Why Is My Molly Attacking Other Fish? Tips For A Safe Aquarium!

Why Is My Molly Attacking Other Fish?

If you own a Molly fish, you would be familiar with the behavioral characteristics of these fish. Usually, Mollies are peaceful fish that can live happily with other non-aggressive fish. But some aquarists often complain that these fish attack the other fish in their aquarium. Are you facing this issue too? Do you know why your Molly fish might be attacking other fish?

Mollies might be aggressive and start to attack other fish for various reasons. But some of the common ones are lack of ideal water conditions in the tank, overcrowding, aggressive tankmates, anxiety, stress, territorial behavior, and health issues. Constant attacking by Mollies can result in fin rot, fin nipping, and injuries leading to the death of the fish. So, you must be careful and manage this situation before it becomes worse.

If you are new to fish keeping, you certainly have lots of questions about Molly fish. Thus,  this post will help you clear some of your doubts and help you to stop Molly fish from attacking other fish. Hopefully, this post can be helpful for you.

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What Type Of Fish Is Molly Fish?

Molly fish, also called Poecilia Sphenops, are small freshwater fish that usually measure about four-inch in length. They belong to the live-bearing family Poecilidea that is the same as guppies and swordtails.

Usually, there are around 40 different types of Mollies that fall in this family. So, you will get many varieties of Mollies with different shapes, sizes, and colors. Above all, these fish are straightforward to keep and need minimal tank equipment for a longer lifespan. Thus, they are a favorite among aquarists and breeders.

In addition, Mollies fish give birth to their young ones, unlike other fishes. So, this fish has become an exciting topic to research among breeders. Further, with the unending effort and research, I hope we will get many more new varieties of Mollies in the coming days.

What Are The Different Types Of Molly Fish?

Molly fish is not just a single species, but a variety of fish falls under this category. For example, the family of Poecilia alone holds around 40 different species of Molly fish with many vibrant colors and body structures. So, if you are looking for variety in your aquarium, Molly fish is best for you.

Although, we cannot pinpoint the exact number of types of Molly fish. Still, all these Mollies falls into the following three categories:

Sailfin Molly Fish

This type has a sailfin that runs from its head to the end of its body near its tails. Molly fish grows up to four inches within a short lifespan of three to four years. They are one of the common Mollies that you can quickly get in pet stores.

These fish are peaceful and copes well with their tankmates. Further, Sailfin Mollies prefer a slight salinity in their water. So, you can keep them in salt water, too, with few non-aggressive tankmates.

Lyretail Molly Fish

It has a distinct lyre tail compared to the regular Molly type that is more popular among pet stores. In addition, Lyretail Mollies fish has a unique seat that makes them a fascinating pet to keep. Typically, these fish can range up to 8 inches, but the most common ones are not bigger than five inches. 

These fish are a little aggressive, and the males seem territorial. So, you must be very cautious about the tankmates you keep in an aquarium if you have lyretail Molly fish.

Shortfin Molly Fish

They have a vibrant color and a silver line that runs from under the eye down their body right above their tails. This type of fish is familiar. Moreover, these fish has shortfin, as their name suggests. They are non-aggressive and adapt well to various water conditions. So, you can keep these fish with different fish in different types of water.

Temperament Of Molly Fish

Mollies are very peaceful and social fish. Therefore, most owners often keep them with other community tank mates such as Tetras, Platys, Guppies, and Danios. Molly Fish will even interact well with larger species like Cichlids, but it is best to keep them with similar fish. 

In the wild, they form large schools which travel together. Molly fish are also bottom feeders, which means they’re constantly foraging along the substrate. So, you can even see your fish digging its substrate sometimes. 

If you provide your fish with the condition they need, they will be peaceful, active, and happier. So, the temperament of your fish depends on your care.

Do Molly Fish Attack Other Fish?

Usually, Molly fish are a very docile species and will not attack other fish. Molly fish are schooling fish, meaning they like to be in groups of at least five for their safety and company entertainment.

In the wild, Molly’s favorite food is snails. So it may seem natural for them to go after your prized koi or goldfish in your tank. But they usually do not bother other fish.

However, there are some times when Molly fish will attack their kind or even other fish species.

Why Do Molly Fish Attack Other Fish?

Molly fish can be territorial and will attack other fish, as well as any smaller fish. These fish is very similar to cichlids in that they can be aggressive towards each other or small fish. Moreover, the most common reasons why Molly fish will attack other fish are:

Molly Fish Are Anxious

Molly fish are susceptible animals. Even the slightest change in their water parameters makes them anxious. These fish feel threatened when they are in unfamiliar conditions or a crowded space. So, they will often attack other fish when they find invaders in their territory. This is especially true for Molly fish who live in the same tank as larger or territorial species of Molly fish.

