How Can Guppy Fish Live Without An Air Pump?

How Can Guppy Fish Live Without An Air Pump

Many people have aquariums in their homes with different types of fish. One common type of fish is the guppy. Guppy fish is one of the easiest to care for but still requires basic maintenance. Many people choose to keep guppies in their tanks, but they may wonder if an air pump is necessary for survival. Can guppy fish live without an air pump? Or can you get away without using an air pump?

Yes, guppy fish can live without an air pump, and they can get the oxygen they need from the water through their gills if there is proper water displacement once in a while. However, there are some benefits to using an air pump in a guppy tank as it helps to keep the water circulated and aerated.

In this blog post, we will discuss whether guppy fish can live without an air pump and how you can increase the oxygen level in your guppy tank without an air pump.

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Can Guppy Fish Live Without An Air Pump?

Yes, guppy fish can live without an air pump. They can get oxygen from the water through their gills. It is entirely up to you whether you want to add an air pump or not.

I have seen people going all out because beginners often stumble and make many mistakes. There are a few reasons for this, but the main one is that they don’t know how to set up their tank properly.

If you’re not sure about something, please ask! We would rather answer your questions now than have you make a mistake that could later cost your fish life.

Now, I’m not saying that an air pump is a bad thing. In fact, they can be very helpful in some situations. For example, if you have a lot of plants in your tank, they will help to keep the water circulated and prevent dead spots from forming.

But if you don’t have a lot of plants, or if your fish are small, you probably don’t need an air pump.

So, to sum it up, guppy fish can live without an air pump, but they can be helpful in some situations. If you’re unsure whether or not you need one, ask an experienced fish keeper for help.

When Should You Add Air Pump In The Guppy Tank?

You should add an air pump to the guppy tank if you want to increase the oxygen level in the water. It is not necessary to have an air pump, but it can be beneficial for the fish.

However, there are some things to consider when deciding whether or not to add an air pump to your guppy tank.

One thing to consider is the size of your guppy tank. An air pump may not be necessary if you have a small tank. The fish will have enough oxygen from the water’s surface area.

Another thing to consider is the number of fish in your tank. If you have a lot of fish, then an air pump may be necessary to help increase the oxygen level in the water.

The final thing to consider is the type of fish you have. If you have fish that are high-oxygen consumers, then an air pump will be necessary.

How Can Guppy Fish Live Without An Air Pump?

Well, the truth is that guppy fish can live without an air pump. However, there are a few things that you need to take into consideration if you want your guppy fish to thrive without an air pump.

You need to ensure that the tank is big enough. A smaller tank will not have as much oxygen as a larger tank.

It would help if you made sure that there were plenty of plants in the tank. Plants produce oxygen and help keep the oxygen levels up in the tank.

It would help if you made sure that the water was clean. Dirty water will not have as much oxygen as clean water.

If you consider these things, your guppy fish should be able to live without an air pump. However, if you are unsure, it is always best to consult a veterinarian or a fish expert before making any changes to your tank.

When Should You Add Air Pump In The Guppy Tank?

If you have a small tank, I recommend adding an air pump. This will help to ensure that the oxygen levels are high enough for your fish.

You should also add an air pump if you do not have many plants in your tank. The air pump will help to circulate the water and bring more oxygen into the tank.

Finally, you should add an air pump if the water in your tank is dirty. The air pump will help circulate the water and remove some dirt and debris from the water.

How To Install An Aquarium Air Pump?

Installing an aquarium air pump is a simple process. But if we are new to it, we will struggle even to pour the water into the tank, so, understandably, installing an air pump is challenging. But don’t worry, we will help you with it.

Select A Location

The first thing that you need to do is to find a place for your air pump. It is important to place it so that the water can easily flow through the pump. If the water cannot flow easily, it will not work as efficiently, and your fish will not get the oxygen they need.

Place The Pump In The Tank

The next step is to place the pump in the tank. Make sure that the pump is placed so that it will not be disturbed by any gravel or other objects in the tank. Once the pump is in place, you need to connect the tubing to the pump.

