How to Take Care of Platy Fish? Find Out Here!!

How to Take Care of Platy Fish? Find Out Here!!

The Platy fish is a freshwater aquarium species that can be kept by beginners and experts alike. These small yet feisty little guys are often seen in pet stores because they are cheap to feed, easy to care for, and come in many colors. But, I have a confession to make. I’ve kept Platy fish for more than 12 years now, and I still have trouble taking care of them. What makes it difficult is that there are so many things to do to take care of them properly. So, How to Take Care of Platy Fish?

You can take care of Platy fish in the tank by feeding them, changing their water, and maintaining the tank. However, you should know that this species is a bit delicate, so you have to take care of its health at all times.

For example, if you want your Platy Fish tank water parameters balanced, you need to know the ideal temperature for your specific type of Platy fish.

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This blog post will talk about How To Take Care Of Platy Fish? It’s not an easy task because they require a lot of attention which can get overwhelming at times!

About Platy Fish

Platies are usually found in shallow waters, slow-moving streams, or ponds where vegetation can offer shelter to these fish.

Platies are one of the most adaptable, hardy, and easy-to-care-for livebearers globally, which is why they make great pets for both experienced and novice fish keepers. And there’s no wonder you’d be interested to learn more about How To Take Care Of Platy Fish?

How To Take Care Of Platy Fish?

It is not that difficult to take care of Platy fish. All you need is to keep the water parameters balanced, have enough space for your pet, and make sure it eats well.

Male or female? How many should I get in a tank? What are their food preferences? These are just some of the questions that we will address below, so stay tuned!

Tank Size Your Platy Needs

You will need at least a 20-gallon tank for one school of Platy fish. This ensures that they have enough space to swim, drift, feed, and play without bumping into each other all the time. Also, keep in mind that this size is just an estimate, so you can always go bigger.


As for tankmates, you will need to carefully consider them first before bringing them into your aquarium with a school of Platy fish. This is because they are usually small and slow-moving, making them easy targets even for the most aggressive species out there. The best thing you can do is research the fish you have in mind before adding them to your tank.

Male To Female Ratio

For Platy fish, a good number of males and females is about three each. Keep in mind that they are livebearer species, which means that the eggs will develop inside their bodies until they are born after ten days. So, it is always best to keep a few more females than the males can handle since this will ensure enough food supplies for them.

Balance The Water Parameters

As with any other freshwater fish species out there, your platy also needs clean and clear water where they can live comfortably inside. pH level should be slightly acidic, and the water should have a general hardness level of 200 ppm. Also, check nitrate levels and other parameters to ensure that your fish will live in good health all the time.

Changing Water For Your Platy Fish

Your platy might not need you to change their water often but make sure they always have clear water to live happily. It would help if you did a 25% water change at least once every week using the same temperature and pH level as what they have in their tank.

Install Heater, Filter, And Other Equipment

To ensure that you will not overstock your aquarium with Platy fish, which might result in deteriorating water quality, you will need to install a heater, filter, and other equipment before setting up your tank.

The heater for Platy fish helps maintain the right water temperature, while the filter provides clean water for them all day long.

Penn Plax Cascade 400 Submersible Aquarium Filter and Eheim Jager aquarium heater are great choices for your Platy fish tank.

Feeding Your Platy Fish

You can feed Platy fish with live or dried brine shrimp or any small worms that they like aside from their regular diet. However, ensure that you are feeding them high-quality food to avoid deficiencies and imbalances in the water chemistry, resulting in illness or even death for your fish.

Taking Care Of Pregnant Platy Fish

When caring for pregnant platies, make sure that they always have good quality food on hand. For example, keep them in a separate tank during the gestation period and feed them with live shrimp or any other small worms that they can eat easily.

Maintaining The Platy Fish Tank

Aside from checking on water parameters now and then, make sure you clean the aquarium regularly to keep it clean for your fish’s sake since they are susceptible to environmental changes.

Also, do not forget to change the water regularly, which is 25% every week, and pay extra care when cleaning. Remember too much water change is harmful to your fish as well.

Prevent And Treat Diseases

Lastly, it is always best to prevent your fish from getting diseases before they get ill by maintaining good living conditions inside their tank. Check them regularly for any signs of disease and immediately treat it before it gets worse.

Why Taking Care Of Your Platy Fish Is Important?

Taking care of your Platy fish should always be a priority because this will ensure that they are in good health all the time, even if you cannot see what’s happening to their bodies.

Platy fish are livebearers, and they give birth to hundreds of fry. Healthy mother platy will always ensure that all her fry is alive until it’s ready for the world outside.

If you have a pregnant female in your tank, make sure there are enough space or hiding places so she won’t feel threatened.

Make sure that the water you have in your tank is clean all the time to avoid diseases and infections from happening, which can sometimes be fatal.

You should also make sure that there are no sharp objects or anything dangerous because this will cause injuries for your fish, not only on their body but also their eyes.

Doing these things will ensure that your fish will live longer and they are also safe from harm. This is one of the reasons why taking care of your Platy fish is very important.


I have answered some of the most common questions people ask about taking care of their Platy fish.

Are Platy Fish Hardy?

Platy fish are a hardy species that can easily adapt to different changes in their environment like water conditions, temperature and others.

This makes them ideal for beginner aquarists because it’s easier for them to take care of their fish.

Can Platy Fish Change Their Gender?

Yes, they can do that, and it’s known as sexual dimorphism. Platyfish start life as females, but when the right conditions meet, they will transform into males with dominant colors.

As a result, you should always check the gender of your fish so that you know what kind of changes will happen shortly. This way, it will be easier for you to take care of them and prepare yourself with all the things they need especially if there will be any drastic changes about their appearance or behavior.


In conclusion, taking care of your Platy fish should always be a top priority because they will reward you with their liveliness and happiness.

They may not show it, but we know that these small fishes hold big personalities full of joy deep inside them. This is our responsibility as an owner to take good care of our pets so we won’t have to worry about anything happening to them.

You can ask any question you want about taking care of Platy fish in the comment section below, or if you have suggestions on how to take care of this type of fish, feel free to share it as well!

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