Is My Molly Fish Blind? Learn Blindness In Mollies

Is My Molly Fish Blind?| Molly Fish Blindness| Symptoms, Causes, And Treatments

Molly fish is a freshwater fish prevalent among freshwater tank owners because they’re so beautiful. They can be demanding and challenging to maintain because they’re so sensitive in the wild. But when adequately acclimated, they will live for up to five years. Despite the sharp eyesight, owners sometimes assume this fish can get blind too. Is it true? So, how to know if your Molly fish is blind?

Molly fish can suffer from blindness due to poor water conditions or injury. The signs of blindness in Molly fish are that they will swim in abnormal patterns, stay at the bottom of your tank, or float to the top. In addition, Molly fish that have been blind for a long time may be more likely to eat with gusto instead of taking slow and careful bites like their well-sighted counterparts.

In this post, we will be discussing Molly fish, their eyesight, cause of blindness in them, with symptoms and treatment. Thus, read on to know more about Molly fish and its blind eyesight.

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Vision Of Molly Fish

Molly fish are a fascinating species, and they have eyes on the top of their head. So these fish can see above them. But not directly in front or behind them because of the location of the nose.

Molly Fish cannot see things below them, either like objects on the ground or what might be swimming under them, making it dangerous for molly fish to jump out of the water. If you keep Molly fish in a bowl or vase, you should carefully monitor them and never put them into an open-topped tank. They could jump out of the water and injure themselves, essentially blindsiding themselves.

How Does Molly Fish See?

Molly fish can see well even in the dark, as well as in well-lit water body. However, they have a type of vision called cryptography which means that they can only see objects when it is very close to them (within about two inches). These fish use their eyesight for hunting food and protecting themselves from predators.

Molly fish eyesight will help them find food and see if there are any predators in the area. Mollies have a structure (called the pseudo matrix) that allows their retina to split, and each half can focus on different things at once.

Molly has terrible vision because both retina halves never work together to see something. Molly fish have a hard time with depth perception, so they will swim up to an object and turn away. These fish also have a hard time seeing more than one color at a time. Molly’s are most likely to see red and blue in that order.

Molly fish can not distinguish color as humans do. They can only see in black, white, and shades of gray. Studies state that Molly fish cannot see things moving rapidly or objects moving quickly towards them. Molly’s eyesight is similar to humans in old age (and eventually weak in an unfavorable environment).

Is My Molly Fish Blind

Can Molly Fish Get Blind?

Molly fish can get blind. These fish are particularly susceptible to the salt content of their water and will show signs if they’re not getting enough fresh water in their tank. They may also have poor eyesight due to old age or illnesses such as ichthyophagous disease, which is untreatable.

If Molly Fish does go blind, you can feed your Molly fish by hand. They can still feel the presence of food around them and come to it if they are hungry enough. Molly Fish can also still sense the movement of other Molly Fish. For example, all the fish will move in unison to eat food placed into their tank in a school.

Molly fish blindness is only temporary if your Molly’s water conditions are not up to par or they have the ichthyophagous disease. Otherwise, Molly Fish blindness may be permanent depending on their age and the severity of their illness.

Is My Molly Fish Blind?

Molly fish are saltwater aquarium fish, but they can live in freshwater and brackish water. As with all pets, you need to take care of them properly, or they may die. Blindness is a common problem among Molly’s. It comes from a lack of oxygen during birth. Molly, that have been blind since delivery, will grow up without knowing any better. Molly’s that start becoming blind later in life can have trouble with things they are familiar with, including their tank and other Molly fish.

If you think your Molly is blind, then look for the following signs to assure yourself:

Have Trouble Finding Their Way

Molly’s are usually not the best swimmers. Molly fish will swim up to a wall in their tank and stop. It is normal behavior for Molly fish because they have poor eyesight, so they use the walls as guides when swimming around their tank. Sometimes, swim bladder disorder can make molly fish swim weirdly, so make sure to check for that.