Molly Fish Are Territorial

Molly fish is a peaceful and friendly species. But it does not mean that they will welcome every invader. They are a little territorial about their personal space. When other fish try to invade their area, they will attack those fish to protect themselves.

Molly Fish Are Sick

Molly Fish become more aggressive when they get sick. Health issues and diseases make Molly fish vulnerable. They will often assume a slight change in the environment as a threat. Sometimes, health issues cause loss of appetite and energy. 

A sick Molly fish becomes so sensitive after sometimes that they will start to attack every adjacent object in defense.

Molly Fish Are Inbreeding

Molly fish from the same genetic line or tank will often attack each other, as Molly Fish can tell when they come from a similar bloodline and become very territorial. Additionally, these fish look very similar and can also become territorial towards Molly fish from a different genetic line.

Molly Fish Need More Space to Swim Around

Sometimes Molly fish become aggressive because their tank does not provide enough space for Molly fish to swim around. A good rule of thumb is that every Molly should have ten gallons of water. Also, keep a minimum of two Mollies in one tank. So if your Molly starts attacking other fish, you probably need to add more space or get another Molly; they do better when there is companionship with their species.

Molly Fish Is Not Getting Enough Food

Molly fish will attack other Molly, or other fish in general, if they do not have enough food. So make sure that you feed your Molly twice a day and provide them with enough space to swim around without bumping into each other all the time.

Molly Fish Need Companionship With Their Species

Molly fish like to be in groups, and if they do not have another Molly around them, it could lead to aggression. However, these fish are social fish that need companionship with their species. Moreover, Molly fish sold at pet stores usually come from the wild and behave better when putting two or more Molly’s together in a tank.

What Can You Do To Keep Molly Fish From Attacking Other Fishes?

There are a few things that you can try to stop Mollies from attacking your prized koi or goldfish. Molly fish are often territorial, so the first thing you’ll want to do is make sure there’s plenty of room for everyone in your aquarium. Molly fishes generally get along with other small, peaceful fish that aren’t colorful and don’t have long fins like koi or guppies.

Moreover, some of the tips that will help you to keep Molly fish from attacking other fishes are;

  • Make sure that you give them plenty of time to get familiar with their surroundings before adding any other fish.
  • Mollies also needed lots of plants matter because they provide cover and encourage Molly fish not to attack each other as much. Also, giving them hiding places to dart in and out will reduce the number of fights you’ll have with Molly’s in your aquarium.
  • Molly fish will also often fight with each other if they are both males or females, so make sure that you only have one Molly in your tank at a time. If you choose to put more than one Molly in the same aquarium, then you’ll want to keep them all as either females or juveniles until they are big enough.
  • Avoid touching them when there is water movement in the aquarium where Molly fish live because this makes them think that someone is about to attack them. 
  • Remember that Molly fishes can be susceptible, so try not to overstock the aquarium with Molly’s or any other type of fish. This will increase their stress level and lead them to pick on each other more often than usual.

Some FAQs

Is Molly Fish Aggressive?

Molly fish are non-aggressive, but this does not mean they won’t attack. Molly Fish often becomes aggressive during the breeding season and fights with other Molly fish to protect their territory.

What Does Molly Fish Eat?

Many people feed Molly’s flake food or frozen brine shrimp, which is fine if you aren’t looking for a Molly with superb coloration. However, if you want the best colors of your Molly, feed him live or frozen food such as bloodworms and brine shrimp.

What Is Molly Fish Spawning?

Molly fish spawning often occurs in people’s tanks from a lack of male-female ratio in their tank. It can also be Molly fish-eating flake food or brine shrimp which does not have the proper nutrition for Molly Fish to spawn.

How Does Molly Spawn?

Molly fish often lay their eggs on the leaves of plants hanging down into the water column. They will then guard these eggs until they hatch. This is where people feel confused because some Molly fish will eat their eggs.

However, Molly Fish only does this in the presence of other Molly’s so if you have a Molly and he is eating his eggs, leave him alone to spawn and guard them.


Molly fish are aggressive towards other Mollies. If you keep more than one Molly in the same tank, they will fight and damage each others’ fins. The best solution is to move your Molly into their aquarium with plants for them to hide. Molly fish are magnificent and make a great pet. Molly only gets to be around two inches long, so they don’t take up much space in your home.

Be aware of Molly etiquette because you will have peaceful pals for life if you follow these simple rules:

  • Never add more than one Molly per tank.
  • Molly fish can live in a 20-gallon tank.
  • Also, Molly should have hiding places to sleep, like plants or rocks.

Hopefully, this blog post will help you Molly owners out there stop their fish from attacking other fish. Thank you for reading.

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