Will Other Fish Eat Guppy Babies?

Will Other Fish Eat Guppy Babies

Guppy fry is some of the most adorable creatures in the fish world but also some of the most vulnerable as they are small and delicate. They need protection from predators in the tank until they are big enough to fend for themselves. So, does that mean other fish will eat guppy babies?

The answer is, unfortunately, yes. Other bigger fish will see guppy fry as a tasty snack and will gobble them up given a chance. This is devastating for a new guppy parent who has put so much time and effort into raising their fry.

Fish eat guppy fry mainly because they are small and easy to catch. Unfortunately, they are also slow swimmers, which makes them an easy target. Some fish will even wait near the bottom of the tank for guppy fry to swim by so they can snatch them up.

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In this blog post, we will explore the question of whether or not other fish will eat guppy babies. We will also look at what you can do to protect your fry and how long they need to be separated from the main tank.

Stay tuned for more information!

Will Other Fish Eat Guppy Babies?

Yes, other fish will eat guppy babies. This is because the fry is small and cannot defend itself. The fry is also a good source of food for other fish.

Sorry, but the fry is just another snack lurking in the way of bigger fish that can easily fit those small babies in their mouths.

It is often accidental, but there are cases when adult fish eat fry on purpose too. So, if you have other fish in your tank and don’t want them to snack on the guppy fry, you must take some precautions.

Trust me; even guppy fish will eat their fry, let alone other bigger fish. It is not intentional but it is the truth you need to come to terms with.

In the wild, guppies often give birth in areas with dense vegetation. The fry can hide among the plants and escape being eaten by predators.

You can recreate this environment in your aquarium by planting some plants. Java moss is a good option because it grows quickly and can provide cover to keep guppy fry alive.

Why Do Other Fish Eat Guppy Babies?

The main reason that other fish eat guppy babies is that they are small and easy to catch. Guppy fry is also a good source of nutrients for other fish. In the wild, guppy fry would be considered part of the plankton and eaten by larger fish.


The smaller, easy to fit on mouth size of guppy fry also makes them an easy target for other fish. This is one of the main reasons that it’s best to separate out your fry as soon as they are born.

Lack Of Cover

Another reason that other fish eat guppy babies is because they don’t have much in the way of cover. In the wild, fry would be born in plants and have plenty of places to hide. However, in a home aquarium, there are usually not as many places for the fry to hide.

Easy To Catch

Guppy fry are not very good at swimming and are easy to catch. This makes them an easy target for other fish that are looking for a meal.


Lastly, some fish will just eat other fish because they are hungry. This is especially true of larger fish that are kept in too small tanks. These fish will eat anything that they can fit in their mouth, including guppy fry.

What Fish Will Eat Guppy Babies?

Any fish that is larger than the guppy fry is a potential predator. This includes both other fish in the tank and the guppy adults. In general, any fish that can fit the fry in their mouth will eat them.

Some of the most common predators of guppy fry include:

  • Bettas
  • Goldfish
  • Angelfish
  • Barbs

Now that we know why other fish eat guppy babies, let’s talk about what fish are most likely to eat.


One of the main groups of fish that will eat guppy fry is cichlids. This is because cichlids are predators and eat anything they can catch. Unfortunately, cichlids are also known to be aggressive and will often kill other fish just for fun.


Bettas are another type of fish that will eat guppy fry. They are not as aggressive as cichlids, but they will still eat fry if they are hungry.


Goldfish are another group of fish that will eat guppy babies. They are omnivores and will eat plants and animals, including small fish like guppy fry.

Can Guppy Babies Survive In The Main Tank?

The answer to this question is no. Guppy babies cannot survive in the main tank. This is because the other fish will eat them in the tank. So it’s best to separate your fry into their own tank as soon as they are born.

It is possible to keep your fry in the main tank if you have a lot of plants. The fry can hide in the plants and survive. But, this is not recommended because it’s very difficult to do and has a low success rate.

The best way to ensure that your fry will survive is to separate them into their own tank. This way, you can control the environment and ensure they have everything they need to thrive.

How Do I Stop Other Fish From Eating My Guppy Fry?

You can do a few things to stop other fish from eating your Guppy fry. The first is to separate the fry into their own tank.

This is the most effective way to protect them. This way, you can control the environment and ensure they have everything they need to survive and grow. Guppy fry can be very delicate and need special care to survive.

You can also add plants to the main tank. Plants provide hiding places for Guppy fry, making it harder for other fish to find.

Another option is to use a breeding trap. Breeding traps are small cages that you can put in the main tank. They allow Guppy fry to hide and are too small for other fish to enter.

You can also try adding more food to the tank. However, this will distract other fish and make it harder for them to find the Guppy fry.

The most important thing is to take action as soon as you see that your fish are eating the fry. If you wait too long, the fry will be gone, and you will have lost your chance to save them.

How Long Do Guppy Babies Need To Be Separated?

You need to separate Guppy fry for at least six weeks. This gives them time to grow and develop into strong, healthy fish.

After six weeks, you can slowly introduce them back into the main tank. Start by adding a few at a time and closely.

The time span varies depending on the fish species. For example, some fry can be introduced into the main tank as early as four weeks, while you must separate others for up to twelve weeks.


In conclusion, other fish will eat guppy babies if they are given a chance. There are many reasons why other fish would want to eat guppy fry, but the most common one is because they are an easy meal. Guppy fry is small and doesn’t have much defense against predators. If you have other fish in your tank, it’s important to be aware of this and take precautions to make sure your guppy fry is safe. There are a few different ways you can do this, but the most important thing is to be diligent and keep an eye on your fish. With a little effort, you can ensure your guppy fry survives and thrives in your tank.

Thanks for reading!

Good Luck!!!

Happy Fishkeeping!!

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