If your Molly has stopped moving, it could be that they can’t see where it is going. Molly fish also have problems seeing long distances, so if your Molly is swimming in circles most of the time, it may be because they can’t see where to go.

Bumping In Plants Or Rocks

Molly fish need to be able to see to find food and avoid predators. So Molly’s, without sight, will bump into objects in their tank more than usual. If you notice your Molly doing this, it may indicate that Molly is blind.

Molly needs to see where they are going to not bump into anything. If your Molly is blind, then it will have trouble avoiding hazards.

Staying Near The Water’s Surface

Molly fish typically do not spend much time near the top of the water, but Molly blind will start spending more time there. This is because Molly needs to breathe oxygen from the air and their gills to survive. So if your Molly is spending a lot of time at the top of the water, it may be blind.

Mollies With Blindness May Seem Distressed

Molly without sight will feel more vulnerable than other Molly fish, which can cause them to become stressed out. Molly fish typically try to stay away from danger so that the predators do not find them. But if Molly is blind, it will not know when there is danger, which can cause Molly to feel stressed out.

Mollies that are blind may swim around erratically or try to jump out of the water because they think there might be a predator nearby.

Blind Molly Fish Will Not Eat

The best way for you to know that your Molly fish may be blind is by seeing if it eats or not. Molly fish eat pellets flake food, but Mollies that are blind can’t see where the food is. Molly fish need to navigate their tank if they want to eat. So if your Molly eats less than usual, it may indicate blindness.

Blind Molly Fish Swim To The Top

When Molly fish get low on oxygen in a freshwater or saltwater aquarium, this triggers them into swimming to the top of their tank. Molly fish that are blind will not be able to see where they should go. So, Mollies with this problem have trouble getting back to their place unless you help them find their way. These fish are more likely to swim in the oxygen-filled regions, usually at the top of their tanks.

What Makes Molly Fish Blind?

Molly fish are susceptible to changes in their environment. It is because they have a nervous system that is not as developed or complex as mammals, and this may cause them to experience panic attacks when there is an unforeseen change in their surroundings.

However, some of the causes of blindness in Molly fish are:


Molly fish can get parasites from contaminated food or other Molly fish. Because mollies have poor water quality, they are more prone to getting these nasty pests. If the parasite goes untreated and spreads throughout a large group of molly fish, it can cause their eyes to cloud over with a white film or “pop-eye.”

Medication and the addition of more salt into the water can fix the clouding of the eyes. But if you leave it untreated for too long, it will cause blindness in your Molly fish.

Molly Fish Genetic Disorder

Molly fish that are blind from birth have a genetic disorder. They can inherit this blindness, and environmental factor such as parasites or poor water quality does not influence this case. Therefore, salt treatment is not beneficial for treating such types of blindness. 

The cause of the blindness of Molly fish, in this case, is due to their DNA. So Molly fish with a genetic disorder is blind since blood and do not recover through treatment.

Poor Water Quality

Sometimes blindness also occurs due to poor water quality. It can come on gradually or quickly, depending on how severe the problem becomes. But Molly fish blindness itself is not a disease. It’s just an environmental issue. Molly fish blindness can be reversible if you move your fish to a new environment with better water quality.

Usually, Molly fish blind due to poor water will recover their eyesight if they move to a tank with better water quality, proper filtration, and regular water circulation.

Molly Fish Nutrition

Molly fish can also go blind when they don’t get the proper nutrients in their diet. The fish that do not eat as much or have poor nutrition tend to live shorter lives. So Molly fish that are not getting the proper nutrients for a healthy life will experience blindness.

Molly Fish Blind As They Age

When mollies get older, their eyesight begins to fade, and they become more blind with age. It is just a natural aging process in Molly fish, and environmental factors do not influence it.

Mollies that are blind due to aging will not recover their eyesight without surgery if they have an older Molly fish more than five years old. They might lose their sight. So, it would help if you moved them to a tank where they can live out the rest of their lives comfortably.

What Is The Treatment For Blind Molly Fish?

