Swim Bladder Disorder In Platy Fish

Swim Bladder Disorder In Platy Fish

We all know that fish is a great addition to any freshwater aquarium. However, there’s one problem: they need an air-filled organ called a swim bladder to stay buoyant and keep swimming around the tank. If their swim bladders become damaged or diseased, it can be difficult for them to stay afloat and healthy. So what is swim bladder disorder in Platy Fish?

Swim bladder disorder in Platy fish is a condition that leads to the swelling of the fish’s abdominal area and difficulty with swimming. The problem is caused by improper gas exchange, leading to a build-up of carbon dioxide inside the fish’s body.

It may also be due to an infection or injury, but this isn’t as common. There are many symptoms of swim bladder disorder in Platy fish, such as lethargy, loss of appetite, and respiratory distress. This article will cover all aspects of treatment for this condition!

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This blog post will discuss how you can prevent swim bladder disorder in Platy fish and what treatments are available if your pet does contract the disease.

What Is Swim Bladder Disorder In Platy Fish?

A Platy fish has a swim bladder if it can maintain buoyancy in water. When the gas inside the bag is compressed, the fish will sink; when it expands and fills with air, the fish rises to the surface.

In some cases where problems occur with their swim bladders, these organs may not hold enough air to keep the fish afloat.

Swim Bladder Disorder is when the swim bladder doesn’t function normally. This can result in a Platy fish having trouble staying upright and swimming properly. Also, as you might have guessed, it’s not good for them to be breathing air instead of water!

So Why Do They Need A Functioning Swim Bladder?

The main purpose of this organ is as a buoyancy device. Without it, a fish would be floating at the water’s surface without any way of controlling its depth or direction in the water column.

The most common symptom of a swim bladder disorder is that the fish floats at different levels and cannot get back up once it falls and sinks into the water.

Symptoms of Swim Bladder Disorder:

Fish will often not rise to the top of an aquarium when fed, and they may also have trouble maintaining their position vertically (such as when they are doing a headstand).

  • The fish may jump out of the tank frequently.
  • Swim bladder disorder causes an abnormal swimming pattern in which the fish dips down and swims up repeatedly as if they are trying to find their way back to the surface. They will also try to raise themselves above water.
  • Fish will float, laying on their side or back with eyes protruding. They may also have difficulty swimming, and it is possible that they cannot swim at all because of the impaired movement from the disorder.
  • Swimming becomes laborious. The fish will need to keep swimming in order not to sink.
  • The symptoms are worsened by changes in temperature and when fed at improper intervals.
  • Fish seem lethargic or swim upside down.
  • Bubbles form at the anus and float upwards when the fish is in the water.
  • The body floats easily because there is less density due to the loss of gas in the swim bladder.

Causes of Swim Bladder Disorder:

There are several potential causes for this disorder, including improper diet, genetics, injury to the spinal cord.

Improper Diet

Swim bladder disorder in platyfish is caused by either underfeeding or overfeeding aquarium fish. If fed too much, it will cause them to become overweight, and their swim bladders won’t work properly. On the other hand, too little food can also lead to this disorder as the platy fishes’ bodies will be underweight and their swim bladders won’t work properly.


Some Platys are more prone to this disorder than others because they have less supportive connective tissue in their body framework, leading to a rupture or puncture of the bladder if it is over-inflated. In addition, inbreeding can lead to complications with the platy fish’s swim bladders.

Spinal Cord Injury

A spinal cord injury in a Platy fish could also cause this disorder as their bodies will not function properly and won’t receive enough oxygenated blood for them to use their respiratory system.

Bacterial Infection

Two types of bacteria can cause this disorder: Aeromonas and Pseudomonas. These bacteria grow well in warm water temperatures between 20-30 degrees Celsius (or 68-86 Fahrenheit).

Home Treatment For Swim Bladder Disorder In Platy Fish

Peas and Epsom salt can help with this disorder; add a dechlorinated container of peas or Epsom salt to dissolve and permeate throughout the water. This will provide bacteria-fighting enzymes that may help lessen symptoms and allow the fish to recover.

Try adding more salt in moderation, as this will help prevent illness by strengthening their immune system. Do not add too much, though! Too much salt can be toxic for your Platy fish’s swim bladder disorder.

If all of these home treatments don’t work, then euthanasia may be necessary.

What You’ll Need:

  1. Peas
  2. Apple cider vinegar or white wine.

How to Start Treating Swim Bladder Disorder At Home:

First, cook the peas and add them to your platy fish’s tank water. Next, soak a cotton ball with either vinegar or wine (I recommend using two tablespoons of vinegar) and place it in their tank.

How Often?

Repeat the treatment process twice a day for two weeks to see if there are any improvements. If they don’t improve, contact your fish vet immediately.

Additional Notes:

Dogs also have these problems! They can be found in breeds with long backs, such as Weimaraners and Beagles.

Can You Prevent Swim Bladder Disease In Platy Fish?

Yes, you can prevent swim bladder disorder in Platy fish. There are many things you could do to lower the chance of your fish having a problem with their swim bladder, such as:

  • Feeding them peas once per day (yes, really!)
  • Avoid using tap water for your aquarium and filter system unless it is heavily filtered first.
  • Feed your fish a high-quality diet
  • Keep the water at optimal temperatures
  • Perform regular maintenance of your tank and filter system.

Are Platy Fish More Inclined To Having Swim Bladder Disorder?

Yes, it appears that they are more inclined to develop this disorder than other types of fish. However, any freshwater tank can get swim bladder disorder. It is important to note that the most frequent cause for this problem in Platy fish is a bacterial infection.

Can You Cure Swim Bladder Disorder In Platy Fish?

No, as of now, there is no cure. But if caught early enough, you can treat the fish, and they should do well.

Once you have diagnosed which type of bacteria is causing this problem, you will need to determine which medication will work for your particular situation.

There are not any known cures for a swim bladder disorder, but you can manage it. Home remedies to help with this problem include adding peas and Epsom salt to the tank’s water (via a dechlorinated container).

These ingredients add some food sources that will provide bacteria-fighting enzymes. If the problem is no longer manageable, then euthanasia may be necessary.


Is Swim Bladder Disorder A Death Sentence?

No, swim bladder disorder is not a death sentence, and it can often go undetected for quite some time. But, it is important to keep an eye on your fish’s symptoms and behavior. If they are not acting like themselves, then there is a chance that their swim bladder may be having some problems.

Why Do Peas Help In Swim Bladder Disorder?

Some people believe that peas help in swim bladder disorder because they are full of gas. Others say it is because the pea’s shape creates more friction, which helps push out any air bubbles and decrease the pressure, which may be causing your fish some discomfort.

The bacteria-fighting enzymes that peas and Epsom salt provide are what allow them to help with this disorder.


In conclusion, Swim bladder disorder is a problem that you can still manage but cannot cure. If left untreated, euthanasia may be necessary to allow your fish relief from their symptoms. Platy Fish are more inclined to develop this disorder, but any freshwater tank can suffer from it.

The best way to cure swim bladder disorder in Platy fish is by giving peas. You can do this by feeding them peas or pea soup, which will help with the condition and quickly recover.

If you have any questions about this article, please feel free to contact us.

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