Pregnant Kuhli Loach: Should I Separate Pregnants?

Pregnant kuhli loach

Kuhli Loach is actually a freshwater fish that originates from the Indian and Malaysian regions of Southeast Asia. Kuhli Loaches are typically brown or black with dark stripes running horizontally along with their bodies, but they may also have spots. They can grow to be up to 12 inches in length and weigh up to 2 pounds, so it’s important to make sure you have enough space for them! So, do you have to separate the pregnant Kuhli Loach?

The answer is yes. You have to separate the pregnant Kuhli Loaches. There are many signs of pregnancy when caring for Kuhli loaches including increased aggression by males, clamped fins on females, swollen bellies around 6 weeks. You have to protect the pregnant Kuhli loach from other aggressive fishes in the tank. Hence, a nursing tank is essential.

Kuhli loaches typically give birth to live offspring and not eggs as many other fish species do. Kuhli Loach gestation is usually about eight weeks long with the average litter size being anywhere from 20-40 fry per brood! This article will talk about whether or not you should separate pregnant Kuhli Loach in a tank.

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When and How Do Kuhli Loach Breed?

Kuhli loaches will mate in the water or in the area where there is enough water. They will form a breeding school that increases the chances of mating success.

Kuhli Loach can reproduce both sexually and asexually. Depending on the condition of the Kuhli Loach, they will determine which type of Kuhli Loach breeding to use. Kuhli loach only breeds once every year or it could be Kuhli loach that breeds once every summer season.

Kuhli Loaches will make a bubble nest. Kuhl loach eggs are transparent and they hatch within 36 hours, but the incubation period is around 12 to 15 days. Kuhli Loach fry can eat algae wafers right away after hatching. Kuhli Loach breeders want to take care of this as this provides food for Kuhli loach fry. Similarly, Kuhli Loaches can eat small fish and other Kuhli loach fry in the tank.

Signs Of Pregnant Kuhli Loach

A Kuhli Loach when pregnant is easy to spot. They are quite aggressive and protective towards the offspring that is about to take birth. So, look out for these signs in a Kuhli Loach to check out if they are pregnant or not.

Bodily Changes

Kuhli Loach will be a little plumper. Their body will look a little more bloated than before. The part around their belly will appear swollen around 6 weeks, and babies after approximately six weeks. They will also have clamped fins.

Behaviour Changes

There are different behavior changes among the male and female Kuhli Loach to show the sign of pregnancy.

Male Kuhli Loach

Moreover, the male Kuhli Loaches become aggressive towards the pregnant Kuhli Loach to kill its babies. They have a desire for breeding.

Young Kuhli Loaches are aggressive towards other Kuhli Loaches fry to make food come alive before eating it.

Female Kuhli Loach

Female Kuhli loaches are more secretive; they do not show their pregnancy till late periods. Kuhli Loach stops eating as much and becomes reclusive.

Reasons Why You Should Separate Pregnant Kuhli Loach

You should definitely separate a pregnant Kuhli Loach from the others in the tank. The reasons for it are:

To Prevent Harassment By Male Kuhli Loach

There is the chance that male kuhli loaches can become aggressive towards the pregnant Kuhli Loach to kill its babies. This is possible because the male Kuhli loaches are aggressive in nature and they have a desire for breeding.

To Protect The Kuhli Loach Fry

The kuhli loach that has just given birth will not be able to protect itself or its newborns that well from other Kuhli loach fry that can attack it. Kuhli loaches are quite a good treat for the newborn Kuhli Loach fry, and they do not kill them to eat but rather play with their prey until they die in an attempt to make food come alive before eating it.

Check out more on whether the Kuhli loach fry can survive in the main tank here.

To Take Rest After Birthing Children

If you leave your pregnant Kuhli loach in the tank with Kuhli Loach fry, then there is a chance that it will not be able to take rest or eat properly. Kuhli loaches are quite sensitive and if they feel stressed, their immune system goes down which makes them weak.

Precautions You Should Take For Pregnant Kuhli Loaches

There are certain precautions you can take to protect the Kuhli loaches newborns. In order to protect them from harm, you have to take care of the Kuhli loaches in the best way possible. Check some of them out here:

Separate Pregnant Kuhli Loach

Kuhli Loach fry and Kuhlie loach eggs will die in the presence of other Kuhli loaches. So, separate the pregnant Kuhli loach in a nursing tank. This will reduce the stress among the pregnant kuhli loach. It can focus more on birthing its offspring than mere protection from others preying on it.

Time To Reproduce

Kuhli Loach can reproduce within three years, but commercial breeders recommend you to wait till they are five before breeding them again.

