How Many Guppy Fish Should You Keep Together?

How Many Guppy Fish Should You Keep Together

Guppy fish is a great choice for a beginner fishkeeper. They are hardy and can thrive in a variety of water conditions. You may have seen guppies at your local pet store and thought they were so cute you just had to have them. But then you get home and realize you have no idea how many guppy fish you should keep together. Do they need to be in groups? Should you keep only one?

You should keep at least six guppy fish in the tank together for them to school and be active. If you keep fewer than six guppies in the tank, they may become stressed and inactive. The more guppies you have in the tank, the more they will school and interact with each other.

While you can keep only one guppy fish, it is not recommended. Guppies are social creatures and do best when they are kept in groups. If you keep only one guppy, he may become stressed and inactive. Also, guppies need at least ten gallons of tank space per fish. So, if you have a ten-gallon tank, you can keep three guppies. But if you have a twenty-gallon tank, you can keep six guppies.

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The answer to how many guppy fish you should keep together depends on a few factors, such as tank size, schedule, and budget. In this blog post, we will explore that question and provide tips on keeping your guppy fish happy and healthy!

How Many Guppy Fish Should You Keep Together?

Well, guppies are schooling fish by nature. So, it’s best to keep them in a group. A group of guppies will feel more comfortable and secure in their surroundings than just one or two guppies.

Not to mention, they are much more fun to watch when they are together! Hence, it is ideal for keeping six guppy fish together.

This way, they will have plenty of room to swim and explore their tank. Plus, you will be able to see their different personalities shine through when they are in a group.

Factors That Decide How Many Guppy Fish You Can Keep Together

Now, the question is – how many guppy fish should you keep together? There are a few factors to consider when making this decision.

Tank Size

The size of your tank will play a big role in how many guppies you can keep together. A general rule of thumb is that each guppy needs about two gallons of water. So, if you have a 20-gall

Guppies need at least a 20-gallon tank. If you plan on keeping more than ten guppies, you will need an even larger tank. The more guppies you have, the more filtration and aeration you will also need.

Your Schedule

Another factor to consider is how much time you have to care for your guppies. Keeping too many guppies together might not be a good idea if you are gone for long periods. You will need someone to come over to feed them and clean the tank while you are gone.


The last factor to consider is your budget. Guppies are not very expensive, but the more you have, the more food they will eat and the more filtration you need. So, starting with a smaller group of guppies might be best if you are on a tight budget.

Now that you know the factors to consider, you can decide how many guppies you should keep together. You can keep more guppies together if you have a large tank and the time to care for them. If you are on a tight budget, starting with a smaller group of guppies might be best. No matter what, you should always ensure enough food and filtration for your guppy fish.

How Much Tank Space Do Guppies Need?

Guppies are small fish, and they don’t need a lot of space. You can keep a group of guppies in a tank as small as 20 gallons.

However, we recommend a 30-gallon tank for keeping guppies because it provides more swimming space and gives you more options for decorating the tank.

Each guppy needs nearly two to three gallons of water, so plan accordingly. If you are planning to keep a group of guppies, aim for at least 30 gallons tank, so they have enough room to swim and hide. If your guppy fish is pregnant, she might need an additional gallon of water for every fry she is carrying.

Do Guppies Need To Be In Groups?

Guppies are social fish and do best when they’re kept in groups. A group of guppies will generally consist of one male and two or three females.

Keeping guppies in groups has a few benefits: it allows the fish to form social bonds, provides them with some protection from predators, and helps spread the workload of parenting between the fish.

They are schooling fish, meaning they feel more comfortable and secure when in a group. Guppies live in large groups of hundreds or even thousands of fish in the wild.

While you probably won’t be able to provide your guppies with that large tank, you should try to keep them in groups of at least five or six fish.

Can You Keep Only One Guppy?

You can technically keep only one guppy, but we don’t recommend it. These fish are social creatures and do best when you keep them in groups.

He will likely be stressed and unhappy if you only have one guppy. This guppy fish may also become aggressive towards other fish or even his own reflection.

Keeping at least two or three guppy fish together is much better. This will allow them to form social bonds and help reduce stress levels.

Why Should You Keep Guppy Fish In A Group?

Guppy fish are social creatures and do best when they’re kept in groups. Keeping guppies in a group has a few benefits.

Hierarchy And Dominance

Guppies are hierarchical creatures, and they will establish a social hierarchy when in a group. In the wild, the most dominant male guppy fish will be the one to mate with the female guppies.

In a home aquarium, you can control who mates with whom by separating the males and females, but if you have a group of guppies, the most dominant male will still be the one to mate.

It is beneficial because the most dominant males are usually the healthiest and strongest fish, and their offspring will likely be healthier and stronger.

Mating And Reproduction

Another benefit of having more guppies is that you will have more chances of seeing them mate and reproduce. It is a very rewarding experience, especially if you raise the fry (guppy babies).

Even though guppies are not the easiest to breed, having more fish will increase your chances of seeing fry in your tank.

Guppies are livebearers, meaning they give birth to live babies instead of laying eggs. The female guppy will store the sperm from the male in her gravid spot (an area near the base of the tail), and when she is ready to give birth, she will release around 20-60 fry at a time.