Connect The Tubing

The tubing needs to be connected to the pump so the water can flow through it. First, ensure that the tubing is properly connected and that there are no leaks. Once the tubing is in place, you need to turn on the pump and let it run for a few minutes.

Turn On The Pump

Once the pump is turned on, it will start circulating the water and oxygenating the tank. You must let the pump run for a few minutes to oxygenate the water properly. After a few minutes, you can turn off the pump and allow the fish to breathe normally.

Do Guppy Fish Need Oxygen To Survive?

Yes, Guppy fish need oxygen to survive, just like any other fish. They get their oxygen from the water through their gills. However, they can live without an air pump as long as enough dissolved oxygen is in the water.

If you have a guppy tank, you should add an air pump. This will help ensure that the water has enough dissolved oxygen for the fish to breathe. You can also increase the oxygen level in the tank by adding plants. Plants produce oxygen and help keep the water clean.

I know it feels like they don’t breathe oxygen but look at their gills moving; that is how they breathe. So don’t worry; your fish are getting the oxygen they need from the water.

Guppy fish need oxygen to survive because they are aquatic animals. They live in water and breathe through their gills. Gill breathing requires a constant supply of oxygen, so if the oxygen level in the water decreases, the guppy fish will suffocate and die.

How Long Can Guppy Fish Live Without An Air Pump?

These fish can survive without an air pump as long as enough dissolved oxygen is in the water. They will not thrive and may even die if the oxygen level gets too low. How long they can last without an air pump depends on the size of the fish and how much-dissolved oxygen is in the water.

The best way to ensure that your fish have enough oxygen is to add an air pump to the tank. This will help circulate the water and keep the oxygen levels high. It is also a good idea to have a backup air pump in case the power goes out, or the primary pump fails.

If the water has a high level of dissolved oxygen, the guppy fish can live for a longer period of time without an air pump. However, if the water has a low level of dissolved oxygen, the guppy fish will start to suffocate and die within a few days.

Guppy fish can live for a long time without an air pump if there is enough dissolved oxygen in the water. However, if you want to keep your guppy fish stress-free and healthy, adding an air pump to the tank is best.

How To Increase Oxygen Level In Guppy Tank Without An Air Pump?

I know you want to save money by not buying an air pump for your guppy fish tank. But did you know that there are ways you can increase the oxygen level in your guppy tank without an air pump?

These are just a few ways to increase the oxygen levels in your guppy tank without an air pump. So, if you’re looking to save money or don’t want to use an air pump, try these methods instead.


Plants release oxygen into the water as a by-product of photosynthesis and help remove carbon dioxide and other toxins from the water. So, adding more plants to your guppy tank will help increase the oxygen levels.

You can add floating plants like duckweed, water sprite, and frogbit. These plants help shade the bottom of the tank, preventing algae growth. They also consume carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the water.

Change The Water Regularly

Changing the water regularly also helps to increase the oxygen levels in a guppy tank. When you change the water, you also remove the toxins and waste that have built up in the water. This allows more oxygen to dissolve into the water.

Use A Filter

Using a filter is another great way to increase the oxygen levels in your guppy tank. A filter helps to remove the toxins and waste from the water, allowing more oxygen to dissolve into the water.

The water movement and displacement created by a filter also help to increase the oxygen levels in the water.


You can also use an air stone with a filter to help increase the oxygen levels in your guppy tank. The air stone releases oxygen bubbles into the water, increasing oxygen levels. The water movement created by the bubbles also helps to increase oxygen levels in the water.


In conclusion, guppy fish can live without an air pump but need access to oxygen to survive. They need oxygen to survive, and guppy fish get stressed and will die if they do not have access to it. Using an air pump is the best way to ensure that your guppy fish have access to oxygen. If you are not using an air pump, you should add one to the tank.

Thanks for reading! I hope this article was helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below, and I will get back to you as soon as possible.

Good Luck!!!

Happy Fishkeeping!!!

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