Stress In Angelfish: How To Tell They Are Stressed?

Stress In Angelfish How To Tell They Are Stressed

Novice aquarists sometimes skip the signs of stress in Angelfish unknowingly. Since Angelfish are aggressive by nature, it is quite difficult to identify stress in them. However, certain behavioral and physical changes can be indicative of stress in these fish. So, what are the signs that can tell if your angelfish is stressed?

Angelfish show some peculiar signs of stress. If you carefully observe them, you can tell your angelfish is stressed when your fish stops eating, starts gasping for air, hides excessively, and fights with other fish. Sometimes the clamped fins, decreased activity, white spots on fins, and increasing health issues of your fish might also be an indicator of stress.

While these are signs of stress in Angelfish, you might even want to know how to reduce the stress. This post will provide you with detailed information about everything you need to know about the signs of stress and how to care for Angelfish. So, stay with us until the end.

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What Type Of Fish Is Angelfish?

Before we move on to the stress of Angelfish, it is best to know a few things about the fish. Angelfish come from the Amazon River, and they are freshwater fish. These beautiful fish have a distinct look with their long fins and bright colors. They can grow to be about six inches long and live for up to ten years.

Angelfish are a popular choice for many fish enthusiasts because of their beautiful appearance. But, these fish can be sensitive to changes in their environment and this can lead to stress.

In addition to this, Angelfish belongs to the Cichlids family, which is known to be aggressive by nature. The fish of this genus are known to be very territorial and will often fight with other fish in the tank. So, most of the time, owners misunderstand stress behaviors of Angelfish as a sign of aggression.

However, as you read further, we will discuss a few signs of stress in Angelfish. This will certainly clear your doubts about your fish’s behavior. So, what are the signs of stress in Angelfish?

What Are The Signs Of Stress In Angelfish?

Being aggressive by nature, Angelfish are more likely to stress other fish in the tank rather than stressing themselves. Even though your angel shows distinct behaviors when they are unhappy or stressed, most aquarists don’t realize their fish is in distress until it’s too late. So, be very careful when your Angelfish shows the following signs of stress:

Darting Around The Tank

When Angelfish feel stressed, they tend to dart around the tank erratically. This is usually a sign that something is wrong with the water quality or that they are not comfortable with their surroundings. If you notice your fish swimming erratically, check the water parameters and make sure everything is in order. You may also want to consider moving them to a different tank if they are not getting along with the other fish.

Hiding All The Time

Another common sign of stress in Angelfish is when they spend most of their time hiding. This can be a sign that they are not comfortable with their surroundings or that they are being bullied by other fish. If you notice your fish hiding, try to see if there is anything wrong with the tank and if there are any other fish that might be bothering them.

Loss Of Appetite

When fish is in stress, they usually lose their appetite. This is because stress can cause them to lose their appetite or make them sick. If you notice your Angelfish isn’t eating as much as usual, there might be something stressing them out. Try to figure out what it is and remove it from the tank if possible.

Decreased Activity Levels

If your Angelfish is not as active as usual, it might be a sign of stress. This is usually caused by poor water quality or a lack of food. If you notice your fish isn’t as active as usual, check the water parameters and make sure they are in order. You may also want to feed them more often to see if that helps.

Gasping For Air

One of the more severe signs of stress in Angelfish is when they start gasping for air at the surface of the water. This is usually a sign of poor water quality and should be addressed immediately. If you notice your fish gasping for air, do a water change and check the parameters to make sure everything is ideal. Sometimes, fish can also start gasping for air if they are not getting enough oxygen. In this case, you may need to add an airstone to the tank.

Erratic Swimming Patterns

Angelfish tend to swim erratically during stress. Mainly water conditions and lack of proper food can lead to this. If you see your fish swimming haphazardly, the first thing you should do is check the water parameters. Make sure everything is in order and that no other fish are stressing them out. If only a single fish is affected, you may need to move it to a different tank.

Clamped And Deteriorated Fins

One of the most common signs of stress in Angelfish is when their fins start to clamp down and deteriorate. The fins of your fish might be affected if the water temperature, pH, or hardness is not ideal. Make sure to check the water parameters and adjust them accordingly. You may also want to add some aquarium salt to the tank to help with fin regeneration.