Blindness in Molly fish is a reversible condition. However, there are things you can do to manage the symptoms of blindness in Molly fish. If your Molly suddenly starts acting blind or isn’t eating, it is a sign that something may be wrong. Some of the treatments to cure or manage the blind Molly fish are:

Molly Fish Food

Mollies like to eat soft and sinking food in the wild. The best way for Molly fish that have become blind is feeding them live, or even frozen brine shrimp, bloodworms, daphnia as these foods are easy to eat. These types of food may also reduce the chance of Molly fish illness.

In addition, Molly fish’s food that sinks slowly will be more accessible for Molly to eat on their own because they won’t have to constantly fight against the current of the water to find it and feed themselves.

Live Plants

Plants are another way for Molly Fish, who can no longer see. The plants provide them a place to feel safe and secure. Blind Molly fish will still orient themselves around plants. Especially the plants that lie on the bottom of the tank, like anubias or java ferns. These plants provide an excellent place for Molly to hide from potential predators.

Salt Treatment

Adding salt is another treatment for Molly fish’s blindness. Since Molly Fish is born in salty water, adding salt can help their body adjust by flushing out extra fluid from the eyes and making them more comfortable.

Salt also reduces the stress levels of Mollies. It is important for any sick or injured Molly as they have a lower immune system than other freshwater tropical fish like guppies.

Molly Fish with salt treatment will still need proper nutrition. So, it would be best if you fed them brine shrimp or bloodworm as they have minimal food options. Sometimes the food you give to your fish also affects the water quality of your aquarium and increases stress on Molly fish’s immune system.

Other Treatments

Another treatment for blindness in Molly fish involves feeding them vitamin A supplements, garlic supplements, and vitamin B to improve Molly’s sight.

The treatment for Molly fish’s blindness is a medication- eSHa 2000. You can als use Praziquantel. They are antiparasitic medications.

Molly Fish Prevention

Even if you manage to treat blindness in Molly fish, there is no guarantee that your Molly will recover fully or be partially blind for the rest of its lifelike other diseases like swim bladder disease. The best way to prevent blindness is by having a healthy aquarium with good water quality and Molly care.

Blindness is a disease that can happen to any fish. However, it may occur due to injury or genetic defect and needs treatment as soon as possible if you notice your Molly getting blind over time.

How To Improve The Eyesight Of Molly Fish?

Molly fish are nocturnal and rely primarily on their eyesight. So you must make sure that they have an excellent vision if kept in an aquarium setting. Unfortunately, most Molly fish do not show signs of blindness until they completely lose their vision. So it can be tough to detect their blindness early.

But you should be aware of this issue and work to improve your Molly fish’s eyesight. So, some tips to help improve your fish’s vision are:

  • First, maintain a healthy environment for Molly fish by giving them a filter, heater, and other equipment. A good filter is necessary for the good development of molly babies as well.
  • Regularly clean the tank, but do not clean it with soap, bleach, or other chemicals.
  • Change the water of Molly’s fish tank regularly.
  • Feed Molly fish healthy and fresh food as much as possible. Remember that only vitamin supplements are not enough for your Molly fishes to get all nutrients they need. So provide Molly fish with various living, frozen, freeze-dried, and flake foods.
  • Ensure there is good light in Molly’s fish tank for the excellent development of Molly’s eyesight.
  • If Molly is a female, it will be better to separate her from other Molly fishes after laying eggs because male Molly tends to eat up their fry. You can remove them later when they are mature enough and ready for mating again.
  • Do not chase or harass Molly’s fish.
  • Keep your Molly away from sharp objects in the tank, such as rocks, gravel, and plant leaves.
  • Please provide a good hiding place for Molly fish to reduce stress levels to have some time alone.


Molly Fish blindness should not worry you too much because there are ways of managing the symptoms but remember that blindness is a permanent condition. Molly fish blindness might occur due to injury, genetic defect, or other illnesses and needs treatment as soon as possible before the disease becomes more serious. So, in these cases, you may need to see the vet immediately.

I hope this post has helped you understand Molly fish’s blindness and what to do if Molly is blind.

Thanks for reading! Have a great day.

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