How Often To Feed Swordtail Fish?

How Often To Feed Swordtail Fish?

Swordtail fish are small fish that are found in freshwater pools and ponds. These fish do not require much to survive. The only basic requirements are a tank with well-conditioned water and a balanced nutritious diet.

You might feed your fish from time to time, thinking they are hungry. However, as they are small fish, they don’t require much food. So, how often to feed swordtail fish?

Swordtails require only a tiny amount of food and should be fed two and three times per day. Provide your fish with a varied diet of high quality to keep them happy and healthy.

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The article will go over what types of food to use, the best time to feed them, and how much they need.

How Often To Feed Swordtail Adults?

Swordtails are omnivorous, and you should feed them a balanced diet of both vegetation and protein.

It would be best to feed small amounts of food to the adults about two to three times per day. Swordtails tend to be voracious eaters. So, if you provide them much food, they will devour it every time, which can be detrimental.

Provide food to your swordtail in small chunks that can fit in their mouth.

You can feed them commercial fish pellets or plant-based flakes, freeze-dried bloodworms, and small pieces of blanched zucchini every other day.

How Often To Feed Swordtail Fry?

Swordtails produce fry during the spring and summer months.

Fry are tiny at birth and should be fed infusoria for two weeks before they can eat newly hatched baby brine shrimp or commercial fish pellets.

Once they reach about an inch long in size, you will want to feed them small amounts of food twice per day.

Fry benefits from adding algae to their diet, while adults do not need any additional vegetation in their diets at all.

How Much Amount Of Food Is Appropriate?

You will want to feed adult swordtails a small amount of food about two times per day, and You should provide very tiny amounts twice per day.

Overfeeding is not suitable for the fish’s health. Instead, feed both the fry and adults an amount to finish within 5-7 minutes.

Leftover food can pollute the tank water, which will affect the health of your fish.

Effects Of Overfeeding Swordtails

Swordtails produce a large amount of waste, and you can easily create an overpopulated tank for them if you feed too much food.

When the water conditions become polluted, this will cause ill health in all your fish, including swordtail fish which causes severe illness or death very quickly.

The effects of overfeeding include a polluted tank, poor water quality, and obesity.

When you feed your swordtail too much food, they will suffer from obesity, which can lead to health problems like diseases or even death. So please be aware of how much amount of food is appropriate for your fish!

Most people recommend feeding your fish twice daily, but you can experiment to see what works best for your swordtail.

Swordtail Fish Diet

Swordtails are omnivores and enjoy a balanced diet that includes both vegetation and protein.

You can feed them commercial fish pellets or plant-based flakes, freeze-dried bloodworms, small pieces of blanched zucchini every other day, and small amounts of algae.

Live food such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, daphnia, and mosquito larvae are good foods for them.

You can also feed your swordtail fish flake food or freeze-dried brine shrimp, but these types of food must be used sparingly because they contain fewer nutrients than live foods.

Feeding Schedule For Swordtail Fish

Since Swordtails are small fish, they don’t need to eat much food. Therefore, you can feed your swordtail twice a day, and you should only give about as much food as is lost in two minutes.

The amount of food you should give your swordtail depends on the size of their stomach.

They do eat meat, feed brine shrimp, or bloodworms. Swordtails also enjoy algae wafers and sinking pellets. You can even include vegetables into their diet.

You can also feed them live blackworms or tubifex worms now and then to keep them happy.

Although you should not give this type of food too often since it may cause intestinal problems in the fish later on.

Feed them a mixture of proteins and fibers two times a day at a regular interval.

If you change your feeding time or interval, swordtail might grow hungry more often and not get food in time.

Maintaining Water Temperature To Feed Swordtail Fish

If your swordtails are staying in unideal water temperatures, they will start getting stressed. Eventually, they will lose appetite and do not eat properly, contracting various infections.

You will notice that they are staying at the bottom of your tank and not moving much.

To keep swordtails healthy, you need to feed them the necessary nutrients.

When the appetite is compromised, they do not eat much and get sick. Therefore, maintaining water temperatures to keep your swordtails eating.

Thus, appropriate water temperatures are important to feed your swordtail fish.

Do Swordtails Eat Vegetables?

Swordtail fish are omnivorous and need an equal share of vegetables and fibers in their diet.

They eat low in phosphorus and high in fiber, including zucchinis, cucumbers, peas, or broccoli.

You should blanch your vegetables at first and feed them to your fish in small chunks.

You can also feed them commercial diets formulated for omnivorous fish like goldfish.

Do Swordtails Eat Algae?

Algae are an important part of the swordtail fish diet and should be fed regularly.

However, do not overfeed the algae as this can create an excess of waste in your tank which will cause illness to occur quickly.

Algae is not the main diet, and you should avoid feeding your swordtails only algae.

Swordtails scrap up algae from the tank surface, so you do not need to feed commercial algae wafers too often.

How Long Can Swordtail Fish Live Without Food?

Swordtails can live without food for several days, but ideally, you should feed them about two times a day.

You will find that if they are not fed enough, they may become weak and slow down and lose their coloration.

On the other hand, too much feeding can make your fish obese, which has adverse effects on their health.

Swordtails should be fed small amounts of food about two times a day.

You can feed them once in the morning and at night, or you could choose to do it twice around midday if that is easier for your schedule.


Do Swordtails Eat Dead Fish?

Yes, swordtails eat dead fish—all fish peck upon dead fish in the tank.

Your swordtail fish might get food, but rotting fish cannot be much beneficial.

Remove any dead or decayed material fish, so your swordtails do not peck on them. That way, your tank water also remains uncompromised.

Do Swordtail Eat Bloodworms?

Swordtails eat bloodworms. Bloodworms are high in protein and fat, which is something swordtails will happily consume.

You can feed them live or dried bloodworms in small chunks.

Do Swordtails Eat Mosquito Larvae?

Yes, swordtails eat mosquito larvae. Mosquito larvae are tiny creatures that you find in the water around your house during springtime or any other time of year when it rains.

You can keep a few small containers filled with fresh water to attract mosquito larvae and feed them to your swordtail fish.


In Conclusion, swordtails are small fish and do not require much food. However, you can feed them a small amount of food about two times a day.

Make sure to feed your swordtails their food in the right amount. Overfeeding has several consequences, all detrimental to your fish’s health.

Hence, feed your swordtails high-quality food at the right time and amount to keep them happy and healthy.

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