How Do I Keep Guppy Fish Happy?

How Do I Keep Guppy Fish Happy

If you are a fish enthusiast or just looking to add some vibrant color to your tank, you may have considered adding guppies. Guppies make great starter fish for anyone new to the hobby, and they are easy to keep happy if you know what they need.  But just like any other living creature, they need a few things to stay happy and healthy, and you should ensure that. So, how can you keep guppy fish happy?

To keep your guppy fish happy, it is important to give them proper tank size, mimic their natural habitat, maintain optimum water temperature, add plants, keep them in a group, feed them good food and give them potential hiding spots. You should also perform a water change and get compatible tankmates. In addition, you should maintain the male-to-female ratio and provide proper treatment when diseases occur.

Few signs showing that your fish are content and thriving include their coloration, flared-out fins, active swimming, and normal breathing. It would help if you also looked for clean and bright eyes.

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In this blog post, we will cover everything you need to know to keep your guppies healthy and happy.

How Do I Keep The Guppy Fish Happy?

Guppies are tropical fish that come from warm freshwater streams in South America. In the wild, they live in groups and are used to having a lot of space to swim around. They are also used to having hiding spots and plenty of plants. Guppies are very colorful fish, and their colors can range from solid colors like blue or yellow to multi-colored like rainbow or sunset.

Well, it is not rocket science to figure out what makes gu[y fish happy, and there are a few key things you can do to ensure they are. Follow these tips, and you will have healthy and content guppies in no time!

Give Them Proper Tank Size

One of the most important things you can do for your guppy fish is to give them a proper tank size. These small fish are very active swimmers and need a lot of space to swim around.

However, they need enough room to move around and feel comfortable in their environment. Therefore, a good rule of thumb is to give them at least three gallons of water per guppy fish.

To keep your guppy fish happy, you need to provide them with a tank of at least 20 gallons.

Maintain Water Parameters

Another important aspect of keeping your guppy fish happy is maintaining the water parameters. These fish are very sensitive to changes in their environment, and they need stable water conditions.

The most important water parameter for guppy fish is the pH level. The ideal pH level for these fish is between seven and eight. It would help if you also ensured that the ammonia and nitrite levels were at zero.

Mimic Their Natural Habitat

To keep your guppy fish happy, you must mimic their natural habitat as much as possible. These fish come from tropical climates and need warm water to thrive.

The ideal water temperature for guppy fish is between 72 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. You can use a heater to maintain this temperature in your tank.

Another important aspect of their natural habitat is plants. Guppy fish love to hide among the plants and feel more secure in an environment with plenty of vegetation. They also help to keep the water clean and oxygenated.

You should add some live plants to your tank to keep your guppy fish happy. Also, ensure the water is warmer, as they prefer that.

Keep Them In A Group

One of the best things you can do to keep your guppy fish happy is to keep them in a group. Guppies are social creatures and thrive when they are around other guppies.

A good rule of thumb is to have at least three guppies in a tank. This will give them enough company and allow them to socialize.

Guppies are fin nippers, so it is important to have a group to socialize with without harming each other.

Feed Them Good Food

Another way to keep your guppy fish happy is to feed them good food. Guppies are omnivores, so they need a diet that includes plant and animal matter.

Many commercial foods available will provide all the nutrients your guppy needs to stay healthy and happy. In addition, you can supplement their diet with live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, or bloodworms.

Give Them Potential Hiding Spots

Guppies are also happiest when they have potential hiding spots in their tank. This is because guppies are timid fish and like to have places to hide when they feel scared or threatened.

There are many different types of hiding spots that you can add to a tank, such as caves, plants, or even just rocks.

Adding hiding spots will make your guppies happy and help keep them healthy and stress-free.

Perform Water Change

Another important way to keep your guppy fish happy is to perform regular water changes. Guppies are very sensitive to changes in water quality, so it is important to keep the water in their tank clean and free of toxins.

A good rule of thumb is to perform a water change every week. This will ensure that your guppies have clean and fresh water to live in.

