Why Is My Guppy Fish Not Eating?

Why Is My Guppy Fish Not Eating

The horror of seeing your foodie fish avoiding the food you are dropping down the tank is enough to unnerve any aquarist. So, why is my guppy not eating? Is it sick? Dying? Pregnant? If your guppy fish isn’t eating, it is definitely a cause for concern. And finding the right reason is quite important. So, why is your guppy fish not eating the food in the tank?

There are several reasons why a guppy fish is not eating the food in the tank, such as stress, wrong food, illness, fear, poor water condition, or because they are in labor. You can fix some of these reasons, while others might get more difficult to change.

There are many possible reasons why your guppy might not be eating, some of which are more serious than others.

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In this blog post, we will explore some of the most common reasons why guppies stop eating and what you can do to get them started again. We will also discuss how long guppies can go without food and how to tell if they are getting sick.

Why Is My Guppy Fish Not Eating?

When a foodie fish stops eating, it is a cause for concern. But don’t worry just yet! Several reasons your guppy might not be interested in food, some of which you can fix easily.

I can help you here! Let me list all the possible causes of why your guppy fish is not eating and their solutions one by one:


Guppies are very sensitive to environmental changes, and even the slightest stressor can cause them to lose their appetite.

For example, if you have recently added new fish to the tank, moved the tank to a new location, or changed the water in the tank, your guppy might be feeling stressed.

Not the Right Food

If you are feeding your guppy the wrong food, they might not be interested in eating it. Guppies are omnivorous and need a diet of plant and animal matter. Most commercial fish foods will have a mix of pellets or flakes that contain all the nutrients your guppy needs.

Improper Male to Female Ratio

The guppies might be stressed if you have too many males or too few females in your tank. An imbalance of sexes can cause fighting and chasing, leading to a loss of appetite.


If there are larger fish in the tank, they might eat the guppy food before the guppies can get to it.

Make sure to feed the guppies when the larger fish are not around. This is especially common in fry tanks where the fry is too small to compete with the adults for food.

Inadequate Water Parameters

If the water in the tank is not clean, the guppies might not want to eat because they do not feel safe.

When the temperature is too high or low, the guppies will lose interest in eating food. The pH levels being off can also lead to guppies not wanting to eat.


Do you feel like eating when you have a fever? Most likely not. It is the same case with guppy fish. They will lose their appetite and stop eating when they are ill.

If you think your guppy might be ill, look for other signs of illness such as lethargy, hiding, and unusual spots on the body. However, it is important to keep an eye on sick guppies and ensure they get the proper care.


If there is a lot of movement in the tank or other fish harassing the guppies, they might be too afraid to come out and eat.

Try to create a peaceful environment for the guppies and ensure they have plenty of hiding spots. Once they feel safe, they will start coming out and eating again.

If something in the tank is frightening the guppies, they might not want to come out to eat. This could be anything from a larger fish to decoration in the tank.

If you think this might be the case, try removing the item from the tank and see if the guppies start to eat again.


Just like humans, guppy fish can overeat and get sick. So if the guppies are always begging for food, it might be a good idea to cut back on the amount of food you give them.

Guppy fish should only be fed once or twice a day and only as much as they can eat in a few minutes. Overfeeding can lead to obesity, which can be fatal for guppy fish.

Poor Water Conditions

If the water in the tank is not clean, the guppies might not want to eat because they do not feel safe.

When the temperature is too high or low, the guppies will lose interest in eating food. The pH levels being off can also lead to guppies not wanting to eat.

Pregnancy And Labor

Guppy fish is pregnant for about four to six weeks before giving birth. During this time, they might not have much appetite because they are using all their energy to grow the fry inside them.

Once the guppies give birth, they will be exhausted and might not want to eat for a few days. This is normal, and they will start to eat again once they have recovered from labor.

Can Not Eating Affect Guppy Fish Health?

Of course, it will! All animals need food for energy, growth, and repair. If a guppy fish goes without food, it will become weak and eventually die.

If a guppy fish does not eat for a long period, it can affect its health. For example, they might lose weight, their fins start to fade, and they might become lethargic.

It is important to ensure that your guppy fish are eating properly to maintain their health.

Can Guppy Fish Die From Not Eating Food?

