How Long Does It Take For Molly Fish Fry To Show Their Gender?

How Long Does It Take For Molly Fish Fry To Show Their Gender

Molly fish are prevalent fish and can be present in many fish tanks and aquariums worldwide. Mollies are a great starter fish because they’re hardy and easy-going. However, there’s more to Mollies than just that. Molly fish are exciting to fish showing peculiar characteristics that do not know their gender soon after birth. So, when do Molly fish fry show their gender?

Moly fry should start showing their gender after they are about three to six months old. After that, mollies born as Moly fish fry will be able to show their gender. Moly fish should not have a color on them until they’re older, and this is because Mollies come in many colors, such as grey, white, or black those colors can change once the Molly reaches adulthood.

This post will discuss Moly fish fry and how Mollies show their gender.

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What Type Fish Is Molly Fish?

Mollies come from the family Poecilia, a member of a live-bearing tooth carps family. This fish has a vibrant coloration with a more rounded body on the sides.

Mollies have a fantastic ability to change colors depending on their moods and surroundings. This fish can vary in color from black to gray, with white or yellowish stripes over its entire body.

Their fins are long and thin, while they often have longer anal fins. Mollies are small in size, most of the time reaching up to around four inches.

Mollies have a life expectancy of about three to five years if they live in ideal conditions and under proper care.

Can You Differentiate The Gender Of Molly Fish?

Yes, Molly fish are straightforward to have sex with other fish. Molly species are some of the easiest freshwater fish species to identify, even for beginners. First off, Mollies have a round belly, and their dorsal fin is longer than most other livebearer fry.

Moreover, the difference between male and female Molly fish are:

  • Males tend to be much smaller than females and have a rod-shaped gonopodium (modified anal fin).
  • Females can also show ovulation when ready to spawn: they develop follicles in their eggs, clearly visible as white dots under the skin’s surface.
  • The best way to know if your Mollies are female is to put them in a breeding trap, as Mollies are not always ready for spawning when you see white dots.

How Long Does It Take For Molly Fish Fry To Show Their Gender? 

As Moly Fish fry gets older, they become more likely to show their gender. It is because Molly fish is one of the most non-aggressive species of fish. But male mollies appear to be a little aggressive. Thus, it is easier for them to show off their sexuality when they are older.

Generally speaking, Mollies will take around three months to recognize the actual sex of Molly. However, Mollies will take about four months before showing their gender in most cases.

Can Molly Fish Fry Change Gender?

Moly fish is the most popular species globally, and they have a fascinating reproductive strategy. They can be either three different genders – male, female, or hermaphrodites.

This fry can change their gender based on environmental conditions. They can start life as either male or female fish, but if the water temperature fluctuates along with the high production of male hormones in the water, they can change their gender.

Or when the water in the aquarium is not clean enough, the switch can happen to make it harder for owners to differentiate molly fish’s gender.

When Do Molly Fish Fry Change Gender?

No, which means they can change genders. Mollies will normally mature within a few months of being born, but it can take years to show their gender.

Mature male Molly fish should be large enough to know they’re not females because males are usually smaller than female Mollies. Adult females are generally plumper because they hold the eggs in their stomachs.

But the switch can happen if you fail to maintain the male-to-female ratio and optimum water parameters. Usually, they will change their gender when their environmental condition changes or when there isn’t male Molly fish available for breeding. Fluctuation in the temperature and dirty aquarium water are the major culprits in most cases.

How To Care For Molly Fish Fry?

Molly fish fry are very easy to care for and generally only require the bare essentials. Mollies are tropical fish that can tolerate a wide range of water conditions, but they will not thrive in poor quality water. So, the same goes for their babies.

Some tips for caring for Molly fish fry are:

Clean Your Tank Regularly

Molly fish fry is very sensitive to poor water quality, so you must clean them regularly. In addition, maintain proper tank conditions and don’t overfeed your Moly fry because these two things will promote disease development if left unattended for too long.

Keep Enough Space

Molly fish fry is generally peaceful and can live happily with other Molly fry and most community tropical species. However, Molly fish fry should always have enough space in their aquarium to swim around freely without bumping into plants or decorations.

Make sure your tank is a size that makes them feel comfortable swimming around because Molly fry does not like cramped spaces.

Maintain Water Quality

As with all tropical fish, Mollie fish fry is very sensitive to poor water quality and will show signs of disease if they live in dirty conditions for too long.

Therefore, maintain proper tank temperature for molly fish between 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit. Maintain suitable tank conditions, and Moly fry will likely grow to be a very healthy and beautiful fish.

Feed Them Properly

Molly fish fry is omnivores, so they need protein sources and plant-based food. Thus, it would help feed their fry a variety of high-quality flakes or pellets at least three times daily.

Other supplements in their diet can be algae, zucchini, strawberries, or live fish. Moreover, if you succeed in providing all the nutrition to your fish, they will live a happy and healthy life.

Keep Molly Fish In A Separate Tank

It would be best to always keep Molly’s fish fry in a separate fish tank. Keeping fry and adult in the same tank can stress Molly fish fry and make them susceptible to disease.

Also, adult Molly fish are aggressive, so when you keep fry and adult together, they will feel stressed and bullied by other mollies.

Some FAQs

Can You Keep Male And Female Molly Fish Together?

Yes, you can, but only keep one male with two or three female Mollies. Otherwise, they will fight and die quickly because of the stress from fighting each other.

What Molly Fish Fry Temperature Does It Take Show Their Gender?

You can breed Molly fish at various temperatures, but it is easiest to reproduce Mollies between 70-80 degrees Fahrenheit. The warmer you keep the tank, the faster Molly fry will show their gender after birth from Molly females.


Molly’s fry is beautiful and brutal to tell apart when young. However, it takes years to determine if you have a male or female Molly. Moly can live up to five years, so it is important to know Moly fish take a long time before showing their gender.

However, Molly fry is cute and unique. These fish are a cheap and easy to take care of addition for any aquarium owner. Molly fry adds excitement to your tank while they grow up.

We hope this blog post about the Molly fish fry was helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us!

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