Why Is Angelfish Not Moving?

Why Is Angelfish Not Moving?

Watching your angelfish swim around and move is very relaxing. Whenever I come home exhausted, I just sit and watch my angels for a bit, which calms me down. So, it can be concerning when you find that your angelfish isn’t moving much or at all. But why will angelfish stop moving?

Your active angelfish might stop moving for several reasons. It can be because of illness, stress, or even old age. Sometimes, your fish might not move because of uncleaned water and poor water conditions. Further, if you fail to provide them with proper nutrition, they might also stop moving.

While a still angelfish isn’t necessarily bad, you should still keep an eye on your fish to ensure they’re healthy and happy. However, today we will discuss why your angelfish might not be moving along with a few solutions.

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Are Angelfish Active Fish?

Yes, angelfish are active fish. You will find your angelfish are constantly swimming and exploring their tank. These fish love to swim around and hide in the plants.

Generally, you can find your angelfish in the middle to the top of the aquarium. They will swim around during day time looking for food or a mate. In addition to this, since angelfish are shoaling fish, they will often swim in a group.

Angelfish are not fast swimmers, but they are very agile. Their long fins help them to make sudden turns and twists. This is why you may find your angelfish swimming erratically at times.

How Active Should Angelfish Be?

As mentioned, angelfish are active fish. But how active can a normal, healthy angelfish be?

First, we need to understand that there are different types of activity. For example, some fish are more active when it comes to feeding time, while others are more active when swimming around the tank.

Angelfish can be a little bit of both, depending on the individual fish. Some angelfish will be more active when it comes to feeding time, while others may be more active when swimming around the tank.

But in general, a healthy angelfish should be active throughout the day. If you notice that your angelfish is not moving much or is being lethargic, this could signify a health problem.

Why Is Angelfish Not Moving?

As an aquarist, I always want to see my fish healthy and swimming around energetically in the tank. So, when I noticed one of my angelfish not moving much and just hanging out at the bottom of the tank, I started to worry. Could something be wrong?

I started researching and discovered a few reasons why an angelfish might not be moving much. I’m sharing what I learned if you’re ever worried about your angelfish behavior too. So, here are some reasons why your angelfish might not swim.


Every fish behaves differently. Even though most angelfish are active swimmers, some may be more reclusive and not swim as much. This is perfectly normal behavior and nothing to worry about.

In fact, some species of angelfish do not like swimming in open spaces and prefer to stay hidden among plants or in caves. So, if you notice that your angelfish is not moving much but is hiding in its usual spot, this is probably just normal behavior. Look for other symptoms before you start to worry.

Old Age

As your angelfish grow older, you might notice them not swimming as much as they used to. This is because, like humans, fish get tired as they age, and their metabolism slows down. So, if you have an older angelfish, don’t be alarmed if it’s not swimming around as much as it used to.

In addition to this, older angelfish need more rest, so you might see it hiding in caves or plants more often. As long as your fish is still eating and doesn’t have any other concerning symptoms, then it’s probably just old age.

Lack of Oxygen

Angelfish are mostly freshwater fish, meaning they live in water with a low salt concentration. Although some saltwater exceptions exist, they all need the proper amount of oxygen to live and breathe.

So, if the water doesn’t have enough oxygen, it can cause your fish to become lethargic and not swim around much. Moreover, a lack of oxygen might also increase your fish’s heart rate and make it gasp for air at the water’s surface. Thus, if your fish is not moving and gasping for air, it’s a sign that the water doesn’t have enough oxygen.

You can definitely use air pumps to support the oxygen in your tank or also add some plants. You can also add a good filter to your tank. Finally, you can choose from the following filters to improve the water flow:

Health Issues

Diseases and illness will also cause your angelfish not to move much. For instance, if your fish has a swim bladder disorder, it will have trouble swimming and might even float upside down.

Another disease that can make your angelfish not move is Dropsy, which is a condition that causes swelling due to fluid build-up. If you notice your fish’s scales sticking out, it might signify Dropsy.

Other health issues that can make your angelfish not move much include parasites, fungal infections, and bacterial infections. However, stillness is not the only symptom of diseases and illnesses. So, if you notice other concerning symptoms like loss of appetite or discoloration, it’s best to take your fish to the vet.

