Can Platy Fish Live In A Glass Bowl?

You may have bought a platyfish out of impulse, or somebody gifted you one. And now, you don’t know where to keep this Platy fish. If you are thinking of keeping Platy fish in a fishbowl, or if you already have one in a bowl, you may wonder if Platy fish can live in a glass bowl or not. And, my answer to that, my friend, is a no.

Platy fish can, technically, live in a bowl but this is cruel and unethical. Since Platy produce a lot of wastes, the nitrogen levels in the tank will spike up and poison your Platy. Small Fishbowls stress out Platy fish because there’s no space to swim around.

Saying that Platy fish don’t belong in fishbowls might sound like a stretch to you. Well, I’ve seen Platy fish live for many years in a fishbowl myself. But, those fish owners have provided optimum conditions for their Platy to thrive in that bowl.

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Today, I am here to describe to you if Platy fish can live in bowls or not, the disadvantage of keeping Platy in a glass bowl, and how can you raise Platy fish in a bowl if you want to. Now, let’s start.

So, Can Platy Fish Live In A Bowl?

Listen to me, looks can be deceiving! Well. Fishbowls look amazing for decorating your house and balconies. Your house guest may exclaim a remark or two about how cute the Platy in your bowl is. Although hardy, that Platy fish is going to die if you don’t care for it.

Platy fish produce a LOT of wastes. These wastes accumulate nitrogen and ammonia levels in your tank. And as you might know, ammonia is poison to your fish.

Platy fish grow 2-3 inches in length. A small bowl is no match for an adult Platy fish. If you are planning on keeping more than one Platy fish in a bowl, you’re making a huge mistake. Because the platy won’t survive for long this way.

On the other hand, you can technically keep a Platy fish in a bowl. If you do frequent water changes, clean the bowl, keep a small filter, remove fish wastes, buy a LARGE bowl, your Platy can live happily in a bowl. But, since you’re keeping Platy as a pet, why not provide a tank and make it happy?

Challenge Of Raising Platy Fish To Live In A Bowl

I personally don’t like raising Platy in a glass bowl for many reasons. Some of which are described below.

No Space

Corona pandemic has us all living inside our house for days. Such days are boring, are they not? Now that the vaccines have come out, we can go out slowly. Well. Platy fish in a bowl have such pandemic all their life.

A small Platy fish lives inside a bowl forever alone. And, they have no space to swim around.

Less Oxygen

Platy fish, like all other fish, need oxygen to breathe. If the oxygen level in the fishbowl falls, your fish won’t be able to breathe, causing death.

See, Fishbowls are tapered at the top. So, if you fill water all the way up to give space for Platy, the surface area decreases. As a result, there is less oxygen in a fishbowl.

The level of oxygen in a tank is far greater than in a bowl because of the larger surface area. So, a tank is better than a glass bowl by ten folds.

No Growth For Beneficial Bacteria

For good bacteria to grow in a bowl, the area should be large enough. Otherwise, the good bacteria can’t convert ALL the harmful ammonia to safe compounds.

Since most bowls have less surface area for growing beneficial bacteria, the spike of ammonia poisons your Platy.

Difficult To Fit Heaters, Filters, Etc.

Most of the glass bowls that come in the market are difficult to fit with heaters, filters, etc. Even if there is such equipment available, attaching them to a fishbowl is rather expensive.

You’d rather get a large 10-gallon tank and fit heater and filter in there.

Dirties Easily

Platy fish produce a lot of wastes through their feces, bile, etc. And since there are not many good bacteria and no space for plants to do their work in a small bowl, you have to intervene and remove the fish wastes.

Fishbowl easily gets dirtied.

Unethical And Cruel

I think it’s rather cruel to separate Platy fish from their friends into a small bowl. Did you know that fish get stressed and sad too? Well. The more you know!

I like my Platy fish to swim happily in a big tank rather than get stuck inside a bowl forever.

Fishbowls Aren’t Stable Environment

Fishbowl’s water parameters swing like a tornado. Since the heaters and filter are difficult to attach, there is a rapid fluctuation of temperature, pH, ammonia levels, and so on in a fishbowl.

What If You Want Your Platy Fish To Live In A Bowl?

Although I don’t like saying this, you can technically keep Platy fish in a bowl. There are many things you should keep in mind before keeping Platy fish in a bowl though.

