Can Platy Fish Live In Cold Water?

can platy fish live in cold water

I’ve seen Platy fish branded as a “cold-water” fish. And, some people, thinking that branding to be true, keep their Platy fish in cold water tanks. But, how true is this statement, really? Can Platy Fish live in cold water?

No, Platy fish cannot live and survive in cold water despite the belief that they are cold-water fish. The ideal water temperature range for a Platy fish lies between 75 °F to 80°F which is nowhere near cold. Anything extreme to this water temperature range will kill your Platy fish. 

The water temperature that Platy fish thrive in is not anywhere near cold! So, you should use a heater to maintain this suitable temperature and keep a thermometer for constant regulation.

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But, there are ways by which you can keep your Platy fish in your tank without a heater. The temperature range of 75 °F to 80°F should be maintained though.

Today, I am here to tell you, in detail, everything that has to do with the myth about platy being a cold-water fish, why cold water is bad for them, their ideal water temperature, and how you can maintain such water temperature in your tank. Let’s go!

So, Can You Keep Platy Fish In Cold Water?

No, you cannot keep your Platy fish in cold water. Although your shopkeeper might have branded your Platy fish as a hardy cold-water fish, you will literally torture your fish if you keep them in cold water.

Listen. Platy fish, like all other fish, are poikilothermic animals. Poikilothermic means cold-blooded animals that can’t regulate their body temperature. So, they need their surroundings, i.e. water to be warm and suitable for survival. If the surrounding is cold, then your Platy fish can’t do the normal metabolic activities needed for survival. This may result in the death of your Platy fish.

I hope you got the answer to your question now.

Ideal Water Temperature Range For Your Platy Fish

In the wild, Platy fish live in rivers, canals, marshes, and warm springs. The water temperature of these places ranges from 74°F to 80°F. And, the waters are somewhat hard (dGH 18) and alkaline (8 dKH).

So, to replicate the tropical vibes in your tank, you need to maintain a water temperature range of 75 °F to 80°F for your Platy fish. This is the ideal water temperature range where your Platy fish will thrive.

You should always try to avoid any extreme water temperature. Especially the colder temperature let’s say below 70°F or so.

What Will Happen If You Keep Platy Fish In Cold Water?

So, you decide to add ice cubes to your tank for the cold water effect. Now, what will happen to your Platy fish?


The genes of the wild are stamped on your Platy fish. So, if you keep your Platy fish in cold water instead of their warm tropical water temperature, your fish will feel stressed. This is quite obvious.

Stress can cause bullying, aggression, and poor health of your Platy fish. And, I’m pretty sure you don’t want that.

Infertility And Breeding Problems

I have noticed that Platy fish mate very quickly when you increase the temperature up a bit. So, the reverse will happen if you keep your Platy Fish in cold water.

Your Platy Fish will lose its energy, become lethargic, and won’t reproduce. Coldwater can cause infertility issues in your Platy.

See, if you don’t want platy fry in your tank, it may seem like a great idea to keep your pet in cold water. But, the thing is, they won’t survive for long too. And, the health issues just keep on growing when you keep your fish in cold water.

Stunted Growth

You may know that Platy fish grow into their full size in 5-6 months, right? But, if you keep them in cold water, they won’t ever grow properly.

Warm water is Platy fish’s favorite place to thrive in. And, if you keep them in cold water, of course, it is going to harm their metabolism. So, cold water causes stunted growth in Platy fish.


I bet you have had a common cold ruining your days during a cold climate. The same goes for your Platy fish who get diseases and illnesses due to cold water.

Diseases and ill health frequently lead to death.

Less Activity

Platy fish will feel stressed and worn out in cold water because it isn’t their natural water temperature. Their cold blood cannot maintain the energy level in cold water.

So, your Platy fish will swim less and become lethargic and weak.

What Will Happen If You Keep Platy Fish In Hot Water?

You may think hot water will induce breeding and anti-parasitic function. But too much heat in the water of your tank is harmful to Platy fish’s health.

Too much heat means your Platy will increase its metabolism. This will cause your Platy a lot of stress.

Moreover, an overheated tank loses its oxygen because hot water can’t retain oxygen.

And the hot water will coagulate your fish turning it into literal fried fish food.

Thus, too cold or too hot both extremities are bad for your Platy fish.

How To Maintain Temperature In Your Tank For Your Platy Fish?