White Spots On Body And Fins

If you notice white spots on the body and fins of your Angelfish, it might be a sign of stress. These spots usually occur when your fish is sick or stressed. If you see white spots on your fish, the first thing you should first check the water condition and make sure everything is in order. You may also want to quarantine the affected fish to prevent the spread of disease.

Constantly Fighting With Other Fish

One of the more aggressive signs of stress in Angelfish is when they start fighting with other fish. This usually happens when the tank is too small or when there are not enough hiding places. If you notice your fish constantly fighting, try to add more plants and decorations to the tank. You may also want to consider moving them to a larger tank.

Flashing (Rubbing Against Gravel And Decorations)

Another common sign of stress in Angelfish is when they start flashing. This is when your fish rubs against the gravel or decorations in the tank. This usually happens when the water quality is poor or when the fish are not comfortable with their surroundings. If you notice your fish flashing, check the filtration system and do a water change.

Persistent Health Issues

If your Angelfish is constantly getting sick or having health problems, it might be a sign of stress. This usually happens when the tank is not clean, or the water quality is poor. If you notice diseases in Angelfish, monitor the water condition regularly. You can even add an air pump to the tank to help with aeration.

While few Angelfish might show all of these signs, some might only show a few. However, you must be very cautious when you care for Angelfish. Don’t miss these signs and take action to relieve your angelfish from stress promptly.

Before digging into the ways to reduce stress, it is very important to find out the cause of stress in Angelfish. Do you know why Angelfish might stress out?

What Are The Cause Of Stress In Angelfish?

Stress is very common in Angelfish. Sometimes Angelfish might not even need reasons to be stressed out due to their aggressive nature. But there do exist some causes of stress in Angelfish, which include:

Change In Environment

Angelfish are sensitive fish and they don’t do well with changes in their environment. So, if you have made some recent changes to your fish tank, like adding new plants or decorations, then that could be the reason why your Angelfish is stressed out. Even the addition of tankmates can also be a cause of stress as Angelfish are very territorial fish and don’t take kindly to new additions in their space.

Lack Of Oxygen

Another common cause of stress in Angelfish is the lack of oxygen in the water. This usually happens if the fish tank is not properly aerated or if there is too much debris in the water. This can also happen if the fish tank is too crowded and there are not enough oxygenated areas for the fish to swim around in.

Here is how you can maintain oxygen level in your aquarium to keep your fish healthy.

Improper Water Conditions

Angelfish are very sensitive to changes in water conditions, and they need pristine water conditions to stay healthy and stress-free. So, if your fish tank has dirty or cloudy water, that could be the reason why your Angelfish is stressed out. Also, if the water temperature is not properly regulated, that can cause stress in Angelfish.

Inadequate Diet

A diet that is lacking in nutrients can also cause stress in Angelfish. This usually happens if the fish are not getting enough of the right kind of food or if they are not getting enough variety in their diet. Angelfish need a diet that is rich in protein and vitamins to stay healthy and stress-free.

You can feed angelfish with:

Inappropriate Tankmates

Being aggressive, Angelfish do not do well with other aggressive fish as tankmates. This can cause a lot of stress and conflict in the fish tank, which can lead to serious health problems for your Angelfish.

Especially, you should never keep bigger fish like Oscar fish and Green Terror fish together with Angelfish.

Lack Of Decorations

Angelfish need a lot of places to hide and feel secure in their environment. So, if your fish tank is lacking in hiding places or decorations, that could be the reason why your Angelfish is stressed out. Angelfish also like to have a lot of plants in their tank so that they can feel more comfortable and secure.


One of the most common causes of stress in Angelfish is overcrowding. Angelfish are very territorial fish and they need a lot of space to themselves. They like moving around and exploring their environment. If you keep them in an overcrowded space, it might lead to a lot of stress.

Many people debate on how much fish in a tank is overcrowding. Thus, we have made an article that will help you know whether you are overstocking your aquarium or not!

So, those were some of the most common causes of stress in Angelfish. If you think that your fish is under stress, then it is important to take action immediately as stress can lead to serious health problems in Angelfish.

But how can you reduce stress in Angelfish? Read more to find the answer.

How To Reduce Stress In Angelfish?

It is the dream of every aquarist to have a happy and healthy tank. But, the stress in Angelfish can be very lethal and it is important to take steps to reduce stress as much as possible. Here are some methods that can help you in reducing stress in Angelfish.

