Swordtail Fish are a freshwater favorite among many aquarium hobbyists, thanks to their unique appearance and lively, amicable personality. They are so easy to take care of and breed for, which makes them a perfect fit. Swordtail fish will thrive in your freshwater community tank, given they’re kept in the right conditions. So, what are the right conditions? What does swordtail fish like in their tank?
The first thing swordtail fish like in their tank is space. Swordtail fish like a lot of space in their tank to swim freely. They also prefer heavily planted tanks with lots of hiding spaces, considering the type of tank mates they have.
Similarly, swordtail fish do best in warm, alkaline water with a temperature between 65 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit, hardness of 12-30 GH, and pH of 7.0-8.4. They also like a variety of foods, including both plants and animals (fiber and protein).
These are the basic requirements for swordtail fish in the tank. This blog post will discuss what swordtail fish need and like in their tank in detail. It will include various tank equipment, tank setup, and decorations. Let’s get started!
What Do Swordtail Fish Need In Their Tank?
A tank can contain many things to help your swordtail fish flourish and live life to the fullest. However, the bare minimum requirements for the survival of swordtail fish are a water heater, adequate food, and a spacious tank.
To help any fish live happily in your tank, you can imitate their natural habitat. Providing your swordtail fish with an environment close to their wild habitat will keep them calm, healthy, and satisfied.
Therefore, simulating a tropical environment in your swordtail fish tank with lush vegetation will keep your swordtails happy. And since live plants also help with tank water hygiene, your swordtail fish will remain healthy too.
Do Swordtails Like Other Swordtails In The Tank?
Swordtails are social, amicable fish that love to swim about and engage with other tank mates during the day. If you want to provide your swordtails with the perfect environment, be sure to add other fish of the same species in the tank.
Swordtail fish are not schooling fish, nor do they shoal. However, they are peaceful amicable fish that prefer to stay in groups. However, swordtail fish cannot live alone, so it’s better to add other swordtail fish.
Nevertheless, there are certain things you might want to consider while introducing new tank buddies. The ratio of male swordtail to female swordtail should be 1:3, i.e., 3 female swordtails to 1 male swordtail so that you can ensure the safety of your female swordtail fish.
Similarly, male swordtail fish can be aggressive in the territory, mating, and sometimes even food. So, I advise you not to put two swordtail males together if you want a peaceful tank.
Do Swordtail Fish Like Other Fish In The Tank?
As mentioned earlier, swordtails cannot live alone and prefer to stay in groups. Swordtail fish like compatible fish mates in their tank. If you want to keep swordtail fish in a community tank, make sure to keep them with fish that have similar temperaments and require the same water parameters.
Swordtail fish are active swimmers and love to hang out with other fish. But, likewise, they are peaceful creatures. So, other fish who are peaceful and active engagers would be suitable buddies for your swordtail fish.
Read: Best Tank Mates For Your Swordtail Fish.
Do Swordtail Fish Like Lights In Their Tank?
Swordtail fish do not particularly need lights in their tank. However, you should provide them with suitable light throughout the day. Swordtail fish are active during the day and tend to rest during the night. Therefore, the days and nights in swordtail fish’s life can be influenced by the tank lights.
If you plan to install aquarium lights, make sure to turn them on for only 6-8 hours a day. Swordtail fish do not need lights at night, so that you can turn the lights off at night.
However, if you plan not to install a light, you should put your tank near the window where they can get optimum light. Too much sunlight can degrade the quality of your tank water, so place the tank accordingly.
Do Swordtail Fish Need A Filter In Their Tank?
Swordtail fish are small fish measuring only about 5.5-6 inches. So, they do not produce more waste. This is to say that tank filters are not an absolute necessity in your swordtail fish tank.
But, I would recommend adding a filter because it has more benefits than harm. First, a filter will help you keep the tank water fresh and oxygenated. Second, swordtail fish are voracious eaters, so your fish tank might develop debris and residues that pollute the water. Finally, a tank filter would help you clean the mess efficiently and with less effort.
A filter will help you keep the tank clean. A clean tank means a healthy tank that prevents your fish from catching diseases. However, if you decide not to add a filter, make sure you change 25% of tank water every two weeks, so ensure clean water with less harmful toxins.
Do Swordtail Fish Need A Heater?
Swordtail fish like warmer water in their tank. They prefer water with temperatures between 65 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit (18-28 degrees Celsius). Therefore, swordtail fish will require a heater in the tank to thrive.
Swordtail fish are hardy and can tolerate temperatures as low as 16 degrees, but they start to become less active and more stressed or ill at such temperatures. Swordtail fish are tropical fish and need tropical environments to flourish.
Swordtail fish species demonstrate different qualities at different temperatures between 65 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. For example, if you increase the temperature to around 75 degrees, the fish will grow more rapidly and breed more often.
Therefore, to prevent any fluctuation in the ideal temperature of the swordtail fish, it is better to add a tank water heater.
What Kind Of Water Do Swordtail Fish Need?
Swordtail fish like water with an almost neutral pH level around 7 or greater in their tank. Sudden change in water pH can affect your swordtail fish.
