Do Guppy Fish Prefer Sand Or Gravel?

Do Guppy Fish Prefer Sand Or Gravel

When it comes to aquariums, there are a lot of decisions you need to make. The owner is responsible for any shortcomings or successes in the fish tank. One of the most important is what kind of substrate you should use. Do guppy fish prefer sand or gravel?

The answer to whether guppy fish prefer sand or gravel depends on the type of guppy and your preferences. For example, some guppies like to live in tanks with gravel, while others prefer sand, which also comes down to your preference as the owner. While gravel is aesthetically pleasing, sand will promote the growth of live plants in the tank.

There are pros and cons to using both gravel and sand in a guppy tank. It would help if you did your research before deciding so that you can provide the best possible environment for your fish.

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In this blog post, we will discuss the pros and cons of each option: sand or gravel, and help you decide which one your guppy fish prefer. So, read on to learn more about the best substrate for guppies and make the right decision for your tank!

Do Guppy Fish Like Substrate?

Yes and no. Guppies don’t really care what the substrate is in their tank as long as it’s not sharp. However, they do like to have something to swim through and explore.

I know it is too much between the lines to read, but many guppy breeders use only sand as a substrate.

The main reason is that the fry can easily hide in the substrate and not save themselves from their parents or other tank mates.

Also, substrate helps with the live plants, and these guppies love a densely planted tank. So, you don’t have to worry about swallowing a bunch of substrates when they are looking for food.

Do Guppy Fish Prefer Sand Or Gravel?

Seriously, though, which substrate is better for guppy fish? Sand or gravel? And why? Guppies are small, colorful freshwater fish popular among beginner aquarium hobbyists and experts.

These little guys are relatively easy to care for and can add some serious personality to your fish tank.

When setting up a guppy fish tank, one of the most important decisions is choosing the right substrate.

That’s because the substrate (or bottom material) in your aquarium plays a critical role in the health and well-being of your fish.

Although guppy fish are top dwellers, these guppies love live plants and company in the tank; hence, choose the substrate accordingly.

Hence, guppy fish prefer sand or gravel in their tank and won’t even complain if you have none. But there are certain pros and cons of each substrate that you should know about before making a decision.

Can I Use Sand In A Guppy Tank?

Yes, guppies can live in tanks with sand substrates. In fact, some guppy breeders use sand to show off the bright colors of their fish.

I know you have second thoughts about using sand in your guppy tank because you think it might be too fine and get into their gills.

First, don’t worry about the sand getting into your guppy’s gills. Guppies can filter the water for food and oxygenate their blood without swallowing any substrate.

If you decide to use sand, I recommend getting black sand. It is easier to see the waste and uneaten food in black sand, so it is easier to keep the tank clean.

So, Why Should You Use Sand As A Substrate In A Guppy Fish Tank?

Now, I know you will need a long list of benefits to decide to switch your substrate, so here goes: Sand is a more naturalistic-looking substrate. This means that it can provide a better environment for your guppies and make them feel more at home.

I will list all the benefits below:

Easy To Clean

The main benefit of using sand is that it is easier to clean than gravel. In addition, sand does not easily stick in filters and vacuums, so you’ll save time cleaning your tank.

Softer Ones

Another benefit of sand is that it is softer on your guppy’s delicate fins. If you have long-finned guppies, they will appreciate the soft substrate.

Proper Breeding Ground

Finally, sand makes a great breeding ground for live foods like brine shrimp and daphnia. These foods are an important part of a healthy diet for guppy fry.

Good For Plants

Sand also benefits live plants in your guppy tank. Plants can root more easily in the sand, and the substrate will hold heat better than gravel. This is important for tropical plants that need warm water to thrive.

Cons Of Using Sand In Guppy Fish Tank

With all the good things and words about the sand substrate, it is hard to think or believe there are even cons to using sand as a substrate in your guppy fish tank. But sadly, there are some cons when it comes to housing your guppy fish with a sand substrate.

Now that we’ve already discussed sand’s benefits let’s look at the drawbacks.


The biggest downside of sand is that it can be messy. Sand gets everywhere, and keeping it contained in the tank is hard.

It can get into your fish’s gills and eyes and irritate them. If you have a lot of debris in the tank, it can also clog up the filter.

Risk Of Ammonia Poisoning

If you do not clean the sand properly or often enough, it can kill your fish. Ammonia and other toxins will build up, and your fish will not be able to handle it. This is why you must be vigilant about cleaning the sand and doing water changes often.


Another downside of using sand is that it can be more expensive than gravel. This is because sand is not as widely available as gravel and takes longer to clean.

So, those are the pros and cons of using sand as a substrate in your guppy fish tank. As you can see, there are some good reasons to use sand, but it also has some drawbacks. Ultimately, deciding whether to use sand or gravel is up to you.

Can I Use Gravel In A Guppy Tank?

Yes, guppies can live in gravel, and many people use it as a substrate without any problems. Gravel seems like it would be more natural for them since they live in rivers and streams where the bottom is often covered in gravel.

So, you can use gravel if you feel like it’s your calling, but there are some things you should know about before making your final decision.

So, Why Should You Choose Gravel As A Substrate For Guppy Tank?

Now that we’ve looked at the pros and cons of sand, let’s move on to the gravel. Gravel has been a popular substrate choice for years, and there are many reasons why.

Let’s examine the pros and cons of using gravel in your guppy fish tank.

Easier To Clean

One of the main reasons gravel is chosen as a substrate is because it’s easier to clean than sand.

Gravel can be vacuumed and doesn’t require sifting through as sand does. This makes routine tank maintenance much easier and quicker.


