Can You Breed Kuhli Loaches With Guppies? Tips On Crossbreeding

can you breed kuhli loaches with guppies

Kuhli Loaches are aquarium fish that have been bred with Guppies in the past. But, can you breed both Kuhli loaches and guppies together? This is an exciting question as the fishes are completely different from each other. 

There have not been any documented cases of successful breeding between these two species. However, there is anecdotal evidence that some people believe they have crossbred Kuhli Loaches and Guppy fish.

We’ll look at why this might be possible and answer other questions about these two breeds below.

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Can You Breed Kuhli Loaches With Guppies?

Can Kuhli Loaches Live With Guppies? Yes, you should attempt to keep Kuhli Loaches with Guppies. The guppies are peaceful fish and so are Kuhli loaches. Thus, they can live together in the community tank without having any difficulty.

We know for sure that the fish can have abnormal amount of stress if they are kept with the tankmates that they are not comfortable with. Thus, if you put in similar temperament fish which have similar water parameters, it is the best thing you can do.

If you are meaning to cross breed, then it is a different story. Since they are totally different in their appearances, you should not try to breed the together.

There are some anecdotal stories from people who believe they have successfully bred these two fish together in an aquarium environment.

We will look at some of the possible reasons for this and provide answers to other questions related to these two breeds.

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Why Do Some People Believe They Have Successfully Cross Breed Kuhli Loaches And Guppies?

There are several reasons people might believe they have successfully cross-bred Kuhli Loach and Guppy.

The first reason is that some of these fish species can look similar to each other, especially when young or as adults at night time. Another possible reason is that the fry from such breeding could be eaten by their mother before anyone knows what has happened.

There is also a chance that other fish will eat the fry in an aquarium. This would lead to their demise and no opportunity for them to grow up under proper conditions.

It’s possible that these two breeds have been crossbred successfully in the past but there are no records of it being done within the scientific literature.

Why Do Some People Try To Cross Breed Kuhli Loaches And Guppies?

There are several reasons people might try to breed these two fish together. Especially if they have had success with breeding other species of the same families or genre.

Some aquarists believe that crossbreeding within certain aquarium breeds can produce interesting-looking fish that are also hardier than their parents. Is Kuhli Loach Hardy? Here is the Ultimate Guide

Others may try to breed Guppies and Kuhli Loaches together because they believe doing so is less expensive than buying both of these fish separately, which can be costly if you’re looking for specific colors or patterns on them.

You might also be interested in Kuhli Loach Fry Colors: Baby Kuhli Loach Care Basics and Why Is My Kuhli Loach Losing Color?

Why Is Male Kuhli Loach Chasing Female Guppy And Vice Versa?

Sometimes male Kuhli Loaches will chase female Guppies around an aquarium or other small fish, while sometimes it’s the opposite.

This is often because males are protecting their territory. The males chase away females that enter into this space to stop them from breeding with another male in his territory.

You should not try to breed these two fish together because it is likely they will not remain in the same area for long and there’s no guarantee that they would successfully reproduce even if you put them into a breeding tank or separate space with plants, gravel, rocks, and logs.

You can insert Aquarium Decoration Rock Caves in their tank for hiding spaces.

Why Is My Female Kuhli Loach Giving Birth In Presence Of Male Guppy?

You will often see this sight in aquariums. The female Kuhli Loach is giving birth to fry near or around a male Guppy.

One possible reason for this happening is that it is actually not her offspring. Moreover, she wants to protect them because they are not hers. Another possibility could be that she does not want to leave her fry alone. She does not know what else to do with them.

What Fish Can Crossbreed With Kuhli Loach?

There are several fish that may crossbreed with a Kuhli Loach, such as Danios, Platys, and Plecos.

It is important not to put these two breeds together because they are likely to crossbreed. I will not recommend it.

It is also important not to put Kuhli Loaches with Guppies. This is because the male may try to protect his fry by chasing away their mother. It can lead her into breeding with another fish that shares the same space as them in an aquarium.

What Fish Can Crossbreed With Guppy Fish?

There is many fish that may crossbreed with a Guppy, such as Platys and Swordtails.

You should put extra care into the species that you are trying to breed together. There are horrible fails of crossbreeding too. Sometimes it does not work and you find your pet loses its life.


Do Kuhli Loach Eat Guppy Fry?

You probably know Kuhli loach for eating other kinds of small fish and shrimp when they are very young, including Guppy fry.

I would recommend that you keep these two breeds separate. This is because you will see them produce more offspring if you leave these fish in the same space together.

How Many Kuhli Loaches And Guppies Can You Keep Together?

There is no real consensus on how many of them you can keep together. It is also not clear if it would be better to keep them alone without any other fish in the same space.

You are welcome to share your own experiences about successfully crossbreeding Kuhli Loaches and Guppies together or maintaining a tank with both of these breeds if you would like. But please remember that I would not recommend it to most people. It is because you will see them breed when you keep them in the same space.

Final Words

In conclusion, you should not try to breed Guppies and Kuhli Loaches together. There are several reasons including how it is unlikely they will stay in one area for long enough. 

There is also no guarantee that they would successfully reproduce if you put them into a breeding tank or separate space with plants, gravel, rocks, and logs.

You can definitely keep the Kuhli loaches and guppies together in one tank. However, cross-breeding them together is a separate matter. You should not try this out as it might not work.

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