How To Stop Bullying Female Guppy?

How To Stop Bullying Female Guppy

Female guppies are not territorial, yet they often engage in bullying behavior towards one another. This can result in chasing, fighting, and even death. If you have a female guppy tank, it is important to understand the reasons behind these behaviors and how to stop them. So, how to stop bullying female guppy?

You can stop bullying female guppy by removing the aggressors, maintaining water parameters, food quality, and quantity, and providing hiding places. Still, all of these depend on the reasons for their aggression. Once you know the reason behind the bullying, you can take steps to stop it.

Female guppies engage in this behavior for various reasons, including competition for food and mates and just plain old boredom.

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In this article, we will discuss why female guppies bully each other and how you can prevent it from happening in your tank.

Is Female Guppy Aggressive?

Many aquarists have noticed that their female guppies can get aggressive towards each other, sometimes even males.

This behavior is often seen when the guppies are kept in a tank that is too small, or there aren’t enough hiding places. But these guppies are peaceful fish that won’t act out until and unless something is wrong in the tank.

Is Bullying Normal Among Female Guppy Fish?

No. It’s not “normal” per se, but it does happen from time to time. Female guppies can get aggressive towards each other for a variety of reasons.

The good news is that female guppy bullying is not as common as male guppy bullying, but it does happen. However, you can do a few things to stop bullying and keep your fish happy and healthy.

You need to understand how pushing, pulling, chasing, and nipping can get into the summarization of guppy behavior. These actions can become problematic when done excessively or without proper understanding.

Why Are My Female Guppy Fish Bullying Each Other?

People ask me questions like, “My guppies are fighting; what should I do?”, My male guppies won’t leave the females alone, is it normal?”, ‘Can I keep two male guppies together?” etc., and these are normal questions.

The surprising one is the question about how to stop bullying female guppy fish. Females don’t fight as often as males; in fact, they are gentle and timid. So, when this happens, it can get really confusing and frustrating.

It is difficult to stop bullying without effectively knowing the reasons behind the aggression. However, there are a few potential reasons why your female guppy fish might be behaving aggressively towards each other.

I will list them down here:

Lack Of Space

One possibility is that there is not enough space in the tank for all of the fish to coexist peacefully. On the other hand, if the tank is too small, the guppy fish may become stressed and lash out at each other.

Poor Water Quality

One of the main reasons behind bullying in female guppies is poor water quality. If the water in your tank is not clean and contains a high level of ammonia, it can stress the fish. When the fish are stressed, they become more aggressive towards each other.

Presence Of Other Fish

If there are too many fish in the tank, it can make the guppies stressed. This is because they will not have enough space to swim and hide. As a result, they will become more aggressive towards each other. If you have more than one guppy, it is recommended to have at least two gallons of water per fish.

Improper Diet

If the guppies are not getting enough food, they will become aggressive toward each other to get food. Therefore, feeding these guppy fish a proper diet rich in nutrients is important.

Lack Of Hiding Places

If the guppies do not have enough hiding places, they will become stressed. This is because they will feel exposed and vulnerable. As a result, they will become more aggressive towards each other. Therefore, it is important to provide them with plenty of hiding places such as caves, plants, and rocks.

Inadequate Water Conditions

If the water conditions are inadequate, the guppies can be stressed. This is because they will not be able to breathe properly, and their skin will become irritated. As a result, they will become more aggressive towards each other. Therefore, it is important to keep the water clean and well-oxygenated.


If the guppies are pregnant, they will become more aggressive towards each other. This is because they will compete for food and space. Therefore, providing them with plenty of food and hiding places is important.

Presence Of Male In The Tank

The most common reason for female guppy bullying is the lack of a male in the tank. When no males are around, the females will often become aggressive towards each other as they compete for dominance.

Adding a single male to the tank can often help to reduce or even eliminate aggression amongst the females. This is because the male will act as a “peacemaker” and help keep the females calm.

If you are keeping more than one male guppy in the tank, you may need to increase the number of females. This is because males are quite aggressive towards each other, and you don’t want your females to get caught in the middle of that.

Different Species Of Guppies

Another reason your female guppies may be bullying each other is that they are different species. This is most likely to happen if you have mixed different types of guppies in the same tank.

For example, you might have a tank with fancy and common guppies. The fancy guppies are usually much more brightly colored and have longer fins than the common guppies.

The difference in appearance can sometimes lead to bullying, as the more plain-looking fish may be seen as inferior by the others. If this is the case, then you may need to separate the different types of guppies into different tanks.

Improper Tank Conditions

If your tank conditions are not ideal, this can lead to aggression amongst the guppies. For example, if the water is too cold or too warm, it can stress the fish out and make them more likely to fight each other.