Another popular reason for choosing gravel is that it can provide a more aesthetically pleasing look to your aquarium.

Gravel comes in a variety of colors and can really make your tank pop. Guppies are colorful fish, and gravel can help enhance their colors.

Space For Guppies To Hide

Another benefit of gravel is that it provides more hiding places for guppies than sand.

Guppies are timid fish and like to have plenty of places to hide. Gravel provides more nooks and crannies for them to feel safe.

Cons Of Using Gravel In Guppy Fish Tank

You need to know both sides of the coin before deciding which substrate to use in your guppy fish tank.

There are also some disadvantages of using gravel that you should be aware of.

Can Cause Digestive Issues

One potential downside of gravel is that it can cause digestive issues for guppies.

If the gravel is too large, it can get lodged in their throats or tear their intestines. Therefore, it’s important only to use gravel that is a suitable size for your guppies.

Too Big

One of the most important things to consider is the gravel’s size. Guppies are small fish and can easily be injured by too large gravel. Therefore, it’s important to choose gravel that is a suitable size for your fish.

Too Bright Color

Another thing to consider is the color of the gravel. Gravel too light in color can make it difficult for your fish to see their food, leading to malnutrition. Darker colors are usually better for guppies.

Sharper Than Sand

Ensure the gravel is smooth, without sharp edges that could cut your fish. Gravel is often sharper than sand, so if you have any fish that like to dig, they could hurt themselves.

Chemical Diffusion

If you decide to use gravel in your guppy tank, make sure to wash it thoroughly before adding it to the tank.

This will remove any harmful chemicals or bacteria that could harm your fish. You should also avoid using gravel from outside sources, as it could contain harmful pollutants.

Hard To Clean

Gravel is more difficult to clean than sand, and it can also trap uneaten food, leading to ammonia build-up and eventually harming your guppies.

Tangled Roots And Dead Plants

And lastly, if you have a lot of plants in your tank, their roots can get tangled in the gravel, making it difficult for them to get the nutrients they need.

Can You Use A Mix Of Gravel And Sand Substrate In The Guppy Fish Tank?

Yes, you can mix gravel and sand together as substrate in a guppy fish tank. Guppies do not seem to care whether the substrate is sand, gravel, or a mix of both.

They will still swim and play in the tank just the same. The biggest difference between using sand or gravel as the substrate is the maintenance required for each type.

Gravel is much easier to clean than sand because it does not get stirred up easily. However, sand can quickly become clouded if it is not cleaned regularly.

If you use a mix of gravel and sand, vacuum the gravel often to prevent the sand from getting too cloudy.

Cloudy water is not necessarily harmful to guppies but can make it more difficult to see food and potential predators. If the water in your guppy tank becomes too cloudy, you may need a water change to clear it up.

In general, gravel is the better substrate for a guppy fish tank because it is easier to keep clean. However, if you prefer the look of sand or your guppies seems to prefer it, there is no harm in using it as the substrate in their tank. Just clean it regularly to prevent the water from becoming too cloudy.

Is Gravel Or Sand Better For Guppy Fish?

There are pros and cons to gravel and sand substrates for guppy fish tanks. Gravel is more forgiving if you make a mistake when cleaning the tank, and it’s also better at hiding uneaten food and waste.

However, sand is softer on your fish’s fins and gills and allows them to build burrows and nests. So, ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which substrate is best for your guppy fish tank.

No one can decide for you, and you need to stay adamant about the ideas and decisions you make for your tank.

Your fish will be happy and thrive no matter what you choose- as long as you provide them with the basic necessities!

What Do Guppy Fish Like In Their Tank?

Guppy fish come from South America and are one of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish because they are so easy to care for.

In addition, Guppy fish are live-bearers, which means they give birth to live young rather than laying eggs.

Guppy fish come in a wide variety of colors and patterns, which is one of the reasons they are so popular among aquarium hobbyists. These fish are also very active and fun to watch.

While guppy fish are relatively easy to care for, you still need to do a few things to ensure they stay healthy and happy.

Guppies, like all fish, prefer a certain level of comfort and security in their environment. This means that they generally prefer tanks with plenty of hiding places and soft, sandy substrates.

However, each guppy is an individual, and some may prefer different types of substrates than others.

Ultimately, it is up to the guppy owner to experiment with different types of substrates to see what their fish prefer.

These fish are like a tank where the guppy tank has lots of live plants. They also like their water moving, so a filter is a must. As for gravel, many guppy keepers prefer to use small rocks or sand.

What Kind Of Environment Do Guppies Like?

Guppies are tropical fish, which means they prefer warm water. In the wild, they generally live in slow-moving rivers and streams with plenty of vegetation. This environment provides them with both food and hiding places from predators.

In captivity, guppies can be kept in a variety of different tanks. However, it’s important to provide them with the right environment to ensure their health and happiness. Here are some things to keep in mind when setting up a guppy tank:

Now that you know what equipment and water parameters guppies need, you can provide them with the perfect environment for a happy and healthy life.


In conclusion, guppy fish can live in and prefer both sand or gravel substrate, but each has pros and cons. Sand is more natural looking and easier to clean, but it can be more expensive. Gravel is cheaper but harder to clean and can be sharper on the fish’s fins. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which substrate you think will be best for your guppy fish tank. Thanks for reading!

Do you have any questions or comments about using sand or gravel as substrate in a guppy fish tank? Let us know in the comments below! And make sure to check out our other blog posts about all things guppy fish care.

Happy Fish Keeping! 🙂

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