Keep Away From Aggressive Fish

You should keep pregnant Kuhli loach away from aggressive fish like Tiger Barbs. Moreover, you should definitely separate them from other Kuhli loaches that are ready to breed. Because they can eat their young ones or even kill them in an attempt to make food come alive before eating it.

This is the reason pregnancy needs special attention and care for Kuhli Loach lovers so that they do not lose Kuhli Loach fry.

More on Kuhli loach pregnancy and care:

Does Kuhli Loach Die After Giving Birth? How To Prevent It
Does Kuhli Loach Give Birth At Night?
How Long Are Kuhli Loach Pregnant For?
Does Kuhli Loach Give Live Birth?

How To Keep Pregnant Kuhli Loach In Separate Tanks?

There are many ways to keep Kuhli loach in separate tanks. The most common way is using the breeder’s box or tank divider method.

With this method, one can create multiple nurseries for Kuhli Loaches and their future children with ease. It also protects Kuhli loaches from other fish that may harm their children.

This method can be used for all types of Kuhli Loaches to make sure that the Kuhli loaches and their babies are safe from other fish which may harm them.

Secluding Near Labor

To keep Kuhli loach safe, it is best to seclude them near labor so that they can take a rest without worrying too much about their children. The first way to seclude is to know that they are pregnant.

You can check out the signs of pregnancy stated above. Then, knowing the pregnant Kuhli loach will make it easier for you to separate it into a nursery tank.

Preparing the Nursery Tank

It is important to prepare your Kuhli Loach Nursery Tank beforehand with all the requirements needed for Kuhli Loaches and its babies. It is best to make sure that the Kuhli Loach Nursery tank is filled with fresh water and there are plenty of hiding spaces available in it.

You can use PVC pipes. Aquarium Decoration Rock Caves worked best for me.

Using the Main Tank

Using the main tank can be a risky matter. However, if you are able to separate the aggressive fish from the pregnant Kuhli Loach, you are good to go. Make sure you clean the tank and prevent water from stagnating in order to save the fish from any mishaps.

You should not leave any leftovers in the aquarium too.

Breeder’s Box

You can create a breeder’s box too. It is an easy process of opening the top side of the tank. Place some mesh on it so that other fish cannot come inside. This way you can protect the pregnant Kuhli loach.

Senzeal Aquarium Fish Breeder Box Plastic Fish Isolation Breeding Box Hatching Incubator Box for Baby Fish can be the best option for you.

Tank Divider

You can also add up the tank divider if you do not like the idea of a breeder’s box. They can be found in pet shops. You can even get an adjustable one so that you can prevent the aquarium from overcrowding.

For me, Shiroumiya Aquarium Fish Tank Divider Isolation Board for Mixed Breeding Made by PET/PETP worked pretty well. However, you can also check out hardware stores if you like. There is a good deal in the online market itself.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Does Kuhli Loaches Live?

Kuhli is known to have a lifespan of 15 years or more if taken care of properly. Kuhli Loaches can be kept for breeding as soon as they turn two years old.

What is the Best Size Tank for Kuhli Loach?

It is important to keep Kuhlie loach in a tank that has the capacity of at least 20 gallons with plenty of hiding spaces. Kuhli Loaches can be kept in either tanks or ponds, but it is best to place them in an enclosed tank so they do not escape.

Tetra ColorFusion Aquarium 20 Gallon Fish Tank Kit, Including LED Lighting and Decor, seems to be the best fit for Kuhli Loaches.

How Many Kuhli Loaches Are Good for a Tank?

It is best to keep Kuhli Loaches in groups of at least four Kuhlies. Keeping Kuhli loach alone can stress them out, and if they are stressed out, then there is a chance that their immune system will go down which may result in the death of Kuhli fish while giving birth or even before it.

Kuhli loaches are also affected by stress, but if kept in groups or with other Kuhli Loach friends, they will be healthy and strong enough to give birth without any problems.

How Long Do Kuhli Fish Take To Hatch?

It is best not to disturb the Kuhli loach during its birthing period as it will stress them out and may even lead Kuhlie loach fry to die. Kuhli Loaches usually give birth after 18-24 hours of labor, but if there is a problem during the process then Kuhli fish can take up to 48 hours as well.


Kuhli Loach pregnant should be separated from the main tank. Kuhli Loach gives birth to Kuhli loach fry after 18-24 hours of labor. It is best not to disturb them during this process. Kuhlies usually live for 15 years or more if taken care of properly and kept in groups with other Kuhl friends so that they do not get stressed out and their immune system does not go down.

If you take care of the above-mentioned aspects including the preparation of a nursery tank, you are good to go for a pregnant Kuhli Loach.

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