Do Guppy Fish Need Salt? Aquarium or Marine Salt

Do Guppy Fish Need Salt

You might have seen guppies swimming happily in brackish water and left you wondering if you have been doing something wrong by keeping them in a freshwater tank. Likewise, you might question whether your guppy fish need salt to survive captivity. But do they really need it, or is it just your speculation?

No, guppy fish don’t need salt to survive in an aquarium, but it will help if you mimic the brackish water they originally belonged to. And lucky for you, salt also helps maintain a constant pH and treat some guppy diseases. So, there are reasons to add salt other than to make your fish feel at home.

Now that we know guppy fish don’t need salt to survive in an aquarium let’s learn more about how and why you should add it to their tank.

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In this article, we will discuss why guppy fish need salt and what type of salt they need. We will also talk about how much salt you should add and how often you should add it.

Do Guppy Fish Need Salt?

It depends. In their natural habitat, guppy fish live in brackish water, a mix of salt and freshwater.

So technically, they do need some salt in their tank. However, the amount of salt that they need is very minimal. You don’t need to add salt if you’re keeping guppies in a freshwater tank.

Honestly, these fish will do just fine in the presence or absence of salt. It’s just all in the mind that we consider adding salt just because everyone else is doing it.

You don’t have to do trending things; most people do it. If you want to keep a freshwater guppy tank, do it.

And if you are trying a hand at the saltwater tank and their species, guppies can lend you a hand in learning.

These guppy fish live happily in a saltwater tank if you maintain proper salinity and don’t shock them.

But the main point is that your guppies won’t die with or without salt. They are neutral; if you add it, good; if you don’t, still good.

Why Do Guppy Fish Need Salt?

There are two main reasons why guppy fish need salt: to mimic their natural habitat and to maintain a constant pH.

Some guppy keepers add a very small amount of salt to their tanks for two reasons:

To Mimic Their Natural Habitat

Guppy fish belong to the brackish stream and rivers in South and North-East America. In their natural habitat, guppy fish live in brackish water, a mix of salt and freshwater.

This means that they are used to living in water with a higher salt concentration than what is typically found in freshwater tanks.

So by adding a little bit of salt to their tank, it simulates their natural habitat and makes them feel more comfortable.

To maintain Constant pH.

Can you imagine your guppy fish’s struggle when the pH constantly fluctuates? It can be really tough on their little bodies, and it’s something that you want to avoid if at all possible.

Adding salt to the tank can help stabilize the pH levels and make it easier for your fish to maintain a healthy environment; salt prevents drastic changes in pH levels, which can harm your fish.


If your guppy fish are sick, adding salt to the tank can help them recover. It can also prevent certain diseases from developing in the first place.

For example, salt helps to control the growth of bacteria and fungi. It also helps remove toxins from the water and makes breathing easier for fish.

If your fish are sick, adding salt to the tank can help kill off any bacteria or parasites that might be causing them problems. It can also help to relieve stress and improve their overall health.

What Type Of Salt Do Guppy Fish Need: Marine Or Aquarium?

Aquarium salt is a type of salt that is safe for freshwater fish. Marine salt is a type of salt that is safe for both fresh and saltwater fish.

They won’t mind either type of salt, but the main difference is in the price. Marine salt is more expensive than aquarium salt, so if you’re on a budget, go with aquarium salt.

Marine salt is more expensive but contains a higher concentration of minerals and trace elements.

Therefore, it is beneficial for your guppy fish, as it can help to support their immune system and promote growth.

Aquarium salt is a cheaper option, but it does not contain as many minerals and trace elements.

How Much Salt Should I Add To My Guppy Fish Tank?

The amount of salt you should add to your guppy fish tank depends on the size of the tank and the number of guppies you have.

You should add about ¼ teaspoon of salt per gallon of water for a small tank. You can add up to ½ teaspoon of salt per gallon of water for a larger tank.

The amount of salt you add to your guppy fish tank will also depend on the type of salt you are using. Aquarium salt should be added at a rate of one teaspoon per five gallons (19 L) of water.

You should add Marine salt at a rate of one tablespoon per gallon of water. But as a golden rule of thumb, you can add 1 gram of salt per liter of water in the tank.

Or you can just follow the manufacturer’s instructions that are most probably there in the back part of your salt bottle for the aquarium.

The brackish water needs to have a density of 1.003 and not more than that. So, you need to adjust the density accordingly.

How Often Should I Add Salt To My Guppy Fish Tank?

You should add salt to your guppy fish tank once a week. This will help to maintain the correct levels of salt in the water and will also help to keep the pH levels stable. You should also perform a water change once a week to remove any excess salt from the water.

And you can extend the time between water changes to every month but remember to test the water quality frequently.

If you are using a marine salt, you should add it to the water at a ratio of one cup per gallon. If you are using aquarium salt, you should add it to the water at a ratio of one tablespoon per gallon.

You can also add salt to the water during a water change. Simply add the salt to the new water before adding it to the tank.

How To Add Salt To A Guppy Fish Tank?

Adding salt to your guppy fish tank is a simple process. But, first, you’ll need to gather your supplies.

You will need a cup or container to measure the salt, a spoon or scoop to add the salt to the water, water to pour into the tank, and of course, the salt itself. We recommend using marine salt or aquarium salt for your guppy fish tank.

Next, you’ll need to determine how much salt you need to add to the water. If you are using a marine salt, you should add it to the water at a ratio of one tablespoon per gallon.

If you are using aquarium salt, you should add it to the water at a ratio of one tablespoon per five gallons.

Once you have measured the salt, simply add it to the water you separated to pour into the tank and stir until it is fully dissolved.

Now, drop this brackish water in the tank while performing a water change. And that’s it! You’ve successfully added salt to your guppy fish tank.

Tips For Adding Salt To Guppy Fish Tank

When adding salt to your guppy fish tank, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, be sure to add the salt slowly and in small increments.

  • Always dissolve salt in the water before adding it to the tank.
  • Never add salt directly to the tank.
  • Never add more salt than what is recommended.
  • Make sure you remove any uneaten food from the tank before adding salt.
  • And lastly, always test the water quality after adding salt to the tank.

Will Salt Kill Guppies?

No, salt will not kill guppies. In fact, salt is often used as a treatment for diseases and parasites in fish tanks. However, too much salt can harm your fish and kill them.

Following the recommended ratios when adding salt to your fish tank is important. In addition, we recommend using marine salt or aquarium salt for your guppy fish tank.

If you are using a marine salt, you should add it to the water at a ratio of one cup per gallon. If you are using aquarium salt, you should add it to the water at a ratio of one tablespoon per gallon.


Adding salt to your guppy fish tank is a simple process that can benefit your fish. Salt can help to mimic their natural habitat, maintain constant pH levels, and even treat diseases and parasites.

However, it is important to use the right type of salt for your guppy fish and add it properly to avoid harming your fish.

If done correctly, adding salt to your guppy fish tank can be a great way to keep your fish healthy and happy.

Thanks for reading! I hope this article was helpful. 🙂

Good Luck!!

Happy Fishkeeping!!

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