Yes, guppy fish can die from not eating food. If your fish does not eat for long, it will become weak and eventually die.

Even in the wild, guppies eat all the time, and not getting enough food is one of the reasons for their death. It is important to ensure that your guppy fish are eating properly to avoid health complications.

If guppy fish does not eat for an extended period, they can die. Therefore, it is important to ensure they get the proper nutrition and food, so they do not starve.

How Long Can My Guppies Go Without Food?

Guppies can go for a few days without food, but it’s not recommended. These fish will survive for two weeks without food, but they will start to get weak, and their health will rapidly decline.

If you’re planning on going out of town or can’t feed your guppies for a few days, it’s best to ask a friend or neighbor to drop by and feed them.

And if your guppy is not eating, check to see if there might be another issue such as stress, improper male to female ratio, predation, inadequate water parameters, illness, or pregnancy and labor.

If everything seems normal and your guppy still isn’t eating, try offering them a variety of food to see if they’ll take to anything.

Guppies are generally not fussy eaters, but there are always exceptions. For example, some guppies might not like the type of food you’re offering or how it smells.

How Do I Get My Guppy Fish To Eat?

Now that we have discussed some reasons why your guppy fish might not be eating let’s talk about how you can get them to start eating again.

If your guppy is not eating, you should first check for any possible underlying health issues. If everything seems normal, try offering them a variety of food to see if they’ll take to anything.

Reduce Stress

The best way to reduce stress in guppies is to acclimate them to changes in their environment slowly.

If you are adding new fish to the tank, slowly acclimate them to the new water conditions by adding a small amount of water from the new tank to their current tank every hour for four hours. This will help them adjust to the new water conditions and reduce stress.

Keep the tank clean, provide plenty of hiding spots, and maintain stable water parameters. If you still have trouble reducing stress, you can try adding a Stress Coat + to the tank.

The Right Food

Offer your guppy a variety of food to ensure they get the nutrients they need. Guppies are omnivores and need both plant and animal-based foods.

A good diet for guppies includes:

  • Live foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, and mosquito larvae
  • Frozen or freeze-dried foods such as bloodworms, krill, and Mysis shrimp
  • Flake or pellet foods that are high in plant matter, such as algae and Spirulina

Choose Right Tankmates

Choose tankmates that are peaceful and not too large. Large, aggressive fish will stress out guppies and make it difficult for them to find food.

Some good tankmates for guppies include:

  • Neon tetras
  • Platies
  • Swordtails
  • Mollies

Maintain Tank Conditions

If the water in your tank is not clean, it will stress the fish and make them more susceptible to disease.

To keep the water clean, do a weekly water change of 30-50%. This will remove any build-up of ammonia and nitrites that can be harmful to fish. In addition, you should vacuum the gravel to remove any uneaten food or waste.

Why Do Guppies Spit Out Their Food When Eating?

Did you just witness your guppy throwing out the food they put in their mouth?

Guppies sometimes do this when they are not used to the food you are offering them or if it is too large for them to eat.

If your guppy is spitting out their food, try offering them a smaller piece or something they are more familiar with.

Too Large Food

If the food you are offering your guppy is too large, they will have trouble eating it and may spit it out. So instead, offer your guppy smaller pieces of food that are easier for them to eat and digest.

Unchewable Food

If the food you are offering your guppy is not easily chewable, they may have trouble eating it and spit it out. Try offering your guppy softer food or food that is easier for them to chew.

Hate It

Your guppy may simply hate the food you are offering them. If they have been spitting out their food consistently, try offering them a different type of food.

Guppy Fish Diet: What To Feed Your Guppies?

Guppies are omnivores, which means they will eat both plants and animals. Therefore, a varied diet is the best way to ensure your guppy gets all the necessary nutrients.

Some good food options for guppies include:


In conclusion, if your guppy fish is not eating, there are a few possible causes and solutions. The most important thing you can do is reduce stress, offer a variety of food, and maintain clean water conditions. With a little patience, your guppy will return to their normal self in no time.

Please consult with a qualified aquarium specialist if you have any further questions about why your guppy fish is not eating or what to feed them.

You can comment below with any questions or thoughts! We love hearing from you!

Good Luck!!!

Happy Fishkeeping!!

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