Can Swordtail Fish Live With Goldfish?

Can Swordtail Fish Live With Goldfish?

Swordtail fish and goldfish fall under the list of most popular aquarium fish. They have been successful at becoming the favorites among fish-keeping hobbyists. There is rarely any home fish tank that doesn’t contain swordtails or goldfish. But, can they be kept together? Can swordtail fish live with goldfish?

Yes, swordtail fish can live with goldfish. Swordtails and goldfish will happily coexist together without causing any trouble. Both of these fish are peaceful fish species that enjoy good company. Thus, keeping this fish together would not be an issue.

We might think that keeping swordtails and goldfish together in the same tank is impossible because both the fish have distinct characteristics. But, if we dig deeper, we might be able to keep them in the same tank. However, it’s not going to be an easy task. There are certain things you need to take care of so that your swordtail and goldfish can peacefully coexist.

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As mentioned above, swordtails and goldfish are very distinct from one another. Like for instance, swordtails are tropical fish and goldfish are cold-water fish. So, if both fish have different tank requirements, how can swordtail fish live with guppy?

Not only water parameters, the temperaments, diets, etc. of both these fish all vary. So in such a case, how can they coexist? Let’s find out.

Can Swordtail Fish Live With Goldfish?

Yes, swordtails and goldfish can live together. For that, you have to make sure that you have set the tank perfectly, keeping in mind both of their preferences.

The most important thing to take care of while placing any fish in the tank is to adjust the water temperature. Hence, when you keep two fish together, you should be careful about their temperature preferences. Swordtails are tropical fish that prefer warm temperatures. But, goldfish prefer colder temperatures. So how can we adjust both their temperatures to help them co-exist?

The favorable temperature for swordtails to thrive in your tank is between 65-82F. Similarly, the appropriate water temperature for goldfish is between 68-74F. Therefore, the correct water temperature where both your fish can survive is between 68-74F.

Moreover, here is all you need to know on how to keep your swordtail fish and goldfish together.

Swordtail And Goldfish Temperaments

Firstly, we must know the individual social behavior of each fish to make sure they peacefully coexist.

Swordtail Temperament:

Swordtails are extremely peaceful fish. They are amicable and do well with their tank mates. They like to explore the tank during the day and interact with other fish in the tank. Thus, your swordtails won’t bother your goldfish.

However, swordtails can be very aggressive at times. Swordtails mostly show aggression towards other swordtails. Also, swordtails are often territorial. So, they can attack your goldfish when it comes to protecting their space.

When there is more than 1 swordtail in the tank, they may end up fighting each other for mating purposes. Thus, it is important to keep swordtails in the ratio of 3 females to 1 male.

Goldfish Temperament:

Goldfish are also equally peaceful like swordtails. They do not usually attack other fish in the tank. Goldfish are gregarious which means they like to hang around with other fish. They are very social with their own kind, and you can see them communicating in unique ways like rubbing up on each other.

Goldfish are fun fish that you can train. With time, goldfish may be able to identify their owners and interact with them. Hence, they can easily adjust with your swordtail fish.

However, be aware of the size of goldfish. Goldfish that are large enough will eat your swordtails. Goldfish like all fish have the trait of eating whatever fits into their mouth.

Therefore, your goldfish and swordtail can live together happily unless your goldfish become too big.

Swordtail And Goldfish Habitat

Secondly, it is important to note in which habitat both swordtails and goldfish are found. For any fish to thrive in an aquarium, you must replicate their natural habitat. So, let’s see the habitat of both fish.

Swordtail Habitat:

Swordtails originate in fast-flowing freshwater bodies in North and Central America. Some species are also found along creeks, streams, rivers, etc. of Belize, Guatemala, Mexico, and other higher regions too.

Similarly, the region they are found around has thick and lush vegetation and other hiding spots. They are found in tropical regions. Hence, they prefer warm water.

