Can Swordtails Live With Guppies?

Can Swordtails Live With Guppies?

Swordtail fish and guppy fish fall under the list of most popular aquarium fish. They have been successful at becoming the favorites among fish-keeping hobbyists. There are rarely any home fish tanks that don’t contain swordtails or guppies. But, can they be kept together? Can swordtails live with guppies?

This is a question that many people have pondered, but it turns out swordtails and guppies can live together! Both swordtail and guppy belong to the same family; Poeciliidae. In addition, they are both very similar in temperament (although swordtails tend to be more aggressive) and tank requirements.

In this blog post, we will explore whether or not swordtails can live with guppies!

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Can Swordtails And Guppies Live Together?

Yes, swordtails and guppies can live together. For that, you have to make sure that you have set the tank perfectly, keeping in mind both of their preferences.

The most important thing to take care of while placing any fish in the tank is to adjust the water temperature. Hence, when keeping two fish together, you should be careful about both of their temperature preferences. Swordtails and Guppies are both tropical fish that prefer warm temperatures. So, both can happily coexist.

The favorable temperature for swordtails to thrive in your tank is between 65-82 degrees Fahrenheit. Similarly, the appropriate water temperature for guppy is 72-82 degrees. Therefore, the correct water temperature where both your fish can survive is between 72-82F.

Moreover, here is all you need to know on how to keep your swordtails and guppy together.

Swordtail And Guppy Temperaments

Both swordtails and guppies are live-bearing fish, which means that they both have the same kind of temperament.

They tend to be shy when you first introduce them into new tanks or their own tank after a long period without water changes, but once they get used to it, they will not show any fear towards people. They also like swimming around in schools with other swordtail fishes or guppy fry.

They are both peaceful fish and enjoy good company. However, both the fish can get aggressive when it comes to food or space. Thus, if they have enough space and abundant food, they can live together.

Tank Requirements For Swordtails And Guppies

Swordtails need relatively deep tanks for hiding places and open spaces, and ample free space at the surface of the water so that there is enough oxygen supply underwater, too. At the same time, guppies don’t require these features, but swordtails are larger in size than guppies.

Both swordtail and guppy need large water tanks with more temperature ranges. Swordtail prefers a wide variety of temperatures from 65-82 degrees Fahrenheit, while guppie is contented with a 72- 82 degree F temperature range.

Swordtail And Guppy Habitat

Swordtails originate from Central America, a warm region, whereas guppies originate from the warmer regions of Africa. The swordtail fish, as mentioned before, prefers all temperatures above 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

However, swordtails need larger tanks with enough hiding places and free space at the water’s surface for oxygen supply. At the same time, guppy can live happily in a smaller tank without any special requirements.

Moreover, swordtails are bigger than guppies when grown up to adulthood. So if you want swordtails and guppies to coexist peacefully together in your tank, then you will have to provide them separate spaces that they both find comfortable living in.”

Swordtail And Guppy Diet

It’s important to know that swordtails prefer live foods like shrimps or worms for diet, and they are happier when there is space in the tank/pond where they can hide at times (hence swordtail fish tanks should be deep). On the other hand, guppies feed mostly on vegetable leaves, and these two different dietary preferences make it difficult to keep both swordtail and guppy together.

Therefore, if you want to keep your swordtails happy with their food preference, then you must provide them either live shrimp or worm as food. On the contrary, if you wish to give a vegetable-based diet to your guppy, you will need to give swordtails a separate tank.

Swordtail And Guppy Compatibility

Both swordtails and guppies are compatible with each other when living in the same tanks or ponds as long as the water temperature is maintained correctly between 72- 82 degrees Fahrenheit.

Moreover, swordtails can live together happily if they have ample free space at the surface of the water so that there is enough oxygen supply underwater, too. At the same time, guppies don’t require these features, but swordtails are larger in size than guppies.

The most important thing to take care of while placing any fish in the tank is adjusting the water temperature appropriate for both your fishes which should be between 72- 82 degrees Fahrenheit.

How To Make Swordtails And Guppies Coexist?

Swordtails and Guppies can coexist if you make sure of certain requirements. Here’s what we can do:

Select A Large Tank

Swordtails and guppies can’t live in small tanks. Swordtails need a lot of space to swim. Guppies are equally active. For swordtails and guppies to co-exist, you must keep them in large tanks.

A swordtail needs approximately 15 gallons, and guppies need around 5-10. thus, you must have a tank no smaller than 30 gallons to keep them together.

Keep The Temperature Constant

Swordtails and guppies are tropical fish. Swordtail thrives in temperatures of 77-80°F, while Guppy’s temperature range is 68-72°F. Therefore, you must keep the swordtail tank water warmer than the guppy tanks so that they can live together happily.

Constantly Feed Them

Swordtails and guppies need a lot to eat, as much as four times per day! Therefore, they will not survive if you neglect to feed them correctly or too often.

Swordtails usually eat tiny food such as brine shrimp or baby flakes, but guppies prefer bigger chunks. So it’s best if you feed them different sizes together than one type over another. This will keep their appetite satisfied!

Keep Fewer Swordtails In Number Than Guppies

Swordtails have been known to bully other fish such as guppies, leading to death for either party. Therefore, it’s best if there are more Guppies than swordtails because this way, they will live in peace.

If swordtails and guppies are left to their own devices, they will fight for food or space.

Swordtails typically have a lifespan of about four years, while Guppies can live up to six years. Unfortunately, this means that swordtails die more often than guppy, which could create an imbalance between the numbers of swordtails and guppies over time if you don’t balance them out with regular feeding habits!

If you take care of these things, I am sure your swordtails and guppies will peacefully co-exist.

Will Swordtails And Guppies Fight?

Swordtails and Guppies are both peaceful amicable peace. They will not fight if they are happy with their environment. However, both these fish can become territorial and thus aggressive.

To prevent any attacks or find, you need to provide both your guppies and swordtails with enough space.

The tank should have a lot more plants; this way, they’ll feel safe. Also, if you maintain the water temperature between 72- 82 degrees Fahrenheit, then swordtail and guppy compatibility is possible!

Can Swordtails And Guppies Breed?

No, Guppies and Swordtails cannot breed together. Although both of them are livebearers and largely compatible with each other, they cannot breed.

Breeding is not possible because they belong to a different genus. Swordtails are Xiphophorus, whereas Guppies are Poecilia.


Swordtails and guppies are pretty compatible as pets. They can be kept together if you provide them with a large enough tank equipped for both species’ needs.

To make these two types of fish coexist peacefully in one aquarium, pay close attention to their individual needs!