Get Them Compatible Tankmates

Guppies are peaceful fish and do not do well with aggressive or bullying fish. Instead, choose tankmates that are similar in size and temperament.

Some good choices for guppy tankmates include other peaceful fish such as neon tetras, dwarf gouramis, or angelfish.

Maintain Male To Female Ratio

Maintaining a proper male-to-female ratio when keeping guppy fish is also important. If there are too many males in a tank, they will become stressed and may start fighting with each other.

On the other hand, if there are too many females in a tank, they will also become stressed and may not be able to thrive.

The ideal ratio is two males for every female. This will allow the guppies to socialize without becoming stressed. The dominance and competition can cause a lot of stress in guppies, so it is important to maintain this ratio.

Provide Proper Treatment When Diseases Occur

Unfortunately, guppy fish are susceptible to several diseases. The most common diseases include white spots, velvet, and bacterial infections.

If your guppy fish get sick, it is important to provide them with proper treatment. Guppies are very sensitive to changes in water quality and can get sick easily.

If you notice any changes in their behavior or appearance, take them to the vet for a check-up.

How Do I Know My Guppy Fish Are Happy?

Trust me; you will just know. The vibe, the visual, the actions, and the swimming all give it away. If you have happy guppies, you must look at how things are in the tank.

Okay, I will tell you some obvious signs.


A healthy guppy’s bright and vibrant colors are always a good sign. You will see all the colors popping if they are healthy and happy.

Seeing your guppies looking pale or their colors seeming to fade indicates that something might be wrong.

Flared Out Fins

Guppies that are happy and healthy will have their fins flared out. This is especially true for males, who use their fins to attract females.

If you see your guppy’s fins looking clamped, it is an indication that something is wrong.

Active Swimming

Guppies are active swimmers and love to explore their tanks. They are constantly on the move and love to play in the water. So if you see your guppy swimming lazily or not moving around much, it could signify poor health.

Normal Breathing

Guppies breathe through their gills, and you will see them moving their fins to help with the process. However, seeing your guppy gasping for air or struggling to breathe signifies something is wrong.

Clean And Bright Eyes

Guppies have bright and clean eyes. So, seeing your guppy’s eyes looking cloudy or sunken indicates poor health.

What Do Guppy Fish Need To Live A Happy Life?

Well, everything and nothing. Sorry for that vague answer, but hear me out. Guppies need the basic things that all fish need to survive, such as a heater, filter, plants, decoration, and good food.

But what guppies need to live a happy life is attention. They need you to watch them and take care of them.

There are a few things that guppies need to live a happy life:


Guppies need a heater to maintain the water temperature at a comfortable level. The ideal water temperature for guppies is between 72-78 degrees Fahrenheit. I recommend you get Aqueon Pro 100 Submersible Aquarium Heater.


Guppies need a filter like Penn Plax Aquarium Cascade Canister Filter to keep the water clean and toxins-free. A good filter will also help to maintain the water parameters at a stable level.


Guppies need plants to help oxygenate the water and provide a place to hide. Plants also help to keep the water clean and free of toxins.

The best plants to keep in the guppy tank are:

  • Java Fern
  • Anubias
  • Hornwort
  • Water Sprite


Guppies need decoration to help provide them with a place to hide. Decorations also help to keep the water clean and free of toxins. The best decorations for guppy tanks are:

  • Caves
  • Driftwood
  • Rocks

Good Food

Guppies need good food to help them grow and maintain their health. The best food for guppies is:

Good Night Sleep

Guppies follow the circadian cycle and are most active during the day. They need a good night’s sleep to stay healthy and happy.

A common symptom of guppies not getting enough sleep is lethargy and listlessness. If your guppy shows these signs, give them a dark and quiet place to rest.


Keeping your guppy fish happy is not as difficult as it may seem. Following the tips in this guide will give your guppies everything they need to live a happy and healthy life. If you notice any of the signs listed above, your guppy is likely happy and content in its home. If you provide them with the necessary items and attention, your guppy will be happy and thrive for years to come. Thanks for reading!

P.S. If you have any questions or tips, please share them in the comments below!

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Good Luck!!

Happy Fishkeeping!!

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