Why Is My Molly Fish Shaking? Common Reasons & Ways To Solve It!

Why Is My Molly Fish Shaking? Common Reasons & Ways To Solve It!

Molly fish has become the most popular fish due to its beautiful color, attributes, and friendly temperament. Moreover, these fish are easy to keep and require only minimum care. So, the fish keeper developed a keen interest in Mollies. So, why Molly fish is shaking is one of the most frequent fish keepers.

Molly fish might be shaking due to stress, age, drop in water temperature in the tank, acclimation, illness, lack of space, oxygen, or enough food. Your fish will shake even when you introduce them to the new tank while they acclimate themselves properly. 

It will help if you stay alert to ensure they are not that ill, leading them to death. Molly fish’s lifespan can shorten with just the slightest change in the water and living conditions. So, shaking might give you some hint about the condition they are living in.

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Molly fish and its attributes are an exciting topic to explore and learn about. Thus, today we will be digging deeper into this topic to know more about Molly fish.

Why Type Of Fish Is Molly Fish?

Molly fish is a freshwater fish that originated in South America and is now popular worldwide. Breeders have been using these fish as pets for many years because they are straightforward to take care of and cheap compared to other types of tropical fish.

Molly fish belongs to the Poecilia family, which means they are livebearers. Therefore, your tropical molly fish need a certain water parameter type, making them susceptible to any water changes.

So, most people assume they are complex tropical fish to keep alive for an extended period in captivity. However, Molly fish can breathe air from the surface, allowing them to survive if their tank lacks good water flow or enough oxygen.

Usually, this fish is an excellent option for beginner aquarists because they are relatively cheap and do not require much care.

In addition, Molly fish can survive in tanks with other types of tropical fish. But since it prefers to swim around and needs space, it is challenging to keep them alive in an overcrowded tank.

Is Shaking Common In Molly Fish?

No, shaking or shimming is not something that you can say is normal for molly fish. It is far from normal as your mollies are active fish that will only swim in the tank.

They won’t go here and there shaking and shimming as if they are having a party and dancing their heart out. Okay, sorry for the bad joke. But, come on, mollies are sensitive to water temperature and condition, so they won’t start shaking without changes in such.

When they feel threatened or stressed, it can cause them to shake their fins lightly. This behavior is typical in the wild when Mollies swim near other species that are more likely to scare them.

Why Is Molly Fish Shaking?

It is scary to see your fish shaking rather than swimming happily in the tank in a graceful manner. There is no fun in finding your fish shiver in the water like they are cold and don’t belong in the aquatic family, which is absurd.

Hence, Molly fish shaking can indicate a problem with the water conditions in your aquarium, and there are many reasons why Molly Fish may shake.

Water Conditions

Poor water conditions such as low oxygen levels or high ammonia and nitrite poisoning, fluctuating water temperature, etc., are the main reasons your Molly starts shaking suddenly.

Shaking is a sign of Molly Fish trying to tell you that something is wrong with the aquarium environment. So it’s important not to ignore this behavior if your Molly fish are shaking excessively.

It can also occur when your fish feel overstressed due to changes in the aquarium environment. It may even begin acting aggressively towards other fish if they feel stressed. Or even when they are not comfortable with their surroundings.

Similarly, when the water temperature drops immediately in the tank, your molly fish might find it hard to adjust to it. They will give out signs of discomfort in shaking and shimming. Check your heaters immediately and make sure you have a fully functioning one.

Also, test the water quality immediately and frequently. There is a chance that the water in the tank is too soft or acidic. Molly fish are hardy and tolerant, but they cannot handle soft or acidic water.

New Tank Syndrome

It is not uncommon for Molly fish to shake when you introduce them to a new environment. Likewise, they may shake when you suddenly introduce them to unfamiliar surroundings.

New tank syndrome usually occurs when there is a change in water parameters and conditions, which is harmful to Molly fish.

Molly fish shaking can also occur due to shock from transportation or simply because they lack acclimation to the water temperature in your aquarium.

This will typically resolve within 24-48 hours once your aquarium fish acclimates and becomes familiar with the newer environment.

Diseases and Illnesses

Molly fish shaking is, sometimes, a sign of illness such as ich, velvet disease, fin rot, or Hexamita (also called Molly Fish Bloat). But, it doesn’t stop there; it also signifies internal parasites and tumors present in your aquarium fish.

High levels of stress in Molly fish from diseases such as velvet disease or ich (which causes the skin of Molly Fish to appear white due to spots) can make them shake like crazy. So, watch out, my dear!

Lack Of Food

Molly Fish may shake due to lack of food. Sometimes, these fish might not feel good and seem inactive when they lack proper nutrition. So, they start shaking to signal the owners.

Besides this, some food might not be beneficial for Mollies. When you feed such food to these fish, they start shaking.

Usually, Molly fish need to have a variety of food in their diets. Therefore, they may not be getting the proper nutrients if these fish are only eating one type of flake or pellet.