Goldfish Habitat:

Goldfish are found more in captivity than in the wild. However, it could be found in slow-moving freshwater bodies like streams, ponds, tributaries, etc. They are found anywhere with freshwater and thick vegetation.

They are found in temperate regions, hence, prefer cold water. Goldfish are the most popular pet fish and people breed them around the globe for purposes like mosquito control, and as such.

Swordtail And Goldfish Tank Requirements

To portray natural habitat for your fish, you must fulfill the tank requirements of both your swordtails and goldfish. The tank requirements are discussed below.

Swordtail Tank Requirements:

One of the major tank requirements for any fish is appropriate water parameters. The preferred water parameters for swordtail fish is:

  • Water pH: anywhere between 0-8.4
  • Water Hardness: 10-15 DH
  • Water Temperature: 65-80°F

Similarly, lush vegetation and hiding spots are other requirements. You should fill your tank with thick live aquatic plants like Java Moss, Ferns, etc. You can also add driftwoods, shells, and caves to provide them safe space.

Talking about the substrate, you don’t have to worry much about it. Swordtails swim in the middle range of the tank and rarely make contact with the substrate. Nevertheless, since their natural substrate is sandy. You can add sand or tiny gravels.

The tank size is another important factor to consider. Swordtails like to swim around so an average swordtail alone needs 15-gallon tank space. And, swordtails should be kept in a ratio of 1:3 so you need around 30 Gallon tank for your swordtails.

Goldfish Tank Requirements:

The preferred water parameters for goldfish is:

  • Water pH: anywhere between 5-7.5
  • Water Hardness: 4-8 GH
  • Water Temperature: 68-74°F

Like swordtails, goldfish also require a lot of hiding spots, so dense vegetation is a must. Add big leafed plants to your tank.

Likewise, since goldfish get stressed too soon, adding appropriate substrates like gravel can help. Goldfish need plenty of space to swim around. A 20-gallon tank is a must for a goldfish. And every additional goldfish needs 10 gallons more.

Goldfish can be very dirty. They produce a lot of waste, so a filter is a must while keeping a goldfish.

Swordtail And Goldfish Diet

Your fish need a properly balanced diet for growth and development. Mae sure to provide both your swordtail and goldfish with nutritious food. Their diets are pretty similar, so it should not be much of a problem.

Swordtail Diet:

Swordtails are omnivores, so they prefer a mixture of both plant-based and protein-based diets. They are tropical fish so you can get tropical fish flakes.

Daphnia, brine shrimp, and mosquito larvae are the best diet choice for your swordtails. Along with that, make sure to add plant variants like blanched vegetables, and algae.

Goldfish Diet

Just like swordtails, goldfish are omnivores too. You can provide your goldfish with swordtail food. However, that diet won’t fulfill your goldfish’s requirements.

Make sure to provide goldfish with sufficient nutrients. Feed them live foods like swordtails, as well as plant-based supplements. Moreover, various flake foods are found in the market specially made for goldfish.

How To Make Your Swordtail And Goldfish Coexist?

Now that we know how each of these fish prefers to live, it must have paved a way to how we can keep them together. It might seem easy, but it is a pain in your neck without proper attention and care.

Here’s what you should do if you want to make your swordtail fish live with goldfish:

Select Appropriate Tank Size

Both goldfish and swordtails are active, efficient swimmers. So, they need plenty of space to swim around. Make sure that you have a large-sized tank. A minimum of 30-gallon tank can easily house 1 goldfish and 3 swordtails. Increase 10 gallons for each goldfish you add.  And, if you want to add more swordtails, consider increasing the size by 2-3 gallons.

When both the fish have enough space to swim around, they can stay peacefully. Swordtails are territorial and can show aggression when other fish try to invade. Similarly, goldfish are larger than swordtails, so practically, they need larger space. For maintaining peace in your swordtail-goldfish tank, it should be big enough for both of them.

