How Long Can Kuhli Loach Go Without Food?

kuhli loach without food

What should you do before leaving your Kuhli Loach for a trip? Well, first of all, you need to figure out how long kuhli loach can go without food. Plan accordingly. Should you use an automatic fish feeder? Let’s find out!

It’s important to plan ahead so you don’t starve them while you go on a trip! You will find everything from water changes, cleaning the filter, removing decaying matter and debris, lowering the temperature slightly, not overfeeding your loaches before leaving, and more! Kuhli loach can go without food for three to five days.

Below is some information on how long Kuhli Loach can go without food and the best ways for caring for your pets when you are out of town.

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So, How Long Can Kuhli Loach Go Without Food?

Kuhli Loach can go without food for at least a week. I recommend you to do one or two 50% water changes before leaving your fish alone for more than three days.

You should not leave your Kuhli loach unattended for many days as they are pretty sensitive. Though they can go a few days without food, you should try to leave them with an automatic fish feeder so that they can get what they can while you are away.

What Should You Do Before Leaving Your Kuhli Loach For A Trip?

You should do numerous things before leaving kuhli loch for a trip. It is important to care for the health of your fish when you are away.

First of all, you need to make sure they have enough food. You should also remove decaying matter and debris from the tank (decaying matter can cause disease), slightly lower the water temperature, not overfeed your loaches before leaving, clean or replace their filter media as needed, check that there is a working heater if any tropical fish are in the tank, and turn aquarium lights on a timer.

Check The Heater!

If you have tropical fish, make sure to check that the heater is working properly. If there are any issues with it, either fix it or replace it before leaving your house!

Water Changes

You should always keep about 20-30% of your aquarium water clean and fresh. Change some of the tank’s water even if you don’t see any problems or dirtiness.

Cleaning the Filter

Clean out all debris, food leftovers, decaying matter, etc., from inside the filter before leaving for a trip. If possible remove it completely to avoid having it decompose inside the filter.

Remove Decaying Matter & Debris

Put some driftwood or rocks in your tank to provide hiding places for your Kuhli Loach and other fish you have at home. So you can make them feel more comfortable while you are gone. Make sure these things don’t fall on top of the aquarium cover glass, because they can hurt your loaches.

Slightly Lower The Water Temperature

Maintain the water temperature at 77-80°F (25-26°C) while you are gone if possible, or else change it to 72-75°F (22-24°C). Kuhli Loach is a coldwater fish and it doesn’t like warmer water!

Don’t Overfeed Your Loaches Before Leaving

Kuhli Loach is not a bottom-feeding fish, but it likes to eat all the time. They are gluttonous and if you make them used to overfeed with food while you are gone, then you might have problems once you get back.

Feed them sparingly before your trip and try to give them only what they can eat in five minutes or so while removing the rest of the uneaten food. If not removed, it will rot and pollute the water!

Aquarium Lights on Timer

Turn off aquarium lights if possible for a week or so to avoid algae growth. If you have an automatic light timer, it can turn the lights on and off for you while you are gone!

Find out more on 2.4. Does Kuhli Loach Need Light At Night?

Should You Use An Automatic Fish Feeder?

You can easily buy an automatic fish feeder and set it up with your smartphone, so there is no need to come back home early.

An automatic fish feeder is a good solution if your trip will last longer than one week. Set up the feeding schedule according to your fish tank size and what you feed your Kuhli Loach.

An automatic fish feeder is helpful for feeding your loaches while you are on vacation, but it can also be dangerous for them. If the feeder is not properly installed and calibrated, then overfeeding will kill your Kuhli Loach or make them sick!

Zacro Automatic Fish Feeder is a Rechargeable Timer Fish Feeder with USB Charger Cable, Fish Food Dispenser for Aquarium or Fish Tank.

How About Vacation Feeder/Pyramid?

Vacation food dispensers (pyramids) allow only a little bit of food to be released at the time. It is an automatic feeder for aquarium fish that will give you peace of mind while on vacation.

They are more expensive than other types, but they are reliable and they work well with different types of dry foods. They come pre-loaded with enough food for one week or so.

Kuhli loaches can go a week or more without food. But if you are going to be away from home for longer than that it’s better to use an automatic feeder since they might starve.

If you use a vacation feeder/pyramid, make sure to clean it before leaving. A vacation Feeder/ Pyramid is a device that releases a pre-measured amount of food at set times. It is useful for feeding your fish while you are gone.

For vacation feeder/ pyramid, API 16 Pack of Weekend Pyramid Fish Feeders, 0.35 Ounces Each, Vacation Fish Food would be the best choice for you.

How Long Can Kuhli Loach Baby Fry Live Without Food?

Baby fry of Kuhli loach can survive for a few days without food. They are born with tiny yolk sacs, but these will dry out in the course of time and they will need some sort of nutrition regularly to keep on living.


What About Kuhli Loach Fry?

Kuhli loaches are not livebearers, but their baby fry can go almost three weeks without food. They have tiny yolk sacs, which provide them with enough nutrition for this period of time. Just make sure you don’t overfeed adult fish before leaving!

Can I Put My Kuhli Loach In A Container Instead Of The Tank?

Putting Kuhli loaches in a container is not a good idea because they need oxygen, which can run out pretty fast unless you have an air pump and the water level reaches the fish’s eye level. If this happens, your fish will suffocate!


Kuhli loaches are great fish, but you need to give them your care and attention while you are out on a trip. They don’t like changes in their environment, so if possible avoid going on long trips or leaving them alone for more than a week without taking some precautions to make sure they won’t starve!

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