To maintain the tank water temperature, you need to buy a heater. And, to measure the temperature, buy a thermometer.

Then, maintain the temperature of 75 °F to 80°F in the heater. And then, check the thermometer every day.

Note: Check the thermometer in the morning when you’re out for school, college, or office and at night when you’re off to bed. Feeding time is also the best time to check the temperature of your platy tank.

Choosing The Right Heater

You can see many types of heaters in the market. There are substrate, hanging, filter, submersible, in-line heaters, and so on.

The perfect heater will be a filter that is budget-friendly and will suit the size of your tank. Remember that the temperature of your tank will be more in balance if you keep a large tank.

Your room temperature also plays a role in the tank temperature. So, you need to subtract your room temperature from your desired temperature. And then, the temperature you get from the formula should be maintained from the heater.

A general rule of thumb for wattage is 2.5 and 5 watts per gallon of actual water volume in your tank.

How To Keep Platy Fish In Cold Water Without Heater?

You might think a balanced and organic tank is the way to go. So, you decide not to keep a heater for your Platy fish. But, you need to ensure that their water temperature is balanced. Here’s how you maintain the water temperature without a heater:

Direct Sunlight

Sunlight doesn’t increase your bills and gives a natural warmth to your Platy fish. Moreover, sunlight is very beneficial for the growth of Platy fry.

You can keep your tank under direct sunlight like a window or balcony. But, make sure to not let the sunlight overheat your tank by using a thermometer for water temperature regulation.

Good Lighting

Another way to heat your tank is by keeping a lighting system.

A lighting system will not only make your tank brighter. But, good lighting will also heat your tank. Lightning will bring the temperature somewhat ideal to the water temperature for your Platy fish.


If you like to keep natural warmth besides sunlight, a fireplace in your home would be the perfect place to keep your tank. The warmth from your fireplace will act as natural heat for your Platy fish.

Similarly, you can keep your tank near the kitchen or oven. Because, the cooking, baking, will heat the atmosphere along with your platy tank.

But, like sunlight, good lighting, you should maintain the temperature by checking with a thermometer.

Insulation Of Tank

You can maintain the heat in your tank by using insulating materials too. Newspapers and Styrofoam are the best insulating materials.

Just cover your tank with newspaper and Styrofoam. You can use towels and blankets too.

But the thing is, this method isn’t aesthetic and will ruin the sight of your tank.

Can You Keep Platy Fish In A Pond Outside Your Home?

During summer and spring, the natural sunlight will illuminate and heat the pond water. So, you can, technically, keep Platy fish in a pond outside your home.

But, you should always measure the water temperature of the pond using a thermometer. Once you realize that the temperature is constant throughout the day, only then should you put your Platy fish in that pond.

And during winter, the water temperature will fall below 60°F. This will harm your Platy fish. Moreover, most Platy fish are acclimated to the tank environment. Your Platy is no different. That’s why the pond is an unstable ecosystem. And I don’t recommend you to keep your pet in the pond.


Is It Dangerous To Cool Down A Platy Fish’s Water?

If you are changing the temperature of water in your tank, please do it slowly. Rapid water changes will be chaotic and will disturb the equilibrium of your Platy fish.

If the water is too hot or too cold, then maintain the temperature by decreasing or increasing (as required) 2°F every 10 hours or so. This will ensure a smooth change and your Platy fish won’t be stressed out.

Can Platy Fish Live In Cold Water With A Goldfish?

No, you can never keep Platy fish and Goldfish together in a tank. This is because both of these fish live in entirely different water temperatures. While a goldfish loves cold water range from 60° – 74° F, a Platy fish loves warmer temperatures of 75-80° F. So, you will be making a big mistake while pairing these two fish together in your tank.

Is A Single Heater Enough For A Group Of Platy Fish?

Well, this depends on how big your tank is. A large tank can use two heaters too. Moreover, if you keep two heaters, then one will work when another doesn’t. But, the temperature of the tank should be always maintained to 75 °F to 80°F no matter whether you use one heater or multiple ones.


So, to sum up, no, Platy fish don’t live or survive in cold water. In many cases, Platy fish in cold water suffer from ill health, disease, stress, and many fish even die. That’s why keeping a heater is the best decision you’ll ever make. Just tune in the heater to maintain the temperature of 75 °F to 80°F. And your job’s done. Happy fishkeeping!

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