Guppy fish are schooling fish, which means they like to be around other guppies. If you only have one guppy, it might become stressed and lonely. A stressed guppy is more likely to get sick and might not live as long as a happy guppy.

Guppies are also social creatures because they like to mate. If you have only one male guppy and one female guppy, they might not be able to mate and produce babies. But if you have a group of guppies, the males will compete for the attention of the females, and there will be a better chance that the females will get pregnant.

Not only will keeping guppies in a group make them happier, but it will also make them healthier. If one guppy gets sick, it is more likely to spread the disease to the other guppies in the tank. But if you have a big group of guppies, the chances of the disease spreading are much lower.

A group of guppies is also more likely to survive if there is a problem with the water quality or if you accidentally forget to feed them. If one fish dies, the others will still stay okay.

Is Guppy Fish Schooling Fish?

Yes, guppy fish are schooling fish. This means that they do best when they are kept in groups. However, guppies are social creatures and will thrive when they are around other guppies.

When choosing how many guppies to keep together, you should consider the size of your tank and the number of guppies you want to keep. It would help if you also kept in mind that you would need to provide enough food for all of the guppies.

Is Keeping More Guppies In A Fish Tank Difficult?

No, not at all. It takes similar energy as keeping a single guppy. The only difference is you might have to feed them more often since they will consume more food.

Maintaining a group of guppy fish is difficult if you do not have the proper setup. Therefore, it is important to ensure that you have a large enough tank for the number of guppies you want to keep. You should also maintain a ratio of two females to one male.

It is also important to feed them sufficient food and to keep the water parameters ideal for guppies. If you overcrowd your tank, it can lead to stress and disease in your fish.

What Are The Best Practices For Keeping More Guppies?

There are various ways to keep guppy fish in a group together, but some are better than others. Here are the best practices for keeping more guppies:

Keep Guppies In A Bigger Tank

This will allow the guppies to have more space to swim and explore. A bigger tank also means more stable water conditions.

Maintain 2:1 (Female:Male) Ratio

Maintain a ratio of two females to every one male. This will help to keep the guppies calm and reduce aggression.

Feed Sufficient Food

Make sure to feed the guppies enough food. They may become aggressive towards each other if they are not getting enough food.

Overfeeding can also lead to aggression, so find a happy medium. Feeding them small amounts several times a day rather than one large meal is best.

Maintain The Ideal Water Parameters For Guppies

It is important to maintain the ideal water parameters for guppies. If the water is not clean, the guppies may become sick.

Guppies prefer water that is slightly acidic with a pH of around six. They also like water that is on the warmer side, around 72 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit.

How Many Guppies Can You Add At Once?

You can add a few guppies at a time to your tank. However, it is best to slowly increase the population so that the fish have time to adjust to each other.

You can add two or three guppies at once, but waiting a week or two in between additions is best. This will help the fish acclimate to their new surroundings and each other.

If you’re adding guppies to an existing tank, you’ll need to acclimate them first. To do this, float the bag containing your new fish in the tank for about 15 minutes.

This will allow the fish to get used to the new water temperature. After 15 minutes, you can release your guppies into the tank. If you’re starting a new tank, you can add all of your guppies at once.

Can You Keep Just One Or Two Guppies?

Yes, you can keep just one or two guppies, but they will not stay as happy as they would in a group. Guppies are social creatures and love to interact with other guppies. So if you only have one or two guppies, they might get bored and depressed.

It is best to keep at least three guppies together to play and stay active. Guppies are also schooling fish, which means that they like to swim in groups. So, it is best to keep them in at least three groups.

If you have a big tank, you can keep more guppies together. But, if you are keeping more than six guppies together, maintain a ratio of two females for every male. This will help to prevent aggression and fighting among the guppies.

Also, make sure to feed them enough food. It is best to give them small meals multiple times a day so that they can stay active and healthy.

Maintain the ideal water parameters for guppies, such as the pH level, temperature, and hardness. This will help to keep your guppies happy and healthy.

Can You Keep Different Types Of Guppies Together?

Yes, you can keep different types of guppies together. In fact, I often recommend doing so. This is because guppies are social creatures and enjoy being in the company of other fish. Additionally, keeping different types of guppies together can help to prevent inbreeding.

I have seen people who keep only one guppy in their tank.

While you can technically keep only one guppy, it is not recommended. This is because guppies are social creatures and do best when they are kept in groups. Additionally, keeping only one guppy can lead to boredom and loneliness.

What Happens If You Overcrowd Your Tank?

If you overcrowd your tank, you’re risking the health of your fish. Overcrowding can increase stress levels, making your fish more susceptible to disease. It can also cause water quality problems, as more waste will be produced in a smaller space.

If you overcrowd your tank, keep a close eye on your fish and be prepared to do some extra water changes.


In conclusion, you can keep as many guppies as you want together, but it is best to have at least two, so they can school. If you are keeping more than six, have a larger tank and maintain the proper water parameters. Guppies are typically peaceful fish, but there are some exceptions. Doing your research before adding any fish to your tank is best.

Thanks for reading!

Please let us know in the comments below if you have any questions or queries regarding keeping guppy fish. We would be happy to help you out!

Happy Fishkeeping! 🙂

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