They also prefer hard-alkaline water with hardness ranging from 12-30 GH. The alkalinity provides them more mineral content that will help them flourish in your tank. But, make sure the alkalinity does not exceed the limit of 8.4 because too much hardness can cause ammonia buildup leading to ammonia poisoning.
Do Swordtail Fish Like Plants In Their Tank?
Swordtails will love heavily planted tanks, mostly because they will resemble their natural habitat. However, swordtails would prefer live plants in the tank, and it would also help your tank’s hygiene maintenance.
In a heavily planted tank, swordtails will find a homely feeling. Likewise, the heavily planted live plants will also help in oxygenation, filtration, and aeration of tank water.
Java Moss, Java Fern, Guppy Grass are some best choices of live plants for your swordtail fish. You can also keep algae in a swordtail tank as swordtails love to eat on algae. But, too many algae will not be beneficial for the tank water circulation.
Do Swordtail Fish Need Hiding Spots?
If you are keeping swordtails alone, then hiding spots may not be necessary. However, we provide hiding spots in the tank for the fish’s safety from other fish or give them some privacy when they are stressed.
In a community tank, it is crucial to provide hiding spots for your swordtail fish. Swordtail fish do not like an overcrowded aquarium, so they need hiding spots to escape reality. Likewise, if you have large and aggressive fish in the tank, swordtails can easily be preyed upon. So, for their safety, you can provide them with hiding spots.
Swordtails become inactive and hide at the spots you provide them when they are stressed, ill, or even during pregnancy and labor. Hiding spots will come in handy for the swordtail fry since swordtail parents tend to eat their babies.
Do Swordtails Like Strong Water Current In Their Tank?
Swordtail fish do need water current in their tank. But, a powerful current can disrupt their ability to swim freely in the tank. The natural habitat of swordtail fish in flowing water bodies like streams and rivers. In that sense, swordtail fish would like water current in their tank.
Swordtail fish will have trouble feeding and breeding if the water current is too strong. However, the current does keep the water oxygenated.
Therefore the key is balance; add water currents that is enough to aerate your water but low enough to hamper your swordtail fish’s daily ventures.
What Kind Of Substrate Do Swordtail Fish Like In Their Tank?
The most common kind of substrate used in aquariums is sand and gravel. Many aquarium hobbyists use sand as their favorite substrate. Same with swordtail fish. Swordtail fish particularly do not care about the type of swordtail because they swim in the middle reason of the tank.
However, sand would be the best substrate for a swordtail tank because sand is softer and easier to clean. Moreover, swordtail fish love greenery, and green live plants do better in the sand than in gravel.
Sometimes, swordtails will go to the bottom of the tank to scavenge debris, algae, or other residues. In such time also, sand can be a safer, comfortable choice for your swordtail fish.
Do Swordtail Fish Require An Air Pump?
Swordtail fish get oxygen through their gills while swimming. Like any other fish, swordtail fish need well-oxygenated water to thrive in the tank. However, it is difficult to balance oxygen in warm temperatures like a tropical fish tank.
Therefore, you need to install an air pump so that your swordtails will get the right amount of oxygen for their survival. If the oxygen level in your tank is too low, your swordtails will become inactive and stressed, which will pave the way for severe diseases or illnesses.
If you see your swordtails at the top of the tank way too often, gasping for air, the oxygen content in your tank is too low, and you need to fix it ASAP!
Do Swordtail Fish Need Bubblers?
Bubblers help to oxygenate water effectively by adding beneficial bubbles to the tank water. In addition, they help in the oxidation of water, plants, and fish. Thus, it would be a good idea to add a bubbler to your tank.
Plus, bubblers make your tank look aesthetic. So, you would not regret investing in a good-quality bubbler.
What Type Of Food Do Swordtail Fish?
One thing swordtail fish love to do is eat. Swordtails are voracious eaters and will typically eat anything that fits into their tiny mouths, even their babies!
Swordtails are omnivorous and need both plants and animal supplements as a part of their diet. They love to eat brine shrimps, bloodworms, mosquito larvae, black worms as a part of their protein diet. Similarly, they also eat algae, blanched vegetables as a part of fiber content.
Swordtails do well with quality flake foods, wafers, and pellets. Swordtails can be given betta food or goldfish food, but they contain a balanced diet that a swordtail fish requires.
Although they eat anything without hesitation, you have to make sure you do not overfeed them. Overfeeding can lead to constipation and other digestive issues.
In this way, adding all necessary equipment, taking care of their diet, water parameters, and breeding environment, your swordtail fish will be more than happy in its home.
Swordtail fish are easy to care for. Their diet is easy as they will basically devour anything. Likewise, breeding a swordtail is easy too. First, you have to raise the temperature a little to get them to action. Then, all you have to do is take care of the water your swordtail fish swims in.
There are various apparatus as mentioned above that maintain the water quality for your swordtail fish. In addition, swordtail fish will like their tank with lush vegetation, the right temperature of the water, compatible tank mates, and abundant food.