8 Reasons Why Angelfish Is Not Eating

8 Reasons Why Is Angelfish Not Be Eating?

Most people choose fish keeping assuming it to be very easy and low maintenance. But angelfish often neglect that keeping fish like angelfish comes with great responsibility. One of the main issues fish keepers face is their angelfish not eating. You feel miserable when your angelfish do not eat and eventually die. So, to solve this problem, you need to figure out why your angelfish are not eating in the first place.

There are many reasons why your angelfish might lose interest in food. For example, your angelfish might not eat because of illness, fluctuating or poor water quality, improper water parameters, or wrong food. Further, your angelfish might not be eating because you feed them too much or too little. Also, angelfish might not eat when these fish are stressed.

Usually, to solve this issue, you must first address the problem and act accordingly. Today, I will discuss everything I do and know about this issue with you. So, let’s get started!

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Do Angelfish Love Eating?

Of course, angelfish do! Angelfish are known to be voracious eaters and will often gorge themselves on food. Moreover, since angelfish are omnivores, these fish can eat almost anything and everything.

Just put a bit of food in the aquarium, and you will find that the angelfish will quickly swarm to it and start nibbling away.

My angels usually swim around and twitch a little when I feed them. Moreover, after eating their meal, angelfish also show their happy dance! This tells me that the angels are satisfied and content with the food.

But there are times when angelfish might not be interested in eating, which can be concerning for any aquarist. After all, if the fish are not eating, these fish might not be getting the nutrients they need to stay healthy.

So, why will your angelfish not eat if they love eating so much?

8 Reasons Why Is Angelfish Not Eating??

As you know now, that angelfish love to eat. Angelfish are known to be one of the most voracious eaters in the aquarium hobby. So, why, then, would your angelfish not be eating?

Usually, there are many reasons why your angelfish might not be eating. However, if you want your fish to live a happy and healthier life, you need to address them and solve the problem as soon as possible.

So, the reasons why angelfish might not be eating are:

Fluctuating Tank Conditions

Even though angelfish are hardy, these fish are still sensitive to changes in water parameters. So, if you’ve been making many changes to your tank recently, that could be why your angelfish are not eating.

Some of the tank fluctuations that you need to avoid are:

  • too much or too little light
  • sudden and excessive water change
  • changing all the water at once
  • introducing new plants or fish into the tank

All of these sudden changes might make you angelfish, suspicious and anxious. As a result, angelfish will lose their appetite and might even stop eating altogether.

Uncleaned Water

Since Angelfish are freshwater fish, they thrive best in clean water with little to no ammonia, nitrites, and nitrates. Usually keeping your angelfish in poor water quality usually results in many health issues and infections.

Besides this, unclean water might also block their vision and make them anxious, causing them to stop eating.

If you notice that your angelfish are not eating, you should first check the water parameters and ensure they’re within the ideal range. If not, do a partial water change and clean the filter.

Improper Diet

Angelfish are one of the most voracious eaters in the aquarium hobby. Angelfish will pretty much eat anything you give them.

But that doesn’t mean you should feed them anything. You still need to provide them with a well-balanced diet consisting of live and frozen foods.

When feeding angelfish, you must be careful with what and when you feed them. Feeding the wrong food will not provide proper nutrition to your angelfish, and it might stop eating.

Similarly, feeding them too much food can cause bloating and other digestive problems. Thus, your angelfish will gradually lose interest in the food and might stop eating.

Health Issues Or Infections

Angelfish are very prone to various types of health issues, whether it be parasitic infections, viral infections, or bacterial infections. Some of the common health issues that affect angelfish are:

  • White Spot Disease
  • Fungal Infections
  • Fin Rot
  • Dropsy

All of these diseases will make your angelfish sick and stressed. As a result, these fish will stop eating and might even die if left untreated. However, your fish might also show other signs of illness, such as:

  • clamped fins
  • sluggishness
  • swimming erratically or slowly
  • lethargy
  • weight loss

If you notice any of these signs, you should take medical assistance and treat your angelfish as soon as possible.

Stressful Situations

Usually, angelfish love to live in peaceful and stress-free environments. Your angelfish will thrive the best when you keep them in a tank with appropriate water parameters and less stress.

After my years of experience, I have found that the following factors usually cause stress in angelfish:

  • inadequate tank size
  • poor water quality
  • lack of hiding places
  • aggression from other fish or tankmates
  • multiple males in a single tank
  • excessive lighting.
  • Placing the tank in a high-traffic area

Any of these stressful situations will result in your angelfish becoming anxious and stressed. As a result, these fish might stop eating and might even die. However, the sad part of the story is that aquarists often do not realize their angelfish are under stress until it’s too late.

When Your Angelfish Is About To Lay

Angelfish will never be pregnant. Well well! Don’t get me wrong. Of course, angelfish do breed, but angelfish are not livebearers. Instead, your angels lay their eggs which the male will then fertilize.

The female will lay hundreds of eggs which the male will then guard and protect until these eggs hatch.

So, when angelfish are in gravid or spawning mode, angelfish might stop eating altogether. This is because their bodies are concentrating all their energy on producing eggs. After your angelfish have spawned, you can expect them to resume their normal feeding habits within a few days.

Angelfish Cannot Adjust To Their New Home

Angelfish are very delicate creatures and cannot tolerate changes well. So, when you introduce these fish to a new tank or environment, your angelfish might stop eating for a while until they get used to their new surroundings.

It is important to give your angelfish some time to adjust before you start worrying about why they’re not eating. Usually, they will start eating within a few days or weeks. But something might be wrong if your angelfish hasn’t started eating after a few weeks. So you need to look at other signs and figure out the problem.

