Why Do Swordtail Fish Jump Out Of The Tank?

Why Do Swordtail Fish Jump Out Of The Tank?

Swordtail fish is a typical tropical fish seen in home aquariums. These lovely little fellas are a great addition to any tank, especially if you’re a beginner because they’re simple to care for and provide color and charm. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind. For example, your swordtail fish’s propensity to leap from the tank! But why do swordtail fish jump out of the tank?

Swordtail fish are very aggressive swimmers who frequently jump out of their tanks. Uneasy tanks, incorrect water conditions, stress, and food exploration are all reasons why swordtails exhibit this behavior.

If you have swordtails in your aquarium, you must take the necessary precautions to prevent them from escaping.

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This blog post will identify the jumping behavior of swordtail fish, why they do it, and how to stop it. So, keep reading!

Do Swordtail Fish Jump Out Of The Tanks?

Swordtail fish do indeed jump out of the tank.

Swordtails are excellent jumpers, and they use them for hunting for food, exploring new areas, or chasing down another fish that has surfaced.

This is due to swordtails’ remarkable sense of balance, although they can still be injured if they jump too high out of the water or fall on something sharp outside the tank.

However, this may not work in household aquariums because the tank has a limited area, and your swordtail could fall out and die.

Jumping Behavior Of Swordtail Fish

Fish are naturally curious creatures. So it’s no surprise that when you go home, you will find your fish out of the water.

Fish have a natural desire to explore their surroundings, which can lead them out of the water! Bettas, Guppies, and Swordtails are examples of tropical freshwater fish that exhibit this behavior. It is not, however, limited to these species.

As a survival technique, most wild fish jump out of the water. They jump to change surroundings, find food, or chase off other fish.

On the other hand, fish will jump out of an aquarium habitat if they are dissatisfied with the environment, such as tank conditions, water parameters, etc.

Why Do Swordtail Fish Jump Out Of The Tank?

For a variety of causes, your fish may jump out of the tank. One of the most likely reasons is that they are unhappy with the tank setting you have supplied.

They could readily switch their water source in the wild by hopping from one puddle to the next. In the tank, however, it’s essentially a suicide attempt.

According to research, swordtails jump out for the following reasons:

Small Space

Your swordtails may jump out of the tank because there isn’t enough room for them to swim about. Because you give them such a little room to live in, not only swordtails but much other fish may end up jumping out of the tank.

Swordtails are tiny species that only reach a length of 5-6 inches. Nonetheless, they require a sufficient swimming room. As a result, a tank of roughly 15 gallons is appropriate for one swordtail fish.

Many people, however, believe swordtails can live in small tanks, which is incorrect. Your swordtails will jump out if they don’t have enough room to swim around.

The Water Of Poor Quality

Swordtails are strong swimmers that can stay in tank water for up to six days in a dry, well-ventilated environment. Your swordtails will jump out if there isn’t enough oxygen or too much carbon dioxide because it’s better than suffocating inside an inappropriate setting.

It’s a survival tactic, not an attempt to flee. Swordtail prefers water with a temperature of 72-82°F, a hardness of low to medium, and a pH of approximately neutral. Swordtails will jump out of the tank if you do not give them ideal water conditions.


Another reason swordtails stand out is stress. To keep healthy, fish need to be at ease.

Unpleasant water conditions, overcrowded tanks, bad tank mates, pregnancy, and other factors can cause stress in swordtails. Unfortunately, all of these factors could cause your swordtail fish to jump out of the tank.

Similarly, swordtails are shy fish who don’t appreciate outsiders bothering them while they explore or consume their food, which causes tension and causes them to leap out of the tank.

When you approach a net, they may try to flee since it is too much for them.

Also read: Stress In Swordtail Fish: Signs, Causes, and Prevention


Swordtails may simply be exploring when they jump out of the tank.  However, swordtail fish have an innate need to explore, and the only thing keeping them from doing so in your home aquarium is the glass barrier.

They may be attempting to find a way out or reach higher ground, which may entail jumping from the tank.

The Swordtail Fish Is Trying To Get Away

To get out of the water, swordtail fish will jump out of the tank. Because these fish are excellent jumpers, they can leap onto rocks or even dry land if given enough room. They do so because swordtail fish have both gills and lungs, allowing them to breathe air.

Swordtail fish can leap up to two feet in a single leap. As a result, they can easily escape the tank if provided enough area or food above them on a rock or ledge.

So, if your swordtail fish starts jumping out of your aquarium, consider what might be wrong and remedy it. We must be cautious of the factors mentioned above to prevent your swordtails from jumping out of the tank.

How To Prevent Swordtails From Jumping Out Of The Tank?

It’s not that they’re jumping out; it’s just that you haven’t provided them with an environment that meets their needs and encourages them to explore.

Here are some of the most effective techniques to keep your fish from jumping out of their aquariums:

Enough Space

To avoid boredom, make sure your tank has enough space for enjoyment and exploration, as well as a variety of entertaining materials such as plants or rocks.

Limited Population

If you have other little fish in the tank, you should avoid overcrowding it. This will make them feel less compelled to move around while still providing them plenty of room to explore!

Tank Decoration

By placing certain plants outside and towards the top edge of the aquarium glass, many owners have successfully kept them within their tanks. This provides your pet something to gaze at while also preventing them from getting too close and maybe jumping out.

Do Not Overfeed Them

Likewise, you should avoid overfeeding them. If their stomachs are excessively full, swordtail fish may jump out of the tank because there isn’t enough area for them to swim, and there isn’t enough room in the tank.

Overfeeding swordtail fish can increase waste levels, which can be fatal if the waste is poisonous or the bacteria levels in the tank are too high.

Provide Clean Environment

Make sure there are no contaminants in the water, such as ammonia, nitrite, or nitrate. In addition, swordtails require a healthy living habitat. As a result, you should keep them in a tank with good water quality.

Put A Lid On Your Tank

The final option is to cover the top edge of your aquarium with a lid, plastic wrap, or mesh net. However, this will require an opening for tank water exchange.

This makes it impossible for any swordtail fish to jump because they will never be able to escape again!

What’s The Threat Of Swordtail Fish Jumping Out?

Swordtails, as previously said, have a good sense of balance and are pretty swift in the water. This means that if they jump out of a tank, they will most likely be able to return to it quickly because they can swim soon.

If a swordtail leaps out of the tank and you are not home to put it back in, your fish will perish because it has no survival skills outside of the water.

When a swordtail jumps out, they risk losing or being killed if they land in an inappropriate habitat, like chlorine-filled water or the pool’s bottom.


Is My Swordtail Fish Blind?

Poor water conditions, injury to the front eye, or age-related vision loss could cause your swordtail fish to go blind.

Your swordtails will start swimming erratically and bump into other tank objects or the tank glass if they are blind. Similarly, they restrict themselves to the tank’s bottom or top. Due to their vision loss, the fish will have difficulty eating, swimming, and doing other everyday tasks.


Finally, swordtail fish jump out of a tank in search of food. These fish jump to receive oxygen from the air rather than from the water. They require more excitement and entertainment than other fish. Tanks with plants or decorations can keep them happy while preventing them from jumping out of their home.

Swordtail fish are also quite attractive and make excellent pets. As a result, it’s critical to keep swordtail fish happy so they don’t leave home.

Hopefully, this blog entry should answer the question, “Why do Swordtail Fish Jump Out of Tanks?”

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