How To Prepare Veggies For Swordtails?

How To Prepare Veggies For Swordtails?

Swordtail fish are exciting pets. These little guys can be pretty entertaining to watch, and they don’t take up much space, so they’re an excellent option. But what do you feed them? Most people assume that they eat protein/meat, but this isn’t always the case! So you can feed them veggies too. But How To Prepare Veggies For Swordtails?

You can prepare veggies for swordtails by following simple steps like- selecting the perfect veggie, cleaning the veggies and removing the peel, chopping them into bite-size pieces, etc.

If you want to learn how to feed your swordtail fish, keep reading because we’ll go over everything you need to know about it.

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Do Swordtail Fish Eat Veggies?

Yes, but there is more to it. Swordtail fish are omnivores, which means they consume both meat and plants. So ass a result, swordtail fish eat vegetables. But that isn’t all they’ll eat!

They also enjoy shrimp pellets and most types of small tropical fish food, such as bettas and guppies.

So if you ask whether swordtails eat veggies or not, the answer is yes, but they also need a balanced diet with protein and other nutrients.

So you can feed your fish veggies daily to keep them healthy and happy.

However, ensure the vegetables are soft so that it becomes easy for them to eat. Also, be careful while feeding as their teeth might get stuck in some of the more complex pieces of veggies.

What Veggies Should You Feed the Swordtail Fish?

You can feed many veggies to swordtail fish, but they have some preferences, and their favorites tend to change as they grow older.

To prepare the perfect veggies for swordtail fish, let’s learn what they love. Here is a list of vegetables which you can feed your fish:


Cucumbers are high in moisture and are relatively easy to digest, which is why swordtail fish prefer them.


This vegetable has features comparable to cucumber, but it is not as water-rich; therefore, feed your fish only one zucchini per week.


This vegetable is easy to digest and has a lot of water, so it’s ideal for your fish.


Because they are often low in starch, this is one of the most preferred vegetables to feed swordtails. However, if you want to provide them cabbage daily, break it up into smaller pieces because a whole cabbage can be difficult to stomach.


Peas are one of the most healthy veggies for your swordtail fish. It helps against fungus. So, you can provide them bite-size chunks of fresh green peas.


Swordtails will love broccoli. You can feed them broccoli after washing it, boiling it, not staying hard, and cutting it into bite-sized pieces.

Lettuce/ Spinach

They are the green vegetables that swordtail fish long for. Moreover, it is also effortless to feed lettuce and spinach to your swordtails. All you have to do is wash it, rip it, and throw it into the tank.


Pumpkins can be a good source of both protein and fiber for your swordtail. In addition, you can serve it raw by cutting it into small pieces.

Bell Peppers

Swordtails will also like green, red, yellow, and orange bell peppers. However, it would help if you were a little careful while feeding your fish pepper. Make sure to remove all the seeds and blanch them properly before adding them to the tank.

These are few swordtail favorites.

How To Prepare Veggies For Your Swordtails?

Now that we know which vegetables are suitable for swordtails, let’s move on to how we can prepare the veggies for them to eat.

Preparing veggies for swordtail fish is the most important aspect of feeding them vegetables. Here’s how you prepare a vegetable diet for swordtails:

Choosing Vegetables

You might think that feeding any veggies would be fine because they are all the same green fiber. If you do, you are wrong. It would help if you chose the perfect veggie to feed your swordtail.

Some veggies can cause allergic reactions, constipation, or bloating. For this reason, the foremost step is to choose suitable vegetables. Above mentioned veggies are some of the best options.

Cleaning/ Washing The Vegetables

After you have chosen the perfect vegetable, it’s time you clean them. First, make sure your vegetables are clean, free of bacteria, and rot. Swordtail fish are delicate creatures, and the smallest bacteria can cause them severe infections.

Most vegetables have pesticides on their skin, so you must thoroughly wash them before feeding them to your fish. Nevertheless, it is effortless to clean your vegetables.

If you have a solid vegetable like a cucumber or a zucchini, you could wash it under cool tap water with a brush. Likewise, if you have green leafy vegetables, place them in a bowl full of water to rinse any dirt and filth.

Peeling/ Blanching The Vegetables

Once you have adequately cleaned or washed your vegetables, make sure you dry them off. After that, you can move on to the actual preparation.

Some fruits and veggies can be fed raw, but most vegetables should be peeled and appropriately blanched. You can serve veggies like pumpkins, carrots, apples, etc., directly after washing them.

However, you’ll want to peel and blanch other vegetables like broccoli, zucchini, cucumbers, peas, beans, cabbage, lettuce, spinach, pepper, etc., so that your fish can quickly eat them. In addition, blanching ensures that all the bacteria and fleas are dead.

You should cool your blanched vegetables before adding them to the tank. Otherwise, the hot food can injure your fish while also compromising your water conditions.

