10 Reasons Why Angelfish Are Aggressive

10 Reasons Why Angelfish Are Aggressive

Most fish are not known to cause problems. But being cichlids, Angelfish are one of the most territorial fish in the freshwater world. Angelfish can be real bullies to other tank mates and will even fight each other. So, if you’re thinking about getting an angelfish or have one already, here are ten reasons why they might be aggressive.

Angelfish might be aggressive due to various reasons like too many fish in the tank, not enough food, frequent water changes, or even the wrong tank mates. Angelfish are also known to be more aggressive when they are spawning. They can even be angry due to unfavorable tank conditions and too much light. 

There are definitely many more reasons to add up to this list. So, today we will be digging into why Angelfish are aggressive and how to control them. Let’s get started, then!

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Are Angelfish Aggressive?

Originating from the Amazon River in South America, Angelfish are a species of Cichlid that boast silver bodies and black stripes. They are sleek, lively fish that come in a variety of hues and markings generated through selective breeding. Undoubtedly, you might also have been fascinated by their looks. But, like most cichlids, are Angelfish aggressive too?

Well, the answer is pretty simple. Angelfish do exhibit the same aggressive traits as the other members of the Cichlid genus. However, despite their aggressive nature, no one can deny the fact that keeping them is enjoyable.

Suppose you are one of those who love keeping Angelfish in your tank. Then, there are several precautions that you must take in order to understand their patterns and keep them happy and healthy. Certainly! with a little knowledge and Angelfish care, you can for sure create a peaceful aquarium community that can include angelfish.

10 Reasons Why Angelfish Are Aggressive

As I have been saying from the first, Angelfish are a popular choice for aquariums because of their beautiful appearance. However, many people don’t realize that these fish can be quite aggressive.

If you fail to maintain an ideal tank condition, your Angelfish will become aggressive and may even kill other fish in the tank. Here are the top ten reasons why Angelfish are aggressive:

Angel Fish Are Territorial

Angelfish are very territorial fish. They will claim a certain area in the tank and defend it against other Angelfish and even other species of fish. Especially, if you keep Angelfish with smaller fish, they start to show dominance. This often results in Angelfish chasing, nipping, and even killing other fish that come too close to their territory.

Poor Water Conditions

To keep a fish healthy and happy, you need to maintain good water quality. This means that you need to do regular water changes and keep an eye on the levels of ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates. If these levels get too high, Angelfish might get sick. Unfavorable and poor water conditions will invite various health issues in your Angelfish and make them aggressive.

Not Enough Hiding Places

Angelfish feel vulnerable when they cannot hide from their tank mates. This is why it’s important to provide plenty of hiding places in the form of caves, plants, and driftwood. Without enough hiding places, Angelfish will become stressed and start to chase and nip at other fish.

Frequent Water Change

While you need to do regular water changes to maintain good water quality, you don’t want to change too much at once. Angelfish are sensitive to sudden changes in water parameters, and this can cause them to become aggressive. If you do need to make a large water change, do it gradually over the course of a few hours.

Incompatible Tank Mates

Angelfish are not compatible with all species of fish. In fact, there are only a few fish that can safely be kept with Angelfish. Some of the compatible fish include tetras, rasboras, gouramis, and other peaceful cichlids. Angelfish will also chase and nip at small fish and slow-moving fish. Whereas, when you keep them with bigger fish like Oscar, Angelfish might be tortured.

So, when choosing tank mates for Angelfish, it’s important to choose fish that are not too bigger and have different color patterns. If you put Angelfish with incompatible tank mates, they will become stressed and may start to chase and nip at the other fish.

Lack Of Proper Space

Angelfish need plenty of space to swim and explore. If they are kept in a small tank, they will become frustrated and start to chase and nip at other fish. In addition to this, Angelfish are quite big fish (almost 6 inches in size) so, you need a fairly big tank to keep them happy (at least 20 gallons).

Too Much Light

Although Angelfish are used to lots of sunlight in the wild, too much light in the aquarium can cause them to become stressed. I suggest you keep just enough light to see the fish and provide some plants that can act as hiding places. Too bright lights will only make Angelfish more aggressive.

Not Enough Food

Food is the weakness of every living creature. Just like we can become cranky in absence of enough food, Angelfish too can become aggressive when they are not fed enough. Especially, if you are keeping them in a tank full of other fish, Angelfish might become aggressive in order to get more food.