Your Angelfish Might Not Like The Food

Has it occurred to you that your angelfish has stopped eating after you change their diet? Yes, it’s possible that your angelfish don’t like the new food you’re giving them.

Angelfish are picky eaters and might not like certain types of foods. So, if you’re changing their diet, introduce the new food slowly. Otherwise, they might stop eating altogether.

When I was new, I made the same mistake with my angelfish. I changed their diet too quickly, and they stopped eating for a few days. I thought I would lose them, but fortunately, they started eating again after a few days.

So, these are some of the reasons why your angelfish might not be eating. If you’re worried about your fish, observe them closely and look for other signs of illness or stress.

Then, work towards solving the problem so your angelfish can start eating again and lead a healthy life.

What To Do When Your Angelfish Is Not Eating?

When you own an angelfish, they become a part of your family and life. So, it’s natural to worry when your angels aren’t eating, and something seems off. It is obvious for you to want the best for your angelfish.

So, here are a few ways that can help you out when your angelfish is not eating:

Check Water Quality

First, ensure that the water quality in their tank is good. Test the pH levels and make sure they are within the safe range for angels. Also, check the nitrate and ammonia levels as high concentrations of either can lead to health problems for angels. If the water quality is not good, do a water change and test the levels again.

Usually, the best water parameters for your angelfish are:

  • Temperature: 78-84 degrees Fahrenheit
  • pH level: between pH of 6.8 and 7.8
  • Ammonia: 0 ppm
  • Hardness: between the hardness of 50 to 150 ppm
  • Nitrates: below 20 ppm
  • Nitrate: below 20 ppm
  • Nitrite: O

Check For Signs Of Stress

Next, check for signs of stress in your angelfish. Things like changes in tank mates, bullying from other fish, or a new decoration in the tank can all lead to stress in angels.

If you see any of these signs, try to remove the stressor from the tank. This can help your angelfish feel more comfortable and encourage them to start eating again.

However, some of the best ways to remove stress from your angelfish are:

  • Introduce floating plants to the tank
  • Use dim lighting in the tank
  • Add more hiding spots for your angelfish
  • Use proper water filters and air pumps
  • Always change only about 25% of the water at a time
  • Keep them with appropriate tankmates like tetras, rasboras, plecos, or Corydoras

If you follow these tips, you should see a decrease in stress levels and an increase in appetite for your angelfish.

Look For Physical Symptoms

In addition to stress, a few physical symptoms could be causing your angelfish not to eat. Things like parasites, fungal infections, or bacterial infections can all lead to a loss of appetite. Usually, you can treat a few of the health issues at home using antioxidants like tetracycline, erythromycin, or methylene blue.

But, some of the more serious health issues will require a trip to the vet. So, if you are unsure about what is wrong with your angelfish or how to treat it, it is always best to avoid caution and take them to see a professional. They will be able to prescribe the proper medication to help your fish feel better and start eating again.

Consider Their Diet

Another reason your angelfish might not be eating is that their diet is not varied enough. Angels need a diet that includes both plant and animal matter.

Your fish also need various colors and textures to keep them interested. If you are only feeding your angelfish one type of food, try adding some variety to their diet. This can help them be more interested in eating and getting their needed nutrients.

I generally find foods like live brine shrimp, live black worms, and frozen bloodworms to be the best for getting fussy eaters to start eating again. In addition, I also add a few green vegetables to their diet, like spinach leaves, zucchini, and peas. All these usually do their charm, and my angels start eating in no time.

Recommended Food:

Give Them Time

Finally, sometimes angelfish need some time to adjust. For example, if you have recently added them to your tank or changed their environment, they might need a little time to get used to everything. Give them a week or two and see if their appetite improves.

If your angelfish still are not eating after trying all these things, it is best to take them to the vet. Angelfish will be able to help you figure out what is wrong and get your angelfish feeling better in no time.

Do you have any tips for getting picky eaters to start eating again?

Some FAQs

Do Angelfish Get Sick Easily?

Angelfish are very susceptible to stress and disease. These fish easily catch infections which can quickly lead to death if not treated properly. Some of the common health issues that affect angelfish include:

  • Hexamita/ Hole in the Head Disease
  • Lymphocystis Disease
  • Ich
  • Swim Bladder Disorder

How Long Can Angelfish Live Without Eating?

Angelfish can live without food for a few days (usually three days). However, they will eventually die if they do not eat for an extended period.

How Often Should Angelfish Eat?

Angelfish should be fed small meals multiple times throughout the day. Therefore, feeding them several times a day rather than one large meal is best. However, if you find your fish obese or bloating, you may need to cut back on the number of feedings per day.

What Happens If Angelfish Eat Too Much?

If angelfish eat too much, they can become obese and damage their internal organs. These fish may also develop swim bladder disorder, affecting their ability to swim properly. Therefore, it is important only to feed them as much as these fish can eat in one sitting and to remove any uneaten food from the tank.

Can Angelfish Eat Plants?

Angelfish are not typically herbivores and do not usually eat plants. However, some plant-based foods that angelfish eat include algae wafers and blanched vegetables.

What Happens If Angelfish Don’t Eat?

If angelfish do not eat, you might find that the angelfish will eventually die. In addition, they will be more susceptible to diseases if angelfish do not eat. As a result, it is important to ensure that your angelfish are getting enough food.


All in all, there are a variety of reasons as to why your angelfish might not be eating. Getting to the root of the problem is important to ensure that your fish are healthy and happy. Try out different methods and see what works best for your angelfish. With a little bit of patience and care for angelfish, you should be able to get them back on track in no time!

Hopefully, this article helped shed some light on the subject. As always, feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns. We’re here to help!

Thanks for reading!

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