Chop The Vegetables

Swordtails are small fish with a small mouths. So, it is better to cut your prepared vegetables into bite-size pieces.

Swordtail fish are messy eaters. Giving them larger chunks that don’t fit in their mouth will lead to your fish picking on them. Picking on food will cause the residues to develop. To help your fish devour the entire food in less than a minute, chop them into bite-size pieces.

Chopping the veggies will make it easier for your fish to eat and won’t pollute your tank.

Thus, this is the most accurate way to prepare veggies for your swordtails.

How Much Veggies To Feed Swordtail Fish?

Although veggies are an essential part ofsswordtail’s diet, too many veggies can impair the health conditions of your fish. You should feed swordtail fish a limited amount of fiber because it is not their primary diet.

The best veggies to feed swordtail fish is as much as they can finish within five to seven minutes. That means two to three pieces of bite-sized veggie pieces in a day. However, make sure to also feed them protein supplements along with.

You can feed your swordtails vegetable and meat alternately. This will keep their diet varied, and they will be more than happy to provide for it.

Weighing Down The Floating Vegetables

Some vegetables tend to float on water rather than sinking below. In such cases, your fish might have trouble finding the food on the tank.

To make sure that your food sinks, you should add some weight to it. Although there are various ways, the best way is to get a clip that weighs down the veggies in the tank.

Moreover, you can use a spoon to push it down. This way, your fish can identify and enjoy their food without any issue.

What Are Some Non-Meat Options For Swordtails Other Than Veggies?

Veggies are not the only vegetarian supplement for yoursswordtail’s diet. You can also feed those fruits and algae.

Fruit is the second-best option for the fulfillment of fiber supplements. The best part about fruits is that you can feed them to the fish raw once you wash it properly. The fruit items that swordtail fish would love are apples, berries, bananas, kiwis, etc.

Make sure to clean them and cut them into small pieces. It would be best to peel the skin from fruits like apples, kiwis, pears, etc.

Similarly, you can also feed your swordtails algae. Algae contain more protein, so it is better if you provide it in a limited amount. The best algae are spirulina (blue-green algae), kelp, algae wafers, and nori.

Other foods are commercial veg food like wafers, pellets, and flake food. While choosing these supplements, make sure they are high quality with high nutrition value.

Why Is Feeding Veggies Important?

Swordtail fish are omnivorous. Hence, they need a fair share of meat and vegetables. While meat supplements are readily available, veggies should be prepared and fed at home.

Vegetables provide more vitamins and nutrients to your fish. We often think that algae fulfill the green supplement for your fish. However, algae are not as rich in fibers and vitamins as the blanched vegetables you prepare and provide at home with love.

Veggies are the best source of fibers and vitamins. They are healthier than algae and helps your swordtail fish grow and develop properly.

Worst Vegetarian Food To Feed Swordtail Fish

Swordtail fish are voracious eaters and will eat anything you give them. They do not know what’s best for them, but you do. So please do not feed your swordtails food that is bad for them.

Frozen vegetables can be rotten if you do not blanch them properly before giving them to them. In addition, frozen and canned vegetables contain preservatives that can hinder your fish’s health.

It would be better to feed them fresh veggies. However, you can provide them canned food like canned peas, corns, tomatoes, etc., after properly boiling and blanching it.

Bread is another food you should avoid. Bread contains gluten which will cause your fish to bloat, and they have a terrible stomach.

Similarly, you also shouldn’t provide them too many vegetables that have starch. Starch can cause constipation in swordtail fish leading to swim bladder defects.


Do Swordtail Eat Plants?

Because swordtails are omnivores, they will eat plants. Therefore, plant supplements are required for a balanced diet, and you may notice them nibbling on aquatic plants and scraping algae from the tank.

Swordtails eat flakes, herbs, or boiled vegetables as a source of sustenance. As a result, even if they nibble on the leaves of your plant, they will not harm it.

Do Swordtails Eat Algae?

Although meat, such as blood worms and other small insects, is the primary source of protein for Swordtails, they also eat green vegetation and algae. In an aquarium, they might be seen consuming other green plants. So, Swordtail fish do eat algae.

How Often To Feed Swordtail Fish?

You might assume your fish are hungry and feed them from time to time. Theyddon’t require much food, though, because they are little fish. So, how often should swordtail fish be fed?

Swordtails only need a small amount of food and should be fed twice or three times daily. To keep your fish happy and healthy, provide them a variety, high-quality diet.


Finally, it would help if you think about what you want to feed your swordtails. If your fish isn’t eating correctly or appears to be on a diet, consider switching the sort of food you’re feeding them. Vegetables, for example, are an excellent complement to their diet. However, you might also try providing them with a varied diet that includes both vegetables and meat.

Keep in mind that you should always feed your swordtail fish fresh food because it will not harm them in any way.

Keep in mind that some of them are high in starch or sugar, which can make your fish sick. Prepare and feed veggies that are best for your swordtails.

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