Breeding Season

Angelfish are known to be more aggressive during the breeding season. This is because they need to protect their eggs and fry from other fish. So, if you notice your Angelfish chasing and nipping at other fish, it’s probably because they are breeding.

Old Age

As Angelfish age, they become more aggressive. This is because they become less tolerant of other fish and their immune system starts to decline. Therefore, if you have an old Angelfish, it’s best to keep it in a tank by itself.

After you get along with the reasons why Angelfish might be aggressive, don’t you want to know how to find out if your fish is aggressive or not?

What Are The Signs Of Aggression In Angelfish?

Sometimes the new fishkeepers might not recognize the sign of aggression in Angelfish. Even it took me some time to understand and notice the Angelfish were starting to get aggressive. Here are some signs of aggression in Angelfish that you can watch out for:

  • Chasing other fish in the tank
  • Biting or nipping other fish
  • Hiding a lot and not coming out as much
  • Not eating as much
  • Flaring their fins at other fish
  • Ramming into other fish or decorations in the tank

From my experience, chasing other fish is the most common sign that indicates that something is wrong with your fish. If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to take action right away. So, what should you do to manage your fish’s aggression? Well, I have some ideas for you as you read below.

How To Reduce The Aggression In Angelfish?

As mentioned earlier, Angelfish are aggressive by nature. But, there are certain things that you can do to reduce aggression in Angelfish.

One of the best ways to reduce aggression in Angelfish is by keeping them well-fed. A well-fed Angelfish is a happy Angelfish and is less likely to be aggressive. Always consider the number of fish in the tank before feeding them and remove the waste or uneaten food promptly.

Another way to reduce aggression in Angelfish is by providing them with plenty of hiding places. Angelfish feel safe when they have somewhere to hide, and this can help reduce their aggression. It is best to keep them in a tank condition that best resembles their natural habitat. So, plants, rocks, and caves are all good options to keep them happy and healthy.

Another best option to reduce the aggression of your Angelfish is maintaining an ideal tank with appropriate water temperature, and pH level, and providing a good filtration system. Angelfish are very sensitive to changes in their environment. Therefore, by maintaining an ideal tank, you can help reduce aggression in Angelfish.

Finally, you can try keeping only one Angelfish in a tank. But since Angelfish are shoaling fish, keeping them in groups will make them entertained and less lonely. This will also reduce their chances of stress and aggression. However, if you want a colorful tank with different varieties, then always select the tankmates that are compatible with Angelfish. Some good examples are Tetras, Guppies, and Mollies.

By following these tips, you can easily reduce aggression in Angelfish and have a peaceful and lovely aquarium at home. Do you have any other tips?

Some FAQs

Does Angelfish Bite Other Fish?

Angelfish are not known to actively seek out other fish to bite, but they have been known to nip at fins. This is usually in response to another fish invading their personal space or trying to steal their food. If you see your angelfish chasing and biting another fish, it’s best to remove the aggressor from the tank.

What Are The Best Tankmates For Angelfish?

While angelfish can be aggressive towards other fish, there are some that make good tankmates. Some peaceful fish that get along well with angelfish are Mollies, Platies, Corydoras catfish, and Dwarf gouramis.

Do Angelfish Eat Plants?

Angelfish don’t eat plants. They mostly enjoy protein riched diet like live or frozen foods, pellets, and flakes. Angelfish eat plants only when they’re bored or if there’s a lack of fiber in their diet.

What Is The Ideal Tank Size For Angelfish?

The ideal tank size for angelfish is 55 gallons. However, anything above 20 gallons will work well for a single Anglefish. Generally, Angelfish are peaceful fish, but they can be aggressive towards other fish. If you’re keeping more than one angelfish, it’s best to have a larger tank, so they each have their own space.

How Often Should Angelfish Be Fed?

Angelfish should be fed once or twice a day. They are not known to be finicky eaters, but they do prefer live or frozen foods. Angelfish will also accept pellets and flakes but should be given a varied diet for the best health.


Wrapping up, Angelfish are aggressive by nature, but there are ways to reduce their aggression. It is very important to find out the real cause of why your Angelfish are being aggressive to other fish. However, sometimes your fish might be angry or aggressive anonymously. So, the best way to deal with Angelfish aggression is by taking some preventive measures and following the tips mentioned above. By keeping them well-fed, providing hiding places, and maintaining a stable tank environment, you can help reduce aggression in Angelfish.

Thanks for reading! I hope this was helpful.

Do you have any other tips? Please share in the comments below.

Until next time! Happy Fish Keeping!

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