Can You Keep Guppy Fish In A Fish Bowl?

Can You Keep Guppy Fish In A Fish Bowl

Guppy fish is a type of freshwater fish that are popular in aquariums. They are small and colorful, making them a favorite among fish enthusiasts. If you are a fish lover, you have probably wondered at some point if it is possible to keep guppy fish in a fish bowl. So, can you keep guppy fish in a fish bowl?

The answer to this question is both yes and no. Yes, guppies can live in a fish bowl, but no, you should not keep guppy fish in a fish bowl. These fish cannot thrive in a fish bowl and will ultimately die if you do not take proper care of them.

It would help if you didn’t keep guppy fish in a fish bowl for several reasons. For one, guppies need a lot of space to swim around. A fish bowl is too small for them to move around freely.

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In this blog post, we will explore why you should not keep guppy fish in a fish bowl and provide tips on keeping your guppies healthy and happy!

Can You Keep Guppy Fish In A Fish Bowl?

You might have seen a lot of people keeping guppy fish in fish bowls and wondered if you could do the same.

The answer is yes, you can keep these hardy guppy fish in a fish bowl, but there are some things that you need to take into consideration first.

But I am against this through and through. I’ll explain why you shouldn’t keep guppy fish in a fish bowl.

Why Shouldn’t You Keep Guppy Fish In A Fish Bowl?

Guppy fish are social creatures, and they need to be in groups. A single guppy fish in a bowl will feel lonely and stressed.

This will lead to a decrease in their lifespan, and they will be more susceptible to diseases. They can live in a bowl without an air pump, but they won’t thrive and will have a shorter lifespan.

The best way to keep guppy fish in a fish bowl is by using an air pump. This will ensure that the water is well aerated and that your guppy fish have enough oxygen to breathe.

You should also have a filter in your fish bowl to keep the water clean and toxins-free. Ideally, you should have at least two guppy fish in your fishbowl. This way, they can socialize and interact with each other.

Why Shouldn’t You Keep Guppy Fish In A Fish Bowl?

It would help if you didn’t keep guppy fish in a fish bowl for several reasons.

Less Space

Guppies are active fish and need a lot of space to swim around. A fish bowl is too small for them, and they will quickly outgrow it.

They are not suited for living in small, cramped spaces. A fish bowl is also likely to be too shallow for a guppy. This can cause them stress and make it difficult for them to get the oxygen they need.

Absence Of Filters

Guppies produce a lot of waste and need a filter to keep their water clean. Unfortunately, a fish bowl doesn’t have a way to filter the water, so it will quickly become dirty and polluted. This can cause health problems for the guppies.

They Need Plants

Guppies like to have plants in their tank. This provides them with places to hide and makes them feel more comfortable. However, most fish bowls don’t have room for plants.

Temperature Instability

Guppies need stable water temperatures to stay healthy. Unfortunately, a fish bowl is more likely to experience sudden temperature changes, which can harm the guppies.

Inadequate Air Supply

Guppies need a lot of oxygen to breathe. Unfortunately, a fish bowl doesn’t have adequate air circulation to provide them with the oxygen they need. This can cause health problems and even death.

As you can see, there are several reasons you shouldn’t keep guppy fish in a fish bowl. First, it’s simply not a suitable environment for them.

Getting a tank of at least 20 gallons is best if you want to keep guppies. This will give them the space to swim around and be comfortable.

Can A Guppy Fish Die In A Fish Bowl?

Yes, a guppy fish can die in a fish bowl. There are several reasons why this can happen.

As mentioned above, guppies need a lot of space to swim around. A fish bowl is too small for them, and they will quickly outgrow it. This can cause stress and health problems.

Guppies also need a filter to keep their water clean. Unfortunately, a fish bowl doesn’t have a way to filter the water, so it will quickly become dirty and polluted. This can cause health problems for the guppies.

Furthermore, guppies need a lot of oxygen to breathe. A fish bowl doesn’t have adequate air circulation to provide them with the oxygen they need. This can cause health problems and even death.

As you can see, there are several ways a guppy fish can die in a fish bowl. First, it’s simply not a suitable environment for them. Getting a tank of at least 20 gallons is best if you want to keep guppies.

Can Guppies Live In A Bowl Without An Air Pump?

No, guppies cannot live in a bowl without an air pump. They need a way to get oxygen into their water. An air pump will help to circulate the water and keep the oxygen levels up. But guppy fish can survive without an air pump in a normal tank.

But guppies cannot live in the fish bowl anyway because the bowl is too small. They need at least a gallon of water to live in, and the bowl only has a quart of water. Guppies also need a filter to keep their water clean.

A fish bowl is not an ideal place for guppy fish. They will not thrive in a bowl and will eventually die. It is better to get a fish tank for your guppies. A fish tank will give them the space to swim, and the filter will keep their water clean.

How Many Guppies Can Live In A Fishbowl?

Depending on the bowl size, people often keep one or two guppies in a fishbowl. But is it humane to keep just one or two guppies in a fishbowl?

The answer is no. My answer is zero because they cannot live in a fish bowl and need at least a gallon of water to survive and thrive.

Guppies are social creatures and need their own kind’s company to thrive. Unfortunately, a single guppy in a bowl is likely to be stressed out, leading to health problems and a shorter lifespan of guppy. So, if you want to keep guppies in a fishbowl, you should at least have three of them.

But even then, the conditions in a fishbowl are not ideal for guppies. They need more space to swim around and an air pump to supply them with oxygen, so, if you’re serious about keeping.

If you keep guppy fish in a fish bowl, you need to ensure that the bowl is big enough. They need at least two gallons of water per fish.

It would help if you also had an air pump to oxygenate the water. Ideally, you should have one guppy per gallon of water.

A fish bowl does not have enough surface area for the guppy to get oxygen, and it also doesn’t have enough room for the guppy to swim.

Guppies are active fish and need a lot of space to swim around. A fish bowl is just too small for a guppy; remember that.

Ideal Place To Keep Guppy Fish

Now that we know that guppies cannot technically live in a fishbowl, let’s explore the ideal place to keep them.

An ideal school of six guppies needs at least a 20-gallon tank. This is because they are social creatures that need room to swim and explore.

In addition, they also produce a lot of waste, so a larger tank will help to keep the water quality high. While a 20-gallon tank is a minimum, it’s best to go with a larger tank if possible.

This will give your guppies more room to swim and be happy. Plus, it will help keep the water quality higher for longer.

If you’re looking for the absolute ideal place to keep your guppy fish, look no further than a large aquarium.

Not only will they have plenty of room to swim and explore, but you can also add other fish and plants to the tank. This will create a beautiful and natural environment for your guppies to thrive in.

Regardless of your size tank, include some hiding places for your guppies. This can be anything from rocks to plants. Guppies like to have places to hide when they feel scared or stressed out.

Finally, don’t forget to add a filter and a heater to the guppy tank. This is essential for keeping the water oxygenated and healthy for your guppy fish.


In conclusion, guppy fish cannot technically live in a fishbowl. However, they can survive for short periods. The ideal place to keep guppy fish is in a large tank with plenty of room to swim and explore. Be sure to include some hiding places, a heater, and a filter to keep the water healthy and oxygenated.

Thanks for reading!

Please let me know in the comments section below if you have any queries or suggestions. I would be happy to hear from you!

Happy Fish Keeping!

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