Lack Of Proper Nutrition

All animals need proper nutrition to live, and fish are no different. If your angelfish is not getting enough food or the right food, it can make them sluggish and less likely to swim around. Moreover, the food you feed them plays a major role in their activity levels.

For example, feeding them food high in carbohydrates can make them lazy and not want to move around much. On the other hand, feeding them food that is high in protein can give them the energy they need to swim around more.

Thus, a lack of qualitative meals can lead to your angelfish reduced activity and less swimming. I use the following for my angelfish. All of the following meals are wholesome and full of nutrients!

Overcrowded Or Smaller Tank

An overcrowded or smaller tank can also be why your angelfish is not moving around much. This is because when the tank is crowded, it increases the competition for food and space. So, your fish might not get enough to eat, making them lethargic.

Moreover, a smaller tank means less water volume, leading to a lack of oxygen. Your angelfish will become anxious and constantly bump into things, leading to stress and making them not want to swim around.

Inadequate Temperature

The ideal temperature for angelfish is between 75 and 86 degrees Fahrenheit. If the water is too cold, it can make your fish sluggish and not want to move around much. On the other hand, if the water is too hot, it can cause your fish to overheat, which can be fatal.

However, your angelfish will stop moving in both cases because it’s trying to conserve energy to maintain its body temperature.

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Like humans, fish get stressed too. Many things can cause stress in fish, such as changes in water parameters, being bullied by other fish, or a new tankmate. When a fish is stressed, it releases a hormone called cortisol, suppressing its immune system.

As a result, your angelfish might not move much because it’s trying to reduce the energy it uses and conserve its strength to fight off whatever is causing the stress.

Improper Water Conditions

Proper water conditions with ideal parameters are essential for a healthy fish. If the water is too dirty or has the wrong pH, it can make your angelfish sick. Besides this, constant water parameters and environmental changes can also be stressful for your fish.

Your fish will start suspecting everything and assume the environment is a threat. Therefore, it’s not moving to avoid any potential danger.

Uncleaned Water

Last but not least, uncleaned water can also make your angelfish not want to move around. Angelfish produce a lot of waste; if you fail to do regular water changes, the nitrate levels will increase, making the water toxic.

Uncleaned water can also cause ammonia and nitrite poisoning, both lethal to fish. Moreover, the waste and toxins will also deplete the oxygen in the water, making it even harder for your fish to breathe. As a result, your angelfish will become lethargic and might not move much.

Those are the reasons your angelfish might not move much. Moreover, these are the causes that made my angelfish stop moving. But since every fish acts differently, your angelfish might have different reasons for not moving.

Observe your angelfish and environment properly, and find the root cause. Then, you can take the necessary steps to solve the problem.

What To Do If Your Angelfish Is Not Moving?

When your happiness and joy angelfish stop moving, it is a warning sign that something might be wrong. You can do some things to help your angelfish and find out what is causing the problem.

Check Water Conditions

The first thing you should do is check your water conditions. Test the pH, ammonia, and nitrite levels. If any of these levels are off, it could be causing angelfish stress, leading to a loss of appetite and lethargy.

In addition to this, check the temperature of the water. It could also stress your angelfish out and cause these problems if it is too cold or too hot.

Check For Signs Of Disease

The next thing you should do is check for signs of disease. Look for things like white spots, redness, or inflammation. If you see any of these signs, your angelfish could be sick and in need of treatment.

Talk To A Vet

If you can’t find the cause of your angelfish’s lethargy yourself, the best thing to do is take them to a vet. They can run some tests and figure out what is wrong. In the meantime, make sure to keep a close eye on your angelfish and provide the best possible care.

Once you observe all these things and find out the problem, you can opt for the solution and help your angelfish to get better soon.

Angelfish Is Not Moving: How To Solve The Problem?

After you know the reason behind the fish’s lethargic behavior, you can start to look for a solution. However, if the cause is anonymous, there are a few things you can do to help:

Increase The Size Of Your Tank

Angelfish is quite an explorer. They love to move around, hide and play. If your tank is too small for them to do so, it will lead to a lack of activity and, eventually, lethargy. The best way to encourage movement is by increasing the size of their home; this gives them more space to roam around and be active.

