, I have been telling this from the very beginning of this article, haven’t I? So, yes, keeping these two together in the same tank is more than okay.

In fact, many people do keep them together for different purposes. For example, some use snails to control algae growth in the tank, while others just think they look good together.

And don’t you dare call my algae cleaners nasty or dirty. You just haven’t been introduced to adorable snails in the aquarium world.

But before you go and add these creatures to your tank, do some research on which snail species get along well with guppies. Some might be a little too feisty for the calm, guppy community you are trying to build.

Best Snails For Guppy Tank

Now that we know it is okay to keep guppy fish with snails, the next logical question is- which snail species are good for the guppy tank?

Here, we need to ensure two things- firstly, the snail will not lay eggs on freshwater rank and will not end up on the guppy’s menu, and secondly, it should get along with the guppy fish.

So let’s learn about the best snail options for a guppy tank! The following snail species are some of the best compatible snails for guppies:

Golden Mystery Snails

These beautiful golden-hued creatures can grow up to two inches in size. They are peaceful and do not reproduce in freshwater, making them ideal tank mates for guppies.

Nerite Snails

These snails are among the most popular species due to their unique shell patterns and colors. In addition, they stay relatively small and are excellent algae eaters. Also, the best part, they are similar to mystery snails who don’t reproduce without saltwater.

Nerite snails are one of the best choices for a guppy tank mate. They come in various colors and patterns, so you can find the perfect one to match your tank.

Ramshorn Snails

Ramshorn snails are a common type of freshwater snail. They get their name from their distinctive shell shape, which is spiral-shaped and resembles a ram’s horn. These snails are excellent algae eaters and can help keep your tank clean.

But there is a slight problem you might face as the reproduction rate of these snails can overrun your aquarium and might make you call for help to clear out the snail infestation.

Do not think or hope your guppies will eat those snail eggs and help you. Just get another fish or a snail that eats snails or their eggs happily.

Assassin Snails

Now, coming to a snail that eats snails!

Assassin snails are the way to go if you have a problem with pest snails. They are voracious eaters and will help keep your snail population under control. Be careful, though, because they will also eat beneficial snails like nerites.

Assassin snails are peaceful, and you can keep them with most community fish. In addition, they are easy to care for and add to most aquariums.

If you have a problem with pest snails, these are the guys you want on your team! Just be careful not to overdo it, or you might have more snail problems than you started with.

And remember to keep only two of these snails in the tank; come on, they have an assassin in their name; you know it better and should avoid keeping any more for their own safety.

Will Snails Eat My Guppy Fish?

Oh, come on, you know the answer to this question already. It’s a firm and all-time big “No.” Snails will not eat your guppy fish irrespective of the size or age of your guppy fish.

In fact, snails are one of the best community tank mates for guppies as they help clean up the aquarium and do not bother or harass other tank mates, including guppy fish.

And, of course, there is the thing about speed. Your snails are way too slow even to eat these fast-moving guppies even when they have the chance or opening.

But do not even think that these snails will let go of those dead guppies that will drop in the bottom of the tank. Instead, you will find these small aquatic beings feasting happily on the dead body of their former now dead tank mate.

How To Control Snail Infestation In The Guppy Tank?

If you have a snail infestation in your guppy tank, there are a few things you can do to get rid of them. First, try to remove as many as possible by hand. This is probably the most effective way to get rid of them.

If you have a lot of plants in your tank, you can remove them and inspect them for snails. This is a good way to get rid of the little pests.

You can also add some snail-eating fish to your tank. These fish will help keep the snail population under control. Some good choices include loaches, plecos, and pufferfish.

If you have a serious snail problem, you can also use chemicals to eliminate them. There are a few products on the market that will kill snails but not fish. Be sure to follow the directions carefully when using these products.

What Do Guppy Fish Eat?

Guppy fish are omnivores, which means they will eat both plants and animals. In the wild, guppies feed on various things, including algae, small insects, and crustaceans.

In the aquarium, you should give your guppies a varied diet that includes both plant and animal matter. A good diet for guppies includes live food, frozen food, flakes, and pellets.

Guppy fish will even nibble on algae present in the tank. But do not depend on these to clean your tank and eliminate those algal growths.

Guppies are not picky eaters and will generally accept most foods. However, you should avoid giving them too much processed food, which can cause health problems.

When feeding your guppy fish, it is best to give them small meals several times a day. This will help ensure they get the nutrition they need and prevent them from becoming overweight.

Overfeeding is one of the most common problems in aquariums, so be sure to avoid giving your guppies too much food.

But that doesn’t imply you can deprive them of food for long. On the contrary, these guppies cannot survive more than two weeks without food. So, whatever you do, do in moderation and according to the needs of guppies.


In conclusion, guppy fish do not eat snails but might eat snail eggs present in the tank. Therefore, keeping guppy fish with snails is okay as long as you have a good population of both. The best snails for guppy tanks are golden mystery snails, nerite snails, ramshorn snails, and assassin snails.

Do you have any questions or comments about guppy fish and snails? Please leave them below! And be sure to check out my other blog post about guppy fish.

Thanks for reading! I hope this was helpful. 🙂

Good Luck!

Happy Fishkeeping!

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