Get A 5-Gallon Bowl For Your Platy Fish

Fishbowl generally comes in classic Drum style and Round style. But, recently there are New Bio-orb styles. The Bio orb bowl has filtration systems and is larger in size than the traditional fishbowl.

To get a Platy fish in a tank, the best thing you can do is to get a 5-gallon bowl for a single Platy fish. Please don’t go and put a pair of fish in that limited space. You can get a larger bowl for a pair of Platy fish but there is rarely a bowl that goes greater than 5 gallons. Also, why go for a 10-gallon bowl when you can get a 10-gallon tank or larger tank?

Not beating around the bush, one Platy fish will do well in a 5-gallon fishbowl.


Oxygenation is very important when keeping platyfish in a bowl. Bowls usually have less surface area so the oxygen content in bowls is lower compared to tanks.

So, to maintain the oxygen level in your tank, keep some plants. Or, use an air pump that is suitable for a bowl. I know the air pump for a bowl is hard to find. But if there is a will, there is a way.

Or, you can buy bowls that have wide tops. This will allow sufficient air to diffuse into the water so your Platy can breathe.


Since you are not providing a tank for your Platy, try to provide nutritious omega and vitamin-rich flakes, pellets, and food. Try to create some variation in their diet so your fish doesn’t get bored easily.

Platy fish love food. But, don’t overfeed your Platy. Provide your fish only what they can eat in under 3 minutes. If any food remains at the end of 3 minutes, scoop the excess food out with a net. If you let the extra food remain in the bowl, the food will rot and ammonia levels will increase in the bowl.

Feed your Platy fish only 2 times a day. If you’re confused about how to feed your Platy, read this link: A Beginner’s Guide On How To Feed Aquarium Fish.

Maintain Water Quality

Since water parameters inside the bowl sway like tornadoes, you need to keep an eye out for any extreme fluctuations. The water in the bowl may go cloudy and fungus might grow in your bowl.

So, you should get a heater and filter that is suitable for your fishbowl.

  • Always change the water, at least 25% every 2 weeks. Changing more amount of water reduces beneficial bacteria, so be careful while changing water.
  • You should maintain the temperature of the fishbowl to 70-82°F.
  • And pH 6.8 to 8.0.

Clean The Bowl For Platy Fish

Always remove the fish wastes with clean hands or vacuum if you see wastes. Platy fish poop a lot and you should keep in mind that these wastes increase nitrogen level in your bowl.

Add Plants In The Bowl For Platy Fish

The purpose of adding plants is to liven up the ecosystem of the bowl. Plants will also help your Platy fish get in touch with his natural self.

Platy are timid fish and hide behind the plants when the kids are tinkling the bowl.

Not only that, plants can help reduce ammonia and increase oxygen in your bowl. Your Platy may get bored and nibble on the plants too. So, keep some plants in your bowl, will you?

Besides the plants, you should get a substrate suitable for your Platy. Make sure that the substrate is smooth and doesn’t fit in the mouth of your Platy. Or, your Platy may eat the substrate and choke on it.

Proper Lighting

Providing light to your Platy in the bowl through direct sunlight is harmful. As direct sunlight causes fluctuation of water parameters easily.

Well. Fixing lighting in a bowl is tough. But, not if you get a fishbowl with a lid that already has a light attached to it!

Platy fish need 12 hours of light daily. So, try to provide Platy with sufficient light to maintain circadian rhythm.

Other Fish That Can Live In A Bowl Besides Platy Fish

Other than platyfish, other fish can be kept in a fishbowl. But, I personally don’t like keeping fish in a bowl. However, the names of those fish are:

  • Paradise fish
  • Guppies
  • Bettas
  • Zebra Danios
  • Blind Cave Tetras
  • Black skirt Tetras
  • Golden China Barbs


Why Do Platy Poop So Much?

Platy fish love to eat food. As a result, Platy create excess wastes too. That’s why Platy fish poop a lot.

Do Platy Die Easily?

Platy are hardy fish. But fluctuation in water parameters, for example in a bowl, can mess up Platy fish’s health severely!

Sometimes, this results in death.


I understand if you’re getting a fishbowl for your Platy fish as a temporary home before you adjust him in a tank. But, if you are planning the fishbowl to be a permanent home for your Platy, you can adjust the bowl such that your Platy can survive for years in the bowl.

Tending to a fishbowl is tougher than a tank of similar size. But, if you like keeping Platy fish in a bowl, it’s alright. Just keep in mind what I have warned you about. Happy fishkeeping!

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