Does Molly Fish Sleep Upside Down: Facts and Misconceptions

Does Molly Fish Sleep Upside Down: Facts and Misconceptions

Molly fish typically sleep by resting against something solid and unmoving. But their swimming abilities make this problematic. So instead, Mollies will rest in areas with plants or rocks where they feel secure and hidden from predators during the daytime when they are more vulnerable. There are different sleep patterns of Molly fish, and most owners assume sleeping upside down is one of them.

So, do Molly fish sleep upside down? Molly fish are a type of catfish that can sleep in an upright position. However, they can’t sleep right side up because their swim bladder is not large enough to maintain buoyancy when they are on their backs. These fish also have a respiratory system different from most other animals, making it harder for them to breathe while sleeping on their stomachs or sides.

We will be digging into all the facts and misconceptions about the sleeping habits of Molly fish, so read on to learn more.

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Do Molly Fish Sleep?

Molly fish sleep is an exciting topic. Molly fish can change between activity and rest periods depending on their environment, including day and night time hours if they live in an aquarium with a light-up feature or at least some form of artificial lighting.

Fish do not have eyelids like humans, so it’s hard for us to know if Molly fish sleep. Sleep in Molly Fish Molly fish do not require eight hours of sleep like humans, but they will rest at night and during the day by staying still or swimming slowly along the floor of their aquariums.

If your Molly is sleeping, you should give them some time to recharge before waking them up by tapping on the glass with a finger. Molly fish sleep is like a state of hibernation, and Molly will slow down their breathing by opening and closing gills, slowing the heart rate to conserve energy.

Sleeping Cycles Of Molly Fish

Molly fish have two different sleeping cycles called diurnal and nocturnal patterns depending on the light exposure. Diurnal refers to being active during the day. Therefore, Molly fish exposed to bright light at night will sleep during the day and vice versa for Molly fish that live in dark environments.

Molly fish may not need as much sleep as humans, but they all require rest periods where their activity slows down so they can conserve energy, referred to as sleep.

How Much Sleep Do Molly Fish Need?

Molly fish are popular pets for aquariums. They love to play, eat and sleep just like humans do. However, they need around 12 hours of rest each day. Although some studies state that they can survive with only six hours of sleep per night if their environment has a regulated temperature and water condition.

Molly fish typically sleep at night, which can be anywhere from dusk to dawn. Therefore, they need a place where they feel secure and safe and enough room for their environment so that they do not hurt themselves during their restful state of mind.

Do Molly Fish Sleep Upside Down?

Yes, Molly fish sleep upside down. They are always swimming around, so they have to be awake all the time. However, like other types of saltwater and freshwater fish, these fish sleep about five or six hours per day at night when there is no light in their tank.

Molly fish is an exciting fish with peculiar sleeping patterns. They sleep in a way that might be different from other types of fish. For example, Molly fish do not have eyelids, so they don’t close their eyes and sleep upside down.

Sleep Patterns Of Molly Fish

Many people may want to know the sleeping patterns of Molly fish. They might be wondering if Mollies sleep and, if so, how much they sleep each day. The answer is that these fish do sleep. It’s crucial for them to get enough rest, just like humans need their daily rest. Mollies need sleep to recharge and get ready for the next day of activities.

Moreover, the sleep patterns of Molly fish are:

In The Bottom Of The Tank

Molly fish will sleep at the bottom of their tank. Molly fish are nocturnal, which means that they’re most active during the nighttime. That is when Molly fish find it easier to look for food and move around in general. During this period, Molly fish do not like disturbance from any external factors such as lighting.

Mollies also don’t prefer light while they’re sleeping, which means that they will spend most of their daytime hiding from the sunlight and other external factors such as loud noises.

In The Middle Of The Tank

Molly Fish also sleeps in the middle or center of their tank at night when it’s dark. Likewise, they will sleep at the bottom of their tank during the daytime when it’s bright out. But Molly fish like to be asleep between rocks or other structures instead of sleeping on top of them.

Mollies prefer not to share spaces with other fishes while they are sleeping because they don’t want any fish to jump on them and disturb their sleep.

At The Side

Mollies may also choose to sleep at the side of their tank. They will either place themselves along a wall or float from one end of the aquarium to another when they are sleeping. Molly Fish feels more comfortable sleeping in areas that have less activity and movement. So, it would be best not to expose them to light or loud noises while sleeping.

In A Plant

Molly Fish will also choose to sleep in a plant. They like to sleep in a place that has low activity and movement. Thus Molly fish will choose a plant or structure to rest without any disturbance by external factors such as lighting and loud noises. In addition, they feel more vulnerable when they are asleep because their guard is down while sleeping. So, these fish prefer to sleep in areas with less activity and movement.

Upside Down

Molly Fish will also choose to sleep upside down. Molly fish like to find their own space in the tank where they feel comfortable sleeping, which is why Molly Fish may turn themselves upside down when Molly fish are asleep so that Molly fish can have more room while they’re resting.

How To Help Molly Fish To Sleep Well?

Mollies sleep uniquely. They swim to the top when they feel tired and fall asleep on leaves or rocks at night. They become much calmer during this time. So, it would help if you did not disturb them by touching them.

Some of the tips you can use to ensure that your Molly fish sleeps well are:

  • You should not feed Mollies for at least two hours before going to sleep.
  • They must have a quiet place where the water is calm, and they can go without being afraid of predators or other Molly fish, as long as they feel safe there. 
  • Molly Fish need plants and places where they can hide from light at night, so it’s best to provide them with both these things. These fish also need a shelter that is not too big or small for them to move inside it freely. Finally, they must always have something to cling to when they sleep.
  • You should never hold up Molly fish because they do not like to be floating in the water. They prefer to sleep near the ground. Therefore, you must give them a place where this can happen safely and without danger.
  • These fish need at least 12 hours of darkness every day, which means you should cover or turn off your tank lights during their sleep time. When you expose Molly fish to light during the night, they can feel agitated and stressed, leading them to become ill or not sleep at all.

When Molly Fish sleeps well, they will be more active, so you should watch their sleeping habits if you want your Molly Fish to stay healthy and happy.

Some FAQs

Do Molly Fish Jump Out Of The Tank?

Mollies usually jump out of the tank. Molly fish will jump to get food or if they feel threatened in their environment. You can see them outside the water because they have very oily skin that helps them survive on land for more extended periods than other types of fish.

How Long Do Molly Fish Live?

Mollies can live for up to two to five years under the right circumstances. Usually, various factors such as tank size, water quality, and diet determine their lifespan.

What Is The Molly Fish Maximum Size?

The maximum length of Molly fish is four inches long. But they usually grow between two and four inches in length. It is important to remember Molly fish can still succeed even if they are in a smaller tank.

Do Molly Fish Eat When They Are Sleeping?

Mollies do not eat while they are sleeping. Instead, mollies only breathe when they sleep because they have a unique organ called the labyrinth organ. It allows them to live even when they close their mouth or when they are underwater, unlike humans who need to be breathing for oxygen to reach their brains.


Mollies sleep between six to nine hours a day. They usually sleep throughout the day and catch their prey or swim around at night. So, it is better to put a low intensity light in your tank at night to keep them safe.

Hopefully, this post was successful in its goal of providing Molly fish sleep information. For more information, feel free to contact us.

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