Don’t Keep Your Swordtail With Bigger Goldfish

Similarly, you need to make sure your goldfish don’t grow too big. When your goldfish are way larger than your swordtails, your swordtails will get preyed upon. If your goldfish is growing out too big, you should remove your goldfish or your swordtails will get eaten.

There are certain species of goldfish like fancy goldfish that grow out to be 12-15 inches. And, the average mature swordtail grows about 6-7 inches. So, there are high chances that if your goldfish are larger, they will attack your swordtail.

For this reason, choose the right goldfish and make sure to separate them if your swordtails feel threatened.

Keep Constant Temperature

As mentioned a couple of times before, maintaining proper water parameters is the most important thing in the fish-keeping world. Without proper parameters, your fish can catch diseases, parasites, stress, and even death.

Swordtails and goldfish both have different preferences. But there can be a sweet spot that both of them will prefer.

Make sure you’re keeping your temperature constant at around 74-750F, where both of them can flourish. Likewise, setting the hardness to around 8 GH will favor both your swordtails and goldfish.

Make sure to check your temperature regularly so it remains constant. Even a few temperature drops can be fatal. You can add a heater to make your job easier.

Similarly, check your hardness too. Goldfish tend to liter your tank water, which can make the water acidic. This can degrade your swordtail’s health.

Thus, maintenance of water temperature will be very vital to help your swordtail and goldfish coexist.

Give Swordtails Hiding Spaces

Goldfish like every other fish will try to eat anything small enough to fit into their mouth. In such cases, smaller swordtails and swordtail fries will always be in danger. Therefore, you must provide your swordtail with enough hiding spots.

This will help your swordtail hide from goldfish when they feel unsafe. Densely planted tanks can provide enough space for swordtails and their fries to hide. However, other ornaments like driftwood, caves, etc. can do the job as well.

Will Goldfish Eat Swordtails?

Different species of goldfish grow into different sizes. But, it goes without saying that, no matter what species, all goldfish will grow bigger than a swordtail. Bigger fish will always see smaller fish as live food. So it is only natural for your goldfish to chase and attack your swordtail.

Swordtails grow up to 7 inches and goldfish up to 15 inches. That means goldfish grow double the size of your swordtail. So, there are chances your goldfish will eat your swordtail.

Thus, if your goldfish grows bigger than the average size, you should keep them in a separate tank.

Will Swordtails and Goldfish Fight?

Generally, both swordtails and goldfish are peaceful, amicable creatures. They do not portray hostile behavior without any reason.

However, swordtail might try to attack when it becomes territorial. And, goldfish tend to prey upon smaller swordtails. Hence, there are chances you will see some violent behaviors like chasing and fin nipping. But it is very rare.

If all things are taken care of, your swordtail fish can live with your goldfish peacefully.


I have addressed a few of the most frequently asked questions when it comes to swordtails and goldfish. They are as such:

Can Swordtail And Goldfish Breed?

No, swordtails and goldfish can’t breed together. Swordtails are livebearers and goldfish lay eggs. So they cannot interbreed.

Your male swordtail will try to mate with your goldfish, but it won’t show any results. They are entirely different species of fish and interbreeding is not possible.

What Fish Can Live With Swordtails and Goldfish?

Swordtails and Goldfish both are peaceful fish that likes living in groups. They are friendly and get along with other fish in the tank that are of similar caricatures.

Swordtails will do well with similar kinds of active fish like Guppies, Platies, Mollies, Tetras, Goldfish, Angelfish, and many more.

Likewise, Goldfish will adjust well with fish like Loaches, Plecos, Ricefish, Catfish, Minnows, etc.


Following the points given above, we can say that swordtail fish can live with goldfish. They are both unique beautiful fish that can be a great addition to any tank. So, keeping them together in a tank can add gold to the glitter.

But, to keep them together, the advice given above must be carefully followed. Failure to do so can result in fatal consequences for both the fishes.

Therefore, under given circumstances, both of these beautiful fish can coexist peacefully and thrive to the fullest.

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