Maintain Ideal Tank Conditions

One of the most important things that you can do to reduce stress in Angelfish is to provide them with a good environment. This means having the correct water parameters, appropriate hiding places, and plenty of space to swim around. Adding an air pump and providing them with a good filter can also help in reducing stress.

The ideal water parameter for Angelfish includes a temperature between 75-86 degrees Fahrenheit, a neutral to slightly alkaline pH of around seven, and a hardness of around ten.

For this, handy equipment are:

Use Live Plants And Decorations

Live plants are not only aesthetically pleasing, but they also provide many benefits for your fish. Plants help to oxygenate the water and provide a place for Angelfish to hide when they feel stressed. Some of the best plants for Angelfish tanks include Java Fern, Anubias, and Hornwort.

You can also reduce stress in Angelfish by using calm lighting and keeping the tank clean.

Feed Them A Healthy Diet

A healthy diet is essential for all fish, but it is especially important for Angelfish. A diet that is high in protein and low in carbohydrates will help to keep them healthy and reduce stress. You can also supplement their diet with vitamins and minerals to help reduce stress.

Some of the best foods for Angelfish include live foods, frozen foods, and flakes.

Provide Them With A Stress-Free Environment

The best way to reduce stress in Angelfish is to provide them with a stress-free environment. It is important to remember that Angelfish are social creatures and need to be in groups. Keeping them in pairs or trios will help reduce stress levels and make them happier fish. Also, while keeping them with other fish, always choose the best ones like Dwarf Gourami, Mollies, Platies, Zebrafish, etc.

By following these tips, you can reduce stress in Angelfish and create a happy and healthy environment for them.

How To Know That Angelfish Is Happy?

Angelfish are beautiful, intelligent creatures that make great pets. Just like in stress, these fish shows distinct behavior when they are happy. Here are the signs that your angelfish is stress-free and content:

  • Your angelfish has a healthy appetite and is eating well.
  • There is a good amount of activity and movement in the fish tank.
  • You see your angelfish swimming around energetically and exploring their environment.
  • The fish’s color is bright and vibrant.
  • There are no signs of physical stress, such as lethargy, listlessness, or abnormal growth.
  • Your angelfish is socializing with other fish in the tank.
  • The fish tank is clean and well-maintained.
  • You are handling your angelfish gently and carefully.

If you see any of these signs, then congratulations! Your angelfish is happy and healthy. Remember to continue providing them with a good environment and plenty of care, and they will remain your loyal and loving pet for years to come.


What Are Types Of Stressor Of Angelfish?

There are two types of stressors of angelfish, the physical stressor and the psychological stressor. The physical stressor is any external factor that can cause the fish physically harm or make it uncomfortable, such as changes in water temperature or quality, overcrowding, poor nutrition, and disease.

The psychological stressor is anything that causes the fish mental or emotional distress, such as being bullied by other fish, not having enough hiding places, being constantly chased by a predator, or even a change in environment.

Do Angelfish Shed Their Skin?

No, angelfish do not shed their skin. They have a protective slime coat that helps to protect them from parasites and diseases. Any damage to the slime coat might lead to stress and illness.

How Often Should I Feed My Angelfish?

You can feed your Angelfish once or twice a day. Overfeeding can cause stress and lead to health problems such as obesity and swim bladder disease.

How To Know My Fish Is Dying?

There are a few signs that your fish is dying. These include listlessness, loss of appetite, cloudy eyes, abnormal swimming behavior, and white spots on the skin. If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to take your fish to the vet as soon as possible.

Does Angelfish Lose Their Stripes?

Angelfish can lose their stripes due to stress. This is a common sign of stress in angelfish and changes in water quality, poor nutrition, and bullying from other fish causes it. If you notice your angelfish losing its stripes, it’s important to try to identify the cause of the stress and take steps to reduce it.


In the end, Angelfish are delicate creatures that can be easily stressed. Fish stress can lead to several health problems, including disease and death. If your angelfish is frequently displaying any of the signs listed above, your fish is likely stressed. By observing your fish and providing the ideal environment, you can help reduce stress and keep your angelfish healthy and happy.

Do you have a stressed-out angelfish? How do you help reduce stress in your fish? Let us know in the comments below!

Thank you for reading!

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