It’s important to keep an eye on the water’s temperature and ensure that it is within the ideal range for guppies. You should also ensure that the tank is well-oxygenated and that there are plenty of hiding places for the fish to feel safe.


One of the most common causes of aggression in fish is overcrowding. If too many fish are in the tank, they will start fighting with each other for space. This can lead to bullying behavior as well as physical fights.

It’s important to make sure that your tank is not too crowded. It would help if you only had as many fish as the tank can comfortably accommodate. If you are not sure, then it’s always better to err on the side of caution and have fewer fish rather than too many.

How To  Stop Bullying Female Guppy Fish?

There are a few things that can cause guppy bullying. It is important to be aware of these things so that you can take steps to prevent them.

The good news is that you can do a few things to stop bullying. But first, try to figure out what is causing the aggression. Is there a specific fish that seems to be the instigator? If so, you may need to remove that fish from the tank.

Here I will help you figure things out and talk about the proper solutions:

Get A Larger Tank

The first thing you need to do is get a larger tank. I know you might think your tank is big enough, but it’s not. Your female guppies need more space to swim around and explore. A larger tank will also help to reduce the amount of stress that your fish are feeling.

Add More Plants And Hiding Places

Plants provide hiding places for weaker fish and give them a place to escape when they feel scared or threatened.

If your tank doesn’t have many hiding places, then this can also be a cause of bullying. The fish may feel exposed and vulnerable, leading to bullying.

Adding more hiding places, such as caves or plants, can help to reduce the amount of bullying that is going on. This will help to reduce stress and make them feel more secure.

Change The Water More Often And Maintain Water Quality

It would help if you also were changing the water more often. This will help remove any toxins in the water and make it easier for the fish to breathe.

Bullying can often be caused by stress, and if the water is dirty, it can add to the stress that your fish are feeling.

Changing the water more often can help reduce the stress your female guppy fish are under and hopefully stop the bullying.

To maintain good water quality, you need to do a weekly water change of about 30%. It would help if you also vacuumed the gravel to remove waste and uneaten food. Lastly, ensure that you are using a filter and working properly.

Consider Getting A New Tank Mate

Adding another fish to the tank can sometimes help to reduce the amount of bullying that is going on between female guppy fish.

The new fish will provide another target for the bullies and may help to take some of the attention off of the other fish. Just ensure to choose a fish that is compatible with your guppies and won’t add to the stress of the situation.

Be More Careful When Adding Fish

It would help if you were careful when adding new fish to your tank. Make sure that the new fish are not too small or too weak. Otherwise, they will be an easy target for the bullies.

It would help if you also introduced the new fish one at a time so that they have a chance to adjust to their new surroundings. If you add too many fish at once, it can cause stress and make the situation worse.

Remove The Bossy Fish

Sometimes, the only way to stop the bullying of female guppy fish is to remove the fish that is doing it. For example, if you have a fish constantly bullying others, it might be time to remove them from the tank.

You can give them to another aquarium or return them to the store. Just be sure that you are not leaving the other fish behind because they will be the ones that suffer.

Why Do Female Guppies Chasing Each Other?

A few reasons could cause your female guppies to chase each other. It could be due to stress, lack of space, or even aggression.

If you think it might be due to stress, try adding more hiding spots in your tank for them to feel safe. If you think it might be due to a lack of space, try adding more plants or decorations for them to explore. Finally, if you think it might be due to aggression, you may need to separate them into different tanks.

Can Two Female Guppies Live Together?

Yes, two female guppies can live together. In fact, I often recommend keeping at least two guppies together, as they’re social creatures that do best in the company of their kind.

However, it’s important to remember that not all guppies get along. So if you notice your female guppies chasing each other or nipping at each other’s fins, separating them into different tanks is a good idea.

Can I Have An All-Female Guppy Tank?

You can, but I don’t recommend it. While all-female guppy tanks can work, they often result in aggression and bullying. If you do decide to go this route, be sure to provide plenty of hiding places and keep a close eye on your fish.


Bullying is a serious problem that can lead to the death of your fish. If you think that your fish are being bullied, then you need to take action to stop it. Female guppies are bullies, but there are ways to stop the aggression. By keeping them in pairs or groups, providing hiding places, and separating aggressive fish, you can create a peaceful tank for all your guppies to enjoy.

The tips I have given you in this article are just a few of the many ways to stop bullying in your tank. Be creative, and try out different tactics until you find what works best for your fish. And most importantly, don’t give up! With a little patience and effort, you can create a bully-free zone for all your fish to enjoy. Thanks for reading! I hope this article was helpful. Until next time, take care of your fish and have fun! 🙂

Good luck!

Happy Fishkeeping!!

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