Add More Plants And Decorations

Introducing live plants, different substrates, and new hiding places will also help to increase activity levels. This is because it provides a stimulating environment that encourages them to explore and play. Not only that, but it also makes the tank more visually appealing, giving you something nice to look at while your fish are active.

Change The Water Parameters

If the water in your tank is not ideal, it can lead to several health problems, including lethargy. This is why it’s important to regularly check the water parameters and ensure they are within the correct range. If they’re not, take action to fix the problem and improve the water quality.

Usually, the ideal water parameters that are best for angelfish are a temperature of 79-84 degrees Fahrenheit, a hardness of between 54 and 145 ppm, and a pH level of around between six and eight.

Increase Temperature A Little

If the temperature in your tank is on the cooler side, it could be one of the reasons your angelfish is not moving much. This is because they are tropical fish and prefer warmer waters. As such, you may need to increase the temperature slightly to encourage them to be more active.

In general, a little high temperature will help prevent bacterial and viral infections and improve their metabolism. Thus, it will help angelfish to be more active and lively.

Add More Light

Another reason your angelfish may not move much is a lack of light. This is because they are used to living in well-lit areas in the wild. As such, adding more light to their tank can help to encourage them to be more active.

You can do this by adding a new light fixture or increasing the number of hours the lights are on each day. Just be sure not to overdo it, as too much light can be as harmful as too little.

Provide A Variety Of Food

A varied diet is essential for any fish, but it’s especially important for angelfish. This is because they are known to be fussy eaters and can quickly become bored with the same food day in and day out.

To keep them interested, provide various foods, including live, frozen, and dried options. This will not only help to encourage them to eat but also be more active as they search for their food. However, always provide nutritious foods that will help them to stay healthy and active.

Add Some Salt In The Water

If the water in your tank is too soft, it can lead to several problems, including lethargy. This is because angelfish prefer harder waters. As such, you may need to add salt to their tank to encourage them to be more active.

In general, a little salt will help improve the fish’s metabolism and prevent infections. Thus, it will help angelfish to be more lively and active.

Some salts that I have found to be effective are:

Use Antioxidants And Medications

If your angelfish is not moving much, it could be due to stress. This is because they are prone to stress and can quickly become overwhelmed in a new environment. As such, using antioxidants can help to reduce their stress levels and encourage them to be more active.

You can find antioxidants in various forms, including liquids, powders, and tablets. Just be sure to follow the instructions carefully and only use them as directed. Some of the medications, like oxytetracycline, methylene blue, and quinine, are known to be good stress busters for angelfish.

Provide A Stress-Free And Clean Environment

Last but not least, providing a stress-free and clean environment for your angelfish is important. This means regular water changes, a good filtration system, and plenty of hiding places.

Doing this can help reduce their stress levels and encourage them to be more active. In addition, it will also help to keep them healthy and improve their overall quality of life.

As you can see, there are several reasons your angelfish may not move much. By taking the time to address the issue, you can help them to be more active and improve their overall health. Just remember to take things slowly and be patient, as it may take time for them to adjust.


How To Know Angelfish Is Sick?

Angelfish not moving and laying at the bottom of the tank is one of the first signs that something is wrong.

Other signs include:

  • Not eating
  • Gasping for air
  • Lethargy
  • Clamped fins
  • White spots on skin or fins (ich)

If you notice any of these signs, you must take action quickly and consult your veterinarian.

Many potential causes of these symptoms include infections, parasites, and stress.

Why Is Angelfish Not Swimming Around?

There are several reasons why your angelfish may not be swimming around much.

Some common reasons include the following:

  • Lack of light
  • Lack of food
  • Too much light
  • Water that is too soft
  • Stress

If you suspect any of these issues, be sure to take steps to address the problem.


In conclusion, the angelfish is a beautiful fish. But you must be very cautious about angelfish care if you want your fish to be happy, active, and healthy. Usually, there are several reasons your angelfish may not be moving much. By taking the time to address the issue, you can help them to be more active and improve their overall health. Just remember to take things slowly and be patient, as it may take time for them to adjust.

If you have any further questions, be sure to consult your veterinarian.

Thanks for reading! We hope this article was helpful.

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