Platy fish live in water, so it would be fair to assume that they need oxygen. And you would be correct! But just like humans, not all Platy fish get the same amount of oxygen. The key is understanding how these process oxygen and what happens when their tank loses its supply. We all know that they can survive out of water for a limited time, but what about in an aquarium? This is the question we are trying to answer. Can Platy fish live without oxygen in a tank?
No, Platy fish cannot live without oxygen in the tank because they rely on the oxygen gas dissolved in their water to breathe. They can die within minutes and maximum hours if there is little oxygen left when the oxygen level goes down.
Different factors determine how long your fish will stay alive before suffocating from lack of oxygen. Some of these factors include the size and number of fish living in your tank, as well as their species.
Luckily for you, we have compiled a list with some great tips on how to increase the lifespan and healthiness of your Platy fish!
How Does Oxygen Exchange Work In The Aquarium?
Oxygen exchange occurs in the water when the dissolved oxygen from the aquarium water is taken up by fish and released back into the water. The oxygen that the fish release is then used again.
When we talk about the oxygen exchange in water, we generally refer to what is happening between water and air.
The surface of any body of water has a certain level of dissolved gases; this includes both oxygen and other substances that exist within it, such as carbon dioxide and methane.
When the surface area is exposed to air, there will be an interchange with the oxygen in the atmosphere.
The water will lose gas molecules to the air and then take more from it when it goes back under. This is how we get a constant supply of gaseous substances- like oxygen- to our tanks.
If the surface area for gas exchange decreases, there will be less added oxygen to replenish what was taken.
Oxygen exchange is a two-way process, meaning that as one organism consumes oxygen, it also releases carbon dioxide.
We need to understand how this process works so we know what causes some tanks to lose their oxygen supply over time and whether or not Platy fish need oxygen from an air pump.
Can Platy Fish Live Without Oxygen??
No, Platy fish cannot live without oxygen. But, they can go for a few minutes before the lack of oxygen causes them to die.
Three factors contribute to this: low levels in the aquarium water’s dissolved oxygen; high waste products and toxins created by excessive feeding or insufficient filter maintenance; and possible damage caused by fire, heat exposure, or power outage.
Signs Your Platy Fish Are Not Getting Oxygen
The first sign that your platies are not getting enough oxygen is bubbles in the tank water near their gills and fins. The second warning sign is a lack of energy or activity- even when they should be very active during feeding times. And last
Your Platy fish may die for several reasons, including overfeeding and inadequate filter maintenance. Signs that your platies are not getting enough oxygen may include:
- Lack Of Activity
- Gasping For Air
- Labored Breathing Patterns
- Pink Coloring On The Gill And Mouth Area
- Sunken Eyes And/Or Dented Head Shape
- Bubbles Near Gills And Fins
- Death
If your platies have been experiencing any of these signs for a while, then the first thing you should do is test the water to see if it contains enough oxygen.
How Long Can Platy Fish Live Without Oxygen?
The length of time Platy fish can live without oxygen depends on how crowded the tank is. After about 3 minutes, they suffer from terrible brain damage. After 7-10 minutes, they will have internal organ damage. And after 10-12 minutes, they will die.
What Are The Factors That Decide How Long Platy Fish Can Live Without Oxygen?
Aside from how crowded the tank is, three other factors determine how long Platy fish can live without oxygen. These include:
Low Levels Of Dissolved Oxygen
This will happen when water levels decrease or if filter maintenance and enzyme cleaning are not done regularly.
High Waste Products And Toxins Created By Excessive Feeding Or Insufficient Filter Maintenance
This will happen when a tank with too many fish is overfed or if filter maintenance and enzyme cleaning are not done regularly.
Possible Damage Caused By Fire, Heat Exposure, And Power Outage
Platy fish can die from these things because they’re sensitive to extreme temperatures.
What Causes The Oxygen Level To Deteriorate In Fish Tanks?
Many things can cause the oxygen level to go down. For example, when we have many waste products, they will use up all the available space and leave fewer oxygen molecules.
Three factors contribute to this: low dissolved oxygen levels, high waste products and toxins created by excessive feeding or insufficient filter maintenance, and possible damage caused by fire, heat exposure, or power outage.
One way this happens is when there are too few fish in the tank to provide enough oxygen. Or if they are not moving around or feeding enough.
Power Outage
It could also be a power outage that is causing the oxygen level to deteriorate. When the electricity goes out, the filters are not working, and there is no water movement in the tank. This causes less dissolved oxygen.
The thing that can cause low levels of dissolved oxygen in aquariums is power outages which when your tank has been running for a while before you lose power and the oxygen level goes down, then the fish will suffer more because they lose a lot of their ability to fight back against it.
Damage To Aquarium Equipment
There are a few things that can cause damage to aquarium equipment. One way this happens is when there is heat exposure, which could happen if the tank was accidentally left in a hot car during the day. Another way is through fire; for example, if you have an electrical issue, it causes sparks on your fish tank or around it because of the water.