Molly Fish shaking can also occur if your Molly fish become inactive due to poor water conditions, lack of hiding places, or simply because they aren’t comfortable with their environment.

Shaking can also occur when Molly fish try to tell you that they feel stressed by their environment. Stress in Molly fish usually occurs due to poor water conditions, lack of hiding places, or when their water parameters change constantly.

Lack Of Oxygen

Molly fish may shake due to breathing. This is because these fish need a good supply of oxygen in the water.

So, when their tank water lacks dissolved oxygen, Molly fish starts shaking. Inadequate oxygen levels will cause Molly Fish stress, leading to diseases and Molly fish shaking.

Molly Fish may gulp for air at the surface of a tank if they are not getting enough oxygen. Their gills will often breathe rapidly as Molly Fish tries to get more oxygen from your aquarium water.

Breeding Behavior

Molly Fish may begin shaking before releasing their eggs if you have female fish. This behavior is standard during breeding, and Molly Fish will typically shake for around 15 minutes before releasing eggs. 

How To Stop Molly Fish From Shaking?

Molly fish shaking is a common problem that owners experience. Molly fish shaking can happen for several reasons.

So it’s important to understand why these fish shake before you try and stop them. After knowing the cause, you must then work towards managing the reason.

Some of the tips to help Molly fish stop shaking are:

Manage The Tank’s Temperature

It would be best if you never kept Molly fish in an environment with a temperature of fewer than 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

Mollies are very sensitive to colder waters, so you must provide them with water at least 73 degrees Fahrenheit. If your Molly fish does not have a heater for his aquarium, here are some tips on heating Molly fish tank water.

Keep Molly Fish Away From Medication

Molly is very sensitive to medications, so you must avoid using any medicine when Molly is suffering from Molly shaking. Some natural home remedies can help Molly stop the Molly shaking, such as changing his diet or improving oxygen levels in his aquarium with an air pump and airstone. Molly’s Shaking can also be a sign of Molly being overfed, so you must feed him less.

Give Molly Fish Enough Space

Molly’s are sensitive to vibrations from air pumps, air conditioners, or even the sound waves from the television in your home. This will cause Molly to start Molly shaking. You should keep his aquarium away from any noise sources that Molly cannot hear. Try to keep his aquarium in a room with no disturbance, such as your guest bedroom or home office.

Ensure the tank is big enough for Molly to move around. Molly fish should have a minimum of 20 gallons per Molly, so you must ensure that your tank is big enough for them.

Give Them Enough Food To Eat

You should feed Molly fish food two to three times a day. However, they are omnivorous, so you must only provide them with live or frozen meaty foods. These fish will also eat vegetables like spinach and lettuce, but this should not make up the majority of their diet because Molly needs protein to grow big and healthy. Molly can also eat algae wafers designed for aquarium fish, but you must only feed Molly these once a day.

Good food also ensures healthy Molly fish and stops them from shaking. Moreover, Mollies produce a lot of waste, so you must ensure that their food contains high protein levels and is low in fiber to avoid shaking.

Make Sure The Water Is Clean

Molly is very sensitive to dirty water, so their aquarium needs regular cleaning and water change. They will start to shake when they can’t access clean water.

A polluted tank has a lower level of oxygen. Besides this, the optimum water parameters crucial for Molly fish also change when the tank water is not clean.

Since Molly fish are sensitive to water changes, they will shake in the polluted tanks due to a lack of oxygen. Remember to maintain the nitrate level in the tank while making sure the ammonia and nitrite level is zero.

Likewise, it is better to have a spare heater in the tank to maintain the ideal water temperature when the main heater fails to do its job.

If this guide does not help your Molly stop Molly shaking, please consult a veterinarian as soon as possible for further assistance.

Some FAQs

Do Shaking Resolves Itself In Molly Fish?

Yes, Molly fish shaking will resolve itself. Molly shakes their fins as a defense mechanism, and once they feel safe again, the behavior should go away on its own. However, if Molly Fish Shaking persists, you may want to consult with your local pet store or veterinarian for further advice.

Is Molly Fish Shaking A Form Or Ick?

No, Molly fish shaking is not a form of “Ick.” Shaking might occur due to multiple factors, including stress, water temperature, and pH levels. Molly’s are very sensitive to changes in these three areas, so you must keep them stable.


In conclusion, Mollies are great but sensitive fish, and you will want to make sure that the water is clean and well maintained for them. They also need various nutrients that they generally get from the bottom of their environment. Nevertheless, These are excellent fish to have as long as you care for them properly.

Mollies do not usually shake, but there is a good chance of needing help if they are shaking. If your fish is sick, it will need help and antibiotics, so visit the Vet or fish store for Molly fish check-up. But you will want to wait until Molly stops shaking before taking her to the Vet or pet shop so that it does not shake any of the medication off in their bag.

We hope this post helps you and your Molly stops shaking soon.

For more information, ask us through the comments below. Thank you for giving us your time.

Good Luck!!

Happy Fishkeeping!!

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