High Level Of Ammonia
If you have high ammonia levels in your tank, this will also cause the oxygen level to deteriorate. But, again, as these wastes keep building up and don’t get filtered out, they release a lot of gas that takes up all the space for oxygen molecules.
The most common way for the oxygen level to get lower in a tank is when there are more toxins than available space. For example, when we have too many waste products, they will use up all the available space and leave less for dissolved oxygen molecules. Other things that can cause this problem are you haven’t changed your water enough, or you haven’t changed your filter.
Overfeeding can also be a cause of low oxygen levels in the tank. This is because when you feed your fish too much, it will use up all the available space and leave less for dissolved oxygen molecules.
Another possible reason might be that there are high amounts of ammonia coming from waste products or toxins created by overfeeding or natural death, which can occur from fish, plants, or bacteria.
Insufficient Filter Maintenance
Insufficient filter maintenance can cause the oxygen level to increase or decrease in your tank. This happens because if you don’t maintain your filters regularly, they will create a poor environment for fish, leading to decreased dissolved oxygen levels.
Insufficient Water Change
The other thing is when you haven’t changed your water in a while. What happens is we have a lot of waste products and toxins- which can be from fish, plants, or bacteria – so the more water you change, the more oxygen there will be.
Do Platy Fish Need Oxygen From An Air Pump?
No, Platy fish do not need oxygen from an air pump to live in the aquarium. But if they feel like their water is lacking and needs more dissolved oxygen than what it already has, then you can use a filter or an air pump to make sure that they have the necessary oxygen levels in their tank.
They can also get all the oxygen they need from various things like powerheads, wavemakers, or the water itself.
Platy fish do not need an air pump in their tank. They get the oxygen they need from water, constantly providing new dissolved oxygen through a process called gas exchange or aeration. But please get one to be on the safe side. An air pump will make sure that there is more dissolved oxygen in the tank.
The only time that you might want to add an air pump would be i)f if the oxygen levels are shallow in your tank, or ii) you want to make sure that they have more than enough dissolved oxygen.
Here’s an example of a Platy fish with a problem:
Poor water quality (e.g., high ammonia and nitrates) leads to less dissolved oxygen because there is less space for it.
If this is the case, you can increase dissolved oxygen by performing a water change or adding an air pump to aerate your tank’s water.
How To Oxygenate Your Platy Fish Tank?
You can do a few things to oxygenate your tank: filter it, perform a water change, and use powerheads/wavemakers- anything that creates surface agitation will help increase the level of dissolved oxygen in the aquarium.
Use Filter
The freshwater fish tank filter provides a steady supply of oxygen to the aquarium. A pump pushes water through tubing, forcing up and over an air stone into the water. The air bubbles break apart, releasing dissolved oxygen in the form of small molecules that aquatic plants and animals easily absorb.
Perform Water Change
A water change is when the old, dirty aquarium water is replaced with new, clean water. This helps reduce nitrates and other pollutants that can poison fish or suffocate them by reducing dissolved oxygen levels. The more you perform these gradual changes on regular intervals- about 25% every two weeks to start – the better your fish will be.
One way to replenish the dissolved oxygen in your tank is by doing a water change. This will help remove some of those excessive waste products that are causing problems for our fish and use up any excess toxins that may be lingering around from feeding too much or not changing the filter often enough.
Powerheads/Wave Makers
This is a device that you can use to help oxygenate your tank and provide some surface agitation, which will allow the water molecules- and dissolved oxygen particles- more time to come up for air. This means you’ll have less dead zone in your tank because these powerheads are providing what’s called “surface turbulence.”
Generate oxygen by using powerheads or wavemakers in the tank. These devices create surface agitation that increases dissolved oxygen levels and provides a natural environment for neon tetras, guppies, platys, and other freshwater inhabitants. This is also helpful when the water is being heated by the sun.
Buy A Large Tank
The problem with small fish tanks is that they do not have much surface area for gas exchange and thus, cannot take in enough oxygen from the air to keep up with demand. A larger tank will solve this problem because it has more surface area- which means there’s a greater potential for gas exchange.
Can Platy Fish Survive In Milk?
They cannot survive in milk because it would kill them within minutes of ingesting the fluid. They need fresh water to live in and can only survive on land by breathing air as humans do- which is why a fish tank must have an oxygen pump or filter.
Milk contains lactose and calcium, which can cause diarrhea in the fish, leading to death from dehydration. The high acidity of milk will also damage the scales on a platyfish’s body if left in for more than a few minutes.
Can Platy Fish Survive In Vodka?
No, they cannot survive in vodka because vodka is alcohol and will kill them. In addition, alcohol can harm the fish’s gills and breathing organs.
In conclusion, Platy fish are very resilient animals that can survive in their natural habitat without oxygen for a period of hours. Still, this time frame may be extended if they have access to an air pump or when the water levels drop. If you are concerned about your Platy fish not receiving enough oxygen, you can oxygenate your Platy fish tank by performing a water change, adding filter media or powerheads to the tank, and buy a larger aquarium.